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1、Module 3My First Ride on a TrainPeriod 4Integrating Skills要点讲解课.选词填空选词填空frighten,event,exhausted,interviewsouvenir,stadium,ceremony,downtown1.My father and my mother were both present at my graduation _.ceremony2.Dont shout,or you will _the baby.3.We often go shopping in the _of the city.4.It was am

2、azing that he knew nothing about the _.5.Mary often works out in the _.frightendowntowneventstadium6.John came up for the _but did not get the job.7.Please accept this as a _for our friendship.8.I have been very busy all day and now I am _.interviewsouvenirexhausted.根据语境和汉语提示写出短语根据语境和汉语提示写出短语1.Much

3、of the information in that book is now _ _ _(过时过时).2.The Prime Minister will _ _ _ _(访问访问)that country next month.3.I know the person you mean,but I cannot _ _(想起想起)his name.out ofdatepay a visit tothink of4.Ive kept on thinking about that _ _ _(一直一直).5.The school was very cooperative when we _ _ _(

4、拍摄电影拍摄电影)there.6.He was invited to _ _ _(参加仪式参加仪式).7.He drove _ _ _ _(以以的速度的速度)sixty miles per hour.all the timemade afilmattend the ceremonyat a speed of8.Sales moved upwards _ _ _ _(第一次第一次)this year.for the first time.阅读阅读The Maglevthe Fastest Train in the World并选并选择最佳答案择最佳答案1.From the first parag

5、raph,we know that it is_ from Pudong Airport to Longyang Station.A.400 kilometres B.30 kilometresC.133 kilometresD.240 kilometres2.Which is not the advantage of the Maglev trains according to the passage?A.High speed.B.Magnetic levitation technology.C.Having no rails.D.Being quiet.3.Why are Zhu Rong

6、ji and the German chancellor mentioned in the passage?A.To show the great value of this kind of train.B.To show the thanks to Germans for their help.C.To have a trial use of this kind of train.D.No special reasons;they both happened to be there.4.From the passage,we can conclude that_.A.this kind of

7、 train is only used in ShanghaiB.Germany is going to introduce magnetic levitation technologyC.Shanghai takes the lead in developing the Maglev trains in the worldD.Maglev trains can increase their speed of themselves1out of date过时过时Its out of date.它它(这张票这张票)过期了。过期了。This is an out-of-date magazine.这

8、是一本过期的这是一本过期的杂志。杂志。(out-of-date用作定语用作定语,修饰名词修饰名词,意为意为:_)过期的过期的,过时过时的的【知识延伸知识延伸】out of control失控失控out of danger脱离危险脱离危险out of question毫无疑问毫无疑问out of reach手不能及手不能及out of the question办不到的办不到的;不可能的不可能的 out of sight看不见看不见【活学活用活学活用】This kind of coat is _ _ _(过时过时).The car was _ _ _(失去控制失去控制)and ran into a

9、 wall.She was very sick,but now she is _ _ _(脱离危险脱离危险).out of dateout of controlout of dangerKeep all medicines out of reach of children.译译:_把所有的药品放在孩子们够不到的地方。把所有的药品放在孩子们够不到的地方。2frighten vt.使吃惊使吃惊;惊吓惊吓The eagle suddenly flew in the air and frightened me.突然间突然间,这只鹰在空中飞起这只鹰在空中飞起,使我大吃一惊。使我大吃一惊。The loud

10、 noise frightened her into crying.巨大的噪巨大的噪音把她吓哭了。音把她吓哭了。The darkness in the room frightened him out of going into it.房间里的黑暗使他不敢进去。房间里的黑暗使他不敢进去。【自我归纳自我归纳】frighten sb._ doing sth.吓得某人做某事吓得某人做某事frighten sb._ _ doing sth.吓得某人不做某事吓得某人不做某事intoout of【知识延伸知识延伸】(1)frightenedadj.恐惧的恐惧的,害怕的害怕的be frightened to

11、do sth.害怕做某事害怕做某事be frightened of.害怕害怕(2)frightening adj.令人恐惧的令人恐惧的,恐怖的恐怖的【巧学助记巧学助记】图文双解图文双解“frighten”The frightening monster frightened the man,making him feel very frightened.那个可怕的怪物吓到那人那个可怕的怪物吓到那人,使他感到非常害怕。使他感到非常害怕。【活学活用活学活用】语法填空。语法填空。She is _(frighten)to ride a bike.(2016浙江高考浙江高考)A sudden stop c

