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1、学习-好资料1完形填空Do you know how to study _1_ and make your study more effective (有效的)?We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long_2_, This is very good ,but it doesnt_3_a lot ,for an effective student must have enough sleep ,enough food and enough rest and _4_. Every day you need t

2、o go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. Its good for your_5_.When you return _6_your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒)and youll learn more_7_study better. Psychologists (心理学家)_8_ that learning takes place this way. Here take English learning _9_ an example. First you ma

3、ke a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems _10_ the same. So you will think youre learning _11_ and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks, yet you _12_ give up, and at some point your language study will again take another big _13_. Youll see that you rea

4、lly have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying, English can be very effective and _14_ . Dont give up along the way. Learn _15_ you are sure to get a good result(结果).1. A. well B. good C. better D. best2. A. days B. time C. hours D. weeks3. A. help B. gi

5、ve C. make D. take4. A. exercise B. homework C. running D. clothes5. A. healthB. body C. study D. life6. A. after B. for C. at D. to7. A. yet B. and C. or D. but 8. A. have found B. have taught C. told D. said9. A. with B. for C. as D. to10. A. to have B. to make C. to take D. to stay11. A. somethin

6、g B. anything C. nothing D. everything12. A. mustnt B. couldnt C. neednt D. may not13. A. work B. jump C. walk D. result14. A. hard B. common C. possible D. interesting15. A. slowlyB. fast C. quickly D. happily名师点评本文以学语言为例告诉我们学习应当劳逸结合,循序渐进。而不应该急于求成,半途而废。答案简析1. C。这是总领本文的一句话,就是如何能够学的更好。另外根据and后面的more

7、effective可知这里应选与之并列的比较级better,而不是原级well。2. C。for a long time 表示很长一段时间,a不能省略。故只能选for long hours。3. A。help a lot 这里指学习时间长并不会对学习结果有很大的帮助,也就是并不起决定作用。4. A。对于一个学生来讲,不仅需要足够的睡眠、食物、休息, 还需要足够的身体锻炼。故选exercise。文章的倒数第二句有提示。5. C。上面两句话都是对学习有益的一些事情。6. D。“return to” 这里指返回到, 也就是从上述的活动中返回到学习中。7. B。表示并列。8. A。首先根据从句是一般现

8、在时可排除C、D两个选项,再根据文意,心理学家发现,可知选A。9. C。“take sth as an example” 为固定词组,意为“以为例”。10. D。stay the same 表示“维持原样”, 也就是没有任何进步了。11. C。根据第10题, 因为学习停滞不前,所以你就会觉得没学到什么东西。故选nothing。12. C。mustnt表示禁止,语气最为强烈。neednt表示没必要。couldnt和may not均表示猜测。13. B。take another big jump 表示有大的飞跃或进展。14. D。表示学习也会变得生动有趣。A。learn slowly意为“慢慢学”

9、,也就是说不要急于求成,应循序渐进。2完形填空 Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like 1 . Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fi

10、re engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 3 in autumn. People say orange is a 4 color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of _5_. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in _6_. People say it is a ref

11、reshing color. In general, people _7_ two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and _8_. Where there are warm color and a lot of light, people usually want to be _9_. Those who like to be with _10 _ like red. The cool colors are _11_ and blue. Where are these

12、 colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to _12 _ more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good _13_ for a living room or a _14_ . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. _15 colors are better for

13、 some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.1. A. sadnessB. angerC. administrationD. smile2. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places 3. A. landB. leaves C. grass D. mountains4. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening 5. A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. stars 6. A. summer B

14、. spring C. autumnD. winter 7. A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell 8. A. greenB. yellow C. white D. gray 9. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful 10. A. the other B. another C. other one D. others 11. A. blackB. green C. golden D. yellow 12. A. go roundB. go by C. go off D. go along 13. A. one B.

