新目标人教版英语七年级上册期中检测试卷及答案(DOC 13页).doc

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1、期中 测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分听力部分(25分)一、听力(共15小题,满分25分)第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)()1. Whats the boys first name?A. Tom. B. Tim. C. Peter. ()2. What colour is Jacks pencil case?A. Green. B. Yellow.C. Red. ()3. Where is Mr Greens pencil?A. On the sofa. B. On the table. C. On the desk. (

2、)4. Who is the man in the picture?A. Lucys father. B. Lucys brother. C. Lucys friend. ()5. What does the boy have?A. A volleyball. B. A basketball. C. A baseball. 第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听一段较长对话,回答第67题。对话读一遍()6. How many students are there in Mikes class?A. 30. B. 40. C. 50

3、. ()7. What is on the teachers desk?A. A map. B. A book. C. A computer. 听一段较长对话,回答第810题。对话读一遍()8. When does Jack get up in the morning?A. At 6 oclock. B. At 7 oclock. C. At 8 oclock. ()9. What does he have for breakfast?A. He has two apples. B. He has bread. C. He has two eggs and milk. ()10. Who do

4、es he go to school with?A. His sister. B. His father. C. His mother. 第三节:听短文,完成信息记录表(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)NameTimMaryAge_11 years old13 years oldCountry (国家)_12_14Class_13_15()11. A. 14 B. 9 C. 15()12. A. America B. China C. England()13. A. Class Two B. Class Three C. Class Four()14. A. America B. China

5、 C. England()15. A. Class Two B. Class Three C. Class Four笔试部分(95分)二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)I am happy. I have my own room. Look! _16 is my room. Its small but _17. There is a desk and a _18. There are some dolls(玩具娃娃) _19 my bed. There are two _20. There is a bookcase,too. My bookcase _21 two layer

6、s(层). I put the storybooks on the _22 layer. I put the other books on the second layer. I often _23 it. There are two big windows. On the windowsill(窗台),you can _24 some nice flowers. After school I often water them. And there is a balcony(阳台) outside the _25. I love my room very much. Can you come

7、to my room?()16. A. This B. The C. These D. Those()17. A. big B. dirty C. tidy D. tall()18. A. school B. bed C. bookcase D. book()19. A. in B. on C. for D. at()20. A. desk B. clock C. player D. chairs()21. A. have B. comes C. knows D. has()22. A. one B. first C. two D. second()23. A. clean B. ask C.

8、 lost D. put()24. A. call B. find C. tell D. see()25. A. bag B. card C. room D. classroom三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AMy name is Li Fei. Im from China. Im 14 years old and Im a student in Grade Eight. I like Chinese and English. I can play basket but I cant play football ball. This is my dad. Hes 45 ye

9、ars old. Hes a manager of a shop. He likes play chess. He can play football and basketball. His favourite sport is football. We play football on Sunday. This is my mother. Shes very beautiful. Shes 42 years old. She is a nurse in a hospital. She can swim and she makes cakes for me on my birthday. ()

10、26. Li Fei can _. A. play basketball B. play football C. swim D. make cakes()27. Li Fei and his father play football on _. A. Friday B. Thursday C. Saturday D. Sunday()28. Which of the following is TRUE?A. There are four people in Li Feis family. B. Li Fei is a student in Grade 7. C. Li Feis mother

11、can swim. D. Li Feis father doesnt like football. BDear Mum and Dad,Now I am in the new school in New York. I know its one oclock at night in Beijing and you are sleeping. But here we are having lunch. We have three lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. The lessons are all interesting.

12、My classmates and teachers are all very friendly to me. Peter and David are my best friends. They always help me with my new subjects. They even want to take me to the capital of AmericaWashington D. C. We often play basketball after school. Now they are sitting next to me,having lunch and taking ph

13、otos. They want to send the photos to you. Tomorrow is Saturday. I hope you can have a good time!Daming()29. Daming is in_ now. A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. New York D. Washington D. C. ()30. There are _ lessons in Damings school in the morning. A. three B. four C. five D. six()31. Damings friends alwa

14、ys help Daming with_. A. his Chinese B. the housework C. his subjects D. his French ()32. What are Damings parents doing while he is writing the letter?A. Having lunch. B. Sleeping. C. Working. D. Taking a walk. CYang Ming is a student of Grade 7. His sister Yang Na is a student of Grade 8. They are

15、 in the same school. The new term(学期) is coming. They want to buy some things for the new term. They come to a shop. Therere all kinds of school things in it. Lets have a look.Pencil boxNotebookEraser$20. 00$2. 50$1. 50SchoolbagPenPencil$58. 00$16. 00$3. 00Yang Ming buys three notebooks and two pens

