开心英语四年级上册英语知识归纳和练习复习卷(DOC 23页).doc

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1、 Unit 1 School Subjects 复习卷 姓名:_一、 重点单词:English英语 Chinese语文 music音乐 art美术 math数学 .体育 science科学subjects 科目(复数) like 喜欢 and 和 rice 米饭 mice 老鼠(复数) face(脸)dance (跳舞) ice cream(冰淇淋)二、 人称代词:人称代词:I(我) you(你) he(他) she(她) it(它) we(我们) they(他们) you(你们) 三、Do引导的一般疑问句:你喜欢.吗主语为第三人称单数:问句: Does he/she like + 科目 答语

2、:Yes,he/she does. /No, he/she doesnt.(1) - Do you like math - Yes,I do. 你喜欢数学吗 是的,我喜欢。(2) - Do you like science - No,I dont. 你喜欢科学吗 不,我不喜欢。 (3) $(4) - Does he/she like art -Yes,he/she does. 他/她喜欢美术吗 是的,他/她喜欢。(5) -Do they like music - No,they dont. 他们喜欢音乐吗 不,他们不喜欢。四、询问别人喜欢什么科目主语为第三人称单数:问句: What subje

3、cts does he/she like 答语: He/She likes + 科目.(1) $(2) - What subjects do you like - I like art and music. 你喜欢什么科目 我喜欢美术和音乐。(3) - What subjects do they like - They like . and Chinese. 他们喜欢什么科目 他们喜欢体育和语文。(4) - What subjects does he/she like - He/She likes art and music. 他/她喜欢什么科目 他/她喜欢美术和音乐。(5) - What s

4、ubjects does Tony like - He likes English and music. 汤姆喜欢什么科目 他喜欢英语和音乐。)1、 看图写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2选出正确的句子。&( )1.A. Does you like English B.He likes music. C. I likes .( )2.A.Yes,I dont. B. No,I dont. C.Yes,he do.( )3.A.What subjects do you like B.What subjects do he like C.What subject does she like( )

5、4.A. I like art and music. likes art and music. C.He like science.( )5.A. Do you likes Chinese B.Does she like math C.Does he likes English3、单项选择。( ) 1.- _ do you like - I like Chinese. A. What B. Who C. How ( ) 2. I _ English,but Jenny_ math. A. likes;like B. like;likes C. like;like( ) 3. Does _ li

6、ke science A.HeB.IC.she( ) 4. I want to buy _art book. A. A B. a C.an( ) 5. -What do the mice like to do - They like _on the fence. A. dance B.plays C.to play4、看图回答问题。1、- Do you like music - _.2、- What subjects do you like - _.3、- Does Jenny like science - Yes,_.4、- Do they like math - _.;Unit 2 Sch

7、ool Activities 复习卷 姓名:_一、重点单词: paint/ painting read/ reading sleep/ sleeping sing/ singing 画画 读书 睡觉 唱歌write/ writing study/ studying play/ playing run/ running 写字 学习 玩耍 跑步 swim/swimming fish/fishing do/doing skate/skating 游泳 钓鱼 做 滑冰二、重点句型:询问别人正在干什么(6) - What are you doing - I am singing. 你正在做什么 我正在唱

8、歌。(7) - What are they doing - They are playing. 他们正在做什么 他们正在玩耍。(8) - What is he doing - He is running. 他正在做什么 他正在跑步。(9) - What is she doing - She is reading.: 她正在做什么 她正在看书。(6) - What is Jenny doing - She is painting. Jenny 正在做什么 她正在画画。:、 coming be + V-ing: He is playing soccer. I am eating. like + V

9、-ing: I like reading books. She likes singing and dancing.三、练一练。1、根据中文意思默写单词,并写出其V-ing形式。|画画_ 读书_ 睡觉_ 唱歌_ 写字_ 学习_ 玩耍_ 跑步_ 钓鱼_游泳_ 滑冰_ 做_2、问答配对。( ). What is Tony doing A. No,they arent. ( ). Where are my yellow shoes B. Hes playing a game.( ). What are they doing C. Yes,I do. ( ). Are they fishing D.