15、 way C. fact D. matter 14. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital 15. A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. All名师点评不同颜色往往可以代表不同的心情。根据不同颜色的特点以及给人留下的感觉,颜色的选择在日常生活中往往也起着一定的作用。本文以其中的一些颜色为例作了相关的解释说明,是一篇知识性很强的文章。答案简析1B。根据上文的strong feeling可知anger最合乎文意。2C。下文所列举的例子STOP signs和 fire engines都属于危险信号,故选择dang

16、er。3B。根据常识,黄色应是秋天树叶的颜色,故应选leaves。4A。下文提到人们把黄色和幸福联系起来,说明黄色是一个充满生机的颜色,故选lively。5C。下文提到黄色是令人愉快的颜色,根据常识太阳光的颜色是黄色,故选sunlight。6B。绿色是春季里草的颜色,故选spring。7C。speak后面往往接某种语言作宾语;say后面常接说话的内容;tell的宾语一般是人;talk about sth.意为谈论某事物。故C为正确选项。8B。根据上文对yellow的解释。说明yellow也属于warm color。9C。与下文喜欢冷色调的人相对应,再根据上文对各种暖色调的选择,active合乎

17、文意为正确选项。10D。others相当于other people意为“别的人”。another指“另一个”。other one不可单独使用,the other one指“另外的一个”。11A。四个选项中只有black可归纳到冷色调当中去。12B。go around意为“到处走动”;go off 意为“离开,爆炸”;go along意为“前进,进行”;go by意为“走过,流逝”。根据文意,应选go by。13B。way根据上文,暖色调的环境下时间似乎过得更慢,说明暖色调是用来装饰居室和饭馆的好方法,故选择way。14C。比较四个场所只有饭馆适合使用暖色调。15B。与暖色调相对立,冷色调适用于

18、办公室,以使人感觉时间过得比较快。 3完形填空For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In some _1_ countries, people can turn on their _2_ and shop for clothes, jewelry, food, toys and _3_ things.Teleshopping is becoming popular

19、in Sweden. _4_, the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in fifteen European countries, and in one year, it makes $10 million. In France, there are two teleshopping channels, and the French _5_ about $ 20 million a year in buying things through those channels.In Germany, _6_

20、 last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for one hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can _7_ for telebusiness, including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. German _8_ are hoping these will help them

21、sell more things.Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without _9_. With all the traffic problems in cities, going shopping is not an easy thing. But at the same time, other Europeans _10_ like this new way of buying things. They call _11_ “junk on the air.” Many

22、Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things _12_ on TV. They think high quality is the most important thing, and they dont believe they can be sure about the quality of the things _13_.The need of high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be _14_ the American c

23、ompanies. They will have to be more careful about _15_ of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see by themselves.1. A. EuropeanB. AsianC. AmericanD. African2. A. lightsB. switchesC. radiosD. TVs3. A. some elseB. another manyC. the ot

24、herD. many other4. A. Such asB. For exampleC. For teleshoppingD. It is like5. A. takesB. costC. spendsD. spend6. A. to B. untilC. unlessD. by7. A. beginB. leaveC. openD. turn on8. A. peopleB. womenC. businessmenD. officials9. A. to go outB. going outC. to buy thingsD. buying things10. A. stillB. don

25、tC. evenD. wont11. A. teleshoppingB. TVC. radioD. telephone12. A. appearingB. coming outC. for saleD. to buy13. A. in the shopB. on TVC. they boughtD. by this way14. A. the same withB. different fromC. as big asD. larger than15. A. the numberB. the qualityC. the placesD. the buyers名师点评本文介绍了发源于美国并流行于

26、欧洲各国的电话购物法,说明了电话购物法的发展情况以及受大众欢迎的原因,同时也指出了这种购物法存在的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的途径。答案简析 1. A。上文讲到电话购物法在欧洲也开始起步,本句承接上文,对欧洲的情况作进一步介绍,因此,应选European。2. D。电话购物法,应通过看电视选择物品,然后电话订购, 故应选TVs。3. D。else为副词不用来修饰名词作定语。the other things意为“别的所有商品”不合文意,选项many other things意为“别的许多商品”为正确选项。4. B。such as中的as为介词,因此该词组用于列举时,后面常直接接名词或名词性短语。

