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1、12022 学年第二学期奉贤区高三英语练习卷学年第二学期奉贤区高三英语练习卷考生注意:1.考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 140 分。2.本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。3.务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the endof each convers

2、ation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and thequestions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,readthe four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the questionyou have heard.1.A.Twice a day.B.T

3、hirty minutes a day.C.Twice a week.D.Thirty minutes a week.2.A.In the bookstore.B.In the zoo.C.In the museum.D.In the library.3.A.Forty yuan.B.Thirty yuan.C.Thirty-five yuan.D.Forty-five yuan.4.A.Apainter.B.Atailor.C.Ahair-dresser.D.An architect.5.A.He is not lazy at all.B.He prefers online shopping

4、.C.Hes on the way to a physical store.D.He considers shopping offline a waste of time.6.A.Maybe Edward will be late.B.Nobody will be here on time.C.Edward will certainly be here on time.D.He is not sure about Edwards arrival time.7.A.She preferred to go to work on foot.B.She had to save money for he

5、r journey.C.She didnt like the culture of the company.D.She thought the trip to her work time-consuming.8.A.The woman should buy some new clothes.B.The woman should not worry about her weight.C.The woman should lose 10 pounds as soon as possible.D.The woman should gain 5 more pounds for a better loo

6、k.9.A.The man did very well in the exam.B.The woman wants to help the man.C.The woman owes the man some money.D.The man helped the woman before the exam.10.A.Only true friendship can last long.B.Letter writing is going out of style.C.She has lost contact with most of her old friends.D.She keeps in r

7、egular touch with her old classmates.Section B2Directions:In Section B,you will hear two passages and one longer conversation.After eachpassage or conversation,you will be asked several questions.The passages and the conversationwill be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you

8、hear a question,read thefour possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question youhave heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A.Provide free meals to the local poor.B.Help people connect with each other.C.Help eliminate class differen

9、ce in his area.D.Provide customers with first-class service.12.A.It does not use volunteers.B.It is open around the clock.C.It does not supervise its employees.D.It donates regularly to a local charity.13.A.They will see the importance of communication.B.They will come to the caf even more frequentl

10、y.C.They will care less about their own background.D.They will find they have something in common.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A.Because both are enjoyable.B.Because both are essential to life.C.Because both writers and cooks can earn a good living.D.Because both wri

11、ters and cooks have to work long hours.15.A.Because they rely on quick notes.B.Because they have a computer to do it.C.Because they have excellent secretaries.D.Because they prefer making phone calls.16.A.Writing is a long process full of pains.B.Practising writing is of great importance.C.Practisin

12、g writing is an inspiration to cooking.D.Writing shares common features with cooking.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17.A.He fell down but without serious injury.B.He was obviously experienced in skiing.C.He was neither good at skating nor skiing.D.He had no problem s

13、tanding up with skis on.18.A.Learn advanced skiing techniques.B.Attend a basic skating class for a try.C.Take a skiing class for beginners.D.Ask the staff for further information.19.A.Walking.B.Jumping.C.Sliding.D.Turning.20.A.Start to learn skiing from the man.B.Start to learn fundamental ski skill

14、s.C.Start to learn how to skate on the ice.D.Start to learn how to skate on the ground.II.Grammar and vocabulary3Section ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent andgrammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the p

15、roper form ofthe given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Are exclamation marks necessary?!Punctuation is so important in writing that it is one of the first things you learn in school.It isa universal code with different marks to help with the meaning of(21)_ is being

16、written.As is known to us,it(22)_ indicate the end of a sentence,a question or in theexclamation marks case a strong emotion.Without an exclamation mark in the correct place,awarning road sign might read,“Children please drive slowly”(23)_ _“Children!Please drive slowly”.An exclamation mark is a val

17、id form of punctuation(24)_ origin can be tracedback to a 14thcentury Italian scholar.The exclamation mark informs the reader that there arestrong feelings in the words.Although it is up to the reader(25)_(grasp)exactly whatthat emotion is,its a useful signal.Also,exclamation marks on road signs hel

18、p to keep peoplesafe.As punctuation expert Philip Cowell writes,“Theres a meaningful difference between duckand duck!”Of course,using them too much(26)_(make)exclamation marks losetheir purpose but that doesnt mean they are useless.However,(27)_ matters how punctuation is used.Some writers argue tha