16、. Yang Na likes the color of blue,so she buys a blue pencil box. The erasers look nice and she buys four. At last,they buy two schoolbags. Yang Ming takes the black one and Yang Na takes the red one. ()33. Yang Na is Yang Mings _. A. classmate B. sister C. friend D. cousin()34. Yang Na and Yang Ming

17、 go to the shop to buy _. A. clothes B. shoes C. school things D. sports things()35. Yang Na buys a blue pencil box,four erasers and a red schoolbag. She should pay(支付) _ for them. A. $78. 00 B. $92. 00 C. $84. 00 D. $170. 00()36. Yang Ming buys a _ schoolbag. A. black B. red C. blue D. greenDMy nam

18、e is Li Hong. My family has a new house(新房子). This is my new bedroom. Its small but comfortable. Its also very nice. My father paints(刷)it pink and I like pink. I clean it every Sunday. There are some nice pictures on the wall. My hat is on the chair. Its blue. My notebook is on the bed. My football

19、 is under the chair. On the table,there are keys,my ID card and my phone. My English book is in the bookcase. I like my new bedroom very much. ()37. What color is Li Hongs bedroom?A. Blue. B. Pink. C. White. D. Red. ()38. The underlined word(画线单词)“comfortable” means(意思) “_”. A. 拥挤的 B. 狭窄的 C. 舒适的 D.

20、阴暗的()39. Li Hongs notebook is _. A. on the bed B. on the chair C. under the bed D. on the table()40. _ is(are) in the bookcase. A. The hat B. The ID card C. The keys D. The English book四、词汇运用(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次parent,be,friend,they,he41. The three girls are my good _. 42. Joh

21、n and Mary are my parents. Im _ son. 43. My father and my mother are my _. 44. The blue pen is not Toms. _ is red. 45. Some English books _ on the desk. B)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词Hello!I am Dale. This is my _46(夹克衫). It is red. I have a cup,a ruler and a pen. The cup is _47(绿色). The ruler

22、is _48(黄色). The pen is black. Whats _49(那)?Its a quilt. Its blue. My favorite(最喜欢的) _50(颜色) is blue. I have a map. It is a map of _51(中国). Look!That is _52(一个) orange. Its not my orange. Its _53(艾丽斯的). Gina is my sister. Her room is _54(整洁的). Her hat is on the chair and her _55(笔记本) is on the desk.

23、五、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式Mary and I are _56(sister). This is our room. Its tidy. You can _57(see) two beds. The red bed is _58(Mary). The black bed is _59(I). My schoolbag is on it. Under my bed,you can see a box. In _60box _61(be) my old books. A table is between the tw

24、o beds. On the table you can see a telephone,_62English book,a radio _63two cups. The radio is brown. Look! Here are keys. I found _64(they)on the playground. Do you know whose they are? Please call me _658567332. 六、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,把方框中的句子还原到文中,方框中有一个选项多余My name is Jack Brown. _66I am

25、 a middle school student. This is a picture of my family. There are six people in the picture. My parents are teachers in my school. _67 Their names are Lucy and Tom. Lucy is 9 years old and _68 Tom and I are in the same(相同的) school. Lucy is a tidy girl. Her books are in the bookcase. Her pens and p

26、encils are in the pencil box. _69 His things are everywhere. His keys are on the bed and his eraser is under the chair. Who is the other(另一个) girl in the picture?Oh!_70 Her name is Linda. A. But Tom isnt tidy. B. I have a sister and a brother. C. She is my cousin. D. I am 14. E. Tom is 12 years old.

27、 F. The dictionary is under the sofa.66. _67. _68. _69. _70. _七、书面表达(共1小题,满分20分)假设你是Tom,今年13岁,生于10月3号,家里有爸爸、妈妈和妹妹。爸爸的生日是4月13日,妈妈的生日是7月10号,他们都是老师。妹妹今年9岁,生于8月14号。请写一篇短文介绍自己和家人。要求:1. 叙述清楚,语句通顺,语意连贯,要包含家庭所有成员的信息;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名与校名。_参考答案听力部分听力材料:第一节:1. W:Excuse me,are you Tim Green?M:No,Im not. Im Tom Gre

28、en. 2. M:Jane,is this green pencil case Jacks?W:No,it isnt. His pencil case is red. 3. W:Hey,Mike. Is Mr Green your father?M:No,he isnt. He is my uncle. W:Is this his pencil?M:No,his is on the desk. 4. W:Look at this picture. This is my sister,Lucy. M:Who is the man next to Lucy?W:He is my brother.

