外研版七年级英语上册期末测试题(DOC 12页).doc

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1、听力部分(20分)一、听小对话,选择正确的图片(5分)二、听小对话,回答问题(5分)n加油(C)6.Whats his telephone number?A.n加油 578 6261. B. 978 6162.C. 578 6162.n加油(A)7.Whats his last namn加油e?A. Smith. B. Tony.C. n加油Mike.(B)8.Whos that womn加油an?A. Helens mother.n加油 B. Helens aunt.C. Helenn加油s sister.(A)9.What colour does hen加油 like?A. Yellow.

2、 B. Red.C. Blue.n加油(B)10.How many people are then加油re in the family?A. Five.n加油 B. Six.C. Seven.三、听独白,完成信息记录表(10分n加油)(A)11.A. 9 B. 13C. 12(A)1n加油2.A. Swimming B. Runninn加油gC. Basketball(B)13n加油.A. Chinese B. EnglishC. Americann加油(C)14.A. Tom B. DavidC. Emma(B)15.A.n加油 010 804 4731 B. 010 874 4371C.

3、0n加油10 804 7431笔试部分(100分)四、单项n加油选择(15分)(B)16.Whats this inn加油 English?Its _ apn加油ple.A. a B. anC. the D. /(C)17.n加油Where are my books?n加油_ are on the den加油sk.A. Their B. ThereC. Then加油y D. It(C)18.My fathn加油er has got_ brothers,but he hasnn加油t got _ sisters.A. some; some n加油 B. any; anyC. some; any

4、D.n加油 any; some(A)19._ there anyn加油 orange juice in the fridge?Yn加油es,a little.A. Is B. AreC. Haven加油 D. Has(D)20.Would Bettyn加油 like_ the football matchn加油 between Dalian and Shanghai with n加油us?I think she would lovn加油e to.A. watching B. watchC. watchesn加油 D. to watch(B)21.Its eightn加油 oclock.Oh,

5、hurry up. n加油Our English class is _n加油_ half past eight.A. on B. n加油atC. in D. /(D)22.My mother _n加油_ sports after dinn加油ner. She likes doing sports n加油in the morning.A. does B. don加油C. doesnt D. doesnt don加油(B)23._ does shen加油 buy Christmas cards?In a shop n加油near her school.A. When B. Wheren加油C. H

6、ow D. How many(Cn加油)24.I dont like sweet food. I _n加油_ eat chocolate.n加油A. often B. alwaysC. nevn加油er D. sometimes(A)25.Its nn加油ine oclock. We _n加油 an English lesson.A. are havin加油ng B. is havingC. having D. hn加油ave(D)26.Are the classrooms next n加油to the science lab?No,_n加油_A. it is B. it isntC. the

7、n加油y are D. they arent(B)27.Mike liken加油s London very much, _ he doesnn加油t like London food.A. so B. butn加油C. and D. because(B)28.Whatn加油s the weather like in spring in Hangzhon加油u?Its _A. coon加油l B. warmC. cold D. hot(B)29n加油.How many _ are there in the bon加油x?Theres only one.A. apple B. potn加油atoe

8、sC. milk D. oran加油nge(C)30.Would you like to have dinnen加油r with us?_A. Good idn加油eaB. No,Im busyC. Yes, Idn加油 love toD. Youre wn加油elcome五、完形填空(20分)What do you do an加油t weekends?Some people liken加油 _31_ at home, but some like to go fn加油or a walk or _32_ football. n加油Mr Spears _33_ hard in a factory

9、onn加油 weekdays. At the weekend, he n加油always _34_ the same thing. On _35_n加油_ he drives his car ann加油d goes with his family to a village. Hn加油is uncle and aunt _36_ a farm theren加油. It isnt a _37_ one, but thn加油ere is always much work ton加油 do on the _38_. The children n加油help with the animals and g

