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1、2015全国新课标卷新题型短文改错Contents 2.高考短文改错应试策略及答题原则1.高考短文改错答题规范及考点分布3.短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳4.高考短文改错演练本题满分本题满分1010分,给出一篇约分,给出一篇约110110个单词的短文,文中有个单词的短文,文中有1010处错误,要求考生对每个句子进行判断,如有错误即处错误,要求考生对每个句子进行判断,如有错误即将其改正。错误类型包括将其改正。错误类型包括词法、句法、行文逻辑词法、句法、行文逻辑等方面等方面的错误。的错误。注意答题说明及答题规范 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。u

2、增加增加 (1 1个)个)在缺词处加一个漏字符号(在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。),并在其下面写上该加的词。u 删除删除 (1 1个)个)把多余的词用斜线(把多余的词用斜线()划掉。不计分。)划掉。不计分。u 修改修改 (8 8个)个)在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。u 注意:注意:1 1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2 2、只允许修改、只允许修改1010处,多者(从第处,多者(从第1111处起)不计分。处起)不计分。注意答题说明及答题规范高考短文改错考点分布 题量 考点年份

3、 动词名词连词形容词副词代词冠词介词11全国I卷3211101112全国I卷4200120113全国I卷2120211114全国I卷1103301115全国I卷31120111合计137467445u 以忠实原文为原则(不改变原文的原意)以忠实原文为原则(不改变原文的原意).u 以改变实词形式为原则以改变实词形式为原则.u 以错误改动最少为原则以错误改动最少为原则.u 以添加或删除虚词为原则以添加或删除虚词为原则.u 以多以多“改正改正”少少“添删加或删除添删加或删除”为原则为原则高考短文改错应试策略及答题原则五原则三步高考短文改错应试策略及答题原则u 通读全文,把握通读全文,把握大意大意 u

4、 细读各句,仔细细读各句,仔细斟酌斟酌u 再读全文再读全文,复核复核审查审查四不改u 标点符号标点符号不改。不改。u 大小写大小写不改。不改。u 词序错误词序错误不改。不改。u 单词拼写单词拼写不改。不改。高考短文改错应试策略及答题原则 错误主要集中在动词的错误主要集中在动词的时态、语态,主谓一致时态、语态,主谓一致等方面。等方面。短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳动词形【2011 全国卷全国卷 I】I hold my lunch-box in my hand when I was going to school.The smell from it was very good held【2013 新

5、课标新课标】Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles.drunk【2014 辽宁卷辽宁卷】The early morning barking have been disturbing us as we are often up all night with the baby.has【2015 四川卷四川卷】As I tell you last time,I made three new friend here.told解题思路(1)通读全文,搞清文中动词时态的主旋律.(2)结合语境,灵活运用时态形式.(3)认真

6、推敲,准确把握主动与被动.【2015 四川卷四川卷】As I tell you last time,I made three new friend here.friends 指名词指名词单、复数形式及可数名词与不可数名词单、复数形式及可数名词与不可数名词的用法错误。的用法错误。短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳名词数told【2014 新课标新课标】For example,we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.hours【2012 辽宁卷辽宁卷】.there was a lon

7、g line of traffic for at least six mile.milesIt felt very strange to travel without any luggages.luggage【2011 课标课标】1.修饰修饰名词名词,作宾补作宾补及及连系动词连系动词后用形容词;后用形容词;2.修饰修饰动词动词,形容词形容词,副词副词及及整个句子整个句子时时用副词用副词;3.比较级比较级和和最高级最高级的使用。的使用。短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳形容词、副词【2012 辽宁卷辽宁卷】Unfortunate,the only problem was the journey hom

8、e.Unfortunately【2013 四川卷四川卷】I found the test difficulty,but I tried hardly to do it.difficulthard【2012013 3 浙江卷浙江卷】I was awfully tiring.tired【2015 陕西卷陕西卷】My mother makes the better biscuits in the world.best主要错误为三种:非谓语的主要错误为三种:非谓语的混淆混淆;不定式;不定式to的的遗遗漏漏或或多用多用;非谓语与谓语动词的;非谓语与谓语动词的混淆混淆。短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳非谓语动

9、词【2010 重庆卷重庆卷】He had time for a proper breakfast and was still the first reach the factory.to【2012 陕西卷陕西卷】I also shared for my friends many photos taking in Beijing.taken【2011 新课标新课标】I was at the Shanghai Railway Station buy a ticket to Hangzhou.buying【202014 14 辽宁卷辽宁卷】Its difficult to understanding

10、 why.understand解题思路(1)纵观全文或全句,明确句中动词所作的句子成分.(2)系统掌握非谓语动词的句法功能.(3)前后联系,整体把握.lose my heart such many peoplein hurry in a shortin Sunday afternoonaonso短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳介词、短语主要考察主要考察固定短语、固定介词固定短语、固定介词的搭配。的搭配。【2011 浙江卷浙江卷】I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy.of【2011 陕西卷陕西卷】.about to leave