19、texclamation marks are never truly necessary.Famous author Terry Pratchett writes that someonewho uses multiple exclamation marks is likely to wear“underpants on his head”.Perhaps this isbecause they seem shouty and forced,(28)_(give)away a writers need to tell thereader how to read a sentence.Its(2

20、9)_(good)to leave them out and let the readerreact to the words on their own terms.A good writer can create emotions with just words andsentences,(30)_ thats fear,wonder or joy.Exclamation marks make the writer seemdesperate and can be tiring to read.One writer described them as“the cockroach of the

21、punctuation world”,meaning they are everywhere,and they are pests.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.Each word can be usedonly once.Note that there is one word more than you need.Will AI be the first to discover ET or alien life?From the hills of West Virgi

22、nia to the flats of rural Australia,some of the worlds largesttelescopesarelisteningforsignalsfromdistantaliencivilizations.Thesearchforextraterrestrial(地球外的)intelligence,known as SETI,is an effort to find signals that might havecome from a(n)_31_ civilization in a far-away solar system.Machine lear

23、ning,a subset ofartificial intelligence(AI),is used to help astronomers quickly filter the vast amounts of data.AsAI reshapes many scientific fields,what _32_ does it hold for the search for life beyondEarth?“It is a new era for SETI research that is opening up thanks to machine-learning technology,

24、”says Franck Marchis,a planetary astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View,California.When it comes to analyzing data,going through millions of observations _33_ isntpractical.A common _34_ method is to use algorithms(算 法)that look for signalsmatching astronomers expectation.But those algori

25、thms can overlook _35_ interestingsignals that are slightly different from what astronomers are expecting.When it comes to AI,machine-learning algorithms are _36_ on large amounts of dataand can learn to recognize the Earthly interference.Thus,it makes them very good at _37_out the noise.Machine lea

26、rning is also good at picking up the extraterrestrial signals that dont fallinto conventional _38_ and so might have been missed by earlier methods,says DanWerthimer,a SETI scientist at the University of California,Berkeley.Peter Ma,a mathematicianA.manuallyB.alternativeC.approachesD.trainedE.promis

27、eF.sortingG.categoriesH.advancedI.potentiallyJ.equivalentK.anticipating4and physicist at the University of Toronto,Canada,agrees.“We cant always be _39_ whatET might send to us,”he says.Still,SETI will probably continue to use a mixture of classical and machine-learning_40_ to screen through data,sa

28、ys Jean-Luc Margot,an astronomer at UCLA.Classicalalgorithms remain excellent at picking up candidate signals,and machine learning is“not acure-all”,he says.“The machines cant do it all,yet,”agrees Werthimer.III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there a

29、re four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.One summer midnight several years ago,standing outside a wooden cabin in Michigan River,I looked up.The sky was filled with thousands of stars,the sight of which was almost enough tomake

30、 me,a non-believer,offer a word of _41_ up into the star-filled sky.But to whom?Perhaps to Johan Eklof,author of The Darkness Manifesto.As a bat scientist,Eklofs work on bats requires a specific kind of darknessthe _42_kind,unpolluted by light.But this category of darkness is _43_.In the 1980s,Eklof

31、 tellsreaders,two-thirds of the churches in Swedens southwest housed bat colonies.Not any longer.“Today,forty years later,research Ive done with my colleagues shows that this number has beenreduced by a third,_44_ light pollution and other factors.Because the churches are all_45_ like carnivals(嘉年华)

32、in the night,”he writes.“We are surrounding ourselves withlight.”Excess light is incredibly _46_ to the complex eco-systems nocturnal(夜间活动的)animals inhabit.It _47_ away the bats that Eklof studies.It frightens light-sensitive moths,leaving them easily _48_ to predation(捕食)or flying endlessly into li

33、ghts that will neverreturn their love.Baby turtles crawl away from the shoreline toward the lights of distant coastalcities and reef fish eggs go unhatched.Birds do not migrate _49_ and even they forget tosing.Modern advancements such as LED lights could significantly reduce some of the worstimpacts

34、,but they have not.At least,not yet.It is worth mentioning that middle-aged writer like Eklof can _50_ for a darker world for darkened campuses and unlit parking lots.But darkness is not safe for everyone.We need toaddress the social issues that make lighted places so _51_ in the first place.The bot

35、tom line:We can change if we want to.Some of the solutions to light pollutionmotion-detecting lights,shielded lights that do not _52_ light upward,artificial light withwavelengths that is similar to natural lightare already within our grasp,if we just _53_them.“We could just turn it all off,but I gu

