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1、Module 5A Lesson in a LabPeriod 4Integrating Skills要点讲解课.根据语境及汉语提示写单词根据语境及汉语提示写单词1.The boat _(漂浮漂浮)down the river.2.I like enjoying the _(火焰火焰)of sunset.3.Many students attended the _(讲座讲座),including our monitor.floatedflamelecture4.I was _(惊讶的惊讶的)that he was not an Englishman.5.We have first-class

2、scientific _(设备设备)in our school lab.6.His research _(形成形成)the basis of his new book.astonishedfacilitiesforms.根据语境选词填空根据语境选词填空add to;used to;in the area of;be proud of;be supposed to;put.in order;keep down;go ahead1.I usually _all the books on the shelf _so that they can be easily found whenever I n

3、eed them.putin order2.The reforms _health care are necessary and important.3.This show will no doubt _his growing reputation among the people.4.The building of the new bridge will _as planned.in the area ofadd togo ahead5.You _ask permission if you want to take photos.6.I _play the piano when I was

4、free,but now I have no time to do that.7.We Chinese have good reasons to _our achievement in the past 30 years.are supposed toused tobe proud of8.Most of the food shops have promised to _prices _until after the new year.keepdown1keep.down压低压低(某样东西某样东西),常用来指常用来指“压低音压低音量量”The local government tries to

5、 keep the prices down.当地政府努力使物价下降。当地政府努力使物价下降。He had to keep his head down when he was going through the cave.当他穿过山洞时不得不把头压低。当他穿过山洞时不得不把头压低。They couldnt keep down their excitement.他们控制他们控制不住兴奋。不住兴奋。Keep down!You mustnt let anybody see you.蹲下蹲下!别让任何人看见你。别让任何人看见你。【自我归纳自我归纳】keep down除了有除了有“压低压低”之之意外意外,

6、还有还有“_”“_”之意。之意。控制控制蹲下蹲下【知识延伸知识延伸】keep on 继续继续keep out(使使)留在外面留在外面keep off(使使)不接近不接近keep up保持保持;持续持续After his illness,the man was warned to keep off fatty foods.这个人病了之后这个人病了之后,他被警告不要吃高脂肪食物。他被警告不要吃高脂肪食物。【活学活用活学活用】I often do exercise to _my weight _.我经常锻炼来减轻我的体重。我经常锻炼来减轻我的体重。The company tries to keep

7、down the cost.译译:_keepdown这个公司试图降低成本。这个公司试图降低成本。用合适的介词或副词填空。用合适的介词或副词填空。Dont lose heart.Keep _working hard and you will succeed.Please keep _the tigers.Its dangerous to take photos with them.In face of failure,we should keep _a good state.onoffup2used to过去过去(常常常常)I never used to enjoy science,but la

8、st year I changed schools,and the science teachers at my new school are excellent.以前我从来不喜欢理科以前我从来不喜欢理科,但是去年我换了学校但是去年我换了学校,我的新学校里的理科老师非常棒。我的新学校里的理科老师非常棒。I usednt/didnt use to get up early,but I do now.我过去起得晚我过去起得晚,但现在我起得早了。但现在我起得早了。Did he use/Used he to go there?他以前常去那儿吗他以前常去那儿吗?Im sure Ill get used

9、to the hard work.我相信我会习我相信我会习惯这份艰苦的工作的。惯这份艰苦的工作的。【自我归纳自我归纳】used to do只用于只用于过去时过去时,其否定形式是其否定形式是_或或didnt use to do,疑问句形式是疑问句形式是Did sb.use to.或或_。be/get used to意思是意思是“_”,to是介词是介词,后后接名词或接名词或 v.-ing形式。形式。used not to doUsed sb.to.习惯于习惯于【联想拓展联想拓展】(1)be used to有时可能是动词有时可能是动词use的被动语态结构的被动语态结构,此时此时意为意为“被用来被用来

10、”。A knife can be used to cut bread.刀可用来切面包。刀可用来切面包。(2)used to过去经常而现在不再这样过去经常而现在不再这样,而而would与现在没与现在没有联系有联系;used to可表示过去的动作和状态可表示过去的动作和状态,would可表示可表示过去的习惯性动作。过去的习惯性动作。【活学活用活学活用】He _ _ play basketball here.他过去常在这儿打篮球。他过去常在这儿打篮球。Im used to _ _ early at six oclock every morning.我习惯每天早上六点钟早早起床。我习惯每天早上六点钟早

