六年级英语上册各单元综合练习题(DOC 61页).docx

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1、六年级英语上册各单元综合练习题Unit 1 How can you get there?一,单词1. _科学博物馆 2._书店3. _电影院 4._图书馆5. _学校 6._邮局7._医院 8._十字路口9._公园 10._宠物医院11._有趣的 12._ 电影13._意大利餐厅 14._饥饿的15.Palace museum_ 16.在.的后面_二,短语17. _转左 18._转右19. _直走 20._在门的旁边21. _在那里 22._在图书馆的前面23. _挨着。 24._在公园附近25. Is it far?_ 26.get there_三,句子问路句型:-Where is+地点?-

2、Its+表示位置的词语-How can+主语+get(to)+地点.-主语+can+turn left/right/go straight at the+地标。What 开头的感叹句what a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+动词!What a beautiful girl she is! What a great museum!What+形容词+可数名词或不可数名词+主语+动词!What nice music it is!How 引导的感叹句How+形容词或者副词+主语+动词!How beautiful you are! How great the museum is!27. 科学博物馆

3、在哪里?_is the _?28. 我怎么到那里?How can I _ _?29. 就在图书馆的前面。Its _ _ _ the library.30. 电影院就挨着宠物医院。The cinema is _ _the _.31. 我想要买一张明信片。I_ _ buy a postcard.32. 直走,然后在十字路口向右转,学校就在你的左手边。_ _,and_ _at the crossing,you can see the library is _ _ _.33. 多棒的一个博物馆啊!_ a _ museum!34. 我很饥饿了。_.35. 我们怎么到达电影院?How can_ _ _ t

4、he cinema?36. 多么聪明的女孩啊!How _ _ _ _!四,语法介词的使用in +年,季节,月份,泛指某一天的上午,中午,晚上。in 1990 in summer in August in the morning .on +星期,日期,节日,特指某一天的上,下,晚on Monday on April 1st on Teachers Day on Monday morning at+具体的时间具体到某一点钟at 7:00 oclock at down at noon at night 地点副词和时间副词在句中的位置关系here, home, upstairs,somewhere,

5、anywhere,everywhere等地点副词和时间副词并列使用时,一般要把地点副词放在时间副词的前面He had a meeting here yesterday.他昨天在这里开了个会I get there in the morning.我是早上到达那里的。基础训练一,单项选择( )1.How can I_cinema?A. get to the B.get C.get the( )2.-Where did you buy the book?-_.A. Twenty yuan. B.In the bookstore C.Ok( )3.Turn right _the hospital.A.

6、at B.on C.in( )4.The bank is_the restaurant on Qinghua Street.A. in the front of B.next by C.next to( )5.The hospital is_.A. on left B.on the left C.turn left( )6.-_is the library?-Its over there.A. When B.What C.Where( )7.The hospital is in front _the school.A. of B.in C.to( )8.-How can I_the cinem

7、a?-Go straight and turn left.A. get to B.get on C.get off( )9.What_interesting film it it!A. a B.an C.the ( )10._fast the boy runs!A. What B.when C.How二,按要求完成下列各题1. how,I,can,get,the,to,post office,(?)连词成句 2. a,hospital,near,is,there,here,(?)连词成句 3. The hospital is next to the post office.(就划线部分提问)

8、4. The hotel is behind the restaurant.(写出同义句) 5. What a interesting story!(改错) 三,Read and choose. (根据短文内容,选择正确答案) Dabing and Xiaowei usually go to school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a toy shop. The toy shop is next to the supermarket. Yaya and Xiaoli usually go to school by b

9、us. They go past a bank and a post office. The bank is next to the post office. Longlong usually goes to school by bike. He passes by a police station, a library and a swimming pool(游泳池). ( )1.-How many people are there in the passage?-_ A.Three B.Four C.Five ( )2.-How does Longlong go to school?-_.

10、A. By car B.By bus C.By bike( )3.-Does Xiaoli take a taxi to school?-_.A. NO, she isnt B.NO, she doesnt C.Yes, she do( )4.Where is the toy shop?-_.A. It is far. B.Its next to the supermarket C.Its near the school. ( )-Where is the bank?-_A. Its very near. B.Its next to the supermarket C.Its next to

11、the post office四. Writing.(写作) Lily 和她的朋友们要去一家意大利餐馆吃比萨饼。请你根据提示写出他们行走的路线。 提示:他们现在在电影院前面,直走,到书店右转。他们到达了邮局的后面,然后他们左转就到达餐馆了。 Lily and her friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They are in front of the cinema now. They Unit 2 Ways to go to school一,单词1._红绿灯 2._地铁3._必须 4._孩子们5._有时,偶尔 6._

