湖北省武汉市硚口区2021年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题(DOC 23页).docx

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1、【区级联考】湖北省武汉市硚口区2018届九年级上学期期中考试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1-_, do you know where I can get some postcards?-Sure. Theres a bookstore on the second floor.APardon meBThank youCNo problemDNever mind2Mike , please dont play computer games any more. Its twelve oclock-_. I am going to bed right now.AHave a go

2、od timeBSorryCOK, with pleasureDId like to3Would you mind _ the window?-_.Aopening; Of course notBto open; CertainlyCto open; Certainly notDopening; Of course4Are your shirts _ cotton?-Yes, they are. They look very nice.Amade inBmade intoCmade ofDmade from5_ was zipper invented?It was invented in 18

3、93.AHowBWhoCWhatDWhen6Miss Alice, I dont know why I cant get along well with my classmates.-You study well , nevertheless, you _ help the others.AwidelyBseldomCpolitelyDsilently7Toby, its time to go to bed. Its already 11:30 p. m.-Oh, I cant go to bed now. If I cant manage to finish the work tonight

4、, Ill be _Ain timeBin piecesCin personDin trouble8Bob, could you please help to work out the question?-Quite frankly, I do not have a _ answer for you.AdirectBlocalCwiseDproud9The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.-It _ that many people all over the world dri

5、nk Chinese tea.AsuggestsBdoubtsCseemsDbelieves10Whats your opinion on the accident?On the _ , it seems a simple story. But I dont think do.AfactBsurfaceCtruthDface11Whats the matter sir?-You are _ by law to wear a seat belt.AorderedBwarnedCruledDrequired12What are you busy with these days? I havent

6、see you for so long.-Were doing a _ on pollution.AprojectBformCcourseDnote13What would _ in the little village if the war went on for another year?-Its hard to imagine.AproduceBguardCremainDrequest14How well did David do in the game yesterday?-Great cheers went up when he _ in the final minute of ga

7、me.AfellBscoredCfailedDpunished15All of China was eager to learn _ after it went missing.-Yes, I am afraid it takes time to find out the answer.Awhere is flight MH370Bwhere flight MH370 isCwhere was flight MH370Dwhere flight MH370 was二、完型填空 Sunday is the last chance to catch your breath before anoth

8、er busy week starts. I grew up inSingapore and spent a number of years in Britain. Ive experienced Sundays in 16 countries. It may be the same day, but oh my, how 17 they are !You can easily 18 Sundays in Singapore from those in Britain. You just look at the 19 each country has with the sun. Singapo

9、re is a tropical(热带的) is land with two seasons: rainy and sunny. When it rains, its hot. When it shines, it 20 . This is why Singaporeans 21 to spend their time indoors. These days, indoor activities like trampolining (蹦床) are getting 22 among young people.In Britain, however, sunny days are 23 and

10、people try to make use of them as 24 as they can. While I was 25 my way to the library one Sunday. I met a group of college students outside. They enjoyed the sun as they wore their beach clothes.Sunday roast is by far one of the most British things about Britain. It 26 every weekend This is a 27 of

11、 roasted meat roasted potatoes and roasted or boiled vegetables , Of course, we eat lunch and dinner inn Singapore on Sunday. But British Sunday roast isnt just about the fool. Its a 28 to keep company (陪伴) with family and friends.One way of another , 29 you prefer trampolining or sunbathing(日光浴), S

12、undays in either country do have their 30 special charm (魅力)16AallBbothCeachDevery17Ainteresting.BboringCamazingDdifferent18AfindBnoteCtellDcreate19ArelationshipBattentionCdirectionDinfluence20Aboils.Bpolishes.CburnsDheats21AavoidBpreferCfailDadmire22Aactive.Bconvenient.CnormallyDpopular23AfewBsudde

13、nlyCnormally.Dexactly24AmanyBmoreCmuchDmost25AdiscoveringBmakingCpassingDspreading26AincreasesBreviewsCtreats.Dhappens27Ameal.Bgarden.CfestivalDfair28Abusiness.BtimeCpresentDtrick29AwhateverBwhenCwhetherDwhy30Ageneral.BprivateCcorrectDown三、阅读单选 Before moving to Xiamen in 1988, the American man Willi

14、am Brown had already lived in over cities around the world. At that time, he had no thought that he would spend the rest of his life Xiamen and enjoyed his life there so much.Now as a professor of management at Xiamen University, William has been teaching busier studies since 1989.In 1988, William a

15、rrived in Xiamen with his familyhis wife and two sons. Xiamen in the 1989 was not a nice place to live in. People burned coal and the air was polluted. Besides, the electricity awful. William said what made him stay in Xiamen was the people there.“In the 1980s, Chinese people used food coupons(粮票) t

16、o get meat, vegetables and oil.foreigners has no such tickets, and we could not use cash, either,” William said. “Many Chinese teachers sold their tickets to me, not to make money, but to offer a little kind help to a foreigner“During such festivals as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival

