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1、1. 申请信/自荐信1.开篇句:很高兴得知,我特写信申请。Im thrilled to know that, so I am writing to express my deep/strong interest in the position of ./Im writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to.2.中间段:I have three main advantages. First and foremost,. Additionally,.Last but not least.I have the confid

2、ence that I can handle the Firstly, . Furthermore, . Eventually, .3.结尾语:我相信我适合这个职位,希望您能给我这个机会。/希望您能考虑我的申请,期待您的通知。I believe I have the qualifications and experience for this post and sincerely hope to be given the opportunity.Thank you for considering my application, and I will be glad to hear from y

3、ou at any time.I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.范文佳作之申请信:Dear Sir or Madam,I am Li Hua, a student from China.Im thrilled to know from the Internet thatsome volunteers are needed during the summer holiday.Therefore, I am writing to apply for the post. My advantag

4、es are as follows.First and foremost, after graduating from senior high school in June, I will have a two-month holiday, which makes it possible for me to become a volunteer.Additionally, I am friendly and helpful, so I can get along well with others.Last but not least, I used to join many social ac

5、tivities, where I did quite a good job.More importantly, I have no difficulty communicating with others in English. I think I am qualified for the job.I believe I have the qualifications for this post and sincerely hope to be given the opportunity.Looking forward to your favorable reply.Yours,Li Hua

6、2. 建议信开篇句:我写信给您表达对的建议。Im writing to express my views concerning.You have asked me for my advice with regard to and I will try to make some beneficial suggestions.2.中间段:The following suggestions carried out, things would probably become much better./ My suggestions on how to can be listed as follows.

7、To begin with,.Moreover,.Finally.3.结尾语:我相信你会考虑我的建议的。I believe you will take my advice/suggestions into account/ consideration.I hope you will find these proposals/ suggestions practical/ beneficial.范文佳作之建议信:Dear Tom,Thanks for trusting me. As for me, I have treasured the Senior 3 life so much and re

8、gard it as a vitally life-changing experience. In the process, though it was quite demanding, I became mature and learned how to handle difficulties.With regard to the advice, Id like to draw your attention to the following aspects. Firstly, arranging your time properly and setting a time schedule a

9、re considerable. Never put off what you should do today till tomorrow, or you may be overwhelmed by piles of homework.Moreover, teachers can guide you to the correct way, why not contact with them more when you feel depressed?Then,since you will experience a fierce battle, a strong body and a usual

10、mind, to some extent, decide everything.I hope these will be of great use to you. Wish you a great success in the final battle!Yours,Li Hua3. 感谢信1.开篇句:我想表达对你的深深谢意。Im writing to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for./Id like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your timely help and

11、 support.2.中间段: 感激+对方做的事件+再次表示感激。Every time I (看照片、录像、日记), I just cant help thinking of what you have done for me. It was so kind of you to (对方做的事件一).Besides, you (对方做的事件二). Actually, I shall always remember.(对方做的事件三)(表述对方所做的事对你的意义)3.结尾语:我想再次表达对你的谢意。Please allow me to express my sincere gratitude ag

12、ain for what you have done. I am looking forward to seeing you next time./ Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you. I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness (by.).范文佳作之感谢信:Dear Peter,I am writing to convey my gratitude for your kind help and care d

13、uring my stay in your country,without which I wouldnt have enjoyed it so much.Guided by you,I had a great chance tovisit some places of interest in England and experience such unique culture as well as beautiful scenery.Thanks to your generous help, I do believe thatI have a better understanding of

14、your country and culture.Whats more, during the week, the comfortable room, delicious meals and especially your friendly familymade me feel at home.I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness. I will show you around in China. I am looking forward to your coming.Yours

15、,Li Hua4. 邀请信1.开篇句:Im writing to sincerely invite you to (as our guest/ judge/ instructor)./ Its a great honor to invite you to.2.中间段:(描述活动的具体内容:主题、意义、时间、地点、参加者等)We are planning on(date) and we feel it would be great if you can join us. Here are some details for the activity./ The following are some

16、 details about this activity.(这项活动的细节如下) +活动主题或活动目的;活动的时间、地点;活动人员、活动内容等。3.结尾语:如果你能来,我倍感荣幸。I will be very glad if you could come. / I would feel honored if you could come. Looking forward to your early reply./ An early reply is appreciated.(感激你早日回复。)范文佳作之邀请信:邀请外教参加书法讲座Dear David,Im writing to invite

17、you to the lectureon Chinese calligraphy, which is the art of writing Chinese characters and especially refers to the rules of writing with a brush.The lecture will be givenby Shen Peng, a famous calligrapher,in the lecture hall of the Art Building on May 15ththis Sunday(一句话描述活动时间、地点、人物). As far as

18、I know, you like the traditional culture of China, so you will enjoy it.The lecture will lastfrom 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.,mainly consisting ofthree parts: one and a half hours listening to the lecture, half an hours discussion and one hour for observing the calligrapher improvising on the spot.(非谓语动词短语描述活

19、动具体细节)I will be very glad if you could come. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua5. 道歉信1.开篇句:I am writing to show/ express/ extend my sincere/ heartfelt apology for not being able to./ I am sorry for my not being able to due to the fact that .2.中间段:一般要以第一人称”I”记叙以下内容:不能做某事的缘由;对方能够谅解你的理由;可

20、用句型:Im sure if you were me, you would make the same choice.3.结尾语:衷心希望对方能够谅解, 接受你的道歉。Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies./ I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apologies.范文佳

21、作之道歉信:Dear Tom,How is everything going?I am writing to apologize for my not being able tojoin you in the trip to Beijing next weekend which we planned before. I have been looking forward to the trip for a long time and have done a lot of preparations.However, I am informed that the CCTV national Eng

