新目标英语七年级上册第四单元测试题(DOC 5页).docx

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1、新目标英语七年级上册第四单元测试题 姓名 _一、词汇。(5分)根据下图所示,完成句子中所缺少的单词1I have three _.2Here is a _ of keys.3Do you like your _ ?4I like playing _ very much.5There are two _ in the pencil box.6My _ is purple.Do you like it?7There are three keys on the _.8I can see a ball _ the table.9There is a pencil case _ the bag.二、(A

2、)根据句意,使用你所学过的介词填空,每个介词只能使用一次on, in, at, behind, between, next to, under1There are some birds _ the sky.2We can study this subject _ TV.3Shall we meet _ the bus stop?4My best friend sits _ me.He often helps me.576 is _ 75 and 77.6I dont want to fall _ others.(B)根据句意和首字母,完成单词。1.Thatisap_ofmyfamily. 2.

3、Hecansees_booksonthedesk.3.-Whereisyourbackpack? -Itsu_thebed.4.Ic_seemyCDsonit. 5.Mikeisb_thedoor.三、选择填空()1Every day I go to school with my _.AtableBsofaCTVDbackpack()2I find there _ no pencils in my pencil case.AisBareCbeDhave()3Are there any keys in the _ ?AdrawerBeraserCbaseballDpen()4Will you p

4、ut up my picture _ the wall, please?AinBonCatDunder()5There isnt a _ in the classroom.AchildBchildrenCpeopleDteachers()6 _ the baseball on the sofa? Yes, it is.AIsBAreCAmDDoes()7Look at the picture _ the right.AinBonCatDnext()8We usually play football on the school _.Areading roomBmeeting roomCplayg

5、round Dlibrary()9Do you know the _ between them?AdifferenceBdifferentCdifficultDdifficulty( )10Do you _ your ID card?Yes.I will bring it to school tomorrow.AwriteBreadCneedDlook( )11.-Wheresmysoccerball? -_underthebed.A.ItB.IsC.ItsD.Its( )12.-WhoisTina? -_girlnexttothetable.A.AB.TheC.AnD./( )13.-_be

6、hind_? Myalarmclock.A.Whats,thechairB.Wheres,thechairC.Whatare,thechairD.Whereare,achair( ) 14.Whereare_pens?Are_inthedrawer? A.my;they B./;they C.your;you D.his;them ( )15.Theyaremyfriends. Ilove_verymuch.A.themB.theyC.thethemD.heandshe四、连词成句。(10分)1.is,your,where,game,computer _?2.they,under,the,ar

7、e,bed _?3.these,to,take,sister,your,please,things_ .4.the,is,the,baseball,under,chair _.5.bring,can,here,you,some,things _?五、选择正确的人称代词和物主代词并用其适当形式填空。(10分)1_love_Englishfriends.(my,I) 2._isanEnglishstudent._nameisDavid.(he,his)3.ThatgirlisAnnasyoungsister._loves_verymuch.(she,her)4.MrZhang,_mathteach

8、er,_lovehim.(we,our)5.-Whatarethose? -_are_books.(their,they)六、单句改错,找出每句中的一处错误并改正。(10分)1.Whereisyourcomputergames? 2.Thereareabookandtwopensonthedesk.3.IamneedmyIDcardandmynotebook.4.Theseareherpencilscases.5.Thisisapictureonmyfamily6He finds his ID card on the dress.7There are some pencil in the ca

9、se. 8.Is the video cassettes behind the computer?9My hat is in the chair. 10There isnt any radios in the shop.七、从右栏中选出左栏各句的答语。(10分)1.AreyouTom? A.Yes,sheis.2.Whatsyourname? B.Itsherpencilcase.3.Whatsthatonthechair? C.No,Tomismybrother.4.Issheyouraunt? D.605-7068.5.Whatsyourphonenumber? E.MynameisRon


11、s_5_onthedesk.Hisbackpackis_6_thechair.Hiscoatisonthebed.Whereis_7_baseball?Itis_8_thedoor.Whatsthat?Oh,_9_acat!It_10_ahat.1.A.JimB.JimsC.Jims D.Jims2.A.aB.anC.the D.the3.A.isB.amC.are D.be4.A.atB.onC.in D.for5.A.keysB.asetofkeysC.asetofkey D.keies6.A.onB.inC.between D.out7.A.aB.theC.an D.8.A.behind

12、B.inC.underD.between9.A.ThatsB.ItC.Its D.Its10.A.looklikeB.lookC.lookslikeD.lookafter十、阅读理解:阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案Dear Sally,When you go to see your brother, you can take some things to him:his math book, which you borrowed last week, a baseball, notebook, CDs and video cassette.You both can play base

13、ball tomorrow afternoon.The CDs are needed listening by your brother.And you will enjoy the VCD together.The math book is on the dresser.The baseball is under the bed.The CDs are in the drawer.The video cassette is behind the computer.I have put them away.OK?Have a good time! Baby!Mum()1You will tak

14、e _ things to your brother when you go to see him.AfiveBsameCthree()2The math book is from _.AmotherBbrotherCSally()3Which of the followings are not taken with you?ACDsBbasketballCa notebook()4Why will you take a VCD?A To give it back to my brother. BTo watch it with my brother.B CTo sell it to my b

15、rother.()5Where is the video cassette?A Its on the computer. BIts in the drawer. B CIts behind the computer.十一、根据上下文,完成下列对话内容中所缺少的词语,每空一词,缩写算一词A:Excuse me, Mum.1my dictionary?B:2or Chinese?A:I want to look up a3word in my English text.I cant understand it.B:4it on your bookshelf?A:No, it5 Is it in6b

16、edroom? You used it just now.B:Oh, I am sorry.I put it7my dresser.Its in my bedroom.I will get it for8.A:It doesnt matter.9get it myself.B:By the way, youd better put10on the shelf after you finish your reading.IX.想想,画画,写写。(10分)同学们,你们有自己的书房(study)吗?请你把它画出来,并以MyStudy为题,向我们作一简单介绍。OK?要求:图画简单、明了;作文语句流畅,无语法错误,不少于6句话。


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