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1、新人教PEP版英语六年级下期末测试卷(带解析)1听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(10分) younger older shorter longer cleaned stayed washed watchedcamp fish gift basketgrass gym age stardream easy hall meter2听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分) 3听录音,填空。(10分)There _many trees. The cat was_ the chair.It was all a _!But I_ like pink now._ do you know that?4听录音,看判断你

2、所听到的内容与下列句子是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)Could you see stars at night?Today was a sunny day.My friends and I went to Sanya.Can I come and visit you?Lets go to the bookstore.5听音,把听到的句子按顺序排列。(10分)How was your weekend?Its faster than walking.Id like to have a try.Im the tallest one.Youre heavier than me.6看图写单词。(5分)7

3、找出不同类的单词。(5分)( )A.woke B. felt C. race( )A.thought B. different C. active( ) B. fix C. go( )A.thinner B. small C. bigger( )A.broken B. easy C. cheetah8写出单词的相应形式。(5分)lick(过去式)_ fell(动词原形)_well(比较级)_ read(过去式)_small(比较级)_9将短语和对应的图片连起来。(5分)go fishing;take pictures;go cycling;play badminton;go swi

4、mming10_was your summer holiday?It was good.A. What B. How C. Which11Im going to _the moon.A. visit B. visiting C. visits12I think its bigger _the elephant.A. to B. than C. with13I go to school from Monday _Friday.A. on B. to C. with14_are you going? America.A. When B. What C. Where15翻译句子。(5分)Im tal

5、ler than you._ Hed like to have a try._ Where did he go ?_ Im 12 years old._ Im going to China._ 16连词成句。to, middle, a, new, school ,am, going, I(.)_ to, am, sorry , I , that, hear (.)_ music,they,to,will,listen (.)_ class,maths,is,my,first (.)_ pink,wearing, are, you, a, T-shirt(.)_ 17阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F

6、)。(10分)Jim: Look! Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall.Amy: Yes, it is. How tall is it?Jim :Maybe 5 metres.Amy: Wow! Its taller than both of us together.Jim: Look! There are more dinosaurs over there.Amy: They are all so big and tall.Jim: Hey, this dinosaur isnt tall. Im taller than this one.Amy:

7、 Oh, yes! How tall are you?Jim: Im 1.65 metres.The tallest dinosaur in this hall is about 5 metres.Amy and Jim are taller than the tallest dinosaur.There arent more dinosaurs over there. All of the dinosaurs are big and tall. Jim is 1.65 metres.参考答案1younger;cleaned;gift;star;easy【解析】2;【解析】hotel;lamp

8、;gift;magazine;beach3were;on;dream;dont;How【解析】There were many trees. The cat was on the chair.It was all a dream!But I dont like pink now.How do you know that?4T;T;F;T;F【解析】Could you see stars at night?Today was a sunny day.My family and I went to Sanya.Can I come and visit you?Lets go to the park.

9、5;【解析】Its faster than walking.Id like to have a try.Youre heavier than me.Im the tallest one.How was your weekend?6fish;mule;basket;grass;ice-skate【解析】图片是一个人在钓鱼,钓鱼用单词“fish”图片是一头骡子,骡子用单词“mule”图片是一个篮子,篮子用单词“basket”。图片是一片草坪,草坪用单词“grass”,注意有两个s。图片是一个人在滑冰,滑冰用单词“ice-skate”。注意和ice-skiing“滑雪”区分。7C;A;A;B;C【解

10、析】A和B都是动词的过去式,C是动词原形,所以选C。B和C都是形容词。A是动词的过去式,所以选A。C和B都是动词。A是名词,与B,C词性不一样,所以选A。A和C都是形容词的比较级。B是形容词的原级,所以选B。A和B都是形容词, C是名词,与A,B词性不一样,所以选C。8licked;fall;better;read;smaller【解析】lick的过去式是直接在词尾加ed,即licked.fell的动词原形是fall,即答案是fall.well的比较级是不规则的变化,是better,即答案是better.read的过去式还是read,只是读音发生了改变。 small的比较级是直接在词尾加er,

11、即答案是smaller。9E,C,D,B,A.【解析】go fishing的意思是“钓鱼”,和图片E意思相符。take pictures的意思是“照相”,和图片C意思相符。go cycling的意思是“骑自行车”,和图片D意思相符。play badminton的意思是“打羽毛球”,和图片B意思相符。go swimming的意思是“游泳”,和图片A意思相符。10B【解析】根据答语“挺好的。”可知问句应该是问“你的暑假过得怎么样?”,问怎么样用how来提问,所以答案是B。A,C项都不符合题意。11A【解析】be going to 后面加动词原形,那么答案是A。C和B项都不符合题意。句意:我想要去月

12、球。12B【解析】本题是考查的是形容词的比较级:主语+be+形容词比较级+than+被比较的成分,big的比较级形式是双写g再加er.,那么答案是B。A,C都不符合题意。句意:我想它比大象还要大。13B【解析】本题考查的是,意思是“从.到.”,那么本题选B。A,C项都不符合题意。意思是:我从周一到周五上学。14C【解析】根据答语“美国”。可知回答的是一个地点,那么问句的话应该是提问“你将要去哪儿?”提问哪里用where,即本题答案是C。A,B项都不符合题意。15我比你高。他想试试。他去哪儿了?我12岁了。我将要去中国。【解析】16I am going to a new middl

13、e school.I am sorry to hear that.They will listen to music.My first class is maths.You are wearing a pink T-shirt.【解析】通过分析所给的单词判断,句子意思是:我将要去一所新的中学。“一所新的中学”用短语“a new middle school”故答案为:I am going to a new middle school.通过分析所给的单词可以判断,句子意思是:听到那件事我感到很抱歉。那么答案为:I am sorry to hear that.通过分析所给的单词可以判断,句子意思是:

14、他们将要听音乐。 “听音乐”用短语“listen to music”故答案为:They will listen to music.根据所给单词可以判断,句子意思是:我的第一堂课是数学。“我的第一堂课”是短语my first class,故答案为My first class is maths.根据所给单词可知,句子意思是:你穿着一件粉红色的T恤。“一件粉色的T恤”是短语a pink T-shirt,故答案为:You are wearing a pink T-shirt.17T;F;F;F;T【解析】题干意思是“在这个大厅里最高的恐龙大约5米”。根据Jim说的“Thats the tallest

15、dinosaur in this hall. Maybe 5 metres.”两句话可知本题是正确的。题干意思是“艾米和吉姆比最高的恐龙还要高”。根据Amy说的“Wow! Its taller than both of us together.”,可知本题是错误的。题干意思是“那儿没有更多的恐龙了” 。根据Jim说的“Look! There are more dinosaurs over there.”,可知那儿还有更多的恐龙,可知本题是错误的。题干意思是“所有的恐龙都是又高又大的”。根据jim说的“Hey,this dinosaur isnt tall.Im taller than this one”,可知有不是很高的恐龙,可知本题是错误的。题干意思是“吉姆一米六五。”根据Jim说的“Im 1.65 metres.”,可知本题是正确的。


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