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1、牛津版初三英语中考模拟试卷英 语 试 题 总分:120分 时间:90分钟第I卷(选择题 共60分) I.单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1分,共15分) 1.This is _used car. Its much _than a new one. A. an; cheaper B. an; dearer C. a; cheaper D. a; dearer 2.They never knew _in one hundred years. A. what the weather is like B. what the weather would be like C. What the weathe

2、r would be D. How the weather 3.Dont worry. Ill tell Mr. Green _ he comes back. A. when B. how C. why D. where 4.-The radio is too noisy and there is nothing interesting on it. Why dont you _? -All right. Ill do that. A. turn it on B. turn it off C. turn it back D. turn it up 5.-Arent you tired, Kat

3、e? -_, but I like going shopping. A. Never mind B. Im so sorry C. Come on D. Yes, of course 6.The girl _is reading under the tree is my sister. A. who B. whose C. which D. whom 7. -Its raining outside. _an umbrella with you when you go out. -I will. A. Take B. Dont C. Bring D. Dont bring 8. -A lot o

4、f people got SARS three years ago. It was terrible. -Yes. We should _ourselves and keep healthy. A. look after B. look over C. look for D. look up 9. Im sorry. I_ go now. My father told me on the phone that my mother was ill. A. can B. may C. have to D. think 10. Students _slippers when they are at

5、school. A. dont allow to wear B. are not allowed to wear C. are not allowed to put on D. are not allowed wearing 11. I hope to go to France some day _there are many famous art museums there. A. though B. unless C. because D. where 12. -Jim does well in Chinese in our class. -_. No one does better th

6、an him. A. So do I B. So he does C. So I do D. So does he 13. -How often do you go to see a film? -_, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A. Every day B. Every three days C. Every few days D. Every other day 14. When he heard the good news, he was _happy that he cried. A. very B. such C. so D. quite 15. H

7、e has no pen to _because he left his pencil-box at home this morning. A. write in B. write C. write with D. writing II.完型填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,共15分) If you leave something important on a bus or underground train while traveling around, you should 16 the London Transport Lose Property Office in central Lon

8、don. “Weve got 17 here, but its difficult to imagine 18 people lose some things,” says manager Maureen Beaumont, 19 a box of false teeth. “How can anyone 20 their teeth on a bus?” 21 theres a name and address somewhere on the item, we try to contact the 22 and return it. Visitors to London are alway

9、s 23 to get their property back. If we 24 find the owner anywhere, we 25 the item here for three months and hope that 26 will come into the office to claim it. If 27 comes to get the item in that time, we 28 it. “Its 29 job. People lose some unusual things and theyre 30 pleased when they come into t

10、he office and find them.” 16. A. look at B. visitC. see D. watch 17. A. everythingB. nothing C. anything D. good things 18. A. whatB. where C. how D. whether 19. A. holdingB. giving C. asking D. losing 20. A. forgetB. have C. keepD. leave 21. A. IfB. Where C. BecauseD. Whether 22. A. owner B. bus dr

11、iver C. managerD. train driver 23. A. afraidB. impossibleC. interestingD. surprised 24. A. may notB. cant C. can D. may 25. A. getB. return C. keep D. find 26. A. no oneB. anyone C. someone D. everyone 27. A. no oneB. anyone C. someone D. everyone 28. A. sellB. keep C. buy D. return 29. A. a boringB

12、. an interestingC. a dangerousD. an interested 30. A. hardlyB. everC. always D. never III.阅读理解:根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(共15 小题;每小题2分,共30分) A Steven and Alan were thieves. Each day, they looked for places to rob. One afternoon, they walked by a clothes store. They couldnt believe it. In the window, there was a

13、 big pile of money. Next to the money was a sign. It said. “Big Discounts” “What a great chance,” Alan said. “Well steal the money tonight.” “But boss”Steven said as he looked closely in the window. “Quiet, we have to make a plan,” Alan said. “Lets go.” At Alans house, the thieves planned their crim

