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学科网(北京)股份有限公司20222023 学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)英语试题解析英语试题解析第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)1-5 CBCAB 6-10 CCABC 11-15 BCBAA 16-20 BAACB第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)21-23 CAB 24-27 DBCD 28-31 BBAC 32-35 ADDB36-40 FEDAG第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)41-45 ABDDB46-50 ACCBA51-55 DCABC 第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)56.beauty 57.But(And)58.are 59.to 60.professionally61.themselves 62.that 63.rising 64.an 65.has hosted第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(满分 15 分)This May Day saw numerous visitors to the“Meet the Artists”exhibition in our city museum.To cultivate citizens artistic accomplishment,the museum exhibited many fantastic pictures of impressionists and post-impressionists,bringing a feast for the eyes of art lovers.I enjoyed every second of the show and was particularly attracted by Van Goghs Starry Night and the Sunflowers.Exposed to his colors,forms and imagination,I seemed to have reached his passionate inner world.I hope in the future shows can last longer and more schools of pictures including Chinese masterpieces can be displayed.第二节(满分 25 分)Her mouth kept opening and closing but no sound came out.There was our dog,sound asleep at the feet of the expensive,fur-draped model,his nose comfortably rested near the air-conditioner.She started toward the window to get Torgy,then saw Mr.Webb.“I am so sorry.”Mom sputtered.She turned and called to Torgy but he turned down her invitation to leave his comfortable spot.Embarrassed that our dog hadnt moved an inch,Mom tried to apologize to Mr.Webb again,but he held up his hand to interrupt her.“Your dog has been making himself at home in our window for days,”Mr.Webb explained with a big smile.“He has been coming in since the heat wave started,”he continued.“I am a dog man but was still astonished by your dogs boldness at first.”From Mr.Webbs explanation,we got to know what had happened.Not long after our dogs arrival,a fair number of people were attracted to his store.They all desired to see the great and lovely match of the dog fur and salon fur.Out of 学科网(北京)股份有限公司his tricks in attracting more customers,Mr.Webb immediately seized this golden chance.“He looks beautiful with the furs,doesnt he?”he concluded finally.01 阅读理解阅读理解答案:答案:21-23 CAB24-27 DBCD28-31 BBAC32-35 ADDBA 篇主要介绍了一个针对高中女生而发起的科研活动,包括它的发起目的,基本要求以及背后故事。篇主要介绍了一个针对高中女生而发起的科研活动,包括它的发起目的,基本要求以及背后故事。B 篇借由讲述主人公篇借由讲述主人公 Song 与古籍修复这一专业之间的故事。与古籍修复这一专业之间的故事。C 篇主要探讨了乐器演奏对于认知方面的益处能否长期持续的问题。篇主要探讨了乐器演奏对于认知方面的益处能否长期持续的问题。D 篇从公众对篇从公众对 AI 产品道德标准的探讨引入,提出作者产品道德标准的探讨引入,提出作者“聊天机器人不应该有操控人类情绪的能力聊天机器人不应该有操控人类情绪的能力”的观点,由此呼吁人类限制聊天机器人使用表情符号。的观点,由此呼吁人类限制聊天机器人使用表情符号。详细解析:详细解析:A 篇篇第 21 题 C。定位文章第二段可知,这项活动的目标群体是高中女生,所以性别是决定因素之一。第 22 题 A。定位文章第四段,apply with your projects 可知答案。第 23 题 B。定位文章第六段第四行,she found very little support and no female role models within the industry 而紧随其后她就建立了该组织,故而为了支持女性在该领域发展便是她此举的原因。