12、an be a very _(frighten)experience.frightenedfrighteningNews of the robberies _many people _fitting new locks to their doors.抢劫的消息把许多人吓得都安装了新门锁。抢劫的消息把许多人吓得都安装了新门锁。The little girl _ _ _ _ dogs.这个小女孩不怕狗。这个小女孩不怕狗。frightenedintois not frightened ofYou almost _me out of life by your _mask(面具面具).你那吓人的面具差点

13、把我给吓死。你那吓人的面具差点把我给吓死。frightenedfrightening3interview n.面试面试;面谈面谈(2016江苏高考江苏高考)Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.杰克还是很担心他的工作面试。杰克还是很担心他的工作面试。The president will give an interview to a reporter tomorrow.总统明天要接受一位记者的采访。总统明天要接受一位记者的采访。The manager will have an interview with those

14、 who want to get the position.经理将约谈那些想获得这个职经理将约谈那些想获得这个职位的人。位的人。We interviewed 10 people for the job.为了这份工作为了这份工作,我们对我们对10人进行了面试。人进行了面试。【自我归纳自我归纳】_an interview _ sb.接见某人接见某人;接受某人的接受某人的采访采访_ an interview _ sb.采访某人采访某人;与某人面谈与某人面谈interview vt._givetohavewith面试面试;采访采访【知识延伸知识延伸】interviewern.(面试时的面试时的)主考官

15、主考官;面谈者面谈者intervieween.参加面试者参加面试者;接受采访者接受采访者【巧学助记巧学助记】情景巧记情景巧记“interview”及其同根词及其同根词interview的构词的构词:inter-(相互之间相互之间)+view(看看,见见)【活学活用活学活用】用用interview的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。a.All the _must arrive before 7:00 tomorrow morning.b.They will be _from 8:00 to 10:00.During the _,they should answer the questions giv

16、en by the _.intervieweesinterviewedinterviewinterviewersThe other day I _ _ _ _ the writer of this book.几天前我曾经与这本书的作者会过面。几天前我曾经与这本书的作者会过面。The film star _ _ _ _ the journalists and TV men.那个电影明星接受了新闻记者和电视台记者的采那个电影明星接受了新闻记者和电视台记者的采访。访。had an interview withgave an interview toShortly after graduation,J

17、ohnson had a job interview and later became a member of our company.译译:_毕业不久毕业不久,Johnson就参加了求职面试就参加了求职面试,之后就成之后就成为了我们公司的一员。为了我们公司的一员。4exhausted adj.疲惫不堪的疲惫不堪的(2016天津高考天津高考)One day,mentally exhausted,I wrote down all the reasons why this problem could not be solved.一天一天,我疲惫不堪地记下了不能解决此事的各种理我疲惫不堪地记下了不能

18、解决此事的各种理由。由。He was so exhausted from climbing the mountain that he went straight to bed as soon as he got home.他因爬山而精疲力竭他因爬山而精疲力竭,一回到家就径直上床睡觉了。一回到家就径直上床睡觉了。The long cycle ride exhausted her.她因长途骑车而她因长途骑车而疲惫不堪。疲惫不堪。I dont like an exhausting journey.我不喜欢令人我不喜欢令人疲惫不堪的旅行。疲惫不堪的旅行。【自我归纳自我归纳】_由于由于而精疲力竭而精疲力

19、竭exhaust vt._exhausting adj._be exhausted from/by/with使疲惫不堪使疲惫不堪令人疲惫不堪的令人疲惫不堪的【活学活用活学活用】用用exhaust的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。Whats wrong?You look very _.A full days working _me.It is really an _job.exhaustedexhaustedexhaustingI _ _ _ working for two hours.两小时的工作让我精疲力竭。两小时的工作让我精疲力竭。Many young people today _ _ _

20、overwork.现在许多年轻人因工作过度而疲惫不堪。现在许多年轻人因工作过度而疲惫不堪。was exhausted fromare exhausted with5I remember the day my father tried to teach me how to ride a bicycle.我还记得父亲尽力教我骑自行我还记得父亲尽力教我骑自行车的那一天。车的那一天。【句型剖析句型剖析】本句句型结构本句句型结构“特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+不定式不定式”,相当于相当于“特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+sb.can/could/should do”。其用法需。其用法需注意注意:(1)“疑问词疑问词+不定

21、式不定式”这个结构相当于名词这个结构相当于名词;在句中在句中可作主语、表语、宾语等。可作主语、表语、宾语等。(2)能够接不定式的疑问词有能够接不定式的疑问词有:who,when,what,where,how等。等。Choosing _ _ _ is no longer as simple as it once was.选择吃什么已经不像以前那么简单了。选择吃什么已经不像以前那么简单了。_ _ _ _ is todays topic.如何描述如何描述人物是今天的话题。人物是今天的话题。what to eatHow to describe people【活学活用活学活用】My question i

