广东省深圳市八年级(上)期末英语试卷含答案(DOC 22页).docx

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1、 八年级(上)期末英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVV总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. 选出与划线部分意思最接近的选项-Whydoyoualwaysaskyourgrandpaforadvicewhenyouareintrouble?-BecauseheisawisemanHecanteachmehowtosolvemyproblems()A. tallB. smartC. bad2. 选出与划线部分意思最接近的选项-Penny,dontlieonthenewsofaallthetimeItstimetodoyourhomework-Itiscomfortabletosit

2、onthesofaCanIdomyhomeworkhere,Mum?()A. niceandsoftB. hardandstrangeC. heavyandhard3. 选出与划线部分意思最接近的选项一IamtootiredCanyouopenthedoorsothatwecanhavearest?-IamterriblysorryIforgettobringthekeyWecannotentertheroom()A. cleanupB. gointoC. getoutof4. 选出与划线部分意思最接近的选项-IwanttowashmyclothesButIdontknowhowtoopera

3、tethewashingmachine-ItseasyPutdirtyclothesintoitandthenpressthepowerbutton()A. makeworkB. keeptidyC. turnoff5. 选出与划线部分意思最接近的选项-CanyougivemesomeadviceonhowtoimprovemyEnglish?-ReadEnglishatleast20 minutesandtryyourbesttofinishyourhomeworkeverydayandyouwillbegoodatit()A. makeusefulB. letworseC. makebet

4、ter6. 选出与划线部分意思最接近的选项-Whydoyourgrandparentsliketoliveinthecountryside?-Becausetherearefewercarsandlesspollution()A. nearthecityB. inthecenterofthecityC. outsidethecity7. 选出与划线部分意思最接近的选项-IhavetroubleinrememberingwordsIdontknowwhattodo-YoudbetteraskyourteachersorclassmatesforhelpTheywillhelpyou!()A. d

5、ifficultyB. interestC. abilitily8. 选出与划线部分意思最接近的选项-Ithinkthewindowsaresotinythattheclassroomisdark-YouarerightWedbettermakethembigger()A. quitedirtyB. toocleanC. verysmall9. _arepeoplewhoareinvitedtovisitoneshouse()A. GuestsB. TouristsC. Artists10. To_anewthingtoapersonistoletthepersonknowit()A. cha

6、llengeB. compareC. introduce11. 一Yesterday,Isawmanystudentswaitingforasingerattheairport-Hemustbe_withyoungpeople()A. strictB. angryC. popular12. -Althoughherdad couldhelpherfindajob,shegotonesuccessfullyallbyherself-Shedoesntwantto_hisparentsShealwaystriestodoeverythingonherown()A. dependonB. looka

7、fterC. keepintouchwith13. -IhopeIcangiveatalk_inpublicIwilllookcool!-Ifyoupracticemoreoftenandtrytosmiletotheaudience,Imsureyouwillmakeit()A. confidentlyB. quietlyC. suddenly14. -Dontthrowthe_intotheriverItsbadfortheenvironment-Sorry,Iwont()A. energyB. snowC. rubbish15. -Well_anEnglishplaySnowWhited

8、uringtheyearnsArtFestival-Wishyougoodluck!()A. lookupB. putonC. lookout二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共15.0分) A poor young man named Liang lived in a small Chinese town One night, an old man visited Liang in a dream He gave Liang a brush Use this magic brush to help the (16) he said,but dont use it to help people

9、who are rich and greedy(贪婪地),or the skill will leave your (17) and you will never paint again When Liang(18), he found the brush lying on the table by his bed He painted a butterfly and was (19) to see it fly off the paper Liang went out of his house and started to paint for the people in need He pa

10、inted food for (20) people and clothes for the people who were cold However, a rich man heard about the brush and asked Liang to paint some gold for him but Liang didnt (21) If you dont paint for me, Ill cut your fingers off, the rich man said, Then you will never (22)again So Liang painted an islan

11、d of (23) in the middle of a blue sea How will I (24)the island? asked the rich man Liang painted a boat for the rich man, who got in it and went on his way toward the island But when the rich man was halfway there, Liang painted a (25) in one side of the boat The boat sank into the water and nobody

12、 ever saw him again16. A. youngB. poorC. old17. A. armsB. faceC. fingers18. A. woke upB. grew olderC. was born19. A. surprisedB. angryC. unhappy20. A. strongB. braveC. hungry21. A. understandB. agreeC. leave22. A. writeB. paintC. cook23. A. goldB. animalsC. trees24. A. get downB. get offC. get to25.

