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1、中考英语总复习精品课件 Unit 1Step1.读单词读单词Step2.读课本读课本Step3.词组词组 1.work with friends 2.make flashcards 3.make vocabulary lists 4.ask sb.for help 5.study for a test 6.read aloud 7.in that way 8.speaking skills 9.the best way to do sth.和朋友们一起学习和朋友们一起学习制作抽认卡制作抽认卡制作词汇表制作词汇表向某人寻求帮助向某人寻求帮助为考试而学习为考试而学习大声读大声读用那种方式用那种方式

2、口语技巧口语技巧做某事的最好方法做某事的最好方法10.10.具体具体的的建议建议11.11.比如比如12.12.玩得开心玩得开心13.13.一点也不一点也不14.14.感到兴奋感到兴奋15.15.结束结束16.16.学习英语的方法学习英语的方法17.17.做调查做调查18.18.看英语电视节目看英语电视节目19.19.记英语笔记记英语笔记20.20.犯错误犯错误21.21.知道怎么做某事知道怎么做某事22.22.使使发音发音准确准确23.23.许多,大量许多,大量24.24.进行大量的写作练习进行大量的写作练习10.specific suggestions10.specific suggest

3、ions11.for example11.for example12.have fun12.have fun13.not at all13.not at all14.get excited 14.get excited 15.end up doing/with 15.end up doing/with sthsth.16.ways of learning English16.ways of learning English17.do a survey17.do a survey18.watch English language TV18.watch English language TV19.

4、keep an English notebook19.keep an English notebook20.make mistakes20.make mistakes21.know how to do 21.know how to do sthsth.22.get the pronunciation 22.get the pronunciation rightright23.a lot of23.a lot of24.get much writing practice24.get much writing practice首先首先开始开始练习讲英语练习讲英语后来后来,随后随后嘲笑嘲笑造句造句子

5、子害怕害怕做某事做某事秘诀秘诀记记笔记笔记做做某事困难某事困难写写下下查阅查阅编编对话对话全世界全世界25.first of all25.first of all26.to begin with26.to begin with27.practice speaking 27.practice speaking EnglishEnglish28.later on28.later on29.laugh at29.laugh at30.make sentences30.make sentences31.be afraid to31.be afraid to32.a secret of doing 32

6、.a secret of doing sthsth.33.take notes33.take notes34.have trouble doing 34.have trouble doing sthsth.35.write35.write downdown36.look up36.look up37.make up conversations37.make up conversations38.around the world38.around the world39.讲母语者讲母语者40.英语的英语的重要重要41.作为作为第二语言第二语言42.谈论谈论43.看英语看英语杂志杂志44.参加英语

7、参加英语俱乐部俱乐部45.笔友笔友46.获奖获奖47.和某人和某人讲话讲话48.的意思的意思49.学习学习工具工具50.确保确保51.对付,处理对付,处理52.担心担心53.路过,推移路过,推移39.native speakers40.the importance of English41.as a second language42.talk about43.read English magazines44.join the English club45.a pen pal46.win a prize47.speak to sb.48.the meaning of49.learning to

8、ols50.make sure51.deal with52.worry about53.go by54.regard as55.change into56.young adults57.try ones best58.with the help of59.think of60.think about61.break pare to63.talk to sb.把把当做当做把把变成变成年轻人年轻人尽力尽力在在的帮助下的帮助下想起想起考虑,思考考虑,思考中断中断比较比较对某人讲对某人讲Step 4.Step 4.句型句型1.How do you study for a test?1.How do y

9、ou study for a test?I study by listening to tapes.I study by listening to tapes.2.How do you learn English?2.How do you learn English?I learn by studying with a group.I learn by studying with a group.3.Do you learn English by reading aloud?3.Do you learn English by reading aloud?Yes,I do.Yes,I do.4.

10、Do you ever practice conversations with 4.Do you ever practice conversations with friends?friends?Oh,yes.It improves my speaking Oh,yes.It improves my speaking skills.skills.5.Have you ever studied with a group?5.Have you ever studied with a group?Yes,I have.Ive learned a lot Yes,I have.Ive learned

11、a lot that way.that way.Step 5.知识点 1.by 的用法在旁边 I sit by the window.乘坐 He went to Beijing by plane yesterday.不迟于,在之前 You should get up by 7 a.m.用的方式 by doing I learn English by reading aloud.被 The house was destroyed by fire.by mistake 错误的 by the time 到之前 by accident =by chance 偶然 day by day 一天天 by b

12、us/train/subway/plane 2.常接常接V.ing的的完成实践值得忙完成实践值得忙(finish,practice,be worth,be busy)继续习惯别放弃继续习惯别放弃(keep,be used to,give up)考虑建议不禁想考虑建议不禁想(consider,suggest,advise,cant help,feel like)喜欢思念要介意喜欢思念要介意(enjoy,miss,mind)3.易错形式 动词动词 名词名词 动词动词 名词名词pronouncepronouncepronpronununciationciationsatisfysatisfysati

