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1、Module 8 Unit 1 Thewritten wordVocabulary牛津高中英语(模块八 高二下学期)How did you spend your quarantine(隔离期)?Self discipline!How did historical figures spend their quarantine?Giovanni Boccaccio薄伽丘The DecameronAlexander Pushkin普希金Eugene OneginM8U1 THE WRITTEN WORD1.Vocabulary2.Welcome&Reading I3.Reading II:Langu

2、age points4.Grammar5.ProjectLevel 1 Acquaintance 认识单词Level 2 Formation&Expression了解词形变化,近反义词,常用短语等Level 3 Usage掌握如何运用词汇M8U1 VOCABULARY?cemetery?criminal?twist?plot?theme?painter?workhouse?millionaire?home-made?sneaker?pin?envelope?brand new?chest?bookworm?fiction?antique?chapter?opera?soap opera?aut

3、horLEVEL 1?holy?widow?monument?romantic?paragraph?rhyme?melodie?in tune?thou/thee?rigid?farewell?bonnie?lass?melt?attic?stepmother?stepsister?Ireland?wrap?Scotland?supremeLEVEL 1drama(n.)dramatic(adj.)LEVEL 2The National Health Commission(卫健委)reported a dramatic drop in numbers of confirmed cases of

4、 coronavirus.drama(n.)dramatic(adj.)poetry n./u./-poem n./c./-poet n.诗人-poetic adj.abuse(v.&n.)abusive(adj.)tension(n.)tense(adj.)civil(adj.)有教养的,有礼貌的;国民的,平民的;民事的 civilization(n.)violent(adj.)violence(n.)threat(n.)threaten(v.)threatening(adj.)bind-bound-bound binding 捆,绑;联合;约束spin-spun-spun spinning

5、 使快速旋转;使急转身;纺纱;吐丝结网;n.旋转spit-spat-spat spitting 吐唾沫reunite(v.)reunited(adj.)-reunion(n.)reform(v.&n.)reformation(n.)reformed(adj.)rescue(v.&n.)rescuer(n.)LEVEL 2FORMATIONLEVEL 2be characteristic of sb/sth=be typical of为所特有辨析:characteristic character区别于他物的特征性格、品质、角色、符号1.characteristic adj.典型的,独特的;n.特

6、征,特点Honesty is his main _.The _ of a person is more important than his social status.characteristiccharacterLEVEL 2be desperate for=be eager for 渴望adv.desperately 拼命地,绝望地2.desperate adj.拼命的,绝望的,渴望的n.desperation in desperation 拼命地,绝望地LEVEL 23.generous adj.慷慨的;宽厚的be generous to sb/with sth/in doing st

7、hIt is generous of sb to do sthn.generosity 慷慨,宽宏大量Hanhong is generous in giving help to hospitals in Wuhan.It is generous of Hanhong to give help to hospitals in Wuhan.LEVEL 24.vain adj.虚荣的,自负的,徒劳的in vainbe vain about/of sth 对很自负徒劳无益,白费力气All our efforts were in vain.Shes too vain to wear glasses.LE

8、VEL 25.bent adj.弯曲的;驼背的;不诚实的n.天赋,爱好have a bent on sth 对有天赋bent on(doing)sth 决心要做She seems bent on making life difficult for me.决心做某事:make up ones mind to do;determine to do;be determined to do;decide to do;make a decision to do 6.on the run 躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波相关词汇:in the long/short run 从长远/短期来看相关词汇:live thr

9、ough live on live with live by doing (ones reputation/name/expectation.)经历(灾难或其他困境)而幸存继续活着靠做某事(赚钱)为生与住一起;忍受7.live up to 达到,符合LEVEL 28.vice n.恶行,恶习,罪恶相关词汇:vice president 副总统vice principal 副校长vice versa 反之亦然LEVEL 29.worn out 相关词汇:wear sb outwear outwear downwear awayMedical workers are worn out after

10、a long and intense day working to fight against the coronavirus.adj.精疲力竭的,破烂不堪的使某人筋疲力竭穿破,磨损使消瘦,使厌烦消磨,打发,虚度LEVEL 210.modern-day adj.现代的,当代的11.rag n.破布,破衣服;抹布12.debt/det/b不发音 n.债务,欠款相关词汇:day-to-day D-dayin rags 衣衫褴褛日常的计划行动开始日in debt/owe a debt/pay off a debt相关词汇:debit creditLEVEL 2LEVEL 213.resist v.反

11、抗,抵制,抵挡近义词:oppose,rejectn.resistanceadj.resistant 有抵抗力的;resistible 可抗拒的opp.irresistible 不可遏制的1.He cant help showing off his new car.2.He cant resist showing off his new car.3.He is not resistant to show off his new car.4.He has no resistance to show off his new car.LEVEL 214.adore v.热爱,喜爱(不用于进行时)adj

12、.adorable 值得崇拜的;可爱的adore sb for sth 因某事而敬重某人adore doing sthLEVEL 31.intend v.打算,计划,想要intend to do/doingintend sb to dointend that+sb(should)do intended adj.be intended to do sthbe intended for 为而打算/设计的intention n.意图,目的,打算 have the intention to do/of doingFill in the blanks:1.他此次访问旨在增进两国间的关系。His visi

13、t _ strengthen ties between the two countries.2.这本书是写给中级水平的读者的。This book _ readers of intermediate level.3.一直以来这就是我的风格。我没想要改变它。This has always been my style.I _ of changing it.4.他们建议一年内施行这项计划。(put into practice)They _within one year.is intended tois intended forhave no intentionintended that the pla

14、n(should)be put into practiceLEVEL 32.touch on 谈及,涉及?(2011全国卷 书面表达)Global Mirror兼顾了国内外新闻。?(2015全国卷 书面表达)谈到前往养老院的时间,这不仅需要考虑我们自己的日程,还需考虑老人们的作息。?(2011全国卷 书面表达)Global Mirror兼顾了国内外新闻。?(2015全国卷 书面表达)谈到前往养老院的时间,这不仅需要考虑我们自己的日程,还需考虑老人们的作息。Global Mirror covers/touches on/deals with/refers to both national and international news.Talking of/Concerning/When it comes to/In terms of/With regard to the arrival time,consideration must be given both to our schedule and the elderlys daily routine.THANK YOU!


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