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1、Unit Six Writing the first draftTeaching Aims: Students should be able to 1. know some information about the first draft2. learn how to write the first draftTeaching PlanStructure and writing processWriting style of graduation thesisLanguage focusMajor elements for unity and coherenceMechanicWriting

2、 the introductionI. Structure and writing process1. Is it good towrite the firstdraft fastor slowly? Suggestion: Write it fastMake the trains of thought clearly Arrange details and generality properly Make a clear and exact statement, not in the topic but all through the thesisSet forth your stateme

3、nt in the introduction directly Use direct quotations properlyPut it aside for one or two days Write a sound conclusion 2. When you really start writing the first draft:1) You should make a plan, and each time focus on one chapter or part. Keep a short-term goal in mind and finish the paper step by

4、step.2) For each step, follow the natural process of writing:a. Brain-storming: Writing down whatever comes into your mind without stopping, just recording your ideas and feelings.b. Mind-mapping/clustering: Organizing ideas, expanding paragraphs, reflecting to the information and improving the flow

5、 of ideas.c. Consultation: getting inspiration and enlightenment from references or a focused purposeful discussion to enrich your ideas.d. Taking down constantly the new ideas in the process of writing. The exploratory pieces will develop your thinking, for writing not only reflects thoughts but ge

6、nerates them. Writing during all stages of research will help you refine your thesis statement and outline.II. Writing style of graduation thesis1. Usually, write in the third person, less use of “I, we you”Eg.In this thesis I want to discussThe present thesis attempts to discuss.Now I want to concl

7、ude that It is concluded that2. Write straightforwardlyThe style should be neither artificially formal nor as loose and relaxed as a personal letter.Eg. Writers dont usually.Writers do not usually.3. Always refer to individuals by their full name (given and surnames) or by surname alone.Never use th

8、eir first (or given) names alone.Eg. Steinem says/Gloria Steinem says.Not “Gloria says”4. Write as specifically as possibleAvoid sweeping statements.Eg. Everyone in China is learning E.Many people in china are learning English.Strive to say exactly what you mean and never let an audience guess at yo

9、ur intention.5. Change or eliminate wording that show bias toward a persons age, sex, race, political attitude, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or national origin unless such information is necessary to what you are writing. (or appears in a passage you quote.) Fairness should be evident in y

10、our own writing.6. Try to use direct quotation very sparingly in your thesis.No more than 30%7. Refer to a composition textbook or handbook for particulars about writing style and conventions.III. Language focus: Tense ChoiceTense choice in reviewing previous research is subtle and somewhat flexible

11、.原则1:当作者引用某人过去某个时间所做过的某一项具体的研究时,用一般过去时。原则2:在概括或总结某一研究领域里所做过的一些研究时,用现在完成时。原则3:在谈及目前的知识水平、技术水平或存在的问题时,用一般现在时态。 IV. Major elements for unity and coherence1. UnityMaintain the order and continuity not only for the chapters or sections but for the paper as a whole, presenting ideas, observations or gener

12、alizations in a logical and consistent sequence.2. Coherence1) Transitional words and phrases2) Pronouns3) Repetition of the key words and phrases4) Consistent point of view5) Integration of informationV. Mechanic1. Numbers1) In formal nonscientific writing, numbers from one to one hundred and numbe

13、rs that can be expressed in one or two wordsSeventy- five, three thousand2) Use numbers for dates, page, street, and telephone.3) A sentence should not begin with a numeral.Eg. Five hundred and seventeen people visited the gallery last week.Revised: Last week, 517 people visited the gallery.2. Abbre

14、viationAvoid abbreviations in the text of a research paper. Exceptions to this general rule include:Social titles: Mr. MsProfessional and honorary titles: Dr. ProfNames of countries and organizations: USAAbbreviations accepted as words: SARS, AIDS3. ItalicsIt may be used to provide emphasis.The use

15、of it should be kept to a minimum because an overabundance of italics reduces the impact of them all.4. Titles of works1) Titles in italicsBook, pamphlet, journal, newspaper, play, long poem, magazine, film, opera, tape, painting, musical composition2) Titles in quotation marksArticle in a journal,

