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1、1Lesson 85Never too old to learn2单词学习单词学习 inform headmaster contribute gift album patience encouragement farewell honor coincidence total devote gardening hobby v.告诉,通知告诉,通知 n.校长校长 v.捐助,援助捐助,援助 n.礼物,赠品礼物,赠品 n.签名簿,相册签名簿,相册 n.耐心耐心 n.鼓励鼓励 n.告别告别 n.敬意敬意 n.巧合巧合 n.总数总数 v.致力于致力于 n.园艺园艺 n.爱好,嗜好爱好,嗜好3 inform

2、 v.告诉,通知告诉,通知 vt.通知,告知通知,告知 inform sb.of sth.把把通知某人通知某人 谁把这个通知给你的?谁把这个通知给你的?Who informed you of this?inform that 通知通知 有人通知他,每年他将多挣有人通知他,每年他将多挣1000英镑。英镑。He was informed that he would receive an extra thousand pounds a year.4 headmaster n.校长校长 headmistress 女校長女校長 與與head有關的詞:有關的詞:head nurse 護士長護士長 head

3、man 酋長酋長 headphones 耳機耳機 headquarters 總部、總署、司令部總部、總署、司令部 headsman 劊子手劊子手 headstone 基石基石5 contribute (1)v.捐助,援助捐助,援助 他捐很多錢給慈善機構。他捐很多錢給慈善機構。He contributed a lot of money to the charity.(2)v.有貢獻、有助於、成為有貢獻、有助於、成為原因之一原因之一 contribute to 為為.作貢獻作貢獻,為為.捐款或撰稿捐款或撰稿 一條公路的建設將有助於郊區一條公路的建設將有助於郊區的發展。的發展。The constru

4、ction of a highway will contribute to the development of the suburbs.contribution (1)捐款捐款 我每周日都给教堂捐我每周日都给教堂捐10美元。美元。I give a ten-dollar contribution to the church every Sunday.(2)n.貢獻貢獻 他他對太空對太空發展計劃作出了巨大貢獻發展計劃作出了巨大貢獻。He has made great contributions to the space development program.6 gift (1)n.礼物,赠品礼

5、物,赠品、捐贈、捐贈 present 指以物的一般性用語指以物的一般性用語 gift 是稍正式的說法是稍正式的說法(2)天賦、天資天賦、天資 a boy of many gift 多才多藝的少年多才多藝的少年 gifted adj.有天資的、有天賦的有天資的、有天賦的 有天賦的音樂家有天賦的音樂家 a gifted musician7 album n.签名簿,相册签名簿,相册、集郵冊、集郵冊 集郵冊集郵冊 a stamp album 相册相册 a photograph album8 patience n.耐心耐心、忍耐、毅力、忍耐、毅力 反義詞:反義詞:impatience 這種工作需要極大的

6、耐心這種工作需要極大的耐心。This kind of work requires much patience.他耐心聽我的投訴他耐心聽我的投訴。He heard my complaints with patience.be out of patience with sth 對對.不能忍受、不耐煩不能忍受、不耐煩 我无法忍受他了我无法忍受他了 I am out of patience with him.9 patient (1)adj.有耐心的(反義詞:有耐心的(反義詞:impatient)be patient of sth;be patient with sb 對對有耐心有耐心 你應該更有耐心

7、你應該更有耐心對待其他人。對待其他人。You should be more patient with others.(2)n.病人病人 这家醫院有很多病人这家醫院有很多病人。There are a lot of patients in this hospital.10 encouragement n.鼓励鼓励、促進、獎勵、促進、獎勵 他的老師給了他很多鼓勵他的老師給了他很多鼓勵。He received a lot of encouragement from his teacher.encourage v.鼓勵、激勵(反義詞:鼓勵、激勵(反義詞:discourage)那個好消息激勵了他那個好消息

8、激勵了他 The good news encouraged him.encourage sb to do 鼓勵鼓勵(某人)做(某人)做 老師鼓勵我出國留學老師鼓勵我出國留學 The teacher encouraged me to study abroad.encourage sb in 鼓勵某人的鼓勵某人的 我的父母在我职业的选择上永远都鼓励我。我的父母在我职业的选择上永远都鼓励我。My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career.11 farewell (1)再見再見,再會(比再會(比goodbye正式)正式)永別了,武

9、器!永別了,武器!Farewell to arms!(2)n.告别告别(做(做adj.使用)使用)送別的送別的 say farewell to 向向.告別告別 他们在咖啡馆向我告别他们在咖啡馆向我告别 They said their farewells to me at the cafe.a farewell party 歡送會歡送會12 honor (1)n.敬意敬意 Show honor to sb向某人表使敬意。向某人表使敬意。(2)n.名譽、名聲、面子、體面名譽、名聲、面子、體面 獲得這個獎項非常榮幸獲得這個獎項非常榮幸。It is a great honor to receive t

10、hat prize.in honor of 為紀念、為慶祝為紀念、為慶祝 今晚為慶祝新總統當選而招開宴會。今晚為慶祝新總統當選而招開宴會。There is a party tonight in honor of our new president.have the hour of doing 有做某事的榮幸有做某事的榮幸 我我有有榮幸與你跳舞榮幸與你跳舞?May I have the honor of dancing with you?13 coincidence n.巧合巧合、(事件等)同時發生(事件等)同時發生 真是太巧了真是太巧了!What a coincidence!coincide