11、when he walked out a building【2013 2013 辽宁卷辽宁卷】Every day,he spends too much time with his work.onabout【202014 14 四川卷四川卷】Today,I am going to talk with what you should do when a fire alarm.解题思路(1)平时的学习中注意积累语言知识,特别是一些固定搭配的记忆.(2)强化语法训练,分清连词,副词和介词之间的区别和句法功能.(3)语法知识的记忆和语感的培养结合起来.1.人称代词人称代词的性别,单复数及代词格的误用;的

12、性别,单复数及代词格的误用;2.物主代词物主代词,反身代词反身代词以及以及不定代词不定代词的误用;的误用;3.“it”一词的不当使用一词的不当使用(包括从句中用作形式主语或宾包括从句中用作形式主语或宾语语);4.Whose 和和whos,its和和 its的混淆的混淆代词方面的错误主要体现在:代词方面的错误主要体现在:短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳代词格【2012 陕西卷陕西卷】.I was going to recommend it to any friend of me who is going to Beijing.mineyou【2014 四川四川卷卷】.,your teacher wi

13、ll lead us back to the calssroom.If you notice that.【2015 浙江浙江卷卷】Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them.it【2015 新课标新课标】We must found ways to protect your environment.ourfind解题思路(1)顺藤摸瓜,理清短文中代词的指代关系,注意联系上下文。(2)系统掌握it的各种用法.(3)准确把握不定代词在文中的正确使用。句法涉及到句法涉及到一致一致,从句多考从句多考

14、引导词引导词(误用误用,多用多用或或遗漏遗漏)【2011辽宁卷辽宁卷】.the rate of UFO reports were steady.was短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳句子成分【2013 课标课标】.provides a bridge between lunch and dinner,that might be served until 8 oclok at night.which【2015 课标课标】.he turned around and found where his parents were missing.Tony was scared.that【2015 陕西卷陕西卷】

15、My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up.when/while解题思路(1)不同的句子成分要用不同的词类;(2)不同的语境要选择不同的词语。(3)只有对句子结构和成分作细致的分析,才能找 出用词不当的错误。冠词常考的错误形式有:冠词冠词常考的错误形式有:冠词the,a,an 的误用,多用或的误用,多用或少用。少用。【2014 全国卷全国卷II】There are all kinds of the flowers and trees.短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳冠词、连词【20

16、15 课标课标】Now Im living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.the连词连词常考常考 but,and,or,so 等的等的逻辑用法错误逻辑用法错误,以及以及搭配错误搭配错误。【2011 陕西卷陕西卷】I didnt have my camera with me at that time,but I rushed back home to get.so/and短文改错典型错词类型分析归纳 it【2013 四川卷四川卷】We were warned not to cheat again so she would need to

17、see our parents.or【2015 课标课标】There the air is clean or the mountains are green.andWhen I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside.There the air is clean or the mountains are green.Unfortunately,on the developme

18、nt of industrilization,the environment has been polluted.thoughttheandwith【2015 课标解析】Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.Much rare animals are dying out.We must found ways to protect you

19、r environment.If we fail to do so,well live to regret it.serious airMany findourPractice makes perfect.熟能生巧。熟能生巧。Advice道歉信主要内容:1.表示歉意,道歉的原由。2.出现差错的原因,做出解释。3.请求原谅,提出弥补措施。注意:语言要真挚,解释的理由要真实。Paragrpah 11.How are you doing?/How is everything going?/How is life treating you?2.I am writing this letter to e

20、xpress my apology(regret)to you for not being able to./I am writing these lines to beg your pardon for not being able to./I am sorry to tell you that./I am truly sorry,but I./I feel sorry for.and I want you to know what happened.Paragraph 21.The reason is that.2.Much to my regret,I am unable to.It i

21、s mainly because.3.The reason why I am unable to.is that.4.I can not.That is owing to the fact that.5.So I have no choice but to do.Paragraph 3 1.Please allow me to say sorry again.2.I(do)hope that you can accept my apology and understand me.3.I hope that this does not cause you too much inconvenice

22、nce4.I want to let you know how regretful I am feeling now.5.Once again,I am really sorry for any inconvenicence caused.1.I would appreciate it if you can give me another chance to make an appointment with you again.2.Hope you can forgive me and give me another chance to.3.I believe we will have mor

23、e chances to.4.Please let me know if you.Dear Tom,This is Li Hua.How are you doing?I am writing to express my apology for not being able to visit Beijing with you next weekend.(which I have promised you)The reason is that I got injured last week.Last Tuesday,I was riding a bike when a car/motorbike/

24、truck knocked me down.I am still in hospital now.The doctor said that I had to stay on the bed for at least three weeks.So I have no choice but to put off the visit we planned before.I do hope you can accept my apology and understand me.What about fixing another date after I pull through.Once again,

25、I am really sorry for any inconvenience caused.I look forward to hearing form you.All the best./Best wishes to you.Yours sincerely/truly,Li Hua 你的表哥李明去年去澳大利亚留学了,你刚得到消息他下个周六早晨回来,让你和他的家人开车去机场接他。你们快一年的时间没有见面了。Just now,my cousin,Li Ming,who left home to Australia for his further study last year,informed/told me that he would return next Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his farmily.You know,we havent seen each other for nearly a year.


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