27、而for example用于列举时与后面例子常用逗号隔开。因此B为正确选项。5. D。分析句子,不难发现本句使用了“spend money in dong something”这一结构,且主语the French为第三人称复数,故应用spend的原形。6. B。该句子表示“在德国,每天电话购物法仅在一个频道播放一个小时,这种情况一直持续到去年”,表示某状态一直持续到某个点时间,应用“until + 点时间”。7. C。这里open表示“开放,开张,营业”,本句表示电影频道对电话购物实行了开放政策,可用来进行电话购物。8. C。很明显,电话购物法为商人销售产品提供了一个极佳的渠道。因此本句表达了

28、商人的愿望。9. B。without为介词。后面应跟动词的-ing形式。根据文意,going out应为正确选项。10. B。根据本句开头的But以及下文内容,这里提到的是对电话购物持反对态度的人。故选dont。11. A。一些人不喜欢电话购物法,称其为“垃圾”。故应选teleshopping。12. C。人们担心的是电视上正在销售的产品的质量。A,B意思不对。for sale表示“待售”,为正确选项。13. B。电话购物法令人们担心的是电视上展销的商品的质量,而不是商店里的商品,也不是已经买到手的商品。故选on TV。14. B。根据上文,欧洲人的购物观念与美国人有所不同。因此电话购物公司也

29、得采取不同的措施。固定结构be different form意为“不同于”为正确答案。15. B。根据上文,消费者关心的是质量。因此电话购物公司必须对质量倍加小心。故选择quality。4完形填空Rosa liked making up stories. She was so _1_ that her classmates believed her from time to time. In fact, the whole class believed her! At first she supposed it was _2_. Now, as she got up to _3_ before

30、 the class, She knew that make believe stories had some way of coming back to make you sad.Rosas parents were separated. Nine months out of the year, Rosa lived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street. But when summer _4_, she went to her fathers farm in Arizona.The farm was great! Rosa r

31、ode horses and _5_ with some farm work. Her father, however, was so _6_ that he couldnt find time to go places with her. When she arrived each summer, her father would _7_ her at the airport and take her out to eat. And the day she went back to the _8_ he would always buy her a present.When summer c

32、ame to a close, Rosa _9_ to her mother. At school she heard lots of stories her friends told about their family trips. Rosa wished she had a _10_ to talk about.Not long after _11_ began, Rosa was looking through travel magazines in the school library. They talked about many exciting _12_, like Engla

33、nd and Germany. When Rosas friends asked what she had done that summer, she made up something that was not _13_. Remembering the travel magazines she had looked at, she told her classmates that she and her father had gone to _14_.When the class began studying England, Mr. Thomas asked Rosa to tell a

34、ll the things she could _15_ about her trip to England!1. A. afraidB. worriedC. sureD. happy 2. A. joke B. funC. turn D. game3. A. talk B. teach C. show D. travel4. A. passed B. arrived C. lasted D. changed5. A. made B. played C. helped D. did6. A. weak B. pleasedC. busy D. lonely7. A. show B. visit

35、 C. meetD. send8. A. farm B. cityC. family D. school9. A. wrote B. calledC. moved D. returned 10. A. family B. schoolC. teacher D. farm11. A. meeting B. schoolC. summer D. talk12. A. people B. cities C. languages D. places13. A interesting B. true C. longD. same14. A. England B. GermanyC. farm D. ho

36、me15. A. think B. see C. remember D. read名师点评本文讲述了父母已离异的罗莎喜欢编谎言骗人,从中获得乐趣。暑假过后其他同学都在谈假期中的家庭旅游时,罗莎只得自欺欺人,骗大家说她与爸爸去了英国。结果上课时,老师让她谈英国的情况时,她无话可说了。答案简析1. C。罗莎的谎言经常让同学们信以为真,说明她骗人时自信心强,把握大。故选择sure.。2. B。与下文罗莎自欺欺人相对应,一开始她认为骗人是件快乐的事,故选择fun。3. A。根据文意,经过这件事后她意识到骗人其实就是骗自己,这种意识在平时与大伙交谈时更为强烈,故选talk。4. B。夏天到时,罗莎就会到