14、e. Later that nigh, they returned to the store. “Are you ready?” Alan asked Steven. “Yes, boss, but” “Quiet,” Alan said. “Lets get started. Now!” Then, Steven broke the window with a metal pipe. Alan quickly put the money in a bag. The two thieves ran away. Back at Alans house, they took the money o

15、ut of the bag. “Hey,” Alan said. “this money looks strange.” “I tried to tell you before,” Steven said. “You didnt wear your glasses today, right?” “So what?” “So, you didnt see the money clearly. Like I was trying to say, the money is fake!” “Fake?” “Of course. No store would put real money in thei

16、r windows.” “Why not?” Alan asked. “Because somebody might try to steal it,” Steven said. 31. What can we tell about the thieves relationship? A. They are cousins. B. Steven is the boss. C. Theyre brothers. D. Alan is the boss. 32.How many times did Steven try to warn Alan? A. One B. Two C. Three D.

17、 Four 33.Alan made a mistake because he didnt _. A. find his glasses B. know how to count C. believe Steven D. take off his glasses B Everyone wants to buy the perfect gift. Here are some very special gifts you might think about if you have a lot of money. A beautiful sailboat The Skimmer by Sailcra

18、ft Inc. flies across the water. The yellow sails on this bright red boat look really exciting. And the family of the lucky person who gets the Skimmer will be lucky, too. The boat has its own galley for making meals and it can sleep four people. Only 178,000. A very special computer The Nell 1500is

19、the newest in Nells line of unusual computers. Its the smallest computer in the world. Its just 5cm by 6cm. It will fit in your coat pocket, but it works like a larger computer Imagine being able to carry a computer with you 24 hours a day! If this sounds good to you, you can get it for only $6,400.

20、 A lifetime health club membership Everyone is worried about health these days. What better gift for someone you love than a lifetime membership(终身会员) at the Life Line Spa? This spa has everything-swimming pool, weight room, running track, and free yoga and Tai Chi classes. Life Line even has its ow

21、n restaurant with vegetarian meals and other special meals for people on a diet. Your loved one can enjoy all of this when you make a single payment-only $37,000 for a lifetime membership. 34._is small but very powerful(功能强大的) A. The Skimmer B. The Nell 1500 C. The Health club D. Nothing 35.All thes

22、e things above are_ A. dangerous B. useless C. expensive D. cheap 36.You can _at the Life Line Spa. A. learn how to cook B. make lots of money C. have computer classes D. have yoga classes 37.The best title of this passage may be “_” A. Special gift ideas B. How to keep healthy C.A lot of fun D. How

23、 to be rich C Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me, “You should have goals(目标) like cl

24、imbing the mountain.” Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed , we couldnt have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot form mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience.(耐力) On

25、ce we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds singing; but as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing. In fact , I hated it at t

26、hat moment, but my father said to me, “You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain , but you cant see it before you reach the top. Only there at the top, can you see all the nice things, just like in life.” At that time, I was too young to understand his words. But later after that

27、, I got new hope and confidence. I found myself standing at the top of the mountain. And there , I could see the whole of the sky, which was as clear as crystal.( 水晶) 38.The word “quit” in the passage means “_” A. carry on B. put off C. give up D. pick up 39.Which of the following is the closest(最接近

28、的) in meaning to the fathers words in the second paragraph? A. You will get all you need at the top of the mountain B. The sky is always as clear as crystal C. You can find life is full of nice things D. Never give up half-way. 40.We can infer(推断)from the last paragraph that _. A. the writer was ver

29、y successful in his life B. the writer reached the top of the mountain C. though the writer was young, he could understand his father D. the writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain 41.The best title for the passage is “_” A. Reaching the Top of the Mountain B. Standing at the Top o

30、f the Mountain C. Conversations between Father and Son D. How to Get to the Top of the Mountain D In the early days, many people in San Francisco came from China .Some worked as labors in the gold fields, and others on railroads. These were poor people when they first came to America. They worked ve