13、 A. holeB. pictureC. line三、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)AAnnual StTheresa Church yard saleYARD SALEJuly 17 & 18.2018ITEMS NEEDEDCollections start on July 1 Deadline July 13 (no items will be accepted after this date)Do you have books, lamps, toys, records DVDs, holiday decorations, jewelry or any other item

14、s just collecting dust?Time to clean out tho attic and bring your items to Parish HallAll electronic Items must be In working orderNo clothing computers(百科全书)acceptedThose with questions or offering to help can call Jane Cameron at (401)1024-10515I TEMS NEEDED要改为ITEMS NEEDED; NoclothingcomputersTVso

15、r encyclopedias 要改为No clothing computers26. Item collection ends on _ A. July lB. July 13C. Julyl7D. July 1827. Which of the following items is not accepted? _ A. BooksB. DVDsC. JewelryD. TVs28. If you want to donate electronic items, they must be _ A. newB. cleanedC. usableD. secondhand29. What can

16、 you do if you want to be a volunteer at the yard? _ A. Visit the StTheresa Churchs websiteB. Donate as many as items as you canC. Write an email to Jane CameronD. Call (401)1024-10515B When scientist Jessica Wade realized how hard it was to find information about women scientists, she decided to he

17、lp solve that problem She has now added the stories of over 300 female scientists to Wikipedia Dr Wade has always been interested in science But as she kept going in science and learned more about amazing women scientists, she was surprised to learn that they didnt have Wikipedia pages Wikipedia is

18、the worlds largest encyclopedia, and the worlds 5 th most popular website What makes it special is that anybody can add to or change it But even though Wikipedia has close to 6 million articles, Dr Wade noticed that It doesnt have the stories of many amazing women in science She says that 83% of the

19、 biographies on Wikipedia are about men So, in January, 2018 she decided to write one Wikipedia article about a female scientist every day She doesnt get paid, but it has become her second job So far, she has created 306 Wikipedia pages Dr Wade will keep writing her articles, but she also wants to t

20、each other people how to add articles to Wikipedia She would like to create a website to keep track of all of the biographies She wants to turn them into a teaching tool30. Why did Dr Wade add female scientists stories to Wikipedia? _ A. Its her second job in WikipediaB. Female scientists asked her

21、to do soC. She couldnt find information she wantedD. She has always been interested in science31. What is special about Wikipedia? _ A. Its the worlds biggest encyclopediaB. Common people can make it differentC. Therere nearly 6 million articles on it,D. Its the worlds 5 th most popular website32. H

22、ow much time has Dr Wade spent adding articles to Wikipedia so far? _ A. About a monthB. Less than 300 daysC. More than 300 daysD. The article didnt tell us33. Which of the following things will Dr Wade do? _ A. Try to be a teacherB. Give up her jobC. Create a websiteD. Stop writing storiesC Tom was

23、 walking through the forest with his axe (斧子) when a sapling (树苗)Called to him and stopped him on his way CouId you please help me clear away these trees,my kind friend? They are stealing (窃取)all of my sunshineThere is no room because of the trees ,so my roots cannot grow freelyI cannot feel the win

24、d with the trees above me Tom decided he could do this favor for the poor sapling He swung his axe and cleared the trees around the sapling But after Tom made space for the sapling, the hot sunlight dried his leavesThen there was a heavy rainstorm The poor sapling couldnt stand(忍受)the weather Oh, fo

25、olish one, said a farmer who was passing by The taller trees may seem like theyre taking your sunshine, space and wind form you, but theyre actually helping you They protect you from sunburns, heavy rain and other bad weather_,You only see them taking your space,but you dont see how they help you On

26、e day when you grow up, you might be the one to protect other saplings34. What did the sapling ask Tom to do? _ A. To stop using the axe on himB. To cut down the trees around himC. To move him away from other treesD. To protect him from bad weather35. Why did the sapling ask Tom to help him? _ A. Be

27、cause he wanted to be the tallest treeB. Because he was getting too much sunshineC. Because his roots were covered by other treesD. Because he thought other trees stopped his growth36. Why did the farmer try to help the sapling understand? _ A. Other trees were being foolishB. The taller trees were

28、protecting itC. It would grow much taller than other treesD. The taller trees shared most of the sunshine37. Which sentence can be put in the blank? _ A. Every coin has two sidesB. You need much more sunlight and waterC. Its dangerous to grow upD. Its easy for taller trees to protect youD Wlicn 4-ye

