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1、How do you go to school?When does the first class begin?How many lessons are there in the morning?What do you usually do on weekends?Pay attention to the sentences.1.I took them myself.2.So ours is a bit bigger.3.Everyone is wearing a jacket and tie!4.We go to school every weekday from 8:45 am to 3:

2、15 pm.5.We have a large sports ground for football and tennis,where we can play both during and after school hours.代词有人称代词、指示代词、物主代词、代词有人称代词、指示代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词和疑问代词等。反身代词、不定代词和疑问代词等。人称代词人称代词 主格:主格:I,you,she,he,it,we,they宾格:宾格:me,you,her,him,it,us,them指示代词指示代词 this,these,that,those物主代词物主代词 形容词性形容词性:

3、my,your,her,his,its,our,their名词性名词性:mine,yours,hers,his,ours,theirs代词代词反身代词反身代词 myself,yourself,herself,himself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves不定代词不定代词 some,any,both,either,neither,all,none,each,every,many,much,few,a few,little,alittle,other,another,one,somebody,nobody,anybody,everyone,everyt

4、hing,something,anything,nothing等等疑问代词疑问代词 what,which,who,whom,whose等等1.some&any 都表示都表示“一些一些”,可指可数名词和不可,可指可数名词和不可数名词。可做主语和宾语。数名词。可做主语和宾语。some多用于多用于肯定句,肯定句,any多用于否定句、疑问句和多用于否定句、疑问句和条件句。条件句。e.g.Some of the students can speak German.不定代词不定代词2.neither&none 都表示否定意思,区别在于:都表示否定意思,区别在于:neither表示对两者的否定,而表示对两者

5、的否定,而none表示对三表示对三者及以上的否定。者及以上的否定。e.g.I saw two boys at the door,but neither of them is my brother.None of the students in my class wants/want to take part in this trip.3.(a)little&(a)few a little和和a few表示肯定的概念,而表示肯定的概念,而little和和few表示否定的概念。表示否定的概念。e.g.Little is known about these areas of Mars.He has

6、many friends,but few are true friends/but only a few are true friends.此外,此外,(a)little用于不可数名词,用于不可数名词,而而(a)few用于可数名词。用于可数名词。4.both&and both表示表示“两者都两者都”,而,而all表示表示“全体,全体,一切一切”,指三者及以上,指三者及以上,all还可以指不还可以指不可数的事物。可数的事物。e.g.All of the boys went to the cinema yesterday evening.Which of the two shirts do you

7、 like?I like both.both和和all还可以用于主语后。还可以用于主语后。e.g.We both/all passed the exam.5.each&either 都表示都表示“每一个每一个”,each可以表示两者可以表示两者或两者以上中的或两者以上中的“每一个每一个”。而。而either只能表示两者中的只能表示两者中的“每一个每一个”。e.g.Each of us/We each got a beautiful card on that special day.-Which of the two shirts do you want?-Either will do.注意注意

8、:either表示二选一,表示两者都要表示二选一,表示两者都要用用both。6.疑问代词疑问代词疑问代词用于构成特殊疑问句,包括疑问代词用于构成特殊疑问句,包括what,which,who,whom,whose等,代词等,代词的选择根据句意要求而定。的选择根据句意要求而定。e.g.When do you hear a bell at school?What are English schools like?How many pupils are there in a class in England?Anna:Hi,Bob.How did your exams go last term?Bob

9、:Great!I got good marks in(1)both/each maths and geography.What about you?Anna:I did really well in English.Thats(2)anything/something Ive always enjoyed.My marks in history and art werent so good because(3)none/neither is my favorite subject.What will you study this term?Bob:Ive still got(4)a few/f

10、ew days before I have to decide.Im going to speak to(5)both/all my teachers and ask for their advice.Anna:The teachers say that we must decide for(6)themselves/ourselves and that(7)none/neither of them can tell us what to do.Bob:But I have to get(8)some/any information because there are so(9)much/ma

11、ny subjects and its very hard to choose.A good teacher is someone who is helpful and kind,like my history teacher,Mr Miller.(1)_ knowledge of the subject is excellent.Because of him,I love history and even read history books by(2)_ after the lessons.A friend of(3)_ called Mark also lovesmyselfHismin

12、eboth each other His mine myselfthis subject and sometimes we lend(4)_ books or DVDs about history.I like reading(5)_ Western and Chinese history books,but I think Chinese history is my favorite subject.botheach other1.Johns homework is too difficult._ is not able to do it _,so Im going to help _ wi

13、th it.2.Some people do not have time to wash _ pets _,so _ pay someone to do it at the pet shop.himselfHehimhe her him himself our she their themselves they us wetheirthemselvesthey3.Jane is doing a project about family history._ has asked us to give _ some of _ photos that were taken when we were y

14、oung.Have _ got any,Betty?Yes,there is a photo of _ with all the children in our family.Sheherourweours介词是一种用来表示人物、事件之间关系介词是一种用来表示人物、事件之间关系的词。的词。1.介词短语及用法介词短语及用法不能单独构成句子成分,必须以介词短语不能单独构成句子成分,必须以介词短语的形式来构成。的形式来构成。“介词介词+名词名词”构成的介构成的介词短语在句中可作状语、定语和表语等。词短语在句中可作状语、定语和表语等。1)作状语作状语 e.g.He wrote long poems f