13、ssatisfafactionctionrepeatrepeatrerepepetitiontitiondecidedecidedecisiondecisionexplainexplainexpexplalanationnationoperateoperateoperationoperationbehavebehavebehaviorbehaviorpermitpermitpermissionpermission4.ed/4.ed/inging excitexciteded 感到兴奋的 excitexcitinging 令人兴奋的borboreded 感到无聊的 borboringing 无聊

14、的interestinteresteded 感兴趣的 interestinterestinging 有趣的amazamazeded 感到惊奇的 amazamazinging 令人惊异的surprissurpriseded 感到吃惊的 surprissurprisinging 令人吃惊的disappointdisappointeded 感到失望的 disappointdisappointinging令人失望的frightenfrightened ed 感到恐惧的 frightenfrighteninging 令人恐惧的 frustratfrustrateded 感到沮丧的 frustratfru

15、stratinging 令人沮丧的embarrassembarrasseded 感到尴尬的embarrassembarrassinging 令人尴尬的 5.do with/deal with 对付,处理 e.g.I dont know how to deal with how to deal with the problem.=I dont know what to do with what to do with the problem.do withdo with what whatdeal withdeal with how how6.后接adj.的感官动词:looklook 看起来 sm

16、ellsmell 闻起来 feel feel 感觉起来 taste taste 尝起来 sound sound 听起来变得:turn ,become ,grow,get ,go 保持:stay,keep ,remain7.afraid 7.afraid 的用法的用法 be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事害怕做某事 be afraid of sb./sth.害怕某人害怕某人/某物某物 be afraid that+从句从句 e.g.Dont be afraid to make mistakes.=Dont be a

17、fraid of making mistakes.=be terrified of 9.findfind 的用法find+宾语+宾补(名/形/副/ed./ingfind+that 从句find oneself+adj.e.g.He found that its easy to learn English.=He found it easy to learn English.He awoke one morning and found himself famous.Im so glad to find you in.Youll always find the old man taking a w

18、alk in the park.retell the reading How do we deal with our problems?富有的或贫穷的,年轻的或年老的,我们都有难题。And unless we deal with our problems,we can easily become unhappy.担忧我们的问题能影响how we do at school.It can also influence the way we behave with our families.因此我们如何处理我们的问题呢?有许多方法。By learning to forget我们大多数have pro

19、bably been angry with 我们的朋友,父母或老师们.Perhaps they said something you didnt like,or you felt they were unfair.有时,people can stay angry for years about a small problem.随着时间推移,and good friendships may be lost.当我们生气的时候,然而,we are usually the ones affected.也许we have seen young children playing together.Some

20、times they have disagreements and 决定相互不再说话。但是,这通常does not last for long.This is an important lesson for us.我们能解决一个问题通过学习遗忘。By regarding problems as challenges 很多学生常常抱怨学校。他们可能觉得他们有太多的作业要做,or think the rules are too strict.We must learn how to change these“problems”into“challenges”.Education is an imp

21、ortant part of our development.As young adults,it is our duty to 尽我们最大努力to deal with 每个挑战in our education with the help of our teachers.By thinking of something worse By comparing yourself to other people,你将会发现你的问题are not so terrible.Think about Stephen Hawking,for example,一个非常聪明的科学家,who regards his

22、 many physical problems as unimportant他不能走或者甚至说话,但是他变得非常出名和成功。我们可能相当的健康和聪明。lets not worry about our problems.让我们面对挑战instead.Unit 2过去常常过去常常直发直发/卷发卷发第一次第一次弹钢琴弹钢琴踢足球踢足球对对感兴趣感兴趣在游泳队在游泳队害怕害怕Step1.读单词读单词Step2.读课本读课本Step3.词组词组1.used to2.straight hair/curly hair3.for the first time4.play the piano5.play soc

23、cer6.be interested in7.be on the swim team8.be afraid of 9.9.乘飞机乘飞机10.10.在前面在前面11.11.对对恐惧恐惧12.12.开着灯睡觉开着灯睡觉13.13.画画画画14.14.一直一直15.15.嚼口香糖嚼口香糖16.16.整天整天17.17.不再不再18.18.和聊天和聊天19.19.看漫画书看漫画书20.20.几乎不几乎不9.fly in an airplane9.fly in an airplane10.in front of10.in front of11.be terrified of11.be terrified

24、 of12.go to sleep with the 12.go to sleep with the light onlight on13.paint pictures13.paint pictures14.all the time14.all the time15.chew gum15.chew gum16.all day16.all day17.not any more17.not any more18.chat with 18.chat with 19.read comics19.read comics20.hardly ever 20.hardly ever 21.21.努力学习努力学

