牛津上海版初中英语各单元知识点汇总(DOC 10页).doc

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1、六年级上模块课次UnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21 Family and relatives1.How questions2.Wh-questions3.Adverbs of frequency always/usually/sometimes频率副词2 I have a good friend1. adverbs of frequency and time : always/just already/never2. present perfect tense1.频率和时间副词2.现在完成时3 Spending a day out together1. Wh- questions 2.

2、 present perfect tense:3.How questions 4. simple future tense going to1.现在完成时2. 一搬将来时2-34 What would you like to be?1. modal verb: would/would not2. Wh- questions3. connective: because1.情态动词would的用法2.连词5. Open Day1.simple future tense “will”2.adverbs of sequence3. simple future tense4. prepositions:

3、 at/on/in1.一般将来时2.副词3.介词6. Going to school1.How questions2. connective: when3. a few ,some, a lot of 1.连词2.不定代词7.Rules round us1. modal verb: must /must not2. imperatives1. 情态动词must 的用法2.祈使句2-38. The food we eat1. Wh- questions 2.present perfect tense3. prepositions: at/in1.现在完成时2.介词的使用选择9 Picnics a

4、re fun1. modal verbs: shall /would/may2. connective: because1. 情态动词shall用法2.连词的使用选择10.Healthy eating1. a little, some, plenty of, a lot of2. adjectives to make comparisons3.modal verbs: should/should not1.不定代词2.形容词比较级3. 情态动词should用法11.Lets make a pizza1. noun phrases2. adverbs of sequence3. preposit

5、ions: below/above/on/in1.名词短语2.副词3.方位介词重点:介词:at, on, in,情态动词:would, must, shall,一般将来时,现在完成时,不定代词:a few, some, a lot of六年级(下)一. 共分为11个单元,各单元容为:六年级下模块课次UnitGrammar考点/易错点2-31. Great cities in Asia 1. How questions2. preposition: by3. gerund: like/enjoy/love doing4. adverbs to show position 1. 注意语序 2. 表

6、方位的副词 2. At the airport 1. preposition: in, for2. present perfect tense 1. 介词:in, for2. 现在完成时 3. Dragon Boat Festival 2. modal verb: would3. prepositions: with, without4. connective: but1. 情态动词用于情景交际 2. 介词: with3. 连词的使用选择 4. Staying healthy 1. Wh-questions2. How questions3. connective: because4. adv

7、erbs of degree and frequency1. 注意语序 2. 连词的使用选择3. 频率副词 2-35. What will I be like? 1. adjectives to describe people2. simple future tense3. modal verb: have to4. adverbs of sequence 1. 一般将来时 2. 情态动词用于情景交际 3. 副词 6. Seasonal changes 1. modal verb: must2. many, not many3. connective: because 情态动词用于情景交际 7

8、. Traveling in Garden City 1. pronouns to show quantities2. adjectives to make comparisons3. simple future tense 1. 形容词many和not many的用法 2. 一般将来时 8. Windy weather 1. connective: when2. modal verbs: can, may, should3. adverbs of manner 1. 连词的使用选择2. 情态动词用于情景交际 9. Sea water and rain water 1. connective:

9、 if2. preposition: by 1. 连词的使用选择2. 介词:if 10. Forests and land 1. preposition: from2. adjectives to describe objects 1. 介词:from2. 形容词 11. Controlling fire 1. modal verbs: may, must2. there be3. prepositions: outside, near, on 1. 情态动词用于情景交际 2. There be 句型:主谓一致 3. 介词对位置的描述 重点:情态动词用于情景交际,介词:for, if, wit

10、h, from,there be句型,一般将来时七年级(上)一. 共分为11个单元,各单元容为:七年级上模块课次UnitGrammar考点/易错点1-21.Relatives in Beijing1.adjectives to make comparisons2. nouns and adverbs to show position3. How questions1.比较形容词2.方位名词和方位副词2.Our animal friends1.Wh-questions2.How questions3. imperatives祈使句3.Friends from other countries1.p

11、reposition:near、far away from2.Wh-qquestions3.present perfect tense1.方位介词2.现在完成时2-34.Jobs people do1. Whquestions2.Yes/No questions3.simple present tense4.simple past tense1. 注意语序2.一般现在时3.一般过去时5.Choosing new flat1.imperatives2.prepositions of position1.祈使句2.方位介词6. Different places1.there be 2.Wh- qu

12、estions3.present continuous tense4.connectives: when /because1.there be句型2.现在进行时3.连词7. Signs around us1.modal verbs: can/must(not)2.Wh-qestions情态动词2-38.Growing healthy, growing strong1. so/neither2.connective: if3. modal verb: used to4.quantifiers to describe amounts1.so./ neither.句型2.连词 if3情态动词4.数量

13、词 9.International Food Festival1.Wh-questions2. How questions3. simple past tense4. imperatives1.一般过去时2祈使句1o.A birthday party1.simple future tense” going to”2. adverbs of sequence3. modal verb: would like1.一般将来时2.副词3.情态动词11.My food project1.Wh-questions2. How questions疑问句型重点:祈使句,方位介词,副词,现在完成时,so/nei

