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1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时素养评价 十四Unit 5Using language. 单句改错1. The boy whom sat beside him was his son. (whomwho)2. He saw the kind faces of those which he loved. (whichwhom)3. There was only one house which was made of glass. (whichthat)4. Shy people often avoid

2、 situations who would make them embarrassed. (whowhich)5. The reason that water becomes ice was a mystery to the little boy. (thatwhy)6. I also have an offer to work at the law office that I worked last summer. (thatwhere)7. I still remember the day that I first met Jennifer. (thatwhen)8. The police

3、 searched the house which the thief had stayed. (whichwhere)9. I often think of the moment which I saw the UFO. (whichwhen)10. Please pass me the book which cover is green. (whichwhose). 完成句子1. By reading English articles, you can kill two birds with one stone. You can improve your English and learn

4、 more foreign cultures. 读英文文章, 你就能一箭双雕, 既可以提高你的英文能力又能了解外国文化。2. Hold your horses! we still have plenty of time. 慢点, 别急! 我们还有充裕的时间。3. I was about to leave, when it began to rain cats and dogs. 我正要离开, 这时候下起了倾盆大雨。4. The man who came here yesterday has come again. 昨天到这里来的那个人又来了。5. She is the nurse who lo

5、oks after the child. 她就是照看这个孩子的护士。6. This is the very tool that we are looking for. 这就是我们正在找的工具。7. I will never forget the days (that) we spent together there. 我永远不会忘了我们一起在那儿度过的那些日子。8. I saw a good film, which was about the Long March. 我看了一部关于长征的好电影。完形填空世纪金榜导学号While on a family canoe trip on the Fox

6、 River a few years ago, Grant and Colton Shepard were disturbed by what they saw in the water. “We were there to enjoy the1, ”says Grant, “2we saw a lot of litter(垃圾). ”The brothers, who live in Riverside, Illinois, went home and took action. They3the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, 4to mo

7、nitor local rivers and streams carefully. They5training workshops to become familiar with the organisms(微生物)that are found in local6. Ever since, the two boys have been taking weekly7from two rivers. They study them to make certain that the underwater ecosystem is8. Sometimes they find strange thing

8、s. “We9discovered a big picnic table that had10underwater! ”says Grant. Its not just rivers that these kid volunteers11. They have devoted themselves to keeping their environment12balanced. “In the future, were going to need more resources. 13we protect them now, they wont be there for us, ”says Col

9、ton. Every year, 14their campaign for a cleaner world, the brothers15at least 100 days without using a car. Their purpose is to cut down on the16gases that cars give off into the air. The brothers have also been active in helping17Illinois precious grassland. For the past two years, they have spent1

10、8one Saturday a month clearing away non-native plants from a 100-acre rare oak(橡木)grassland. “The plants and bushes19our heritage because they prevent the old oaks from growing20, ”says Grant. 【文章大意】保护环境, 需要从时时刻刻做起, 从遇到的每件事情做起。1. A. garden B. grassC. beauty D. trip【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。文章首句便指出一家人是在外出旅游, 故他们准

11、备欣赏的是美景(beauty)。2. A. becauseB. soC. thoughD. but【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。“准备欣赏美景”与“看到许多垃圾”之间为转折关系, 故用but连接。3. A. contactedB. remindedC. informedD. interviewed【解析】选A。词义辨析题。由句意及下文可知, 他们不仅将此事告知了自然资源部, 而且还投身其中做了一些工作, 故用contact“联系”。4. A. preparingB. offeringC. advisingD. agreeing【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。由第三段他们的积极行动可知, 联系到自然资源部

12、后, 两个男孩主动提出(offer)进行监控当地河流和小溪的工作。5. A. producedB. providedC. attendedD. held【解析】选C。词义辨析题。两个小男孩一开始对水中的微生物并不是很了解, 因此他们参加(attend)了训练讲习班进行学习。6. A. forestsB. lakesC. watersD. schools【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。由上文可知, 他们主动提出监控当地的河流和小溪, 因此他们想熟悉的是当地水域里的微生物, 用waters“水域”表达。7. A. wastesB. samplesC. pollutersD. liquids【解析】选B。

13、逻辑推理题。由常识可知, 对河流进行监控需要定期采集“水样”进行检测, 故用samples。waste“废弃物, 垃圾”; polluter“污染物, 污染者”; liquid“液体”。8. A. in orderB. in placeC. in dangerD. in balance【解析】选D。词义辨析题。监控并研究水样当然是为了保持当地水下生态系统的平衡。in balance“处于平衡状态”; in order“井井有条”; in place“在适当的位置”; in danger“在危险中”。9. A. neverB. oftenC. onceD. seldom【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。

14、此句是对上句“Sometimes they find strange things”进行举例说明。由sometimes提示可知, 此处应用once“曾经, 一次”。10. A. putB. desertedC. sunkD. left【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。由常识及underwater提示可知, 那张大野餐桌沉到水底, 故用sink。11. A. pick outB. care aboutC. look outD. take over【解析】选B。词义辨析题。这些儿童志愿者所关心的不仅仅是河流。care about“关心”; pick out“挑选出”; look out“向外看, 当心”;

15、 take over“接管, 接收”。12. A. slightlyB. regularlyC. totallyD. finally【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。联系上下文可知, 他们不仅仅是关心河流的生态环境, 他们更在意的是生态环境的整体平衡, 故用totally“完全地, 整个地”。13. A. Even ifB. As long asC. BeforeD. Unless【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。由常识可知, 如果我们不保护自然资源, 这些资源就会被耗尽。unless“除非”, 相当于if not。even if“即使”; as long as“只要”; before“在之前”。14. A.

16、 for the purpose ofB. as a result ofC. as part ofD. as well as【解析】选C。词义辨析题。不开汽车是兄弟俩保护环境运动的一个组成部分, 故用as part of。for the purpose of“为了”; as a result of“由于”; as well as“也, 和”。15. A. walkB. runC. chooseD. go【解析】选D。词义辨析题。go此处指“前进, 进行”。16. A. extraB. harmfulC. uselessD. various【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。由常识可知, 汽车排到空气中的

17、气体是“有害的”, 故用harmful。extra“额外的”; useless“无用的”; various“各种各样的”。17. A. decorateB. ploughC. designD. restore【解析】选D。词义辨析题。由句意可知, 他们还积极帮助复原伊利诺斯的宝贵草地, 故用restore。decorate“装饰”; plough“犁, 耕”; design“设计”。18. A. at leastB. by turnsC. as usualD. at most【解析】选A。词义辨析题。他们很积极地参与到这项工作中来, 因此每月至少用一个周六的时间前来工作。at least“至少

18、”, 符合逻辑推理。by turns“轮流”; as usual“和往常一样”; at most“至多”。19. A. destroyB. threatenC. changeD. replace【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。由上句中clearing away non-native plants可知, 这些植物对本地的橡木草原不利。threaten“威胁”, 符合情景。destroy“破坏”, 指导致的结果; change“改变”; replace“代替”。20. A. rightlyB. nicelyC. properlyD. separately【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。because后解释了这些植物如何威胁橡木草原它们使橡木无法正常生长。properly“适当地, 恰当地, 整整齐齐地”; rightly“端正地, 正当地, 正确地”; nicely“令人满意地, 令人愉快地”; separately“分别地”。关闭Word文档返回原板块


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