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1、九年级英语作业 一 短语翻译1. 吃光我的食物_ 2. 很有条理_3. 保持她所有东西井然有序_ 4. 炫耀_5. 提出新的观点_ 6. 对.感到好奇_7. 踢球踢了几个小时_8.成为一个好会计_9. 拥有激动人心的想法_10.整天工作不说话_11.一个天生的艺术家_12.赢得了艺术协会的高度赞扬_13. 日复一日和数字打交道_14. 公司的总经理_15.生活就像是赛跑_16.要么领先,要么落后_17.随时迎接新的挑战_18.高铁的首席工程师_19.差之毫厘,谬以千里。_ 20.担负得起_21.注意每一个细节_ 22.以高标准工作_23.一天做手术长达10小时_ 24.加班_25.致力于做._

2、 26.参加不同的活动_27.等待而且不生气_ 28.洗碗_29.三思而行_ 30.既不也不_二、句子翻译1.他是个谦虚的人,不喜欢炫耀。He is a modest person and _.2.对我而言,整天只工作而不说话太可怕了。_3.作为一名医生,再小心都不为过。_4. 我总是在寻找更好的或不同的东西。_5. 我们所有人都知道关注每个细节是很必要的。_6. 担心的太多,所以她有时睡不好。_7.Millie和她的朋友们都不知道性格的类型。_三、拼写单词1.People with different _ (个性) may behave in different ways.2.My gran

3、dpa is so _ (精力充沛的) that he can walk a long time without rest.3._ (没有一个) of the two books on the desk is interesting.4.Simon is organized. He always keeps everything in _ (顺序).5.If you want to be an artist, you should be _ (有创造力的).6.The boy didnt pay much _ (注意力) to the exercises and he failed.7.Can

4、 I have _ (额外的) time to finish my work?8. I think _ (语法) is the most difficult part in English study.9.As a teacher,you shouldnt be _(急躁的)with your students.10.The young should _(尊敬)the old.11.The passage is too long.We will have to _(分)it into four parts.12.As a doctor,_(粗心)will be a sisaster to pa

5、tients.13.Li Hai _(贡献)himself to the development of our school.14.Lang Lang is a (天生的) pianist and of course, his hard work also helps him achieve such great success.15. Jims father is a (总的) manager in a big computer company.16. Li Hong came first in the 100-metre (赛跑) in the sports meeting last we

6、ek.17.The young man is trying to be a (先锋) in the field of high technology.18.The product of this company has reached the international (标准), so it sells well all over the world.19.Many business people prefer to choose the (高速的) train, though it means that they need to pay more money for the ticket.

7、20.Tom is _(精力充沛的) enough to play basketball for hours every day.21.Linda does best in English in our class. But she is very _ (谦虚的).22.My new neighbor Bill is _ (好奇的) about everything around the community.23.As a writer, you should be _ (有创造力的).24.I think we should _ (尊重) Toms wishes.25.Do you mind

8、 doing some _ (额外的) work for the Tree-planting Club ?26.He is the driver of this _ (高速的) train. 27. Can I _ (连接) my printer to your computer?四、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The woman waited for half an hour but the bus didnt come. Then she became (patient) and decided to take a taxi.2. The students (care)

9、made him lose lots of marks in the Maths exam.3.Premier Zhou Enlai devoted all his life to (work) for our country and people.4._(use) mobile phones too much is bad for your health.5.Yesterday he didnt sleep well because he _(worry) too much.6.Neither Kitty nor her parents_(know) about the accident.7

10、.Not only the twins but also their father _(help) _(clean) the rooms for the elderly.8.Either your watches or mine _(be) wrong.9. Sam often comes up with different ideas. He is_(create).10. Its boring for me to work without_(speak) all the time.11.Millie is very _ (organize). She can plan everything

11、 well by herself.12.Andy, could you express _ (you) well ?13.Amy hurried to leave home without _ (say) goodbye to anyone.14.His generous personality makes him feel good _ (share) things with others.15.Amy often has _ (excite) ideas. What job is suitable for her ?16.Jack is always _ (search) for info

12、rmation on the Internet.17.Do you think the story _ (it) is very interesting ? 18.Either you or Amy _ (show) great interest in music.19.She started _ (work) for a foreign company three years ago.20.Are you ready to _ (accept) his invitation ?21. Jim is an _ (patient) boy. He cant wait for hours with

13、out getting angry.22. David didnt pass the exam because of his _ (care).23. Doctor Wang often does _ (operate) for about 10 hours a day.24. Do you know who designed the high-speed railway _ (connect) Nanjing to Wuhan ?25. An energetic person has lots of _ (energetic).五、首字母填空When we do not understand

14、 each others language, we can talk with the help of signs.A Frenchman was once t_1_ in England. He could not speak English at all. One day, he went into a _2_ and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers in it and t_3_them out again. He wanted to say, “Bring me

15、 something to eat.”The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man m_4_his head from side to side. The waiter u_5_ him and took the tea away. In a moment he came with a cup of coffee and put it on the table, but the man again r_6_ it. He s_7_ his head whenever the waiter brought him something to d

16、rink, for d_8_ are not food.When the man was just about to get a_9_, another man came in. This man saw the waiter, and he put his hands on his s_10_. That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6. _ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10

17、._六、任务型阅读People talk about the problems with diet and dieting, and use them as an excuse for ending, or for not beginning a weight-loss plan. The main problems are that most people dont know how the body works or they are unwilling to change their lifestyles. When correctly solved you will find thes

18、e problems will disappear and will finally be a regular part of your lifestyle.One problem with diet and dieting is that people complain of often feeling hungry. In fact, slimming doesnt mean eating less. It just means eating differently. You should eat more foods rich in fiber(纤维) instead of foods

19、high in fat. It is possible to be slim without ever feeling hungry. Eating more nutrient-rich(营养丰富的) foods also means you feel less hungry because your body is getting what it needs.Another difficulty is the desire(欲望). Most people complain that they cannot eat their favorite foods based on weight-l

20、oss plans, which causes them to eat too much “bad” food. A slimming plan shouldnt mean you can just eat “bad” food. While there are some foods that you should limit, there is no harm in treating yourself in small amounts now and then. Eating one chocolate bar once in a while is not going to end a he

21、althy eating plan.Time can be another problem. When youre busy, it seems much easier to just grab a snack than to prepare a well-balanced meal. Slimming doesnt mean spending more time. It also helps you save money. Store your fridge with some food that can be thrown into a bag and eaten anytime. Als

22、o, with a little pre-planning, large healthy meals can be made all at once, and then foods frozen and reheated when needed.TitleDiet and DietingThemeYour slimming problems will disappear when correctly 1_.Feeling2_Slimming means eating differently3 _of eating less.Eating foods rich in fiber and nutr

23、ients may4 _ you from feeling hungry.DesireA slimming5 _ never means eating “bad” food.Eating limited foods in small amounts now and then does you no6 _.7_Slimming can help you8 _ time and money.Put some healthy foods in your fridge.Make sure large healthy meals can be made9 _.10_meals that can be frozen and reheated when they are needed.第 5 页


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