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1、2023年广西贺州市中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Im really sorry that I lost your shopping list. _.ANo wayBIt doesnt matterCYoure welcome2May I speak to Gina, please? Sorry, Im afraid youve got the wrong _.AwayBplaceCnumber3Mrs. White was sad because_ passed the exam.AsomebodyBnobodyCanybody4Which floor do

2、you live on, Alice? I live on _ floor.AfiveBfifthCstrongest5Your dog looks as _ as mine.AstrongBstrongerCstrongest6We should form the good habit of saving food now. I agree. So I always _ the food I order.Agive upBeat upClook up7Whats your plan for this weekend? My classmates and I _ a survey about

3、rubbish in a community.AdoBdidCare going to do8Must we go to the airport right now? No, we _. There is still enough time left.AneedntBcantCmustnt9The 20th National Congress of the CPC_ in Beijing last October.AholdsBis holdingCwas held10Look! There is a notebook on the desk. Do you know _?It must be

4、 Peters.Awhat it isBwhose is itCwhose it is二、补全对话6选5根据对话内容,从下面选项中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。A: Its said that many robots were used at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. B: Yes, thats true. A: _11_B: In restaurants and hotels. They served as cooks, waiters and cleaners. They were really helpful. A: Gr

5、eat! _12_B: I dont think your dream is far away, because the robot industry is now developing very fast. A large number of robots are produced every year. A: Really? _13_B: They have many different shapes. _14_ At present, they are mainly used in factories. A: When will the robots be widely used at

6、home? B: _15_ But I believe they will be widely used at home in the near future. A: I hope the day will come soon. B: So do I.AWhat do they look like?BIm not sure.CWhen was the first robot invented?DWhere were they mainly used?EHow nice it will be if I can own a robot at home!FSome look like humans,

7、 and others look like animals.三、完形填空阅读下面语篇,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。Starting from the fall term of 2022, students in primary and middle schools should have at least one course every week to learn basic housework skills _16_ cleaning and cooking. The Ministry of Education released a new curricul

8、um standard(课程标准)for labor education in compulsory(义务的)education. The standard has three types of _17_ : everyday chores, productive labor and service including volunteer work. _18_ school students in the first and second grades need to do basic cleaning, wash vegetables and peel fruit, and learn to

9、 _19_ one or two kinds of plants or small animals. The third and fourth graders should clean their classrooms, wash their underwear, socks and shoes, know _20_ to make cold dishes and use home appliances(家用电器). The fifth and sixth graders should master the skills _21_ cooking two or three common dis

10、hes, such as fried eggs, or scrambled eggs with tomatoes. For middle school students, they are encouraged to cook three or four dishes by _22_ , learn how to make one or two kinds of _23_ handicrafts(手工艺品), and experience one or two types of industrial labor, new technologies, modern service or volu

11、nteer work. According to the new curriculum standard, schools should use various means(各种手段)to help parents realize the _24_ of labor education and help parents make housework lists to improve students independence. Many people _25_ the new curriculum and said it is necessary to teach young students

12、 basic skills. Some have regretted not learning such skills during their schooldays.16Aas forBsuch asCalong with17AtimesBtasksChabits18APrimaryBMiddleCHigh19AloseBconsiderCraise20AwhenBwhatChow21AtoBofCin22AourselvesByourselvesCthemselves23AtraditionalBharmfulChumorous24AconfidenceBimportanceCdiffer

13、ence25AforgotBrefusedCwelcomed四、阅读判断Did people eat takeout in ancient times? In fact, there was takeout as far back as the Song Dynasty(960-1279). According to history books, Emperor Xiaozong(1127-1194)liked to order takeout late at night. His servants then went around the city to pick up the dishes

14、 and bring them back to the palace. Ordinary people also ordered takeout. Restaurants would get their waiters to go out into the streets and yell out which dishes could be ordered that day. People could then place an order. Later, delivery workers would bring food to their homes. In the famous Song

15、Dynasty painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival(清明上河图), a takeout worker can be seen doing a delivery with food in hand. People at the time even had special meal boxes for takeout dishes. They were not like normal boxes. They were long wooden boxes with several layers(层). People also u

16、sed warming plates made of two layers of porcelain(瓷). Hot water could be put between them to keep the dishes warm. 根据语篇内容, 判断下列句子正误, 正确的在答题卡上将“T”涂黑, 错误的在答题卡上将“F”涂黑。26Chinese started to have takeout in the Song Dynasty.27Emperor Xiaozong liked to order takeout in the morning.28Ordinary people didnt

