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1、浙江省台州市2021届高三4月调考(二模)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解I saw my first tree today. Dad used to tell me stories about the trees that still existed when he was a boy. There werent very many even then, with the urbanization program in full swing.The OBrien home was one of the few examples of old-style wooden st

2、ructures that hadnt been destroyed in Bostons urban-renewal campaign. The family had been able to avoid this because of its wealth and political influence, and the house was passed on through generations to the present. Old man OBrien had no children, so when he died, the Urban Center bought it. The

3、n an official discovered that the house had a backyard-in the yard was a live tree!When the news of the trees discovery leaked out, quite a few sightseers stopped by to have a look at it, and the local government, realizing the money-making potential, began charging admission and advertising the pla

4、ce. By now it had become a favorite spot for family trips like ours.Dad paid the fee and we walked through a doorway hidden in a bookshelf and into the backyard. I just couldnt help noticing the tree!It was located at one end of the yard, with a fence around it for protection. It was similar in form

5、 to the plastic trees Id seen, but there was much more. You could see details more delicate than in any artificially made plant. And it was alive. But best of all was the smell-fresh, living smell, unfamiliar to the world outside with metal, plastic, and glass. I wanted to touch the bark, but the fe

6、nce prevented me from doing so.On the way back, I read through the brochures. One part said the OBrien home would be torn down next year to make room for some insurance building, and the tree will have to go, too.I just sat still, fingering the object in my pocket that I had picked in the OBriens ba

7、ckyard. I think its called an acorn (橡子).1Why could the tree in the OBriens backyard survive till today?AIt possessed some special characteristics.BIt had a very strong fence around to protect it.CIt was preserved together with the house by its owner.DIt got the local governments attention as a tour

8、ist attraction.2How might the author feel after the trip?AAnnoyed.BCalm.CExcited.DUpset.3Which statement best shows the theme of the passage?ASocial progress and urbanization come at a cost.BSocial progress should give way to nature protection.CHumans value nature protection over social progress.DUr

9、banization has more advantages than disadvantages.A young girl, who enjoys being the center of attention, may act out for her friends and family. Then one day her mother tells her to stop being so silly and grow up. This negative attention may make the girl feel ashamed of her behavior and from then

10、 on, hold back her free-spiritedness and then go through life feeling as if she cant fully express herself for fear of being laughed at.The girls experience shows how people live with shame when they have been criticized (批评) for just being themselves.When it comes to teenagers, there are times they

11、 can be extremely difficult and try their parents patience. When parents become frustrated, they may say things like “I am starting to really not like you. ” They may not mean what they say. They may just be tired of arguing with the teenager and have become emotionally overwhelmed. However, the tee

12、nager doesnt know their words are out of frustration, and may feel his parents are telling him theyre sorry they ever had him. The child may conclude that he is a bad person. Such casual criticism by parents can linger and stick to children like glue.How to make this better? The next time a child sh

13、ows you a drawing hes done, or sings a song for you in an effort to get your attention, recognize that your response may be extremely important toward the childs willingness to continue to explore these creative efforts. When a child is dancing and an adult makes fun of him, the negativity he feels

14、can completely shut the child down from that activity, or even worse, fill him with shame as if somethings wrong with him.That is why it is so important for parents to recognize that children are exploring their world.The more encouragement we how then and he more we keep their sense of whats possib

15、le alive, the more likely they will be to explore and find their own enthusiasm in life.They will keep alive their joy and their dreams for the future. As parents, I dont think we can hope for anything more.4How does the author introduce the topic of the passage?ABy describing a scene.BBy giving an

16、explanation.CBy making a comparison.DBy providing an example.5What effect can parents mindless criticism have on children?AThey may have a low opinion of themselves for long.BThey may no longer feel afraid of being made fun of.CThey may want to challenge their parents patience further.DThey may work

17、 harder to live up to their parents expectations.6What are parents advised to do when a child seeks for attention?APoint out his weaknesses.BProtect his passion for exploration.CComment on his behavior.DEncourage his reflection on himself.Ever wondered if dogs can learn new words? Yes, say researche

18、rs as they have found that talented dogs may have the ability to grasp new words after hearing them only four times.While previous evidence seems to show that most dogs do not learn words, unless eventually very well trained, a few individuals have shown some extraordinary abilities, according to a