29、ar-old Prince George started his first day of school in September,Chinese language was on his curriculum(课程) And he wasnt alone It is reported that about 51 percent of the parents in the UK want their children to learn Chinese, as its believed to be one of the most useful languages to know In the po

30、pularity of Chinese drove the UK government to start the Mandarin Excellence Programme in September last yearIt aims to make at least 5,000 British state secondary school students be good at speaking Chinese by 2020 Yet ,the UK isnt the only country showing a growing interest in Chinese The language

31、 has become the second most spoken foreign language in the United States this year, after only Spanish, with over 2.1 million speakers Many US famous people such as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Malia Obama, former US president Barack Obamas daughter, study Chinese as a second language So far

32、, 67 countries and regions have included Chinese in their national curriculum So why are so many countries enthusiastic about learning Chinese? One reason could be that as China continues to develop rapidly, Chinese is increasingly becoming a useful tool for peoples personal and professional growth

33、I think everyone believes that Chinese will be the next great superpowereven if its not a superpower like America Its still very important Aisling from Germany, who studied at the Renmin University of China, told Xinhua News Agency38. Why did the UK start the Mandarin Excellence Programme? _ A. Beca

34、use Chinese is popular in BritainB. Because Prince George learns ChineseC. Because students need to learn ChineseD. Because kids are asked to learn Chinese39. Which is the most popular foreign language in America? _ A. EnglishB. ChineseC. GermanD. Spanish,40. What does the underlined word enthusiast

35、ic _ mean?A. It means be good atB. It means be afraid ofC. It means be interested inD. It means be worried about41. Whats the reason that many countries included Chinese in their national curriculum? _ A. The UK government launched a programmeB. Mark and Malia have begun to learn ChineseC. Over 2.1

36、million Americans can speak Chinese,D. China grows fast and Chinese becomes helpfulE This week is Computer Science Education Week, During the week, students around the world will be taking part in an Hour of Code and learning a little about programming computers This year, there will be more than 20

37、0,000 events in over 180 countries The US Congress first created Computer Science Education Week in 2009 to remember Grace Hopper, one of the women who played an important part in the early days of computers Hadi Partovi came up with the idea of the Hour of Code He thinks coding is an important skil

38、l and that its important for schools to teach computer science He started the Hour of Code in 2013 because he was worried that computer science was not a big part of what schools taught in most states To spread his idea, he got the help from many famous people Some were famous for working with compu

39、ters, like Bill Gates Others were famous in other areasMr Partovi got a lot of money for his idea from big companies like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft Students who take part in the Hour of Code complete a short coding challenge that is broken down into small, simple steps The challenge is suppose

40、d to take about an hour in all To raise the interest of students, the challenges are often tied in with popular movies or games For example, challenges have been built around Angry Birds, Mine Craft, Frozen, and Star Wars-One test of the programs success is whether students keep going once the time

41、is up It turns out that many of them do Last year, teachers reported that 92% of their students coded for more than an hour42. Who thought of the idea of the Hour of Code? _ A. Bill GatesB. Hadi PartoviC. Grace Hopper C The US Congress43. Why did many famous people help Mr Partovi? _ A. To remember

42、Grace HopperB. To take part in an Hour of CodeC. To make his idea known by more peopleD. To learn about programming computers44. What do the students who join in the Hour of Code do? _ A. Break down codesB. Watch a popular movieC. Play a game called FrozenD. Finish a difficult coding task45. Which o

43、f the following might be the best title of the passage? _ A. The Hour of CodeB. Computer ScienceC. Mr Partovi Got Lots of HelpD. Coding Is an Important Skill四、阅读填空(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)46. 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词) Once upon a time ,there was a poor boy called Dick One day, he decided (1) (go

44、)to London and find a job When he arrived (2) London, a rich businessman gave him a job and said, If you work hard for me,you (3) (have) enough food Dick worked very hard and he was happy every day There was a problem though ! At night ,many (4) (mouse) ran around the room and kept him awake So Dick

45、 went out and found the (5) (fast) cat in London! The cat did a good jobDick could sleep at night at last The businessman heard about the amazing catHe asked Dick if he could take it on his ship to catch rats on his (6) (five )journeyDick agreed , (7) he was very sad to see the cat leave Soon (8) businessman returned with the catHe was very happy and said ,The cat caug


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