17、order takeout in ancient times.29The special meal boxes for takeout dishes in ancient times were made of wood.30The takeout dishes couldnt be kept warm in ancient times.五、阅读单选Heatstroke(中暑)happens when youve been in the heat for a long period of time or taken part in a physical activity in high temp

18、eratures, which causes your body temperature to reach 40 or greater. Heatstroke is the most severe form of heat injury. Serious heatstroke can cause organ damage and even death. Symptoms of heatstroke include: Body temperature of 40C or higherSkin will feel hot and dry and turn red as body temperatu

19、re risesNausea(恶心)and vomiting(呕吐)Rapid breathingHeadacheRacing heart beatTreating heatstrokeHeatstroke can be very dangerous and is a medical emergency. If you think you or someone you know may have heatstroke, call 120 immediately. Also, get out of the heat as soon as possible. Remove clothing and

20、 try to cool the person down by using a bottle with ice water in it, or get the person in a cold bath. Preventing heatstrokeDont wear too much clothing. Too much clothing in hot temperatures hampers(阻碍)your bodys ability to sweat and cool itself down. Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing when

21、 possible. Dont drink too much wine. Drinking too much wine can affect the bodys ability to control temperature. Drink plenty of water while outside. Use sunscreen and wear hats and sunglasses while outdoors. Never leave anyone in a parked car. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。31What does the first paragraph mainly te

22、ll us?AWhat heatstroke is.BHow we should treat heatstroke.CWho is most likely to suffer from heatstroke.32What does the underlined word “Symptoms” mean in Chinese?A危害B症状C治愈33What should we deal with a person with heatstroke according to the passage? Call 120 immediately. Leave the heat as soon as po

23、ssible. Let the person take a hot bath.ABC34According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a right way against heatstroke?ADont drink too much wine.BWear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing.CNever wear hats and sunglasses while outdoors.35In which column of a magazine can we read this pa

24、ssage?ADisease Prevention.BFood Safety.CStory Time.The conflict (冲突) between Russia and Ukraine itself may be a questionable topic, yet it is the people who suffer the most. Millions of Ukrainians had left their homeland after it began. It was the biggest migration (移民) wave since World War II. I wa

25、nted to help by being a volunteer. However, it was difficult because I dont speak Russian or Ukrainian. Luckily, after searching on the Internet, I was finally able to sign up to volunteer in a modern gallery called Svetova 1. The gallery is owned by an overseas Chinese, and had over 40 volunteers t

26、o provide 24/7 aid to the Ukrainian refugees (难民). During a two-week intensive (集中的) aid program, the gallery provided a place to live and food for up to five people for free and also served as a safe and interesting space for children, where English classes, games and other fun activities were orga

27、nized. Due to my busy school and work schedule, I was only able to volunteer there twice. But, besides the owner and his family, I was the first Chinese volunteer. My role was to help the refugees fill out registration papers (登记文件). Sometimes, it was difficult with the language barrier (障碍), but th

28、ere were translators to help. I was so impressed by one Ukrainian mother and her two kids, who still had such kind smiles and bright eyes, despite (尽管) all the awful things they must have experienced. Some other people may not be able to easily understand their feelings, but I really valued this cha

29、nce to be with those people in need, doing what I could. Because we are all humans, we should come together in difficult times. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。36What do we know from Paragraph 1?APeople in Ukraine have suffered a lot in the conflict.BMillions of Russians left their homeland.CThe conflict is worse tha

30、n World War II.37Why was it difficult for the writer to be a volunteer?ABecause the writers parents didnt support the idea.BBecause the writer didnt know what to prepare.CBecause the writer speaks neither Russian nor Ukrainian.38What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AHow the writer became a volunteer at

31、Svetova 1.BHow the gallery trained its volunteers.CWhat the gallery did to help refugees from Ukraine.39What was the writers work at Svetova 1?ATo give out food to the refugees.BTo help the refugees fill out registration papers.CTo treat the wounded refugees.40Why did the writer consider it a valuab

32、le experience to be such a volunteer?ABecause he/she experienced some awful things.BBecause he/she could help others in need.CBecause it helped him/her get into a good college.The Royal Mint (英国皇家铸币厂) has announced plans for a new factory where it will deal with electronic waste to get precious (珍贵的

33、) metals for coins and gold bars. The factory plans to open in South Wales in 2023. It will be the first of its kind in the world. The Royal Mint is a government-owned company that makes coins for the UK and lots of other countries. Most of its coins are made from cheaper metals such as copper, tin

34、and zinc, but the Mint sometimes makes coins and medals from precious metals like gold and silver. It also makes gold bars. The precious metals used by the Mint mostly come from the ground, but now it plans to make use of the large amounts of electronic waste that is thrown away in the UK each year.