36、ess we dont want to,”said Eklof in a recent interview.“_54_,its vital we find a middle way.”Right now it is hard to know what that middle way might look like.In 50 years,every citycould be equipped with an array of programmed and _55_ low-impact LED lights.Or wemight have completely forgotten what d

37、arkness isthe sky filled with little moons.41.A.honourB.gratitudeC.optimismD.determination42.A.artificialB.brilliantC.faintD.absolute43.A.achievedB.distractedC.enhancedD.threatened44.A.resulting fromB.bringing aboutC.judging byD.contributing to45.A.decoratedB.restoredC.litD.faded46.A.effectiveB.sens

38、itiveC.positiveD.destructive47.A.scaresB.blowsC.pullsD.turns48.A.accustomedB.subjectC.availableD.restricted49.A.on dutyB.in turnC.on timeD.in public50.A.stimulateB.advocateC.negotiateD.account51.A.challengingB.appealingC.demandingD.outstanding52.A.absorbB.stretchC.transformD.reflect53.A.reach forB.a

39、pply toC.long forD.adapt to554.A.ThereforeB.FurthermoreC.HoweverD.Instead55.A.fundamentallyB.scientificallyC.environmentallyD.economicallySection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements.For each of them there are four choice

40、s marked A,B,C and D.Choose theone that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)When I was so small that my head barely touched the windowsill,we lived in the evergreenforests of Vermont.Our home was far,far away from any town or city,but that was the way we

41、liked it.Some winters,it got so cold that the river would freeze,which was unusual for water like that,water which ran so fast and deep.It felt as though time had stopped near the river,and so it haddecided to become solid,settling in to wait for spring.We liked to skate on that river,mygrandfather

42、and I,even though the ice was uneven and his brown leather skates was so old.One night,in the most frigid winter my young mind could recall,long after I should havebeen asleep,I caught my grandfather sneaking out of the front door,his ancient leather skates inhis hands.He looked sheepish when he saw

43、 me,like I had caught him doing something silly,but Iwas so young that I thought no adult could ever do wrong.Especially not my grandfather,becausehe was the model of wisdom in my eyes.“Grandpa,where are you going?”I asked.“Skating on the river.”“Why would you go out now?We did that yesterday mornin

44、g.”He looked a little thoughtful,and then he said:“Its just that when you go out there,on thecoldest,stillest night of the year,and you lie on your back on the thick,bubbled river ice,you canhear them.”“Hear who?”“The fish.Trapped there under the ice.You can hear them singing their watery winter son

45、g.And if you hold your breath,you can almost hear the stars singing in harmony.”56.The underlined word“sheepish”is closest in meaning to“_”.A.quietB.calmC.frightenedD.embarrassed57.Why did my grandfather sneak out that cold midnight?A.To enjoy the charm of a peaceful night.B.To perfect his skating s

46、kills by practice.C.To catch the fish trapped under the ice.D.To breathe the fresh air in the forest.58.What can we infer from the passage?A.It was unusual for a fast-flowing river to freeze in midwinter.B.My grandfather and I enjoyed skating because of the uneven ice.C.I admired my grandfather for

47、his wisdom and outlook on life.D.I was glad to hear the stars singing together with my grandfather.59.The author writes the passage mainly to _.A.describe the joy of living in a mountainous areaB.highlight how embracing nature can purify usC.keep record of the carefree childhood memoriesD.explain wh

48、y skating is such an appealing sport(B)6New big packfrom SierraDesignsThe latest pack fromSierra Designs is theGigawatt 60L.Thepack has an adjustableback system that fitsback lengths from40cm to 53cm.Its made from durable300D polyester.Features include a zippedtop and side access,oversized side andf

49、ront pockets.The Gigawatt 60L weighs1.84kg and costs Scarpa upgrades itsMaestrale bootsMaestrale Re-Made ski bootsare made from Polymer takenfrom around three tons ofleftover materials.Creating aRe-Made boot from Polymeremits 27%less carbon dioxidethan creating a classic boot from plant-based PebaxR

50、new,which emits 32%less carbon dioxide thanFossil-based Plastics.The design and manufacturingprocess behind the Re-Made boot were developed byScarpas Green Lab,the production departmentdedicated to sustainable solutions.A pair costs 500.scarpa.co.uk/ellis-VasqueBreeze getssustainableupdateThe well-e


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