19、study published in the journal Scientific Reports.“We wanted to know under which conditions the gifted dogs may learn novel words,” said researcher xuekw Claudia Fugazza from the Etvs Lornd University in Hungary. For the study, the team involved two gifted dogs, Whisky and Vicky Nina. The team expos

20、ed the dogs to the new words in two different conditions.In the exclusion-based task, presented with seven known toys and one new toy, the dogs were able to select the new toy when presented with a new name. Researchers say this proves that dogs can choose by exclusion when faced with a new word, th

21、ey selected the only toy which did not have a known name.However, this was not the way they would learn the name of the toy. In fact, when they were presented with one more equally new name to test their ability to recognize the toy by its name, the dogs got totally confused and failed.The other con

22、dition, the social one, where the dogs played with their owners who pronounced the name of the toy while playing with the dog, proved to be the successful way to learn the name of the toy, even after hearing it only 4 times. “The rapid learning that we observed seems to equal childrens ability to le

23、arn many new words at a fast rate around the age of 18 months,” Fugazza says. “But we do not know whether the learning mechanisms(机制) behind this learning are the same for humans and dogs. ”To test whether most dogs would learn words this way, 20 other dogs were tested in the same condition, but non

24、e of them showed any evidence of learning the toy names, confirming that the ability to learn words rapidly in the absence of formal training is very rare and is only present in a few gifted dogs.7What was the purpose of the study published in Scientific Reports?ATo better train dogs ability to lear

25、n new words.BTo further confirm previous evidence about dogs.CTo prove extraordinary memory abilities of gifted dogs.DTo explore favorable conditions for gifted dogs new-word learning.8How did the dogs react when exposed to two new names in the first condition?ASlow to understand.BQuick to learn.CAt

26、 a loss.DIn a panic.9What was found about dogs new-word learning in the social condition?ALearning through playing applied to most dogs.BThe social condition helped dogs learn new words.CDogs new-word learning turned out to be less effective.DDogs shared similar learning mechanisms with children.10W

27、hich of the following is the best title for the text?AGifted Dogs Can Learn New Words Rapidly.BDogs Identify Newly-named Toys by Exclusion.CDogs Can Acquire Vocabulary through Tons of Training.DGifted Dogs Have Similar Learning Abilities to Humans.二、七选五What are the things that scare you: snakes, spi

28、ders or fierce tigers? Or maybe you have a fear of heights or visiting the dentist. Although some of us just get scared or a bit nervous about these things, for others it can cause an unreasonable reaction that cant be controlled-something we call a phobia (恐惧症). _11_Sometimes its good to be aware o

29、f the possible dangers from things. Our brain warns us of the risks that might lie ahead, but then we often get prepared and overcome them. Clinical psychologist Warren Mansell told the BBC, “Our fears are rooted in our brains-we dont need to learn to be afraid of animals like snakes or spiders.”_12

30、_With a phobia, your breathing gets quicker, your pulse speeds up, you sweat and your brain is unable to control these reactions._13_ Speaking to the BBC, Lauren Rosenberg, a fear and phobia expert, says, “Phobias usually are a copy behaviour from a higher authority, like a parent or teacher, or a k

31、ind of mental suffering from a past event that comes back to trouble you continuously.” There are many different complex phobias some people suffer from, such as agoraphobiacaused by being away from home, and iatrophobia-fear of doctors._14_Therapy (心理治疗) is one choice, where you gradually get used

32、to whatever it is you fear. Lauren Rosenburg says she likes to work with people to clear their bad memory and help them breathe. But if you do have a phobia, continually trying to avoid what youre afraid of by yourself is likely to make the situation worse._15_AThen how can they be overcome?BBut whe

33、re does a phobia come from?CBut phobias are stronger than just fears.DThe right thing to do is to find help to overcome it.EOvercoming a phobia can take patience, devotion and courage.FAre there any phobias that tend to be more common than others?GIt occurs when someone develops an unrealistic sense

34、 of danger about a situation or object.三、完形填空Doug Falter returned home on the evening of February 3, 2018, exhausted. The 33-year-old had just _16_ Hawaiis Waimea Bay crazily. Back home, Falter took his search online “I was surfing tonight and _17_ my baby,” he wrote on Facebook. That “baby” was a b