35、 Many electronic devices use small amounts of precious metals such as gold and silver because they are good conductors (导体) of electricity. However, just 20% of old electronics are recycled worldwide. This is not just a waste, it can be dangerous, because when e-waste is buried in rubbish dumps, met

36、als and chemicals can leak out and pollute the environment. Now, e-waste from the UK is sent abroad to be melted down to recover precious metals. The new factory will use chemical reactions (反应) to do the same job much quicker with far less energy. The process can get 99% of the precious metals from

37、 plastic circuit (电路) boards within a few seconds, and could provide the Mint with hundreds of kilograms of gold each year. “Our new factory will help the UK process its own e-waste rather than send it to other countries.” said Anne Jessopp, the Mints chief boss. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。41What is the plan for

38、 the new factory?AIt will try to recycle plastic waste.BIt will keep as many gold bars as it can.CIt will get precious metals from electronic waste.42Which of the following is TRUE about the Royal Mint?AThe Royal Mint is a private company.BThe Royal Mint only makes coins for the UK.CThe Royal Mint m

39、akes coins mostly from cheaper metals.43What do we know from Paragraph 3?AOld electronics are not fully recycled.BE-waste isnt thrown away in the UK at all.CMost old electronics are recycled worldwide.44Whats a problem with the old electronics if not recycled?AEnergy shortage.BEnvironmental pollutio

40、n.CA waste of gold bars.45What can be the best title for this passage?AMaking Use of E-wasteBBuilding a New FactoryCRunning a Junk Business六、短文选词填空根据语篇内容,从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次。whatsuddenintobecomedifficultideabutanothercatchproblemTwo cats were walking through a forest. _46

41、_, they found a loaf (条) of bread lying under a tree. Both pounced (猛扑) on it and _47_ the loaf at the same time. Neither would give up, so they decided to divide it _48_ two pieces and take one piece each. “But how do we divide it?” one cat said. A monkey sitting on a branch of a tree saw _49_ had

42、happened between the two cats. He got a(n) _50_. He came down from the tree and walked up to the confused (困惑的) cats. “Hi, my dear friends! Can I help you?” the monkey asked. The cats told the monkey what the _51_ was and asked, “Can you divide the loaf for us?” The monkey agreed. The monkey broke t

43、he bread into two pieces. _52_ one piece was a little bigger than the other. “Oh no! I will take a little bite of this bigger piece to make both equal,” the monkey said. He took a bite from the bigger piece. But the bite he took was too big. “Uh oh! Now it has _53_ smaller than the other piece. I wi

44、ll just have to take a little bite from this piece now,” the monkey said. The monkey took _54_ bite. The two cats sat in front of the monkey, seeing the loaf of bread get smaller and smaller. When the whole loaf was finally gone, the monkey said, “I am sorry. It was really _55_ to divide that loaf.

45、I must be going now.” He jumped back into his tree and was gone. “If only we had not fought against each other, we could have stuck together and kept our bread,” the two cats said.七、材料作文56真诚的朋友是我们人生路上的一盏灯,在我们陷入黑暗的时候可以照亮我们前方的路。每个人都需要这样一个好朋友,在我们需要的时候,给予我们温暖和力量。某英文网站正在开展以“我和我的好朋友”为主题的征文活动。假如你是Sally,请根据以下的内容提示用英语写一篇短文投稿,讲讲你和你的一位好朋友的故事。内容提示:1. 谁是你最好的朋友? (男生统一用James,女生统一用Linda);2. 他/她是怎样帮助你的,为你做了什么?(至少列举 1个事例)3. 你想对他/她说什么?要求:1. 短文必须包含以上所有的要点,还可以适当发挥;2. 文中不得透露个人真实信息;3. 不少于 80 词(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)。参考词汇:sincere(真诚的)in trouble(处于困境)encourage(鼓励)forever(永远)Everyone wants to have a sincere friend. _


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