22、lish competition is going to be held on that day. You know that Ive been waiting for the chance for months and thusby no means can I miss it(部分倒装). As a result, I cannot make it for the trip. Im sureif you were me, you would make the same choice. (虚拟语气的运用)Ido hope(强调谓语) you can understand my situati

23、on and accept my apologies.Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua6.求助信1.开篇句:Im writing to ask you for help/ to do me a favor. I have some difficulty in doing , which bothers me a lot. So I have no choice but to turn to you for help.2.中间段:描述你所遇到的

24、具体问题。3.结尾语:I will be very grateful if you could help me. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.范文佳作之求助信:(寻找丢失的相机)Dear Sir/ Madam,Im Li Hua from China. I watched the womens volleyball final at the Maracanazinho Stadium on August 20th, 2016. But when I came back to my hotel, I fou

25、nd my camera was left in the stadium.I am writing to request you to help me find it back.My camera is a black Canon digital camera, whose model is 700D. There is a label with my name on it. It is really important for me, because I have come all along to Rio to watch Olympic Games and all the picture

26、s I took were stored in it.More importantly, its a birthday present from my father this year.If you can help me to find it back, I would really appreciate it.Thanks for your kind consideration and I look forward to receiving your earliest reply.Yours truly,Li Hua7. 投诉信1开篇句:Im a customer who bought f

27、rom your website several days ago. Im writing to complain about(你要投诉的产品、服务等) ./ I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with/ at.2.中间段:描述你所购买的产品的具体问题。I am completely disappointed to find. To improve the situation, it is advisable for you to take the following measures./ I do hope that someone wil

28、l take effective measures to deal with this matter. Firstly,. In addition,. Last but not least,.3.结尾语:I would be very delighted if you could consider my complaint seriously. I do hope will be improved as soon as possible./ I do hope you can give me a satisfactory reply as soon as possible. Thank you

29、 for your consideration.范文佳作之投诉信:Dear Customer Service,Much to my regret, Im writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction withthe computer I bought in your store.The IBM Desktop computer I ordered fromyour store on Nov.11 finally arrived last Sunday,ten days later than expected.Besides, the com

30、puter cant beproperlyshut down. When I click the shutdown button, it seems that the machine gives no response. And Im so annoyed with it.Obviously, you didnt carefully examine it before you sold it.I have decided to make a complaint about your delivery service and the poor quality of the computer.I

31、sincerely hope thatyou will replace this computer as soon as possible.If this is not possible, I will have no choice but to insist on a full refund (退款).Yours,Li Hua8. 祝贺信1开篇句:Im delighted to learn of your success/ achievements in. I would like to congratulate you with all my heart./ Congratulations

32、 on your winning the first prize in the contest/ competition.(就对方取得的成就表示衷心的祝贺)2. 中间段:You dont know how excited we were at the news (of your ).+肯定对方为此所付出的努力(可适当具体一点,内容不宜太空)3.结尾语:再次表示祝贺和祝愿。Congratulations again on your success. Wish you good luck and success in the coming .范文佳作之祝贺信(关于“中国象棋比赛获奖”):Dear

33、Peter,I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize inthe Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As your friend,I just want you to know how glad I am atyour success.“Everything comes to him who waits.” For these years, youve shown great interest inChinese chess an

34、d kept on practicing it every day.Not onlyhave you read many books about Chinese chess strategy,but alsoyou have competed in all kinds of Chinese chess contests.Thanks to your efforts, you finally succeeded inwinning the online competition! And Im so happy that you become champion.At last, I hope to

35、 play Chinese chess with you so that we can make progress together. Please tell me when you have time.Congratulations again.Yours,Li Hua9. 通知信通知类书面表达要注意语言的得体性、交际性和准确性。时态通常以一般现在时为主,人称以第二人称为主。 正文部分通常分三段来写,第一段简述活动背景,引入话题,段末可用“Id like to share with you some details about it.”或“The following are some det

36、ails about this activity.”等句型使上下文衔接更加紧密。范文佳作之书面通知(关于“汉字听写大赛”): NOTICETo help you further understand Chinese culture, the local TV station will organizea Chinese Character Dictation Competition. Id like to share with you some details about it.As scheduled, the competition is to be held onMarch 15, 20

37、17. You are supposed to get prepared before the competition.Above all, its recommended thatyou read the Four Great Classical Novels and focus on the phrases in them. Whoever wants to go,please sign your name hereas soon as possible. Dont miss the chance of being the winner, and the appealing prize “

38、a set of the Four Great Classical Novels” is waiting for you.Please inform whomever you meet. For any question, call Li Huaat 12345678910. Im sure you will benefit a lot from it. (词数:127)范文佳作之书面通知(关于“经典朗诵活动”):NOTICEIn order to improvethe students ability of speaking Chinese and encourage them to rea

39、d more Chinese classics, a Chinese Classics Reciting Contest among the studentswill be heldin the school lecture hall from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on 30thMay.It is organized bythe Student Union. Those who want to take part in the contest, please sign up in the Student Union office before May 20th. The cont

40、esters should recite Chinese Classics individually or in a group. The first 10 winners will be given prizes.Everyone is welcome to participate init. The Student Union10. 招募启事 Members WantedAn English speech associationhas been set upin our school. Now, we arerecruiting members.If you areenthusiastic

41、 about English speech,please join us.By participating in our well-organized activities, you will harvest a lot. To begin with, you can develop good communication skills and make a lot of friends here.Whats more, not only can youacquire many speech skills and becomea persuasive speaker but also you canbetter your spoken English. Sojoin us and show the best of youto the world with your voice.There is no age or gender limitation.If interested, please scan the QR code and finish registering for the application. Dont hesitate to take part! Student Union


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