35、lue surfboard custom-made for him. Hours earlier, the crash of a big wave had _18_ Falter from this prized possession.“I caught the biggest waves of my life on that board, Falter later said “Thats why it _19_ so much to me. ” He hoped it would be washed to shore and that whoever _20_ it would have a

36、lso seen his post. But_21_ pushing Falters Surfboard ashore, the waves swept it out to sea, away from Hawaiian Islands.Weeks passed with no_22_ of the surfboard. Then months, Falter bought a new surfboard for $1,500. But he _23_ completely forget about the board, which floated to Philippines six mon

37、ths after it disappeared. The local fisherman who found it_24_the board to Giovanne Branzuela, a teacher who hoped to learn to surf and share skills with _25_.The once-blue board had _26_ during its journey, but its typical _27_ were still there: two elephants in a diamond ring. Underneat the ring w

38、ere the _28_ “Doug Falters Surfboard, Hawaii. ”“I couldnt _29_ it,” Branzuela said on realizing how far the surfboard had traveled. He_30_Falter online last July and sent him a_31_of the board. Falter immediately asked for more photos. Those _32_ pictures confirmed the board was his. Falter was _33_

39、 to learn that his “baby” had traveled across the worlds largest ocean and _34_He was excited to hear this guy bought it for his students. “I think this is the_35_ way I could have ever lost $1,500. I couldnt imagine a better ending. ”16AscannedBexploredCtouredDadmired17AcastBmissedCforgotDlost18Afr

40、eedBsavedCprotectedDseparated19AtellsBsendsCmeansDoffers20AdroppedBspottedCrescuedDbought21Aregardless ofBinstead ofCmore thanDother than22AsignBeffectCsenseDmemory23AsometimesBalwaysCneverDalmost24ArentedBsoldCdonatedDdelivered25AfriendsBstudentsCcolleaguesDstrangers26AfadedBremainedCswollenDshrunk

41、27AcoversBshapesCmarkingsDcolors28ApatternsBdesignsCmottosDwords29AmakeBhelpCbelieveDforget30Acalled onBrelied onClooked forward toDreached out to31AfileBpostClinkDphoto32AextraBoldCfunnyDspare33AconfusedBinspiredCamazedDembarrassed34AescapedBsurvivedCleftDcontinued35AcoolestBeasiestCfastestDsafest四

42、、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My friend has a sweater that her uncle bought in the 1970s. That sweater is still going strong and she wears it everywhere. Well-made, long-lasting clothing is_36_ we should buy and wear. In reality, however,60% of clothing nowadays _37_(abandon)withi

43、n a year of purchase, which produces vast quantities of waste that global landfills (垃圾填埋场) are struggling_38_ (absorb).If we choose long-lasting clothes, it helps solve two key_39_ (issue) at once-overconsumption and the declining quality of many clothes in stores these days. A focus on quality wou

44、ld make us likely to pay _40_(much) for better-made items, which would reduce the desire to keep shopping, while slowing demand for fast fashion overall.You could buy secondhand clothing, too, as_41_ useful way to extend the lifespan (寿命) of items already_42_ (create). But Ive come to think that whe

45、ther you buy something new or used_43_ (matter) less if you commit to keeping clothes in use for decades. The same goes for_44_(nature) fibers; this xkw quality counts, of course,_45_it is less important if you throw away clothes within a few months from time of purchase. The most important thing is

46、 to make them last.五、其他应用文46假定你是校英文报Teens Today的学生主编,本学期该报拟开设专栏“科技与人文”(Technology and Humanity), 向全校同学征集稿件。请你写一封征稿函,内容包括:1. 稿件要求;2. 投稿方式;3. 录用奖励。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。六、读后续写47阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。The excitement about Thanksgiving was really building. Grandma arrived with a homemade

47、 pecan pie. Dad was searching for his electric carving knife. Mama was in the kitchen humming a song. Little baby Lonnie bounced up and down. Dad smelled the air and sighed. My big brother, Slim, who was anything but slim, sneaked off to his room with a slice of the pecan pie. Even our dog Fido was wagging his tail.Having set a pretty table, Mama looked up, smiling. “Help me carry in


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