新牛津(绿色上教版)一年级下册《英语》音标教学ppt件 4.ppt

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1、后元音 a:n嘴巴尽量放大,舌后略为抬高,舍身放平向后缩,舌尖离开下齿,双唇自然张开,口腔肌肉绷紧,发长音。发音代言人nshark常见发音字母组合na last,glassnar far,smartnal -calf,behalfner clerknau -auntnear -heart单词发音练习nafternasknmarchnclassnfathernbarknfastncardnhardnpassnbananancarnparcelnlargenmarknfarmnlastncastnarmnbar短语速读练习na large farmnbehind barsnpark the car

2、na large cargonstart to bargainna branch of the departmentndo harm to the heartnhard to start the carnhave the last laughna fast car句子快读练习nThe park is far from the farm.nMark is the father of Kart.nThe dog is barking in the dark.nHe weill go to the garden after class.nThe master is getting agter his

3、 servants.句子快读练习nThe party will start agter Martin arrives.nMarcel has a heart attack.nA real artist must love art.nHer father is driving the car very fast to catch the last train.nI dont think my classmates are smarter than me.绕口令练习nThere are artful artists and awful artists.Although there are a lo

4、t of artful artists,awful artists occur often.n有好的艺术家,也有糟糕的艺术家。虽然有很多好的艺术家,但糟糕的艺术家却处处可见。音乐欣赏nToni Braxton是90年代最受欢迎的R&B女歌手之一.这位出生牧师家庭的女歌手,得益她有个爱音乐的妈妈.她和她的姐妹们作为演唱组合在1990年同Arista唱片公司签约,她随即辍学从事歌唱事业。Braxton家族组合于1990年发行了第一支单曲Good Life,并未成功,却吸引了王牌制作人L.A.Reid和Babyface的注意1993年她的第一张录音室专辑的出炉便是众望所归,一发行便在POP和R&B榜

5、上取得了第一的位置。音乐欣赏He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑在最后,谁笑的最好。后元音 n上下唇及上齿微张,脸部肌肉放松,舌尖轻轻抵住下齿,然后振动声带。发音代言人nbutterfly常见发音字母组合nu cut,uglyno become,monkeynou -rough,countrynoo -flood,blood单词发音练习ndoublenhusbandnsufferncouplenlovenhurryntrustnenoughncolornnothingnmustnnutngustnlucknbutnundernjudgenhoneynnumbern

6、worry短语速读练习ntrust everyonena funny mothernenough moneynbuild up the fundsngun and butterntrust in true lovenrun after his bubblenyoung bolldna sudden gustncourage under pressure句子快读练习nLove built on money is not true love.nNo money,no honey.nMy brother will come to have lunch.nWe vobered up his fault

7、.nShe loves her mother very much.句子快读练习nYou must clean up the hut.nThe puppy dug under the fence.nI wonder if Gus can come up to the party.nHurry up,or we have to run to school.nThey found a mummy under the dry runway last summer.绕口令练习nDucks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into

8、 the dark.n鸭子在码头下面咯咯叫,一个穿着帆布衣服的养鸭人一弯腰隐入黑暗中。音乐欣赏n约翰列侬(John Lennon,1940.10.91980.12.8),大英帝国最高骑士勋章的拥有者(Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,简称 MBE),是一名摇滚音乐家,歌手,作曲家,艺术家,演员,和平主义者。他因为披头士乐队(The Beatles)的创始人之一而享誉世界。列侬和保罗麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)的组合是最成功最有影响力的歌曲创作组合之一,他们共同创作出了历史上最著名的摇滚歌曲。Lennon在电视中,电影(如A Har

9、d Days Night一夜狂欢)中,著作(如In His Own Write自写集)中,采访中展现出了放任不羁的性格和过人的机智。他作为和平主义者、艺术家的一些事迹饱受争议。音乐欣赏Well begun,half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。辅音(摩擦音)s zn舌尖及舌中部靠近上齿龈形成窄缝,气流从窄缝中流出,摩擦成音,但是只送气,不震动声带。n与s口形和舌形相同。不同的是发音时声带需要振动,但不送气。发音代言人nsnailnzebra常见发音字母组合ns sunny,schoolnss boss,pressnc agency,cancelnce -surface,jusiticen

10、se -promise,coursenz zoo,citizennze size,gazens as,easynse -because,exercise单词发音练习nbusnricensorrynsafenstudentnfacenseensaynsportnskatenzipnsizenpleasenzoomnseizenzonenzoonmagazinencausenzero短语速读练习nsee the seana slight signnsomething seriousnseek some booksnsing a songncozy clothesna zebra in the zo

11、onanalyze newsnexamine her diseasenseize the crazy man句子快读练习nStop saying like that!nMy sister likes south Sweden.nThe spy speaks no truth.nPractice makes perfect.nFlowers seem to speak a welcoming message to the splendid spring.句子快读练习nZip your lips.nThe parking zone is near the zoo.nLiz is very lazy

12、.nElizabethe does not like the exam.nAlexander deserves a praise.绕口令练习nThe shepherd swiftly sheared the sleepy sheep with the sharp sclssors.n牧羊人飞快地用锋利的剪刀修剪困乏的羊的羊毛。绕口令练习nThis is a zither.Is this a zither?nThis is Zoes sisters zither.n这是一只齐特琴。这是一只齐特琴吗?这是佐伊的妹妹的齐特琴。辅音(摩擦音)n双唇翘起向前突出,上下齿靠拢,舌尖抬向上齿龈较后部位。舍身

13、抬高,然后向外吹气,不振动声带。n与口形相同,不同之处在于此音不送气,振动声带。发音代言人nfishntelevision常见发音字母组合ns sure,sugarnsh brush,ashnch chef,machinens decision,usuallyng regime,garage单词发音练习nshenshiftnshocknshakenshoenshipnshouldnshopnshamenshoutnmeasurenleisurenvisionnoccasionnpleasurenusualncasualnseizurentreasurenmassage短语速读练习nshare

14、the sunshinena flash shotnshaking shouldersnshow the shipnshort of cashn measure the televisionnusual pleasurensee a vision casuallynunusual conclusionnrreasure the art treasure句子快读练习nShirley is very shy.nWere short of cash.nShawn should show this to me.nLets go share and share alike.nThe sharo-tong

15、ued woman is shouting out sharp words.句子快读练习nI have some illusions on occasion.nHe has a garage.nI seldom watch television.nHe was late again as usual.nUsually its the manager who makes the decisions.绕口令练习nShould Shwan shave a short man with short hair or shy man whose short legs are shaking?n尚恩应该为短

16、头发的矮个子男人修面还是应该为颤抖的短腿的害羞男人修面?绕口令练习nGeorge placed his broken televisions in the garage.In his garage there have been three broken televisionsn乔治把他坏了的电视放在了车库里。在他的车库里已经有三台坏电视了。发音小窍门nh不发音nI dont want to see her again.si-nHas he ever told you about that?-zinWhere have you been?we-vjbinnTake him to the hospital.teikimnShe has read the book.i:z发音小窍门n:nCash or charge?k-ta:rdnu:nWhat do you want me to do?dj tduna:rnYou are great!jugreit


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