16、magazine, newspaper, encyclopedia, compilation; short story; short poem; song; chapter in a book; lecture5. CapitalizationCapitalize the first and the last words in titles, the fist word after a colon and all other words with the exception of articles, preposition, and the word to in an infinitive.V

17、I. Writing the introduction1. Three purposes:1) Enlarge your readers, or involve your readers attention2) Present the thesis statement of your thesis3) Provide some background information so as to clarify the controlling idea or to make it stand out.2. ContentsPoint out the significance or value of

18、your thesisDefine the key or special term used in your thesisExplain why you have taken this particular aspect of your topicInform your reader of the various aspects of your topic other than the one you have chosenGive a pertinent anecdote that provides a direct means of leading into your topicShow

19、how you will approach your topic and organize your thesis3. Some tipsDo not simply repeat the titleDo not just tell what you propose to do in the thesisDo not feel compelled to repeat the thesis statement completely in the opening of the paperDo not ask a questionDo not give or list dictionary defin

20、itionsDo not write a cute or folksy opening4. Structure第一层:1) Introducing the general research area including its background, importance, and present level of development;2) Reviewing previous research in this area第二层: Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a r

21、elevant question第三层:Specifying the purpose of your research第四层:1) Announcing your major findings;2) Outlining the contents of your paper 5. Writing skills1) How to beginning Purpose: Narrowing down the topic引言开头(即第一层)最主要目的是告诉读者论文所涉及的研究领域及其意义是什么,研究要解决什么问题,目前状况或水平如何。 Problem:What is the subject of the

22、 research? What is the importance of this subject? How is the research going at present? In what way is it important, interesting, and worth studying? What problem does the research solve? For example:Environmental indicators(环境指数)attempt to accurately describe environmental conditions and make avai

23、lable scientifically valid information on environmental trends 研究主题是environmental indicators。环境指数的意义是能够精确地描述环境状况,并能够提供关于环境倾向的科学、有效的信息。 特点:首先,关键词往往出现在第一句话,回答What is the research area? 这个问题,迅速将主题告诉读者,避免转弯抹角,影响信息传递。然后简单介绍该研究领域的意义。 第二,引言开头句子的谓语动词或者是一般现在时态,或者是现在完成时态。这是因为这些动词所描述的是某研究领域的现状,而不是过去的情况。 开头句型:句

24、型1:研究主题+谓语动词be Fuel cell(燃料电池)is a technology for the clean and efficient conversion from chemical energy in fossil fuels to electricity 句型2: 研究主题+ has become Forest decline has become a favorite topic for environmental studies. 句型3:研究主题+ The importance of safe driving is now well established. 句型4:

25、Recently, there has been growing interest in / concern about + 研究主题 In the 1990s, there has been growing interest in the development of electric vehicles in response to the public demand for cleaner air. 句型5: Recently there have / has been extensive / increasing /numerous publications / literature /

26、 reporting on + 研究领域 There have been numerous publications over the last ten years on the need for nursing education to keep pace with the increase in knowledge of biological science. 句型6: Researchers have become increasingly interested in +研究领域 或:Researchers have recently focused their attention on

27、 +研究领域 Researchers have become more interested in environmental indicators. 2) Literature review文献综述是学术论文的重要组成部分,是作者对他人在某研究领域所做的工作和研究成果的总结与评述,包括他人有代表性的观点或理论、发明发现、解决问题的方法等。在援引他人的研究成果时,必须标注出处,即这一研究成果由何人在何时何地公开发表。a.文献出处的标注 目前最常见的体系有两种,一种是作者+出版年体系,另一种是顺序编码体系。 模式1:作者(年代)十谓语动词主动语态+研究内容成果 Also, Fay (1991)

28、found cooperative group projects integrated into science class to be successful experiences for students. 模式2:研究内容成果+谓语动词被动语态+(作者年代) Success at this Science Day was found to be linked to parental support (Czemiak 1996). 模式3:It has been十谓语动词被动语态+by作者(年代)+that从句 或:It has been+谓语动词被动语态+that从句(作者年代) 研究内