22、s _ _ _ _ _.我的问题是在哪里能找到答案。我的问题是在哪里能找到答案。I dont know _ _ _ _ _.我不知道怎样回答这个问题。我不知道怎样回答这个问题。where to find the answerhow to answer the question_ _ _ _ _ has not been decided.什么时候开会还没有确定。什么时候开会还没有确定。I found a book on how to avoid having a heart attack.译译:_When to hold the meeting我找到一本关于如何避免心脏病的书。我找到一本关于如何

23、避免心脏病的书。6We had to get up at 4 am and we didnt go to bed until midnight.我们不得不在凌晨四点钟起床我们不得不在凌晨四点钟起床,直到直到半夜才能睡觉。半夜才能睡觉。【句型剖析句型剖析】本句包含本句包含“not.until.”的句型的句型,意思是意思是“_”;主句主句常用终止性常用终止性动词动词(即非延续性动词即非延续性动词),表示表示until/till所表示的时间所表示的时间一到一到,该动作就发生。该动作就发生。直到直到才才,到到为止为止She _ _ _ _ last week.她直到上她直到上周才认识我。周才认识我。E

24、instein was _ _ _ _ to his homeland _ the war was over.直到战争结束后爱因斯坦才直到战争结束后爱因斯坦才得以回国。得以回国。didnt know me until/tillnot able to returnuntil【知识延伸知识延伸】当当not until位于句首时位于句首时,句子主句部分的主谓结构要句子主句部分的主谓结构要部分倒装。其结构为部分倒装。其结构为:Not until+从句从句/表示时间的词表示时间的词+助动词助动词+(主句主句)主语主语+谓语谓语+.。【活学活用活学活用】The noise of the street _

25、_ _ it was midnight.街上的噪音直到半夜才停止。街上的噪音直到半夜才停止。_ _ _ _ the teacher came in _ the students stopped talking.直到老师进来学生们才停止讲话。直到老师进来学生们才停止讲话。didnt stop untilIt was not untilthat_ _ he retired from teaching three years ago _ _ _ having a holiday abroad.直到三年前他从教育行业退休直到三年前他从教育行业退休,他才考虑出国度假。他才考虑出国度假。He didnt

26、wake up until 11 oclock in the morning.译译:_Not untildid he consider他上午十一点才醒。他上午十一点才醒。7Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometres per hour,the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes.以每小时以每小时400多千米的速度多千米的速度行驶行驶,这列火车在这列火车在8分钟内就能完成分钟内就能完成30千米的行程。千米的行程。【句型剖析句型剖析】(1)travelling at a

27、 speed of over 400 kilometres per hour是现在分词短语是现在分词短语,在句中作原因状语在句中作原因状语,表示动词表示动词_与句子的主语与句子的主语_之间是主谓关系。该短之间是主谓关系。该短语可以转化为状语从句。语可以转化为状语从句。travelthe trainBecause he was ill,he didnt come to school yesterday.=_ _,he didnt come to school yesterday.因为因为生病他昨天没去上学。生病他昨天没去上学。Being ill(2)现在分词短语在句中还可以作时间、结果、条现在分

28、词短语在句中还可以作时间、结果、条件、方式、原因、让步、伴随状语。件、方式、原因、让步、伴随状语。When he heard the news,he couldnt help laughing.=_ _ _,he couldnt help laughing.听到这个消息听到这个消息,他不禁笑了起来。他不禁笑了起来。Hearing the news【活学活用活学活用】用分词短语作状语改写句子。用分词短语作状语改写句子。If you walk for the whole journey,you will be exhausted._ _ _ _ _,you will be exhausted.Wa

29、lking for the whole journeyWhen I looked at the picture,I couldnt help missing my middle school days._ _ _ _,I couldnt help missing my middle school days.Looking at the pictureShe came into the house,_ _ _ _ _.她抱着许多书走进了房间。她抱着许多书走进了房间。He stood at the window _ _ _.他站在窗前看落日。他站在窗前看落日。carrying a lot of b

30、ookswatching the sunset【备选要点备选要点】1event n.事件事件She cant remember events from a long time ago.她不记得很久以前发生的事了。她不记得很久以前发生的事了。There are more than 200 events in the Olympics this year.在今年的奥运会上有在今年的奥运会上有200多项赛事。多项赛事。There are several matters to be dealt with at the meeting.会上有一些事情要处理。会上有一些事情要处理。Its your bus