17、 , the Chinese teachers would invite my family to their homes. Even though they were not rich, they shared everything with us. Just one year later, I decided to live here permanently(永久地).”Looking back, William said the changes in Xiamen were amazing. “I knew the difficult time would pass, but I did

18、nt expect that the city would change so fast . The city now has good transportation and wonderful nightlife similar to Las Vegas.”Over the past years , William has taken his family travelling across China. They are amazed at the variety of Chinas natural beauty. But in Williams eyes, nowhere is more

19、 beautiful than his hometown in China Xiamen“I have been dreaming of Xiamen becoming an international city and I will live here forever.”William said.31What is William Browns job in Xiamen?AHe is a professor at Xiamen UniversityBHe is a businessman trading in food couponsCHe is an exchange teacher t

20、o study Chinese cultureDHe is a photographer to record the Chinas natural beauty.32How could people get meat, vegetables and oil in 1980 China?AThey used food couponsBThey asked foreigners for helpCThey processed by themselves.DThe government provided everything.33What made William decide to stay in

21、 Xiamen permanently?AThe air there is fresh and cleanBThe people in Xiamen are very friendlyCThe transportation is so convenient thereDThe natural beauty is the most fascinating34How is the city Xiamen now in William Browns eyes?AXiamen has become an international cityBXiamen is well known for its n

22、atural beautyCXiamen is a good place to achieve his dreamDXiamen is becoming a modern and lively city35What does the author want to tell us through William Browns story?AChina used to be very poor in 1980BThe Browns prefer to live in Xiamen rather than Las VegasCChina is developing so rapidly and be

23、coming more and more attractiveDSpring Festival and the Mid- Autumn Festival are very important in China. Once upon a time , there was a saint . In his final years, someone asked him about teachers from whom he had learned all wisdom, so the saint told him three stories:One day, I visited a village.

24、 It was late and no one was outside. At last, I saw a man who was trying to make a hole in a wall. I asked him if I could find a place to stay. He replied that I could stay with him if I didnt mind staying with a thief. I stayed with him for a month. Every night, he would go out to “work.” Mary time

25、s, he would come back with nothing. However, He never lost hope and said, “Tomorrow I will try again.” In the past years, there were many moments when I became so hopeless that I just wanted to give up what I was doing. And then suddenly, I would recollect the words of the thief.There was another da

26、y when I was walking along the bank of a river. I saw a dog who was very thirsty and wanted to drink water from the river. However, he was afraid of his own image reflected in the water. He looked into the river, barked and then ran away. He did this several times. Finally, he managed to take a drin

27、k from the river despite his fears.I met a little boy the other day in a small town. He was carrying a lighted candle with him. Iasked him , “Did you light the candle by yourself?” He said yes. I asked him again, “Then can you tell me where the light came from?” The boy laughed. He blew out the cand

28、le and asked me, “You see, I just put out the candle. Could you tell me where the light has gone?” I couldnt answer and he told me, “It has returned to where it came from. “Since then, I have dropped all conceit(自责).I have had no teachers, but it doesnt mean that I have nowhere to learn the wisdom o

29、f life.36What did the saint learn from the thief?ANever lose hopeBNever stay with a thiefCNever steal thingsDNever make a hole in a wall37Why didnt the dog drink water from the river at first?ABecause he was afraid of falling into the river.BBecause there was another dog barking at himCBecause he di

30、dnt think the water was clean enoughDBecause he was scared by his own image in the river38Whats the probably meaning of the underlined phrase “put out”?APut downBGo outCTake outDGive away39What can you learn from the stories?APeople shouldnt look down upon childrenBIt was not easy to be a saint in a

31、ncient timeCIt was great to overcome the fear in the beanDThe wisdom of life is from many different people40What is the best title of the passage?AHow to become a saintBThe wisdom of lifeCThe saint and his teachersDThe road to be a saint四、用单词的正确形式完成句子仔细阅读下面五个句子, 然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。

32、(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)describes accidents doubt discover realized absent41Careless driving causes many traffic _.42Sometimes he was _ from classes and failed his examinations43The book _ how tea plants were grown and used to make tea.44He _ that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.45I

33、t is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to _ tea as a drink.五、单词填空先阅读短文,再在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。Daniel isnt doing well at school and he is vey busy. Every week, he has drum lessons , tennislessons, chess club and swimming lessons. He has to do his homework l46 at night. D

34、anielsmum is worried about him because Daniel always feels u47. But she doesnt know why. Daniels isnt suffering from lacking confidence. He is suffering from having too much to do.Keep in m48 that attending school is your childrens most important activity. If yourchildren have too many off-campus ac

35、tivities, these activities may get in the way of school s49,You may help your children c50 two or three things they love doing. Even two is enough. When children have too much to do, they may have learning and emotional p51 . They dont have enough time to do their homework, play or sleep. It s52 as