10、ive tn加油hem their _39_. Mr and Mrs n加油Spears help in the fields(田野).n加油 At the end(末) of the dn加油ay, they are all _40_. Spean加油rs aunt gives them a big meal.(D)31.An加油. sitting B. workingC. playing Dn加油. staying(A)32.A. play B. buyC. sen加油e D. watch(A)33.A. n加油works B. workC. working D. workn加油es(B)

11、34.A. has B. doen加油sC. plays D. goes(D)35.A. Monday n加油 B. WednesdayC. Thursdayn加油 D. Saturday(C)36.n加油A. is B. areC. havn加油e got D. has got(D)37.A. long Bn加油. shortC. small D. big(D)38.A.n加油 chair B. playgroundC. school n加油D. farm(C)39.A. water B. drinkn加油sC. food D. milk(B)40.A. big B.n加油 tiredC.

12、early D. old六、阅读理解(n加油20分)AEverybody(每个人) has a home. We pn加油eople have homes. Animals have n加油homes too.Some animaln加油s live under the ground. The wn加油oodchuck(美洲旱獭) lives in holes(洞n加油) under the ground. His hn加油ome has two doors. If anybody cn加油omes in one door, he goesn加油 out from the other door

13、. Sn加油ome birds live in holes in trees. Tn加油hey come out for food in the dan加油ytime(白天) and go back to sleep atn加油 night. But many birn加油ds live just in the trees. Itn加油s quite interesting that tn加油urtles(海龟) carry their n加油homes on their backs(背部). Ben加油es(蜜蜂) work hard to maken加油 their homes beaut

14、ifuln加油. There are many, many little ron加油oms in their houses. Cats, dogs, an加油nd chicks(小鸡) live in pen加油oples homes.We see alln加油 kinds of animals in the zon加油o. It is a big home for lots n加油of animals.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(n加油F)。(T)41.People and animals both(n加油都) have homes.(F)42.A woodchucks n加油home h

15、as two rooms.(F)43.n加油All birds homes are hon加油les in trees.(F)44.Ben加油es dont work hard to make their hn加油omes beautiful.(T)45.Peoples hon加油mes are some animals homes tn加油oo.B(C)46.When can Eliza n加油and Molly have free(n加油空闲的) time to go to the market(市场)n加油 together?A. On Monday afternn加油oon.B. On

16、 Wednesday aftern加油noon.C. On Friday afternoon.D. On Tn加油hursday evening.(D)47.When arn加油e they going to Emilysn加油 party?A. On Saturday.B. On Sundn加油ay.C. On Wednesday morning.D. On Fn加油riday evening.(B)48.On which day isn加油 Molly free?A. Saturday. B. Sunn加油day.C. Monday. D. Tn加油uesday.(D)49.Which d

17、ay isn加油 Eliza free from Mondayn加油 to Saturday?A. On Mon加油nday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Wednesday.Dn加油. On Saturday.(C)50.What n加油does Molly do on Tuesdan加油y evening?A. Study at the ln加油ibrary.B. Go to Emilys party.C. Go n加油swimming.D. Go hiking.七n加油、根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词(10分)51Look! Mann加油y children are lying(躺

18、) in the sun加油n.52He loves to wear silk(丝绸) shirt.n加油53There are twelve(12) months(月) in加油n a year.54Kangaroos(袋鼠) like to ean加油t leaves(叶子)55I would like to n加油go to their party(聚会) ton加油night(今晚)56Spring Fn加油estival often comes in February(二n加油月)57Mike often playsn加油(踢) football with us aften加油r s

19、chool.58We want to buyn加油 some potatoes(土豆) for dinn加油ner.59He sometimes(有时) staysn加油 at home on Sunday.60His fatn加油hers and mothers favn加油ourite food are different(不同的)n加油八、从栏中选出与栏各句相对应的答语(10分)(Cn加油)61.Are there any fruits n加油in the fridge?(J)62.Whos the man n加油over there?(D)63.Are your bags new?(n