37、爸爸农场去度假,故选arrive。5. C。help with sth. 意为“帮助干些事情”。6. C。爸爸没时间陪她去其它地方游玩,说明爸爸很忙,故选busy。7. C。这里meet表示爸爸去机场接她。8. B。在农场度假结束后,罗莎应返回城里,故选city.9. D。根据文意暑假结束了,罗莎要返回到妈妈身边。故选returned.10. A。与上文相对应,她的朋友都在谈假期与家人的旅游,罗莎因此希望拥有一个完整的家庭。11. B。假期结束了,新学期又开始了,且下文讲到了学校里的事情,故选school。12. D。下文的例子既不是城市也不是人或语言而是两个国家,只有选places。13.

38、B。别人问起她夏天的旅游情况时,她只有编织一些不真实的事情骗大家,故选true。14. A。下文老师让她讲在英国旅行的情况,说明她骗大家去了英国,故选England。15. C。老师让罗莎对过去的事情进行回忆并讲述,故选remember。5完形填空Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story _1_ their children. And they must have realized how difficult it is to write a _2_ childrens book. E

39、ither the author has aimed (定目标) too _3_, so that children cant follow what is in his ( or more often, her ) story, _4_ the story seems to be talking to the readers.The best childrens books are _5_ very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy(令人满意的) the _6_ who hears the story and the adult(成年人) who

40、_7_ it. Unfortunately(不幸的是), there are in fact few books like this, _8_ the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not _9_ to solve. This may be why many of the books regarded as _10_ of childrens literature(文学) were in fact written for _11_ “Alice in Wonderland” is perhaps the most obvious(明

41、显)of this. Children, left for themselves, often _12_ the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or a _13_ and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative (并非想象的 ) way, or have a look at the most childrens comics(连环图书), full of the stories and

42、jokes which are the rejections of teachers and righting-thinking parents.Perhaps we parents should stop _14_ to brainwash(洗脑)children into accepting(接受)our taste in literature. After all, children and adults are so _15_ that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I supp

43、ose well just have to compromise(妥协)over the bedtime story.1. A. toB. inC. withD. around 2. A. short B. long C. bad D. good 3. A. easy B. short C. high D. difficult 4. A. and B. but C. or D. so 5. A. both B. neither C. either D. very 6. A. child B. father C. mother D. teacher 7. A. hearsB. buys C. u

44、nderstands D. reads 8. A. but B. howeverC. so D. because 9. A. hard B. easy C. enough D. fast 10.A. articles B. work C. arts D. works 11. A. grown-ups B. girls C. boys D. children 12. A. are B. show C. find D. add 13. A. school B. home C. office D. library 14. A. going B. liking C. trying D. preferr

45、ing 15. A. same B. friendlyC. different D. common名师点评本文说明了写一本供孩子读的好书并非一件容易的事,并且告诫家长不要一味强迫孩子接受大人的观点,因为孩子和大人在兴趣方面不尽相同。本文具有一定的教育意义,有助于改变家长一些错误的观点。答案简析C。read to somebody 意为“读给某人听”,to后面接动作的对象。D。根据下文可知,存在的困难在于如何把孩子们的书写好。故选 good。C。书中的内容让孩子们无法理解,说明作者的目标定得高。故选 high。4. C。与前文either 对应,这里应用or. “eitheror” 意义为“要么要么”。5. B。与下半句的nor 对应,这里应用neither。 “ neithernor” 意为“既不也不”。A。satisfy的宾语除了读故事的成年人以外,当然就是听故事的孩子。故选child。D。孩子听的故事越来越少,家长把讲故事当成读故事。故选reads。C。前后两句形成因果关系,所以应用so引导结果状语从句。 B。上文讲好书越来越少,说明去发现好书并非是容易的事。故选easy。B。名词 works 意为“作品”。A。根据后面所举的例子以及文意,现在被认为是孩子们读的作品,实际上是为成年人所写的。故


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