36、if they are trying to squeeze their school work in.Children always do better at school and in everyday life when they are not u53 too much stress. When children feel very tired and stressed, parents need to help j54 the amount of work and activities in and out of school. Its p55 job to protect their

37、 children from having too much to do.六、材料作文56书面表达Hubei Provincial Museum 正在招聘小小解说员,面试要求用英语解说馆藏珍品,要点如下:1、位于武汉东湖之滨;2、拥有20多万件文物;3、最著名的国宝是编钟;4、青铜制造,演奏乐曲;5、请补充一至两点相关内容。提示词:cultural relics 文物; Chime Bells 编钟; bronze 青铜要求:1、不要逐条翻译,内容要连贯。2、词数:60词左右。3、格式已给出。Dear friends,_Thank you!参考答案1A【详解】句意:对不起,你知道我在哪里能买到

38、一些明信片吗?当然知道。在二楼有一个书店。Pardon me对不起,劳驾; Thank you谢谢你, No problem没问题, Never mind没关系。根据do you know where I can get some postcards?可知要想对方询问一些问题,故表示对不起,故选A。2B【详解】句意:迈克,请不要再玩电脑游戏。12点钟了。对不起。我马上就睡觉。Have a good time玩得高兴,Sorry对不起,OK, with pleasure 好的,我愿意; Id like to我想要去。根据Mike , please dont play computer games

39、 any more. Its twelve oclock和I am going to bed right now.可知迈克想要去睡觉,因此玩电脑游戏到12点钟,感到对不起,故选B。3A【解析】【详解】句意:你介意打开窗户吗?当然不。Of course not当然不, Certainly当然, Certainly not当然不是,Of course当然可以。根据mind doing sth介意做某事,故用动名词opening。故排除BC两项。Would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗?回答介意,应为Yes, please dont./youd better not/ Sor

40、ry / Im sorry.”(对不起)及陈述某种理由来表示拒绝或反对.回答不介意,应为:of course not /certainly not/not at all/never mind/it doesnt matter.故选A。4C【解析】【详解】句意:你的衬衫是棉质的吗?是的,它们是。它们看起来非常漂亮。be made in在.制作;be made into被制成;be made of由制成,能看出原材料, 原材料没有发生化学变化;be made from由制成,看不出原材料,原材料发生了化学变化。结合句意,此处表示衬衫是有棉花制成的,能看出原材料,故用be made of。故选C。5

41、D【详解】句意:拉链是什么时候被发明的?它是在1893年被发明的。考查特殊疑问句。How如何;Who谁;What什么;When何时。根据答语“It was invented in 1893.”可知,此处是对时间提问,故用疑问词when。故选D。【点睛】6B【详解】句意:爱丽丝小姐,我不知道我为什么无法和同学相处得好。你学习好,然而你很少帮助其他人。widely广泛地,seldom很少,politely礼貌地,silently沉默地。根据nevertheless可知前后表示转折关系,前半句表示你学习好,后半句表示你很少帮助其他人,故选B。7D【解析】【详解】句意:托比,到了睡觉的时间了。已经是晚

42、上11点30分。哦,我现在无法去睡觉。如果我今天无法设法完成工作,我将要有麻烦了。in time及时,in pieces成为碎片,in person亲自地,in trouble处于困难中。根据If I cant manage to finish the work tonight,可知如果无法完成作业,应是要有麻烦了,故选D。8A【详解】句意:鲍勃,你能帮忙解决这个问题吗?坦白地说,我不能给你一个直接的答复。direct直接的,local当地的,wise聪明的,proud骄傲的。根据句意,我能帮助你解决这个问题,但是没有直接的答案,故选A。9C【解析】【详解】句意:茶叶被包装好,被送往中国各地以

43、及许多不同的国家。似乎世界上有许多人喝中国茶。suggest建议,doubt怀疑,肯定形式时,后面接的宾语从句用疑问句,其否定形式,后面接that引导的陈述句。seem似乎,believe相信。根据句型It is believed that据相信.,It is suggested that据建议,It seems that“似乎”,故选C。10B【详解】句意:你对这次事故的观点是什么?表面上,它似乎是一个简单的故事。但是我不这样认为。考查名词辨析。fact事实,surface表面,truth真相,face脸。根据“But I dont think do”可知,我认为不是简单的,因此此处表示从表面上看它是简单的事,故选B。11D【解析】【详解】句意:先生,怎么啦?法律要求你系好安全带。order命令,warn警告,rule统治,require要求。根据by law可知此处表示法律要求人,故选D。12A【解析】【详解】句意:你这些天正在忙什么?我这么长时间没有看见你。我们正在做一个关于污染的项目。project项目,form表格,course课程,note笔记。根据I havent see you for so long.可知从事很长时间的,应是一个项


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