B 篇篇第 24 题 D。定位文章第一段第三行可知,Song 和他的同事在开始修复工作之前必须考虑和权衡哪些问题可以通过修复解决,哪些问题不能通过修复解决。由此可推得,错误的评估会破坏修复的进行。第 25 题 B。通过对古籍修复的技术要求以及古籍修复课程稀少这一系列的需求,可以直观感受到这是一份复杂且有挑战性的工作。文章没有提及该工作的利润或者危险性,主人公也乐在其中,并不认为这是一份无聊的工作,故答案选择 B。学科网(北京)股份有限公司第 26 题 C。定位于文章第六段 As Song looked into undergraduate curricula(本科课程)arrangement for that particular field of study,she found it was mostly related to chemistry.Therefore,she chose to start a chemistry degree at Fudan University in Shanghai in 2008.通过研究课程,Song 发现化学和古籍修复有诸多相似之处,故选择学习化学,他的最终目的仍然是从事古籍修复领域,学习化学专业是他为了实现梦想而进行的必要准备。第 27 题 D。本文借由讲述 Song 通过坚定的努力最终实现少年时候的梦想告诉我们:你对梦想的坚持以及为梦想所做出的努力终究会回馈你。C 篇篇第 28 题 B。定位第一段第三行 Studies comparing the mental abilities of musicians and non-musicians often show that musical training is related to small,but significant,cognitive(认知的)benefits even when other factors,such as social and economic status,are accounted for可知文章第一段主要在阐述乐器演奏的好处。第 29 题 B。结合第三段与第四段可知,该研究的参与者仍然是部分 1947 年时已经 11 岁的孩子,而问卷完成时已经是 2018 年,故参与者们的年龄已经八十岁左右,选择 B 选项。第 30 题 A。仍然结合第三段和第四段可知,该研究的样本数据都是从 1947 的测试得出和挑选的,故对于该研究来说,1947 年大量的测试数据组成了一个供该研究参考的数据库。第 31 题 C。本文在第一段肯定了乐器演奏有利于个人短期认知,随即在第二段提出了乐器演奏对于认知的益处是否能长期持续的疑问,紧接着在第三段与第四段讲述了对于这一议题的相关研究,最后在结尾段给出一个总体结论 Overall,the researchers found that a significant positive relationship existed between playing an instrument and change in cognitive ability over time.More specifically,the more years and more hours of practice with an instrument that a person had,the more likely they were to show a positive cognitive change over the course of their life 论证了乐器演奏对于认知的益处是持续性的,同时,本文的主题词是乐器演奏而不是乐器本身,排除 A 选项与 B 选项,选择 C 选项。D 篇篇第 32 题 A 第一段作者就由公众对 AI 产品道德标准的探讨引入,提出自己“聊天机器人不应该有操控人类情绪的能力”的观点;二三四段结合实例论证“应该加以限制聊天机器人在聊天时使用表情符号”,即使用表情符号就是一种对人情绪的操控;第五段提出“机器人应该与人类做出区分,来减少机器人对人类的操控”。因此综合全文来看,作者想通过全文表达的是“阻止 AI 发表情符号”来达到操控人类情绪的意图,因此选 A。第 33 题 D 定位到文章第一段,“公众就 AI 道德标准的讨论聚焦于这些系统弥补令人信服的错误信息的能力上,但却忽略了他们是有情绪操控性的(emotionally manipulative)”,从下文也可得知,AI 使用表情符号进行说谎事实上就是一种对情绪的操控。因此选 D“擅于影响操纵别人”。学科网(北京)股份有限公司第 34 题 D 定位到文章第四段,其中提到我们可以合理猜测某人的意图(guess at someones motivations)让其他人为谎言负责(hold each other responsible for such lies),但是对 AI 就不行。后文又提到 AI 发笑哭的表情却不仅不在笑哭,甚至也没有能力产生那样的情感(not only not crying.but it is also incapable.),由此可排除 ABC,选择 D 只是有“和人交流”的能力。第 35 题 B 定位到第四段,作者用“人类的目的行为可以被猜测,人也可以为谎言负责、做出赔偿,但 AI 不可以,它不能做表情甚至不能产生情绪”的对比,为“应该限制 AI 使用表情符号”提出了的一个支持的论点,因此选 B。02 7 选选 5 阅读阅读答案:答案:36-40 FEDAG本篇阐述了在经济下行的现代社会,年轻人更加注重购买生活必需品、减少可变需求的消费观念,而这种模式也有利于资源的保护。本篇阐述了在经济下行的现代社会,年轻人更加注重购买生活必需品、减少可变需求的消费观念,而这种模式也有利于资源的保护。详细解析:详细解析:第 36 题 F 空前通过巴菲特的名言引出一种“应当注重必需品(things you need),减少非必需品开支”的消费观,空后又强调“这在经济下行的当下是尤为真实的”,可知此处应为巴菲特这句话所描述的消费观在经济不景气的当今社会已经为人们奉行的做法,即年轻人都十分认可这种观点,因此选 F。第 37 题 E 第二段讲述“虽然这种节俭的观点长期以往都是东方文化的一部分,但财富的积累还是滋长了国内的一些消费主义”,但是“物品消费量的提升也推动了基础物资的价格上涨,也让大众重新评估起这些消费品的优先顺位”,可知消费主义开始盛行,但是一些连带效应也促使人们去改变消费结构,因此节俭的消费模式会再次兴起,所以选 E。第 38 题 D 第三段阐述网上对于省钱的一些意见和观点,空前举例“你可以买二手衣服却不能不去看牙医”,空后则是提出一个递进的观点“你应该减少那些华而不实的东西的购买”,可知此处应为从上一句的例子中总结出的观点,即为“将影响你健康的东西置于首位”,而他也与下文形成正逻辑链,因此选 D。第 39 题 A 空前写到“我们都理解地球上的资源是很有限的”,空后写“因此,选择节俭不仅对我们的钱包好,从长远角度更是对这个星球好”。“持续增长模式是不可能一直持续下去的”承上启下,说明了资源有限的结果,因此选 A。