10、They are behind the door.( ). Do you like math E. They are singing.3单项选择。( )1. - _ you doing - Im singing. .Whats . Whatre C. What ( )2. - _ she doing - Shes drawing. .Whats . Whatre C. What ( )3. He dancing now.¥ . Are . am C. is ( )4. Gogo eating. . / . are C. is ( ) _ _now. . Is;cooking . /;cook

11、C. are;cooking ( )6. We _ sleeping. .are . is C. / ( )7. He is _ . , . run . runing C. running ( )8. Shes . . writing . write C. writeing ( )9. They reading. . / . are C. is ( )10. Tony and Gogo _ fishing. . is . / C. are 4、 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Today is Sunday. Jenny,Tony and Gogo are in Sun Wen Park. Its

12、a nice day. What are they doing in the park Look!Jenny is running. She likes . Tony is painting. He likes art. What about GogoWhere is he now Oh,hes there. Hes singing and fishing. He likes fish. He likes eating.( ) is _. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Wednesday ( ) go to _. A. school B. a park C. a zoo(

13、)3. _ painting. A. Tonys B. Jennys C. Gogos ( )4. Gogo is not _. A. singing B. running C. fishing ( ) Which is the best(最好的) title(题目) - _. A. A nice day B. Running C. Gogo likes fish 5、选词填空 am is are1.What _ you doing I _ painting.2. We _ playing basketball.3. What _ Jenny doing She _ singing.4. Mi

14、ke and Tom _ reading books.Unit 3 My Week复习卷 姓名:_一、重点单词Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday week星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 周/星期.today violin ball mom birthday holiday weekday今天 小提琴 球 妈妈 生日 假日 工作日具体某天前+介词on:on Monday, on Tuesday二、重点句型 询问今天是星期几 (1)- What day is it today - Its Mond

15、ay / Tuesday / Wednesday 今天是星期几 今天是星期一/星期二/星期三.询问别人星期几做什么 (1)-What do you do on Monday - I play the violin on Monday.% 你星期一做什么 我星期一拉小提琴。 (2)- What do they do on Tuesday - They play soccer on Tuesday. 他们星期二做什么 他们星期二踢足球。 (3)- What does he do on Wednesday - He plays the piano on Wednesday. 他星期三做什么 他星期三

16、弹钢琴。 (4)- What does she do on Thursday - She plays ping-pong on Thursday. 她星期四做什么 她星期四打乒乓球。 (5)- What does Tony do on Friday - He goes swimming on Friday. Tony星期五做什么 他星期五去游泳。乐器 (乐器前要加the):violin piano drum guitar 小提琴 钢琴 小鼓 吉他球类(球类前不加the):soccer ping-pong basketball baseball football badminton tennis

17、 足球 乒乓球 篮球 棒球 足球 羽毛球 网球人名后+ s: 表示某人的 例如:Tonys 托尼的 Tonys book Moms 妈妈的 Moms birthday !一般现在时:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的动作或状态:第三人称单数+V-s: He goes swimming on Friday.动词三单形式:1. 一般在动词后+s: play- plays, sing sings, read reads, want wants 例句: Tony wants a book. She likes running. 2. 特殊变化:have has, go goes, do does 例句:He

18、 goes to school at 7:00.三、 练一练。 1、根据图片写英文。)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2、选择题。1)( ) What day_ today A. is it B. it is C. it2)( )What do you do _ Tuesday A. AreB. AmC. Is3)( )I play _ on Monday. A. the violinB. violin4)( )-What do you do on Sunday - _. A. I play tennis. B. She plays tennis. C. It plays tennis.,5)(

19、 )-What are these - _. A. They are arts book. B. It is a art book. C. They are art books.3、连词成句。1. Tuesday , is , today(.)_2. play, I , on,piano,the,Friday(.)_3. on, Thursday, what, do, do, you()_.4. you, on, soccer, do,Thursday,play()_.4、问答配对。( )1. Whats that A. Yes,I do. ( )2. What day is it today

20、 B. Its a basketball.( )3. What do you do on Monday C. Im reading.( )4. Do you swim on Friday D. Its Friday.:( )5. What are you doing E. I play the violin.5、选出不同类的词,把字母编号写在括号里。( )1. A. science B. music C. book ( )2. A. peach B. sister C. apple ( )3. A. hot B. badminton C. cold ( )4. A. spoon B. have

21、 C. fork ( )5. A. ruler B. tall C. short 6. 根据首字母和句意,补全单词。 1. In the west(西方), S_ is the first day of the week. 2. We go to school from M_ to F_.3. There are seven days in a w_.4. The last(最后)day of a week is S_.5. W_ follows Tuesday.7. 根据图片提示补全,每空一词。;1.What do you do on _. I _ _.2. My sister can pl