11、早起床。used togetting upIs your father still a worker?No,but _ _ _ _(他以前是他以前是).I _ _ under a big tree in front of my house as a child.孩提时我经常坐在我家房前大树下。孩提时我经常坐在我家房前大树下。he used to bewould sit3be proud of为为感到骄傲感到骄傲/自豪自豪The Nobel Prize is the highest scientific prize there is,so we should be very proud of t

12、hat.诺贝尔奖是最高的诺贝尔奖是最高的科学奖科学奖,所以我们应该为此而感到骄傲。所以我们应该为此而感到骄傲。He is proud of being a member of the football team.他以作为足球队的一员感到骄傲。他以作为足球队的一员感到骄傲。Tom is proud to join our party.汤姆为能参加我们的汤姆为能参加我们的派对而感到自豪。派对而感到自豪。We should all take pride in these successes.我们都应该为这些成功我们都应该为这些成功(的事情的事情)感到自豪。感到自豪。【自我归纳自我归纳】be prou

13、d of后可接名词、代词、后可接名词、代词、v.-ing形式和形式和what引导的从句。引导的从句。be proud to do sth._为为感到自豪感到自豪做某事感到自豪做某事感到自豪take pride in【活学活用活学活用】He _ _ _ what you have achieved.他为你所取得的成就而骄傲。他为你所取得的成就而骄傲。They _ _ _ _ to such a fine team.他们为属于这么好的一个队而自豪。他们为属于这么好的一个队而自豪。is proud ofwere proud to belongPeople in China are proud of

14、what we have achieved in the past ten years.(句型转换句型转换)People in China _ _ _ what we have achieved in the past ten years.take pride in4be supposed to应当应当;理应理应Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car.每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。You are not supposed to take the books out of the room.你不能把这些

15、书拿出屋去。你不能把这些书拿出屋去。This isnt what we are supposed to be discussing.这不是我们现在应该讨论的。这不是我们现在应该讨论的。You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now.现在你应该已经把作业交上来了。现在你应该已经把作业交上来了。【自我归纳自我归纳】be supposed to意为意为“应该应该”;“被期望被期望”;be为过去式时表示为过去式时表示“_”。be not supposed to do sth._be supposed to _现在应该现在应该(正正)做做b

16、e supposed to _本应该做某事而没做本应该做某事而没做本应该本应该不应该做某事不应该做某事be doinghave done sth.【活学活用活学活用】In your country,what _ _ _ _(你应该你应该)do when you meet someone for the first time?The message is very important,so it _ _ _(应该应该)be sent as soon as possible.are you supposed tois supposed toYou _ _ _ _(不应该不应该)refer to y

17、our notes during any test in our school.语法填空。语法填空。I am supposed _(finish)all my shopping by now,but I still have a great many to buy.are not supposed toto have finished5astonished adj.吃惊的吃惊的;惊愕的惊愕的He was astonished when he saw his father here.当他看到他爸爸在这儿时当他看到他爸爸在这儿时,他很吃惊。他很吃惊。I was astonished at/by t

18、he news.这消息着实让我吃这消息着实让我吃了一惊。了一惊。She was astonished to hear what had happened.她听她听到所发生的事感到惊讶。到所发生的事感到惊讶。Im astonished that he didnt pass the exam.他考试他考试没有及格没有及格,对此我感到很惊讶。对此我感到很惊讶。【自我归纳自我归纳】_对对感到惊讶感到惊讶be astonished to see/find/hear/learn_be astonished that_be astonished at/by.惊讶地看到惊讶地看到/发现发现/听到听到/得知得知

19、对对感到惊讶感到惊讶【知识延伸知识延伸】astonish vt.使使惊讶惊讶;使使震惊震惊astonishing adj.令人惊讶的令人惊讶的(指事物本身的特征指事物本身的特征)astonishmentn.惊奇惊奇;惊讶惊讶to ones astonishment令人感到惊讶的是令人感到惊讶的是in astonishment吃惊地吃惊地;惊讶地惊讶地【活学活用活学活用】I was so _ _ his _ answer.他惊人的答复让我很吃惊。他惊人的答复让我很吃惊。_ _ _,there was a light in one of the cabins.让我们吃惊的是让我们吃惊的是,有间小屋