20、加油I)64.Whats in the bag?(A)65.Can you dn加油raw pictures?(G)66.Is your fatn加油her at work now?(E)67n加油.What colour is your pen?(B)68.What n加油time does he get up en加油very morning?(F)69.Whn加油at are you doing?(H)70.How many boon加油ks are there on your desk?A. Yes, n加油but not well.B. He usually gets up atn加

21、油 6:00.C. Yes, therere some.D. Yen加油s, they are.E. Black.F. We are plan加油ying on the computer.G. No, hen加油s sleeping.H. Fiftyeightn加油.I. Therere some apples.n加油J. Thats our PE teacher, Mr Zhann加油g.九、任务型阅读(5分)Its eight oclocn加油k on a Sunday morning. Jims famn加油ily are busy. Jims fathern加油 is writing

22、in the room. His mothern加油 is washing clothes. Tom, Jims brn加油other, is reading a book. What is Jim dn加油oing? He is listening to mn加油usic. Kate is Jims sister. What is n加油Kate doing? She is listening to an Enn加油glish song.十、书面表达(20分)76根据表格信息,请你写一篇n加油短文介绍你的好友Frank。要求包含所给的主要信息,语句通顺,意n加油思连贯,语法正确,不少于60词

23、。My good friend is Fn加油rank Williams. He is thirteen yen加油ars old and January 26th isn加油 his birthday.He is from Australin加油a and studies in Greenvillen加油 School. He is in Class One Grade Seven.n加油 He likes his school very much n加油and his favourite subject in加油s history. He likes playing tan加油ble te

24、nnis and basketball and listenin加油ng to music. He is a n加油very good boy.【附】 听力材n加油料一、1.M:What would you like,Lilyn加油?W:Some noodles,please.2W:What is Ton加油m doing now?M:He is watching TV atn加油 home now.3M:Look!Who is this inn加油 the picture?W:Judy,my sisten加油r.Shes a teacher.4M:What about gon加油ing to

25、 the supermarket withn加油 me?W:Good idea.I wann加油t to buy some bananas.5M:Oh,thn加油e park is so beautiful.W:I think so.n加油Lets take some photos heren加油.二、6.W:Whats your telephn加油one number?M:My teln加油ephone number is 578 6162.7n加油W:Whats your name?M:My n加油name is Tony Smith.8M:Hi,Helen,n加油is that your

26、 mother?W:No,itn加油s my mothers sister.9M:Do yon加油u like red?W:No,I donn加油t. I like yellow.10M:Havn加油e you got a big family or a small fn加油amily?W:Ive got a big family.Thern加油e are six people in my family.单靠“死”记还n加油不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之为“先死后活”吧。让学生把一周n加油看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,n加油写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语

27、、名n加油言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即巩固了所学的材料n加油,又锻炼了学生的写作能力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一n加油石多鸟”的效果。三、Hello,my name is Britn加油ney.I am an English girn加油l.I am nine.Im in Bn加油eijing now.Emma is my good frien加油nd.Shes in Beijing too.一般说来,“教师”概念之形成n加油经历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋(唐初学者,四门博士n加油)春秋谷梁传疏曰:“师者教人以不及,故谓师为师资也”。这儿

28、的“师资”,其实就n加油是先秦而后历代对教师的别称之一。韩非子也n加油有云:“今有不才之子师长教之弗为变”其“师长”当然n加油也指教师。这儿的“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但n加油仍说不上是名副其实的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识n加油的对象和本身明确的职责。I like swimmin加油ng and dancing and I can speak n加油some Chinese.I am happy to be in Ben加油ijing.My telephone number is 010 8n加油74 4371.单靠“死”记还不行,还得“活”用,姑且称之n加油为“先死后活”吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新鲜事记下来,摒弃n加油那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,n加油并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。n加油这样,即巩固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作能n加油力,同时还培养了学生的观察能力、思维能力等等,达到“一石多鸟”的效果。第12页/共12页


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