31、ry hard to save money. When the Chinese could afford to ,they built houses much like their home in China. Some opened stores to sell products from China to other Chinese. Other opened restaurants to serve Chinese foods. These people enjoyed the things they were used to having in their homeland. Toda

32、y, Grand Avenue is the main street of the very large Chinese-American community called “Chinatown”. Children who live in this area go to the San FranciscoCitySchool. Some also go to Chinese language schools to learn how to read and write Chinese. People from different places enjoy visiting Chinatown

33、. They may buy beautiful carvings or skills in the Chinese shops. They like to eat the different foods served in the Chinese restaurants. Visitors to Chinatown also enjoy hearing the sounds of China. The music seems strange because it sounds so different from American music. A favorite time to visit

34、 Chinatown is during the Chinese New Year, usually in February. A big procession(游行队伍) to celebrate the New Year is led by a huge dragon made of paper and silk. 42.Long ago, many poor Chinese went to San Francisco of the US in order to_. A. sell silk and paper B. study science and technology C. buil

35、d more houses D. make a living by working hard 43.When the Chinese had enough money, they liked building houses In the style of_ A. Britain B. American C. China D. Denmark44.Some of their children learn American English and _as well. A. the American language B. American Chinese C. the Chinese langua

36、ge D. the English language 45.What impressed(给留下印象) the visitors to Chinatown most in the Chinese New Year? A. Wonderful Chinese food B. Nice silk on show C.A procession led by a huge dragon D. Different music from China. 英 语 试 题 答 题 纸 第II卷(非选择题 共60分) IV.根据对话内容,选择合适的句子填空,补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,共5分) 46 47 4

37、8 49 50 A: Whats the matter, young lady? A. I feel very well.B. I hope youll get better soon.C. Do you sleep well at night?D. Im not feeling well.E. And do some exercise every day.F. You need to eat less food.G. Theres nothing serious.B: 46 I cant do any work, doctor. A: Do you have a cough? B: No,

38、I dont have a cough. A: 47 B: Yes, I sleep very well. A: Do you have breakfast every morning? B: No, I dont have breakfast. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin. A: Oh, I see. 48 you need to eat more food and have three meals a day. 49 B: OK. Ill do like tha

39、t. A: 50 B: Thanks. V.动词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 用括号内动词的适当的时态和语态填空,答案填入相应的位置,每空词数不限,注意写出完整答案。 51.-Hurry up! Were all waiting for you. -I_(wait)for an important phone call. Go without me. 52.-Why are you crying, June? -Because I _(lose) my film ticket. 53.-When did we first hosted the Asian Games? -Fifte

40、en years _(pass) since China first hosted the Asian Games. 54.-Whos the little boy in the picture? -Its me. The picture _(take) 10 years ago. 55.-I came to your office yesterday afternoon, but nobody was in. -Oh, we _ (have) a meeting in the meeting hall. 56.-Whats in it? -You_ (get) a big surprise

41、if I open the box. 57.-What did the teacher say? -He said the moon _ (move) around the earth. 58-What did that man say? -He said he _ (celebrate) Thanksgiving Day the next week. 59.-Excuse me, doctor. I dont understand the instructions. -Oh, let me see, this medicine should_ ( take ) three times a d

42、ay after meals. 60.-Do you know Liu Xiang ? -You mean the sportsman who _(win)the first place in mens 110-metre hurdles at the 28th Athens Olympic Games? VI.按要求完成句子(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) A.情景写话: 61. 假如你不同意星期天去钓鱼,你想去游泳,应该如何对你哥哥说? _ 62. 简的母亲因车祸住院了,你如何表达同情? _ 63. If you want your teacher to repeat what she has just said and also hope she can speak more clearly. What would you say? _ B.同义句改写 64.She liked singing better than dancing. _ 65.Jim spent two hours reading a novel yesterday. _ 66.The suitcase is not light enough for the boy to carry. _


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