20、里亮着一盏灯。有间小屋里亮着一盏灯。astonished at/byastonishingTo our astonishmentWhat he said at the meeting _ _ present.他在会议上所说的话使在场的每个人都很震他在会议上所说的话使在场的每个人都很震惊。惊。She _ _ _ you had not come here.她因为你没有来这里感到惊讶。她因为你没有来这里感到惊讶。astonished everybodywas astonished thatFrom her _expression,I knew she hadnt expected I would

21、ask her such an _question.(astonish)astonishedastonishing【备选要点备选要点】Go ahead!可以可以,行行,开始吧开始吧,提前走提前走May I ask you a question?Yes,go ahead!我可以问你一个问题吗我可以问你一个问题吗?可以可以,问吧问吧!Dont give up;go ahead with your plan.不要放弃不要放弃,继继续你的计划吧。续你的计划吧。You go ahead and tell him that were coming.你先走一步你先走一步,告诉他我们这就来。告诉他我们这就来。

22、【自我归纳自我归纳】表示同意表示同意对方的请求。根据情况可译为对方的请求。根据情况可译为“_ _”。表示继续或持续。表示请对方继续说、继续做等表示继续或持续。表示请对方继续说、继续做等,通通常可译为常可译为“_”。表示请对方先走或先做某事表示请对方先走或先做某事,可译为可译为“_”。说吧说吧,做吧做吧,开始吧开始吧,进行吧进行吧继续继续吧吧你先走一步你先走一步,你先请你先请【活学活用活学活用】You _ _,and Ill join you shortly.你们先开始你们先开始,我一会儿就加入你们。我一会儿就加入你们。Please _ _ _ your story.请继续讲你的故事。请继续讲你

23、的故事。go aheadgo ahead withCould I use your English dictionary for a few minutes?_ _(可以可以,用吧用吧).Im not using it myself.What will we do tomorrow?It is unclear whether the meeting will _ _(进行进行).Go aheadgo ahead【课堂小结课堂小结】.词汇串记词汇串记In northern China,foggy days are very common in winter,which is formed by

24、much steam floating in the air.More and more factories and cars pollute the air and break the balance of nature.In recent years,people are astonished to see too much haze(雾霾雾霾)in winter.The experts also give lectures that plans should be made and many more facilities are needed to reduce the air pol

25、lution.句式背诵句式背诵1.We are astonished to hear that he failed in the exam.我们很震惊地听说他考试没有通过。我们很震惊地听说他考试没有通过。2.They are supposed to have finished their homework now.他们本应该现在完成他们的作业的。他们本应该现在完成他们的作业的。3.Go ahead and turn left at the post office.一直向前一直向前,在邮局处向左拐。在邮局处向左拐。4.Either she or Tom is to blame for the b

26、roken glass.或者她或者汤姆应该为打碎的玻璃受到责备。或者她或者汤姆应该为打碎的玻璃受到责备。5.If you want to be a top student,you are supposed to try to keep a balance between work and rest.如果你想成为一名尖子生如果你想成为一名尖子生,你应该尽量做到劳逸结合。你应该尽量做到劳逸结合。如何写实验报告如何写实验报告实验报告是把实验目的、方法、过程、结果等实验报告是把实验目的、方法、过程、结果等记录下来记录下来,经过整理写成的书面汇报材料。注意事项经过整理写成的书面汇报材料。注意事项:1.实

27、验报告要有确证性、纪实性实验报告要有确证性、纪实性,以及固定格式。要求以及固定格式。要求内容实事求是内容实事求是,分析全面具体分析全面具体;2.语言简明扼要语言简明扼要,文字简练通顺文字简练通顺,誊写清楚整洁。誊写清楚整洁。请根据下列表格中的内容请根据下列表格中的内容,写一篇写一篇100个词左右的个词左右的短文短文,说明整个实验的内容。说明整个实验的内容。实验目的实验目的探究镁在空气中燃烧重量上是否有变探究镁在空气中燃烧重量上是否有变化化实验用品实验用品镁镁(magnesium);本生灯本生灯(Bunsen burner);天平天平(a balance);坩埚坩埚(crucible)实验实验步