29、容成果+谓语动词被动语态+by作者(年代) It was found by Czemiak (1996) that success at this Science Day was linked to parental support. 或:It was found that success at this Science Day was linked to parental support (Czemiak 1996). 如果引用的文献有两个以上的作者,只标明第一作者,后面用拉丁文et al表示,意思是“等人”、“其他人”。 标注参考文献另一种常见体系是按文献出现的先后顺序编号,置于方括号中,

30、标在指引部分的右上角。被引用的作者、文献名、出版时间、地点等列入论文后面的参考文献中。其顺序要与正文中标注的顺序一致。 b. 文献综述中的动词运用技巧 (1)两类动词 文献综述中常用state, note,observe,discuss,establish,find,present等动词。这些动词有两种特性,一种是描述性动词,客观地向读者介绍他人的工作;另一种是评价性动词,在一定程度上代表了作者对他人的工作的理解、解释或态度。文献综述中常用的描述性动词有:describe,discuss,explain,examine,present,state等。常见的评价性动词有:affirm,alleg

31、e,argue,assume,claim,imply,maintain,presume,reveal,suggest等。 2)动词时态 文献综述中最常见的时态是一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时三种时态。使用不同的动词时态会给句子的意义带来变化,基本原则如下: 原则1:当作者引用某人过去某个时间所做过的某一项具体的研究时,用一般过去时。It was found by Czerniak (1996) that success at this Science Day was linked to parental support.原则2:在概括或总结某一研究领域里所做过的一些研究时,用现在完成时原则

32、3:在谈及目前的知识水平、技术水平或存在的问题时,用一般现在时态。 (3)衔接手段 如果综述中多处需要引用同一个作者或同一篇文章,那么,需要用一些连接手段使上下文衔接,让意思流畅、连贯,并起到提醒读者的作用。 a. The author goes on to say that b. The article further states that c. The author also states / argues / believes that d. The author concludes that 3) 如何写研究动机与目的 在介绍了他人在某领域的工作和成果之后,下一步便介绍作者自己的研究

33、动机、目的与内容。介绍研究动机可以从两个角度入手,一是指出前人尚未解决的问题或知识的空白,二是说明解决这一问题,或填补知识空白的重要意义。 主要句型有: 句型1:用表示否定意义的词例little,few,no或none of+名词作主语。 aLittle informationattentionworkresearch bFew studiesinvestigationsresearchersattempts cNo studiesdatacalculations dNone of these studiesfindingscalculations Eg. Unfortunately, few

34、 educational opportunities exit to teach farmers and rural homeowners effective water supply management. 句型2:表示对照的句型。 a. The research has tended to focus on, rather than on b. These studies have emphasized, as opposed to c. Although considerable research has been devoted to, rather less attention ha

35、s been paid to 句型3:提出问题或假设。如: a. However, it remains unclear whether b. It would thus be of interest to learn how c. If these results could be confirmed, they would provide strong evidence for d. These findings suggest that this treatment might not be so effective when applied to e. It would seem, t

36、herefore, that further investigations are needed in order to 本研究的目的和内容,要解决哪些问题,以填补上述空白,或者证明所提出的假设。 a. The aim of the present paper is to give b. This paper reports on the results obtained c. In this paper we give preliminary results for d. The main purpose of the experiment reported here was to e. T

37、his study was designed to evaluate f. The present work extends the use of the last model by g. We now report the interaction between h. The primary focus of this paper is on iThe aim of this investigation was to test jItisthe purposeof the present paper to provide 4)如何写引言的结尾 研究目的完全可以作为引言的结尾。也可以简单介绍一下文章的结构及每一部分的主要内容,从而起到画龙点睛的作用,使读者了解文章的轮廓和脉络。 至于研究结果,在引言中完全可以不写。研究结果是结论部分最主要的组成部分。在介绍全文的结构时,要避免使用同一个句型结构,如,Sections l describesSection2analysesSection3discussesSection 4 summarizes这样,每句话用同样的词开头,句型结构显得单调、枯燥乏味。 Homework: Check your first draft13 / 13


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