第 40 题 G 最后一段旨在呼吁人们贯彻节俭的消费模式,空前提问读者“你有曾经饿死自己省钱去买一双限量版球鞋吗”,是在警示读者这种行为不可取,因此这里应该填写作者希望读者做出的改变,也就是“是时候为你自己和全人类做出一些改变”,即改变为“买实用的必需品”的消费观,因此选 G。03 完形填空完形填空答案:答案:学科网(北京)股份有限公司41-45 ABDDB46-50 ACCBA51-55 DCABC 本篇主要讲了作者得了本篇主要讲了作者得了 Cushing Disease 以后,刚开始变得负面消极,后面作者选择也践行了感恩,改变了自己的消极态度,从而,以后,刚开始变得负面消极,后面作者选择也践行了感恩,改变了自己的消极态度,从而,生活变得积极起来。生活变得积极起来。详细解析:详细解析:第 41 题 我得了个这个病,得病,应该是 caught the disease.第 42 题 我原本的假设是,做了手术,应该事情会好起来。第 43 题 我发现调整自己,适应自己的新生活很难。第 44 题 我发现自己变成了一个对生活的充满着厌恶的人。第 45 题 这个论坛(discussion)挑战着我(现有的认知)。第 46 题 我的配偶很支持我。第 47 题 很多人在得了这个病之后,配偶离他们而去,他们没有人可以求助。第 48 题 我践行感恩之后,我的情绪得到了改善。第 49 题 我开始以不同的方式去处理各种情况。第 50 题 以往我自己把这些不好的情况当做障碍,我现在把它们当做机会。第 51 题 我父母不仅仅口上这么说,同时他们一直这么亲身示范。第 52 题 我听了这么多年,看了这么多年,但是直到我自己得了这个病,践行了感恩,我才知道这句话的真正含义。第 53 题 过去我一直苦苦陷于自己对自己的怜悯之中。第 54 题 因为我播种的都是负面的东西,所以我的收获也被全部摧毁,即我一无所获。第 55 题 让感恩成为你生活中的惯例,惯例叫做 daily routine.04 语法填空语法填空答案:答案:56.beauty57.But(And)58.are学科网(北京)股份有限公司59.to60.professionally61.themselves62.that63.rising64.an65.has hosted本篇主要讲了海南因为自己的气候,黄金海滩和海域,优惠政策等,航空运动在海南变得本篇主要讲了海南因为自己的气候,黄金海滩和海域,优惠政策等,航空运动在海南变得很火。第很火。第 57 题和题和 58 题算难题。题算难题。详细解析:详细解析:(语法填空比较简单,只做难题解析)语法填空比较简单,只做难题解析)第 57 题 这里应该考察 not only,but also 结构,虽然前面的句子没有直接出现 not only,但是后面有 also,构成 but.also 结构,即海南不仅仅因为天然的美景,黄金的海域,同时也因为温暖的气候而使得航空运动很火。第 58 题 这里的主语是 aero sports,同时,这里属于描述一个现在的客观事实,应该用一般现在时,用 are.05 作文作文应用文写作:应用文写作:A.原创原创未删减版本未删减版本 Yesterday,I visited the exhibition entitled encountering artists in our city museum,in which various artworks,ranging from landscape paintings,jade inscribing to silk embroidery,were displayed.This exhibition attracted a constant stream of visitors,all of whom were deeply immersed in the profound artistic atmosphere.As one of the participants,I was really spellbound by these elegant artworks as well as the originality of their creators.One piece that struck me most was a white jade inscribing,where a dynamic dragon was chasing after a red crystal ball.So exquisite was the inscribing that the dragon seemed to come alive and would leap out at me.Were more detailed descriptions about these artworks,their creation background as well as their cultural intonation,visitors would leave the exhibition more fulfilled and contented.删减版本删减版本学科网(北京)股份有限公司 Yesterday,I visited the exhibition entitled encountering artists in our city museum,where various artworks,ranging from landscape paintings,jade inscribing to silk embroidery,were displayed.As one of the participants,I was really spellbound by these elegant artworks and the originality of their creators.One piece that struck me most was a white jade inscribing,where a dynamic dragon was chasing after a red crystal ball.So exquisite was the inscribing that the dragon seemed to come alive.Were more detailed descriptions about these artworks and their creation background,visitors would leave the exhibition more fulfilled and contented.Total word count:99 B.