25、习22.22.支付,付款支付,付款23.23.最后最后24.24.放弃放弃25.25.做决定做决定26.26.寄宿学校寄宿学校27.27.即使即使28.28.对感到自豪对感到自豪29.29.注意,留心注意,留心30.30.改变主意改变主意21.study hard22.pay for23.in the end24.give up25.make a decision26.boarding school27.even though/if28.take pride in/be proud of29.pay attention to30.change ones mind 31.in the last/

26、past few years 32.make stressed out33.get bad grades34.cause trouble35.cause problems for sb.36.to ones surprise37.wait a minute38.gym class39.make sb.do sth.40.afford to do sth.41.cant afford to do sth.在过去的几年里在过去的几年里使使心力交瘁心力交瘁不好的成绩不好的成绩制造麻烦制造麻烦为为惹麻烦惹麻烦使使吃惊的吃惊的等一下等一下体操课体操课使某人做某事使某人做某事负担得起负担得起负担不起负担不

27、起Step 4.句型You You used to used to be short,be short,didnt didnt you you?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.DidDid you you use to use to play the piano?play the piano?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.I I used to used to be really quiet.be really quiet.I I didnt use to didnt use to like tests.like tests.Step 5.知识点1.1.辨析辨析bef

28、ore/ago before/ago 之前之前(1)ago 不能单独使用,“一段时间一段时间+ago+ago”,表示从过去某时刻算起的若干时间以前,常与过去时连用。e.g.She was a teacher 3 years ago.(2)before“一段一段时间时间+before+before”,表示从过去某时起若干时间之前,与过去完成时连用。e.g.She had been a teacher 3 years before.可作介词,后接某时刻可作介词,后接某时刻 e.g.She get home before 6 oclock.可作连词,引导时间状语从句可作连词,引导时间状语从句 e.g

29、.He went shopping before going home.=He went shopping before he went home.2.辨析die/dead/death/dying die of 因而死(内部原因hunger/old/illness)die from 因而死(外部原因accident/wound)die die v.v.死(瞬间动词)死(瞬间动词)dead dead adj.adj.死的死的death death n.n.死死dying dying adj.adj.快要死的,垂死的快要死的,垂死的3.unless=if notunless=if not e.g.

30、You will be late unless you hurry up.=You will be late if you dont hurry up.with the help of sb.=with ones help be on=be a member of e.g.Im on the swim team.=Im a member of the team.try ones best to do sth.=do ones best to do sth.affect=have an influence on sb./sth.Step 6.语法点 used to used to 的的用法用法

31、过去过去常常常常 肯定句肯定句 used to used to e.g.He used to play basketball.否定句否定句 didnt use to/didnt use to/used not to e.g.He didnt use to play basketball.=He used not to play basketball.疑问句疑问句 Did sb.use to?Did sb.use to?/Used sb.to?e.g.Did he use to play basketball?反义疑问句反义疑问句 ,didnt didnt/usednt e.g.He used

32、to play basketball,didnt he?used to do sth.used to do sth.过去常常做某事过去常常做某事 be used to do sth.be used to do sth.被用来做某事被用来做某事 =be used for doing sth.=be used for doing sth.e.g.Fire can be used to cook food.=Fire can be used for cooking food.be/get used to doing sth.be/get used to doing sth.习惯习惯做某事做某事 e.

33、g.He is used to going for a walk after dinner.练习:1.He _ computer games,but now he gives them up and concentrates study.A.is used to playing B.is used to play C.used to play D.is used for playing2.She_ shy,but now he is quite outgoing.A.is used to B.was used to C.used to be 3._study in No.4 Middle Sc

34、hool?A.Did you uesd to B.Did you use to C.Do you used to D.Do you use to Retell the reading He used to cause a lot of trouble.Martin Murray 是一个十五岁的男孩。He used to be used to be a“problem child”,but a recent conversation witha recent conversation with his mother changed his life.He didnt didnt use to u

35、se to give his mother many problems.然而,after his fathers death a few after his fathers death a few years agoyears ago,Martins 生活变的更困难。他的妈妈couldnt afford to pay for afford to pay for her childs education.To do this,她不得不工作,and so was often not at was often not at home.home.His His mother looked after

36、him as mother looked after him as well as she well as she could.Unfortunatelycould.Unfortunately,Martin still caused problems caused problems for himself and his family.他对学习不感兴趣and he often got into troublegot into trouble with the police.幸运的是,他的妈妈非常有耐心的,and didnt give up give up trying to trying to

37、 help him.最后,她做了一个艰难的决定:to sendsend him toto a boys boys boarding schoolboarding school.Martin 讨厌它并且过去常常制造很多的麻烦。有一天,他告诉他的老师他想要离开这学校。甚至the teacher agreed that agreed that Martin was was wasting his time.wasting his time.The head teacher head teacher said it was it was necessary for necessary for Mart