28、骤步骤1.把镁放进坩埚内把镁放进坩埚内2.把坩埚放在天平上称一下把坩埚放在天平上称一下3.点燃本生灯点燃本生灯,把坩埚放在上面把坩埚放在上面,给镁加热给镁加热4.称镁的重量称镁的重量实验实验结果结果镁比原来重了一点镁比原来重了一点实验实验结论结论镁在空气中燃烧重量上有变化镁在空气中燃烧重量上有变化Step 1审题谋篇审题谋篇体裁体裁写一个实验报告写一个实验报告时态时态一般现在时一般现在时话题话题化学实验化学实验人称人称第三人称第三人称段落段落布局布局开头开头:实验目的实验目的主体主体:实验过程实验过程结尾结尾:实验结果实验结果Step 2遣词造句遣词造句1.实验的目的是看看镁在空气中燃烧重量上

29、是否有变实验的目的是看看镁在空气中燃烧重量上是否有变化。化。发现发现,查出来查出来_用用if引导宾语从句引导宾语从句,用用when引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句:_find outThe aim of the experiment is to find out if theres achange in weight when magnesium burns in the air.2.为了进行这个实验为了进行这个实验,你需要准备以下东西。你需要准备以下东西。施行施行,执行执行_下列东西下列东西_翻译翻译:(用用to do不定式不定式)_ _carry outthe following thin

30、gsTo carry out the experiment you need the followingthings.3.首先把镁放进坩埚内。首先把镁放进坩埚内。把把放进里面放进里面_根据示例结构仿写句子根据示例结构仿写句子:First,put the sweets in the box.(用用first,put.in结构仿写句子结构仿写句子)_put.inFirst,put the magnesium in the crucible.4.把坩埚放在本生灯上。把坩埚放在本生灯上。把把放在上面放在上面_翻译翻译:_put/hold.overHold the crucible over Bunse

31、n burner.5.镁比原来重了一点。镁比原来重了一点。比比多一点多一点 _翻译翻译:_a little more thanMagnesium weighs a little more than before.6.你得出结论你得出结论,镁在空气中燃烧重量上有变化。镁在空气中燃烧重量上有变化。得出结论得出结论 _draw a conclusion合并句子合并句子:(用同位语从句和时间状语从句用同位语从句和时间状语从句)You can draw a conclusion.Theres a change in weight.Magnesium burns in the air._You can d

32、raw a conclusion that theres a change inweight when magnesium burns in the air.Step 3润色组篇润色组篇(注意使用关联词注意使用关联词:if,when,first,second/then,next,finally等等)The aim of the experiment is to find out if theres a change in weight when magnesium burns in the air.To carry out the experiment,you need the followi

33、ng things:magnesium,a Bunsen burner,a balance and a crucible.When all the things are ready,you can begin the experiment.First,put the magnesium in the crucible.Then put the crucible on the balance and weigh it.Light the Bunsen burner and hold the crucible over it.Next,heat the magnesium.Finally,weig

34、h the magnesium again.Then,you have a result that it weighs a little more than before.Therefore,you can draw a conclusion that there is a change in weight when magnesium burns in the air.【策略点拨策略点拨】.写作指导写作指导1.明确主题明确主题:实验报告因科学实验的对象而异。如化学实验报告因科学实验的对象而异。如化学实验的报告叫化学实验报告实验的报告叫化学实验报告,物理实验的报告就叫物理物理实验的报告就叫物理

35、实验报告。实验报告。2.明确文章类型。明确文章类型。3.掌握实验报告的要素掌握实验报告的要素:Aim实验目的实验目的;Apparatus实验实验器材器材;Method实验步骤实验步骤;Result实验结果实验结果;Conclusion实实验结论。验结论。4.文章结构要清晰文章结构要清晰:注意要按照实验报告的结构注意要按照实验报告的结构,将文将文章的要素有机地结合起来。章的要素有机地结合起来。.常见的短语和句型常见的短语和句型1.Aim:To find out.;in order to.2.Introduction:.3.Method:(1).(2).(3).;firstly,secondly.4.Result:(时间时间)later.5.Conclusion:in a word.6.In this lab,we explore.7.In this experiment it was assumed that.8.was/were used to test.9.The experiments results prove.


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