11、v.同時發生、巧合同時發生、巧合 coincide with 符合符合,與與.一致一致 I didnt go to meet him because his arrival coincided with an important conference.我不能去我不能去见见他是因為他來時,我正好有個很他是因為他來時,我正好有個很重要的會議。重要的會議。14 devote v.致力于致力于 devote sth to doing sth 完全致力於,全身完全致力於,全身心投入心投入 他畢生致力於促進世界和平。他畢生致力於促進世界和平。He devoted his life to promoting

12、 world peace.devote oneself+to 獻身、熱愛、專心獻身、熱愛、專心 她在少年時代熱衷於網球她在少年時代熱衷於網球 She devoted herself to tennis in her teens.devotion n.獻身、摯愛獻身、摯愛 父母對子女的摯愛父母對子女的摯愛 the devotion of parents to their children15 gardening n.园艺园艺 gardener n.n.園丁,園藝愛好者園丁,園藝愛好者 garden n.園地園地(用於種植花、果、菜用於種植花、果、菜)我們只有一個小花園。我們只有一個小花園。We

13、have only a small garden.hobby n.爱好,嗜好爱好,嗜好 你有什麼嗜好你有什麼嗜好?What are your bobbies?我的嗜好我的嗜好是打是打撲克牌撲克牌。My bobby is playing cards.hobbyhorse 旋轉木馬旋轉木馬16课文讲解课文讲解 I have just received a letter from my old school,informing me that my former headmaster,Mr.Stuart Page,will be retiring next week.Pupils of the sc

14、hool,old and new,will be sending him a present to mark the occasion.All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmasters home.17 We shall all remember Mr.Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement h

15、e gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honor next Thursday.It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement,Mr.Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years.After he has retired,he will devote hims

16、elf to gardening.For him,this will be an entirely new hobby.But this does not matter,for,as he has often remarked,one is never too old to learn.18 I have just received a letter from my old school,informing me that my former headmaster,Mr.Stuart Page,will be retiring next week.will be retiring 將來進行時將

17、來進行時 Pupils of the school,old and new,will be sending him a present to mark the occasion.pupil 指中小学的学生指中小学的学生 student 通指所有的学生通指所有的学生 mark n.标记;标记;v.做标记,给做标记,给作记号作记号/留留痕迹;纪念痕迹;纪念 他用红色铅笔给所有禁食的食物都做了标记。他用红色铅笔给所有禁食的食物都做了标记。He marked all the foods which were forbidden with a red pencil.send sb.sth.送某人送某人1

18、9 All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmasters home.contribute towards/to sth.为为捐款,提供捐款,提供给给 在他去世之前,他给教堂捐了很多钱。在他去世之前,他给教堂捐了很多钱。Before his death,he contributed a large sum of money to the church.all those who will do sth.

19、所有那些人都所有那些人都 所有要参加运动会的人都要签名。所有要参加运动会的人都要签名。All those who will take part in the sports meeting will sign their names.present和和gift都表示都表示“礼物,赠品礼物,赠品”,但,但gift要要正式些:正式些:她收到了一件漂亮的生日礼物她收到了一件漂亮的生日礼物 She has just received a beautiful birthday present.他给他的母校捐赠了他给他的母校捐赠了60000美元。美元。He made a gift of$60,000 to

20、his old school.20 We shall all remember Mr.Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.remember sb.for sth.因为因为记住某记住某人人 大家都记得他的幽默大家都记得他的幽默 We all remember him for his humor.be willing to do sth.心甘情愿做某事心甘情愿做某事 我十分乐意为你做任何事情我

21、十分乐意为你做任何事情 I am quite willing to do anything for you.21 A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honor next Thursday.in ones honor=in honor of sb.为向为向表示敬意,为纪念某人表示敬意,为纪念某人 很多人参加了为新经理举办的派对。很多人参加了为新经理举办的派对。Many people attended the party in honor of the new manager.这是为她举行的告

22、别演出。这是为她举行的告别演出。This is a farewell performance in her honor.22 It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement,Mr.Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years.Its is a curious coincidence that 纯属巧合,纯属巧合,真是奇异的巧合真是奇异的巧合 a total of 总共总共 她花在宴会上的钱总共达到了她花在宴会上的钱总共达到了200美元。美元。The m

23、oney she spent on the dinner party reached a total of$200.23 After he has retired,he will devote himself to gardening.For him,this will be an entirely new hobby.devote oneself to 致力于致力于,献身于,专心于,献身于,专心于 玛丽致力于帮助穷人玛丽致力于帮助穷人 Mary devotes herself to helping the poor.他把大部分的空闲时间都用于翻译那些作品他把大部分的空闲时间都用于翻译那些作品

24、 Most of his spare time was devoted to the translation of those works.24 But this does not matter,for,as he has often remarked,one is never too old to learn.matter v.有(沒有)關係有(沒有)關係,常使用一般時態,常使用一般時態 有关系吗?有关系吗?Does it matter?too.to do 太太而不能做某事而不能做某事 這道題太複雜這道題太複雜,我們解決不了。我們解決不了。The problem was too complicated for us to solve.


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