38、in to talk with talk with his mother.Martin 打电话给他的妈妈,to his to his surprise surprise,这电话改变了他的生活。“It was exactly what I needed It was exactly what I needed,”he said.我的妈妈帮助我懂得how much she had given how much she had given me me.她也告诉我even thougheven though my father was no longerno longer with us,he was

39、 watching me and would always take pride in take pride in everything good I do.Thats when I decided to decided to change.我意识到since my father died since my father died,I have been have been afraid of being alone afraid of being alone,and have tried to tried to make my mother pay more attention to pay

40、 more attention to me.Now Martin has really changed.他一直努力学习,and他现在是他班里最好的学生之一。How was he able to change?His mothers love helped him to feel good about himself and as Martin himself says,“Its very important for parents to be Its very important for parents to be there with their children.”there with t

41、heir children.”Unit 3Step1.读单词Step2.读课本Step3.词组 1.be allowed to do sth.2.old peoples house 3.sixteen-year-olds 4.have part-time job 5.get ones ears pierced 6.drivers license 7.serious enough1.被允许做某事2.养老院3.16岁的青少年4.做兼职工作5.打耳洞6.驾照7.足够认真8.理发9.停止做某事10.在周末11.需要做某事12.代替,而不是13.在那个年龄14.去看电影15.在晚上10点前16.呆在家1

42、7.熬夜18.打扫,清除19.达到20.对严格8.8.cut ones haircut ones hair9.9.stop doing stop doing srhsrh.10.10.on weekendson weekends11.11.need to do need to do sthsth.12.12.instead ofinstead of13.13.at that ageat that age14.14.go to the moviesgo to the movies15.15.by 10 pmby 10 pm16.16.stay at homestay at home17.17.s

43、tay upstay up18.18.clean upclean up19.19.get to/arrive in get to/arrive in/at/at20.20.be strict with be strict with 21.on school nights22.take a/the test23.pass a/the test24.fail a/the test25.the other day26.concentrate on27.design our own uniforms28.learn from29.each other30.at present31.have an op

44、portunity to do 32.a good experience在上学日的晚上参加考试通过考试考试失败前几天专心,专注于设计我们自己的制服向学互相目前有机会做一次好的经历33.校规34.遵守规定35.至少36.小学37.每周一次38.和一样39.一名专业运动员40.考虑41.似乎做某事42.想要做某事43.关心,在意33.school rules34.obey rules35.at least36.primary school /elementary school37.once a week38.as as39.a professional athlete40.think about4

45、1.seem to do sth.42.would like to do sth.43.care about44.ones own 45.a real mess46.perform a play47.eight hours sleep48.have off 49.reply to=answer 50.agree with 51.make ones own decision52.get in the way of53.achieve ones dream54.now that55.be serious about某人自己的某人自己的一片狼藉一片狼藉表演节目表演节目8 8小时的睡眠小时的睡眠休息休

46、息/放假放假回复回复同意同意做自己的决定做自己的决定妨碍妨碍实现某人的梦想实现某人的梦想既然既然对对认真认真Step 4.句型 1.Do you think students 1.Do you think students should be should be allowed to doallowed to do homework with friends?homework with friends?I disagree.They talk instead of doing homework.2.Do you think sixteen-year-olds 2.Do you think si

47、xteen-year-olds should not be allowed to should not be allowed to drive?drive?I agree.They arent serious enough at that age.Yes,I do.No,I dont.Step 5.知识点 1、allow的用法 allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 e.g.I allow you to chew gum.be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事 should be allowed to do sth.应该被允许做某事 shouldnt be all

48、owed to do sth.不应该被允许做某事 allow doing sth.允许做某事 e.g.We dont allow smoking in public.2.2.Sixteen-year-olds Sixteen-year-olds should be should be allowed to driveallowed to drive.sixteen year olds n.16sixteen year olds n.16岁的人岁的人 sixteen-year old adj.sixteen-year old adj.1616岁的岁的 sixteen-year-olds sixt

49、een-year-olds =sixteen-year-old teenagers =sixteen-year-old teenagers =sixteen-year-old boys and girls =sixteen-year-old boys and girlsRetell the readingRetell the reading Should I be allowed to make my own Should I be allowed to make my own decision?decision?很多青少年有爱好。But sometimes But sometimes the

50、se hobbies can these hobbies can get in the way ofget in the way of schoolwork,schoolwork,而且父母们可能会担心他们的孩子在学校的成功。青少年常常认为他们应该被允许practice their hobbies as practice their hobbies as much as they wantmuch as they want.你同意吗?Liu Yu,a fifteen-year-old boy a fifteen-year-old boy from from Shandong,is Shandon


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