官方范文官方范文This May Day saw numerous visitors to the“Meet the Artists”exhibition in our city museum.To cultivate citizens artistic accomplishment,the museum exhibited many fantastic pictures of impressionists and post-impressionists,bringing a feast for the eyes of art lovers.I enjoyed every second of the show and was particularly attracted by Van Goghs Starry Night and the Sunflowers.Exposed to his colors,forms and imagination,I seemed to have reached his passionate inner world.I hope in the future shows can last longer and more schools of pictures including Chinese masterpieces can be displayed.读后续写:读后续写:A.原创原创Her mouth kept opening and closing but now sound came out.Following her wide-opened eyes,we had eyes falling on a medium-sized,square-looking dogs:it was our beloved Torgy,who cuddled beside the air conditioning and was taking a comfortable nap.The cool and gentle breeze from the air conditioning brushed across his thick fur with a melodic rhythm.Mystery solved!Our smart Torgy had found his favorite spot to escape from the heat wave.Bearing the most radiating smile,we popped into Mr.Webbs store and explained the whole story.“Your dog has been making himself at home in our window for days,”Mr.Webb explained with a big smile.“At first,we were surprised at his daily punctual arrival and departure.But gradually,we got used to it and figured it would be good to use Torgy as our dog model.”Mr.Webb added,with amusement dancing in his eyes.By this time,Torgy had woken up from his beauty sleep.Least expecting our arrival,he bounced at us and showered our faces with thousands of kisses.Obviously,he was not a bit frustrated at his secret being discovered by his masters!学科网(北京)股份有限公司Total word count:164 官方范文官方范文Her mouth kept opening and closing but no sound came out.There was our dog,sound asleep at the feet of the expensive,fur-draped model,his nose comfortably rested near the air-conditioner.She started toward the window to get Torgy,then saw Mr.Webb.“I am so sorry.”Mom sputtered.She turned and called to Torgy but he turned down her invitation to leave his comfortable spot.Embarrassed that our dog hadnt moved an inch,Mom tried to apologize to Mr.Webb again,but he held up his hand to interrupt her.“Your dog has been making himself at home in our window for days,”Mr.Webb explained with a big smile.“He has been coming in since the heat wave started,”he continued.“I am a dog man but was still astonished by your dogs boldness at first.”From Mr.Webbs explanation,we got to know what had happened.Not long after our dogs arrival,a fair number of people were attracted to his store.They all desired to see the great and lovely match of the dog fur and salon fur.Out of his tricks in attracting more customers,Mr.Webb immediately seized this golden chance.“He looks beautiful with the furs,doesnt he?”he concluded finally.学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司第 1 页 共 11 页20222023 学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)英语英语2023.05注意:本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。两部分答案都做在答题卡上。