29、5. W:Do you have a volleyball?M:Yes,I do. W:Lets play volleyball. M:That sounds relaxing. 第二节:Dialogue 1:W:Hi,Mike. Is your class big?M:Yes,there are forty students in my class. W:Is there a computer in your classroom?M:Yes,it is on the teachers desk. Dialogue 2:W:Jack. When do you get up in the mor

30、ning?M:I get up at 7 oclock in the morning. W:What do you have for breakfast?M:I have two eggs and milk. W:Who do you go to school with?M:I go to school with my sister. 第三节:Text:My name is Lingling. Im a student at No. 9 Middle School. Im in Class Two. I have two friends. One is Tim. The other is Ma

31、ry. Tim is a 14yearold boy. He is English. He is in my class. Mary is an American girl. She is 13 years old. She is in Class Four. We are all good friends.听力答案:一、15:ACCBA610:BCBCA1115:ACAAC笔试部分二、本文介绍了作者的房间,它虽小但很干净。里面有床、桌子和书橱,窗台上有花,房间外有阳台。16. A 点拨:语法分析法。根据上下文可知这里是介绍“我”的房间,介绍用“This is. . . ”。17. C 点拨:

32、逻辑推理法。根据前面的but可知这里是转折关系。big大的,与前面矛盾; dirty脏的,不能构成转折; tall高的,不能用来修饰房间,分析选项可知只有tidy符合。18. B 点拨:联系上下文法。根据后面的“my bed”可知这里应该是bed。19. B 点拨:根据句意可知床上有一些玩具娃娃,在床上用介词on。20. D 点拨:根据two可知后跟的名词用复数,分析选项可知只有chairs符合。21. D 点拨:句意:我的书橱有两层。主语是My bookcase,是单数,所以用has。22. B 点拨:根据后面的“on the second layer”可知这里是指在第一层。on the f

33、irst layer意为“在第一层”。23. A 点拨:根据空后的it可知it代指前面的书橱,所以只能用动词clean与之匹配。24. D 点拨:句意:在窗台上,你能看到一些漂亮的花。表示“看见”用see。25. C 点拨:根据句意可知在房间外面有个阳台。outside the room意为“在房间外面”。三、A26. A 点拨:由第一个表格中I can play basketball. . . 可知选B。27. D 点拨:联系上下文法。由第二个表格中We play football on Sunday. 可知选D。28. C 点拨:由第三个表格中She can swim and she ma

34、kes cakes for me on my birthday. 可知选C。B29. C 点拨:由第一段第一句Now I am in the new school in New York. 可知,他现在在纽约。30. A 点拨:由第二段的第一句We have three lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. 可知选A。31. C 点拨:由第二段的They always help me with my new subjects. 可知选C。32. B 点拨:由I know its one oclock at night in Bei

35、jing and you are sleeping. But here we are having lunch. 可知,他父母亲在睡觉。C33. B 点拨:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“His sister Yang Na is a student of Grade 8. ”可知,杨娜是杨明的姐姐。34. C 点拨:细节理解题。根据第一段第五句“They want to buy some things for the new term. ”可知,他们去商店买一些学习用品。35. C 点拨:数字计算题。根据表格中铅笔盒、橡皮擦和书包的价格可知,杨娜共需要花费84. 00美元。36. A 点拨:细

36、节理解题。根据第二段末句“Yang Ming takes the black one. . . ”可知,杨明买了一只黑色的书包。D37. B 点拨:联系上下文法。根据“Its also very nice. My father paints(刷)it pink and I like pink. ”可知,它是粉红色的。38. C 点拨:逻辑推理法。根据“Its small but”可知,房子是舒服的。39. A 点拨:根据“My notebook is on the bed. ”可知,在床上。40. D 点拨:根据“My English book is in the bookcase. ”可知,

37、是英语书在书橱里。四、A)41. friends42. their43. parents44. His45. areB)46. jacket47. green48. yellow49. that50. color51. China52. an53. Alices54. tidy55. notebook五、56. sisters57. see58. Marys59. mine60. the61. are62. an63. and64. them65. at六、6670:DBEAC七、范文:My name is Tom. I am thirteen years old. I am a studen

38、t at No. 2 Middle School. My birthday is on October 3rd. There are four people in my family. They are my father,my mother,my sister and me. My father and my mother are both teachers. My fathers birthday is on April 13th,and my mothers birthday is on July 10th. When is my sisters birthday? Its on August 14th. And she is nine years old this year. 点评:本文运用“三步法”描述家庭。先导入介绍自己(第1至4句),然后介绍自己的家庭(第5至7句)。然后介绍各个的生日具体日期(第8至11句)。添彩点:文章直接点题,介绍自己,导出家庭情况,进而导出生日。会使用When is句型。13


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