22、ay _ _. 3. What day is it today Its _.8. 根据图片信息补全对话。A: _ _ is it today %B: Its Tuesday.A: Do you play basketball on TuesdayB: _, I _. I play _ on TuesdayA: _ do you _ on SundayB: I do kung fu on Sunday.A: What about FridayB: I _ _ on Friday.Unit 4 My Day复习卷 姓名:_一、重点单词:get up have breakfast go to sch

23、ool have lunch get home do homework起床 吃早餐 上学 吃午饭 回家 做作业have dinner go to bed lake time tomorrow wake up go to sleep吃晚饭 睡觉 湖 时间 明天 醒来 睡觉twenty-one thirty forty fifty: 21 30 40 50二、重点句型:询问现在几点 (1)- What time is it - It is 6:00/ 5:45. 现在几点了 现在6点/5点45分。询问别人几点去做什么 具体时刻前+介词at:(1)- What time do you go to s

24、chool - I go to school at 8:00. 你几点去上学 我8点去上学。(2)- What time do they get up - They get up at 7:00. 他们几点起床 他们7点起床。(3)- What time does he have lunch - He has lunch at 11:45. 他几点吃午饭 他11点45分吃午饭。(4)- What time does she get home - She gets home at 5:30. 她几点回家 她5点半回家。(5)- What time does Gogo have dinner -

25、He has dinner at 7:10. 高戈几点吃晚饭 他7点10分吃晚饭。?一般现在时:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的动作或状态:三单+V-s: He goes swimming on Friday.动词三单形式:1. 一般在动词后+s: play- plays, sing sings, read reads, want wants 例句: Tony wants a book. She likes running. 2. 特殊变化:have has, go goes, do does 例句:He goes to school at 7:00.三、练一练。1、看图写单词短语。 _ _ _

26、_ ? _ _ _ _2、单选题。1)( ) Its time go to the swimming pool. A . at B. to C. on2)( )What time Tony get home A . does C. is(3)( )What time do they dinner A . get B. have C. eating 4)( ) I like . A . coffee B. coffees C. coffeese 5)( ) - Have some coffee - _ A . Not. B. Thank you. C. I dont.3、 问答配对。( )1.

27、What time do you go to school A. At 9:00 .、( ) you often study on Saturday B. Its Monday.( ) do you do on Friday C. Usually I watch TV.( ) time do you go to bed D. No,I dont.( )5. What day is it E. I go to school.4、 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1、 七点了,该是时候起床了。Its _. Its _ to _ _.2、 - 你在干什么 - 我在看电视。- _ are you doin

28、g - _.3、 - 你喜欢什么 - 我喜欢音乐和美术。- _ do you like -I like _ and art.4、 - 你什么时候吃午饭 -我通常12点吃午饭。-_ _ do you have lunch - I usually have _ _ 12:00.Unit 5 My Body复习卷 姓名:_#一、重点单词:eye/eyes ear/ears nose mouth hand/hands arm/ arms leg/legs foot/feet touch眼睛 耳朵 鼻子 嘴巴 手 手臂 腿 脚 触摸open close body head dance peach tea

29、ch lunch March watch打开 关闭 身体 头 跳舞 桃子 教 午餐 三月 观看二、重点句子:表示命令的祈使句: 祈使句一般以动词原形开头(1)Touch your nose! (2)Open your mouth! (3)Close your eyes! 摸摸你的鼻子! 张开你的嘴巴! 闭上你的眼睛!* (4)Clap your hand! (5)Stamp your feet!拍拍你的手掌! 跺跺你的脚!This is(这个是) 和These are(这些是) That is (那个是)和 Those are (那些是)This is his body. This is a

30、nose. That is his mouth. These are my eyes. Those are his ears.这是他的身体。 这是一个鼻子。 这是他的嘴巴。 这些是我的眼睛。 那些是他的耳朵。he his:他 - 他的 his noseshe her: 她 - 她的 her feet $I my: 我 我的 my mouthcan + V-原: I can sing. She can dance. Can you touch your legs Yes, I can. / No, I cant.lets + V-原: Lets get home. Lets have breakfast. Lets go now.like to +V-原: I like to go shopping on Sunday. I like to get up at 7:00 in the morning.like + V-ing: I like reading books. She likes singing and dancing.三、练一练。#1、根据图片写单


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