31、iness to take care of the kids.你的职你的职责是照顾孩子们。责是照顾孩子们。He thought that accident was my fault.他认为那起他认为那起事故是我的过错。事故是我的过错。【易混辨析易混辨析】_多指大事多指大事,或者或者(体育运动中的体育运动中的)比赛项比赛项目目,强调影响重大强调影响重大_指事故指事故,或意外的事情或意外的事情_指麻烦事指麻烦事,需要考虑和处理的事需要考虑和处理的事_指一个人应该做的事情指一个人应该做的事情,意为意为“职责职责”eventaccidentmatterbusiness【活学活用活学活用】选词填空选词填

32、空(event/accident/matter/business)。Its teachers _to make students learn.The invention of printing was an important _in the history of China.Carelessness often causes _.businesseventaccidentsI saw some persons hanging around your house;whats the _with you?In the following event,Sun Yang got a third go

33、ld medal.译译:_matter在随后的比赛项目中在随后的比赛项目中,孙杨又获得了一枚金牌。孙杨又获得了一枚金牌。2downtown adj.商业区的商业区的;市中心的市中心的The fastest train in the world,the Transrapid Maglev,runs between Shanghais Pudong Airport and Longyang Station in downtown Shanghai.世界上最快的列车世界上最快的列车超速磁悬浮列车奔驰在上海超速磁悬浮列车奔驰在上海浦东机场和上海市中心商业区的龙阳车站之间。浦东机场和上海市中心商业区的龙

34、阳车站之间。I went downtown to do some shopping today.我今我今天到商业区去购物了。天到商业区去购物了。The family lived far away from downtown.那家人住在离市中心很远的地方。那家人住在离市中心很远的地方。(downtown可作副词或名词可作副词或名词,意为意为:_)商业中心区商业中心区;市中市中心心【知识延伸知识延伸】uptown adj.市郊住宅区的市郊住宅区的adv.在市郊在市郊【活学活用活学活用】根据句意和语境写出黑体单词的词性和词义。根据句意和语境写出黑体单词的词性和词义。The houses in dow

35、ntown Beijing are very expensive to rent.()Downtown will be very crowded at this time of day.()adj.市中心的市中心的n.市中心市中心We went downtown to see what was happening there.()The houses downtown are very expensive.译译:_adv.市区市区市区的房子很贵。市区的房子很贵。【课堂小结课堂小结】.词汇串记词汇串记I cant remember events from a long time ago.But

36、I never forget my first interview after graduation.On that day I had to get up at 4 a.m.and I didnt go to bed until midnight.I rode a bike to the downtown along the seaside.When I got there Iwas exhausted.Fortunately,one of the interviewers lived in the apartment next door.Knowing this,I wasnt nervo

37、us at all.Later he told me what to prepare for the following interview.句式背诵句式背诵1.Seeing from the top of the mountain,you will find the city more beautiful.从山顶上看从山顶上看,你会发现这座城市更美丽。你会发现这座城市更美丽。2.He didnt realize the importance of English until he failed again.直到他再一次失败直到他再一次失败,他才意识到英语的重要性。他才意识到英语的重要性。3.

38、A good teacher should tell the students how to learn English well.一位好老师应该告诉学生如何学好英语。一位好老师应该告诉学生如何学好英语。4.Working hard,and you will succeed.努力学习努力学习,你就能成功。你就能成功。5.Not until nine oclock yesterday evening did we finish the work.直到昨晚九点直到昨晚九点,我们才完成这项工作。我们才完成这项工作。如何描写旅游经历如何描写旅游经历旅游游览类记叙文是记叙游览过程的文章旅游游览类记叙文是


40、友Tom写一封写一封100个词左右的个词左右的email,讲述你上周末的一次旅游讲述你上周末的一次旅游经历。经历。时间时间周六早上七点出发周六早上七点出发人员人员你和你的父母你和你的父母交通方式交通方式乘公共汽车乘公共汽车目的地目的地青岛金沙滩青岛金沙滩(Golden Beach)旅游经历旅游经历上午上午游泳游泳;在沙滩上吃海鲜在沙滩上吃海鲜(seafood)下午下午欣赏海景欣赏海景;拍照拍照;买纪念品买纪念品感受感受很累但很兴奋很累但很兴奋,金沙滩很美金沙滩很美Step 1审题谋篇审题谋篇体裁体裁电子邮件电子邮件话题话题讲述一次旅游的经历讲述一次旅游的经历时态时态 一般过去时一般过去时 人称