12、很早的7._走路 8._火车9._的士 10._慢慢的11._停止 12._ 飞机13._注意 14._轮船15._你的学校 16._头盔二,短语18. _ 在红灯时候 19._注意20. _坐地铁 21._走路22. _坐公交车 23._坐轮船24. _坐飞机 25._坐火车26. _打的 27.cross the road_28._slow down 29._等待30.hardly ever_ 31.never_三,句子询问对方的出行方式-How do you come(go)to +地点?-I come(go)to +地点 +交通方式.eg.How do you come to scho

13、ol?-I come on foot.如何用must 表示必须做某事主语+must+动词原形+其他:表示某人必须怎么样。I must pay attention to the traffic lights. 我必须注意红绿灯告诫别人不要做某事 Dont.Dont +动词原形+其他Dont smoke.别吸烟 Dont go swimming by yourself.不要独自去游泳过马路时交通信号灯英语表达:Slow down and stop Yellow lightStop and wait at a red lightGo green light四,语法含有how 的特殊疑问句总结How

14、old,多大,询问年龄 How old are you? 你多大了?How much,多少钱,询问不可数名词的量,物品的价格 How much is the book?这本书多少钱? How much milk do you want? 你需要多少奶?How many 多少,询问可数名词的数量 How many book do you have?你有多少本书?How Long 多久,询问某动作持续的时间 How long will you stay?你要待多久?How often 多少次,询问某个动作的次数How often do you watch TV? 你多久看一下电视?How far

15、多远 询问距离 How far is it from your home to school? 你家离学校有多远?频度副词always,总是usually,通常,often 经常,sometimes,偶尔,有时,hardly ever 几乎不,never,从不乘坐某种交通工具的不同表达区别“take a +交通工具”为动词短语,可以直接作谓语I take a bus to school today. 我今天坐公交车去学校“by +交通工具”为介词短语,不能直接作谓语,可以充当方式状语,交通工具前不需要任何的冠词。I go to school by bus today. 我今天做公交车去学校。基

16、础训练一,单项选择Read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)( )1. A. by ship B. by plane C. go home ( )2. A. hospital B. museum C. helmet ( )3. A. turn rightB. turn left C. on foot ( )4. A. stop B. wait C. sled ( )5. A. must B. often C. sometimes读一读,选出一个正确答案( )1. -How do you get to Dalian from Shandong?- . A. by sub

17、way B. on foot C. by ship D. by bike ( )2. Please _ ! The light is yellow now. A. slow down and stop B. wait C. go D. I dont know. ( )3. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school _. A. by subway B. by sled C. by ferry D. by car ( )4. Where is the _? I want to send a post card. A. bookstore B. po

18、st office C. museum D. hospital ( )5. How do you come to school?_. A. She usually walks. B. I sometimes come by bus. C. The bus is coming. D. Sure. ( ) 6. Little Jack sometimes goes home_foot. A. by B. at C. on D. in ( ) 7. can I get to the zoo? A. What B. How C. How old D. Do ( ) 8. go at the red l

19、ight! A. Dont B. Do C. To do D. Does ( ) 9. Look the pictures. A. to B. / C. a D. at( ) 10.-Dont let the dogs run too fast.- .A.Youre welcome B.Let me try C.Ok,thank you! 二,按要求完成下列各题1. I come to school by bike.(就划线部分提问) 2. I often walk to school.(写出同义句) 3. Go at the red light.(改为否定句) 4. pay,attentio

20、n,to,I, must,the,traffic,lights(!)(连词成句) 5. how,get,to,do we,the,nature,park(?).(连词成句) 三,Read and choose. 根据短文内容,判断(T)正误(F) Hi, Im Mike, Im a clever student. Usually, I go to school on foot. Because my home is near the school. Tom is my good friend. We often go to school together. My father is a doc

21、tor, he often goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher, she often goes to work by bus, but sometimes by bike. On weekends, I often go to the park with my parents. In the afternoon, I often go to the library by bike. I like reading. After dinner, I like watching TV with my family. ( ) 1. Mikes fat

22、her is a driver.( ) 2. Tom often goes to school on foot. ( ) 3. On weekends, Mike often goes to the park with his father and mother. ( ) 4. Mikes mother never goes to work by bike. ( ) 5. After dinner, Mike likes reading. 四. Writing.(写作) 作为一名学生,谈谈你在日常生活中是怎样遵守交通规则的。 要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整; 2. 不少于50个单词。 Im a