14、ther句型七年级(下)一. 共分为11个单元,各单元容为:七年级下模块课次UnitGrammar考点/易错点2-31.Writing a travel guide1. Wh-questions2.modal verb: can3.connective: if1.情态动词用于情景交际2.if连词的使用2. Going to see a film1.prepositions:into,along2.so./neither.1.介词2.so./ neither.句型 3.A visit to Garden City1. prepositions: for,since2.present perfec

15、t tense1.介词的使用2.现在完成时4.Lets go shopping1.prepositional phrases and adjectives to describe objects2.simple present tense1.介词短语、描述形容词2.一般现在时1-25. What can we learn from others?Connective: although1.连词的使用6. Hard work for a better life1.adjectives to describeevents2.start doing1.描述形容词7. In the future1.s

16、imple future tense “will”2.agreement and disagreement1一般将来时2. 个人观点,赞同与否 8. A more enjoyable school life1.modal verb: would2.reflexive pronouns to identify people1.情态动词2.反身代词的使用1-29. The wind is blowing1.adjectives to make comparisons and describes people2. adverbs of sequence 3. pronouns to identify

17、 possessions 1. 描述、比较形容词 2. 副词3. 物主代词的使用 10. Water Festival1.connective: when2.imperatives3.prepositions: near,at1.连词2.祈使句3方位介词11. Electricity1.Wh-questions2. How questions注意述语序重点:介词的使用,代词:物主代词,反身代词,形容词, 现在完成时八年级(上)一. 共分为7个单元,各单元容为:八年级上模块课次UnitGrammar易考21.Penfriends1. Asking Wh-question2. Asking How

18、-question3. Using a and an1. Wh-句型2. How-句型3. a/an 的使用2.Work and play1. The simple past tense2. Adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency1. 一般过去时2. 表示频率的形容词和副词3. Trouble1. The simple past tense2. Adverbial phrases for the past1. 一般过去时2. 过去分词作状语1-24.Numbers1. Cardinal and ordinal numbers2. Decimals

19、and fractions3. Instructions and statements about number1. 基数词和序数词2. 分数和小数3. 关于数字使用的说明5.Encyclopaedias1. Countable and uncountable nouns2. Using another and (the) other1. 可数名词和不可数名词2. another /other/ the other 的运用1-26.Nobody wins 11. The simple future tense2. Adverbs and adverbial phases for future1

20、. 一般将来时2. 表示将来的副词和副词短语7. Nobody wins 21. Preposition of location2. Using some and any3. Using somebody/someone/sh1. 表示方位的词2. some/any的使用3. Somebody/someone/something 重点:一般过去时,可数不可数名词,基数词,序数词,过去分词作状语八年级(下)一. 共分为7个单元,各单元容为:八年级下模块课次UnitGrammar易考21.TressThe present continuous tense.现在进行时2.WaterTalking a

21、bout amounts对于a lot of/a few/a little/not many/none/much 的考查3. Electricity1. modal verbs2.can must may3.object clauses 1. 情态动词tell/hope/notice/agree的用法24.Newspaper1. modal verbs2.should,ought to3.objects clauses1.should/ought to 句型2.宾语从句5.Magazine article1.Using pronouns2.Adverbial clauses1. 名词的运用状语

22、从句26.TravelUsing conjunctions: and, but,so1. 连词 and but so 的使用the /a /an的使用7.Poems1.Using who and whose2.Using mine yours,his hers ours theirs 3.Using one and ones1.who/whoes 的用法2.mine/hie/hers/ours/theirs 等物主代词的用法3.one/ones的用法重点:连词and but so的使用,状语从句,宾语从句,should/ought to句型,情态动词的用法,现在进行时九年级(上)一. 共分为7

23、个单元,各单元容为:九年级上模块课次UnitGrammar易考2-31:Ancient Greece The present perfect tense 现在完成时(句型转换易考) 2. Traditional skills Passive voice被动语态(句型转换易考) 3. Pets 1. Passive voice2. Using adverbs 2-34. Computer 1. Comparison of adjectives2. Comparison of adverbs 形容词和副词的比较级(特殊形式的二级易考) 5. The human brain Using infini

24、tives不定式的用法(用it 做形式主语的句式易考 6. Detectives Using infinitives7. Escaping from kidnappers Using adjectives形容词的使用 重点:不定式的用法,形容词副词的比较级,现在完成时九年级(下)一. 共分为5个单元,各单元容为:九年级下模块课次UnitGrammar易考31. Saving the Earth 1. Using (not) asas to compare things2. Adverbial clauses3. Verbs with-ing状语从句(句型转换易考) 2. Life in the future The past continuous tense过去进行时 3. Going places The past perfect tense过去完成时 34. All about films and TV Reported speech间接引语(句型转换易考点) 5. A story by Mark Twain Relative clauses with who, that or whichWho,that,what 引导的 关系(定语)从句/写作经典句(提分项) 重点:定语从句,状语从句,间接引语,过去进行时,过去完成时


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