41、人称第一人称第一人称段落段落布局布局第一段第一段:总体介绍总体介绍第二段第二段:详细描述旅游经历详细描述旅游经历第三段第三段:自身体会自身体会Step 2遣词造句遣词造句1.我们周六早上七点乘公共汽车出发。我们周六早上七点乘公共汽车出发。乘公共汽车乘公共汽车 _周六早上七点周六早上七点 _翻译此句翻译此句:_take a busat 7:00 on Saturday morningWe took a bus at 7:00 on Saturday morning.2.我们一下公共汽车就被金沙滩的美景所打动。我们一下公共汽车就被金沙滩的美景所打动。下公共汽车下公共汽车_的美景的美景_get of

42、f the busthe beautiful scenery of.用不同的表达方式翻译此句用不同的表达方式翻译此句:a.(用用as soon as,be shocked by)_b.(用用the moment,be surprised to do)_As soon as we got off the bus,we were shocked by thebeautiful scenery of Golden Beach.The moment we got off the bus,we were surprised tosee the beautiful scenery of Golden Be

43、ach.3.我们在海中游了很长时间我们在海中游了很长时间,欣赏巨浪。欣赏巨浪。花费时间做某事花费时间做某事_合并句子合并句子(用非谓语动词作状语用非谓语动词作状语):We spent a lot of time swimming in the sea.We enjoyed the big waves._spend some time(in)doing sth.We spent a lot of time swimming in the sea,enjoyingthe big waves.4.在海里游泳多么有趣呀在海里游泳多么有趣呀!有趣有趣_根据示例中结构仿写此句。根据示例中结构仿写此句。示例

44、示例:And what a ride!(what引导的感叹句引导的感叹句)仿写仿写:_funWhat fun it was swimming in the sea!5.我们回到家我们回到家,累但是很兴奋。累但是很兴奋。回到家回到家_累但是兴奋累但是兴奋_用时间状语从句翻译此句。用时间状语从句翻译此句。_get hometired but excitedWhen we got home,we were all tired but excited.Step 3润色组篇润色组篇(注意使用关联词注意使用关联词:together with,as soon as,then,after,when等。等。)D

45、ear Tom,Last weekend,I,together with my parents,went to Golden Beach,seaside in Qingdao for a holiday.It was really an unforgettable journey.We took a bus at 7:00 on Saturday morning and arrived two hours later.As soon as we got off the bus,we were shocked by the beautiful scenery of Golden Beach.We

46、 spent a lot of time swimming in the sea,enjoying the big waves.What fun it was swimming in the sea!Then we had delicious seafood on the beach.After lunch,the sky was clear with the sun shining brightly.Walking along the seaside,we took many photos and bought quite a few souvenirs.When we got home,w

47、e were all tired but excited.Golden Beach is really a wonderful place.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【策略点拨策略点拨】.策略指导策略指导1.明确主题明确主题:按旅游时间的长短一般可以分为短期旅游按旅游时间的长短一般可以分为短期旅游和长期旅游和长期旅游;按地域可以分为国内游和国外游按地域可以分为国内游和国外游;此外可此外可以涉及旅行中的特色活动、人文知识等。以涉及旅行中的特色活动、人文知识等。2.明确文章类型明确文章类型:旅游游览类文章通常为记叙文旅游游览类文章通常为记叙文,常用常用一般现在时和一般过去时。一般

48、现在时和一般过去时。3.掌握旅游游览类文章的要素掌握旅游游览类文章的要素:旅游的地点、交通工具、旅游的地点、交通工具、在每个景点进行的活动和自己的感受。在每个景点进行的活动和自己的感受。4.文章结构要清晰文章结构要清晰:注意按时间或地点顺序注意按时间或地点顺序,将文章的将文章的六大要素六大要素(人物、时间、地点、事件、原因和结果人物、时间、地点、事件、原因和结果)有机有机地结合起来。地结合起来。5.注意注意:旅游游览类文章中要表达出作者的情感和看法。旅游游览类文章中要表达出作者的情感和看法。.常见的短语和句型常见的短语和句型1.At the center of.is.2.Next to.is.

49、3.In the northeast part is.4.The favorite attraction is.5.It is fun to go to.6.At.time,we will go to.7.Youd better go to.8.It consists of.9.be filled with.10.take a bus to someplace11.pay a visit to12.That was my first visit to.13.This is unusual/unforgettable.14.We had a good time/enjoyed ourselves.15.This was a real life-changing experience that I would never forget.16.After breakfast I went to.with my friends by bike.17.My memory of the pleasant trip will last long.18.I could not but admit that it was a most pleasant and unforgettabletrip.


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