总分为 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Hostess and guest.B.Husband and wife.C.Boss and secretary.2.What will Anna do next?A.Meet James.B.Send a message.C.Change the time.3.Where does the conversation take place?A.In a restaurant.B.In a bookstore.C.In a library.4.What is the womans telephone number?A.02086557621.B.02086657321.C.02026557321.5.How does the woman sound?A.Annoyed.B.Disappointed.C.Puzzled.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.Why does the man make the phone call?A.To book a table for a dinner.B.To adjust the dining time.C.To change the number of diners.7.What time is the man going to have the dinner?A.At 4.B.At 6.C.At 7:30.学科网(北京)股份有限公司第 2 页 共 11 页听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8.What is the mans problem with English?A.Listening.B.Speaking.C.Vocabulary.9.Where does the mans problem lie?A.Forms of words.B.Stress of words.C.Meaning of words.10.What does the woman advise the man to do?A.Speak with natives.B.Practice oral English.C.See some films.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 14 题。11.What did the man do?A.He repaired some bookshelves.B.He broke a water pipe.C.He hired a repairman.12.What does the woman think of the mans work?A.Successful.B.Economical.C.Disastrous.13.What do we know about the book?A.It is expensive.B.It is a guidebook to DIY.C.It is taken from Mr.Neils bookshelf.14.What is Neil going to do?A.Read the book.B.Save some money.C.Change the pipe.听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。15.What is the woman doing?A.Conducting an interview.B.Assigning homework.C.Giving a lecture.16.What is Teach China?A.A rural school.B.An educational organization.C.A co-operative factory.17.When did the man start teaching in Teach China?A.In 2015.B.In 2016.C.In 2018.听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20题。18.What makes Beethovens music special to the speaker?A.Family-related emotions.B.Piano-related practices.C.Education-related experiences.19.Why does the speaker like Beethovens Symphony No.6?A.It is pure to him.B.It is simple to him.C.It is inspiring to him.20.What is the speaker mainly talking about?A.His love for classical music.B.His favorite Beethoven music.C.His view on Beethoven music.学科网(北京)股份有限公司第 3 页 共 11 页第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ABUILTBYYOU ChallengeIn this post on our website of WiTech,we introduce some details about the BUILTBYYOU Challenge and why teens from around the world should join it!BUILTBYYOU is an initiative that aims to encourage and expose more high school girls to careers in technology.Read the write-up below from the BUILTBYYOU team to learn more about the challenge!Who Were Looking ForWere looking for the next generation of 13-18 years old female startup founders and change-makers(you)who are building a mobile app,hardware device,robotics project,game,or something no one has invented yet.You can submit in up to teams of 4.Feel free to apply with your projects from your previous tech experiences or build out an entirely new idea.What You Could WinYou could wi
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