23、 student, I usually go to school . I must pay attention to Unit 3 My weekend plan一,单词1._词典 2._参观,拜访3._明信片 4._旅行5._超市 6._连环画7._单词 8._价格9._一起 10._月饼11._课程 12._ 明天13._今晚 14._晚上15._月亮 16._周末二,短语17._ 在自然公园 18._画画19._寻找 20._做作业21._上美术课 22._听起来不错23._看电影 24._玩得开心哦25._去溜冰 26.洗衣服_27_去野炊 28._这个早上29._下个星期 30._看

24、望祖父母31._去旅游 32._ comic book33._ textbook 34._exercise book35._语文书 36._英语书37.have to_ 38.go for a picnic_39.be afraid of_ 40.许多的_41.sounds great_ 42.Thats nice._三,句子询问别人打算做什么句型-What +be动词+ 主语+ going to do+时间?-主语+be动词+going to+动词/动词短语What are you going to do this morning? 你们今天早上打算去做什么?-We are going to

25、 have an English class this morning.我们上英语课What is he going to do this weekend?他这周末打算做什么?-He is going to visit his grandparents.他打算去看望祖父母。询问别人打算去哪里句型-Where +be动词+主语+going+时间-主语+be动词+going+地点-Where are you going tomorrow?你明天去哪里?-I am going home tomorrow.我明天打算回家-Where is she going tonight?她今晚打算去哪里?-She

26、 is going to the night party.她打算去参加派对询问别人何时做某事句型-When +be+主语+going to do-具体的时间作答-When are you going to visit your family?什么时候去看望家人?-This weekend.询问对方有没有某物的句型-Do you have +事物?-Yes,I do./No.I dontDo you have a book?-Yes, I do./NO,I dont.四,语法表示“看”的单词和用法,see,look,watch,read的用法see,看见,强调看到的内容,I can see a

27、bird flying in the sky.我看到一只鸟在天上飞。look,看,瞧,强调看的这个动作。Look! There is a tiger over there.看,那里有一只老虎watch,观看,侧重观赏类的影视节目,比赛,演出等,I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。read,阅读,侧重有文字,图画的图书和周刊。Do you often read books in the Park?你是否经常在公园读书?形容词性物主代词,表示“谁的”等同于形容词,后面必须要加名词使用:my pen.第一人称第二人称第三人称单数my我的your你的his他的,her她的,its它的复

28、数our我们的your你们的their他们的对比,名词性物主代词,也是表示“谁的”,但是等同于名词,its mine.是我的第一人称第二人称第三人称单数mine我的yours你的his他的,hers她的,its它的复数ours我们的yours你们的theirs他们的eg. This is classroom.这是我们的课室This classroom is .这个课室是我们的Many,much,lots of,a lot of,a lot的用法many,修饰可数名词复数,many books许多书much,修饰不可数名词,much food 许多食物lots of=a lot of既可以修饰可

29、数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,lots of apples=a lot of apples 许多苹果(可数); lots of money=a lot of money 许多钱(不可数)a lot,许多,大量,作名词用;I learned a lot from this lesson.从这节课中,我学会了很多。基础训练一. Read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个) ( ) 1. A. time B. morning C. afternoon D. evening ( ) 2. A. cinema B. dictionary C. library D. hospital

30、 ( ) 3. A. magazineB. post card C. tonight D. comic book ( ) 4. A. tomorrowB. today C. next week D. yesterday ( ) 5. A. do B. am C. is D. are Read and choose(读一读,选出正确的答案) ( ) 1.What are you going to do this afternoon? A. Im going to buy a book. B. Im a student. C. I go to school by bike. ( )2.I am g

31、oing to Beijing_.A. in Monday B.on Monday C.at Monday( )3.Sara _visit her grandparents this weekend.A. is going to B.go to C.is going( )3.Where are you going to see the film?-_.A. next week B.The park C.Visit my grandparents( )4.I am going to take a trip tomorrow.-_.A. NO. B.Thank you C.Have a good

32、time!( )5.Were going to have an art lesson _this morning.A. at B.on C.in( )6.-_-I am going to buy an English book.A. Do you have a comic book? B.What are you going to buy? C.This afternoon. ( )7.Shes going to_the Great Wall next week.A.visit B.visits C.visiting( )8.There are_milk at home.A. a lot B.lots of C.lot( )9.Do you have _money here?A. many B.much C.any( )10.Chen Jie has to do _homework now.A. her B.hers C.she二 按要求完成下列各题。1. are, to, you, what,do,going,this


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