15、or children.介词和介词短语介词和介词短语2)作定语作定语 e.g.He seems to know the solution to the problem.3)作表语作表语 e.g.Tom and Jack are from England.2.介词的兼词现象介词的兼词现象 有些单词既可做连词也可作介词,而有些单词既可做连词也可作介词,而有些单词既可作介词又可做副词,要有些单词既可作介词又可做副词,要注意区分它们在句中的不同功能。注意区分它们在句中的不同功能。1)after&before After和和before既可作连词,也可做介词。既可作连词,也可做介词。作连词时后接从句,作

16、介词时后接名词或作连词时后接从句,作介词时后接名词或动词的动词的ing形式。形式。e.g.What did you do after you called the police?(after为连词,连接状语从句为连词,连接状语从句)I am going to the playground to play basketball after school.(after为介词,与名词为介词,与名词school构成介词构成介词 短语作状语短语作状语)2)above&below above和和below可作介词,也可做副词。可作介词,也可做副词。e.g.Do not write below the li

17、ne.(below和和the line构成介词短语作状语构成介词短语作状语)Please write to me at the address below.(below为副词为副词)这类兼做介词和副词的单词很多,如:这类兼做介词和副词的单词很多,如:about,down,up,in,off,on,over,through,under等。等。The school cinema shows lots of foreign films.Next week(1)_ Friday and Sunday it is showing a French film called Never Say Goodby

18、e.The story is set(2)_ Paris(3)_ the 1960s.ininonat for in onThe film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes and starts(4)_ 6:30 and 9:30(5)_ the evenings.Tickets are 5,but there is a special half-price ticket(6)_ students from our school.Please bring your student card if you want a cheap ticket.atinfo

19、r1.I study _ subjects:English,_.2.I dont study _.3.I take exams in _,but I dont take exams in _.4.My favorite sport is _ because _.5.I usually play sports on _.6.After-school activities,such as _ are very popular at our school.1.Where does Kate want to go on holiday next year?2.What game has Pete pl

20、ayed since primary school?GermanyPlay chess3.When do Kate and Pete have sports practice?Wednesday afternoonSchool yearSpecial subjectClub Sport Plan for next yearKate Pete 9German languagetennisgo on holiday to Germany10Geographylanguagechesswin all chess match1.When do class teachers check who is p

21、resent or absent?At the start of the day.2.Do all the students take PE lessons?Yes,they do.a)A dictionary.b)A school website.c)A storybook.3142 Clubs School hours Sports Subjects 1.The head teacher speaks to the whole school on Fridays.2.The lunch break is less than one hour.3.Students take exams in

22、 all the subjects they study.4.Students can join more than one club.No teachers needed?When it comes to learning,the environment has a big part to play.This has been shown in a long-term study by Professor Mitra from India.He set up computers in a village in India where children could not speak Engl

23、ish.They did not know what a computer looked like or what the Internet was.To everyones surprise,children taught themselves how to use the machines in a very short period of time.This suggests that children can learn fast with little help.Professor Mitra thinks this could change schools.He is now wo

24、rking on so-called SOLEs(Self-Organized Learning Environments).He explains that SOLEs include at least a computer and a bench big enough for four pupils.SOLEs have also been tested in some other countries such as the UK and Italy,with encouraging results.Write sentences about the facts.There are stu

25、dents and teachers in our school.Students can study After school,there are and Write sentences about your opinions.The thing I like best about our school is because Make a leaflet to introduce your school to new students.Use the sentences in Activity 10.Draw pictures and make designs where necessary

26、.1.Aunt Tina will visit us soon._ is arriving tomorrow morning.A.He B.She C.His D.Her 2.At present,children mean _ to most parents in China.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something BA3.Well play basketball _ Class 3 tomorrow.A.over B.against C.to D.for4.How can we protect ourselves _ the earthq

27、uake?We should stay calm first.A.with B.about C.for D.fromBD1.In our school,_ students like English,but _ of them can speak English smoothly.【2014铜仁铜仁】A.a little;a few B.a few;few C.a few,little D.a little;few2.Which of the two magazines will you take?Ill take _ though I find _ of them are very usef

28、ul to me.【2014黄冈黄冈】A.all;both B.either;either C.either;neither D.either;both3._ of us wants to go to the park today,because we have to finish so much homework.【2014长沙长沙】A.Either B.Both C.Neither4.You can take _ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother.【2014安徽安徽】A.both B.none C.either

29、 D.neither5.Mothers Day is _ the second Sunday in May in the United States.【2014长沙长沙】A.on B.in C.at6.Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened _ March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year.【2014南京南京】A.on B.at C.in D.to7.She sold her treasures to cure her mothers illness,even though it was

30、_her own wishes.Its so kind _ her.【2014鄂州】鄂州】A.against;of B.above;of C.on;for D.for;for8._ the exam,well say good-bye to our dear teachers,classmates as well as our beautiful school.【2014安徽安徽】A.In B.For C.After D.Through9.We have friends to help us fight against pollution,and trees are one of _.【2014年临沂年临沂】A.themselves B.they C.their D.them 10.We must protect plants.They are friends of _.【2014河北河北】A.we B.us C.our D.ours Write to your pen pal in England to introduce your school.


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