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1、高考英语词汇表速记法方案-P篇1. pack n.包,捆;(猎犬、野兽等的)一群 a pack of cigarettes/clothes a pack of thieves v. (为运输或储存而)打包 pack sth away 收拾起来放好 pack sth (up) 将包/捆起来 pack sth/sb into sth 使挤进 The room was packed with people. They packed into a tiny car.2. pain n. 疼痛 pains n. 苦功,大力气 His neck is in pain. 、He has a bad pain

2、 in his left foot.pleasures and pains 苦与乐 No pains, no gains. 不劳不获。3. pale: go pale.4. panic n/v panicked panicking 1).Theres no panic.2).They were in a state of panic. 3).Theres no point getting into panic about the exams .4).I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of my house. 5).The gunfire panick

3、ed my horse .5. paper n (u) /(c) 纸;报纸;论文;试卷 a sheet /piece of paper go through the papers6. park n (c) 公园 vt. 停放(车辆 飞机等) 1) Can we park the car here? 2) a parking lot 停车场7. part n 部分;成分;角色;零件 adj. 部分的 play/act a part in a part-time teacher vt/vi 分开;分离 1) He tried to part the two men who were fightin

4、g. (vt.) 2) They two parted at the gate.8. participate v参加,参与 Participant 参与者 participation 参与She didnt participate in the discussion. 9. particular adj 特殊的 particularly adv be particular about 对.挑剔 in particular 特别 尤其 He stressed the point in particular. 1). We must pay particular attention to the

5、point .2).She is very particular _her clothes .(对.挑剔)3).He loves science fiction _particular .(尤其)4).The nurse asked me for my particulars .(个人资料)10. partly adv 部分地, 在一定程度上 1).The road is partly finished.2).I didnt enjoy the trip very much , partly because of the weather.3).He was only partly respon

6、sible for the accident.11. pass vt. 传递 经过 通过 pass away 去世 pass by 经过 路过12. past adj 过去的; 前任的 a past president (前任总统) n. 过去 in the past adv. 经过 run/ walk past prep. 过 He is past sixty13. patience n.容忍;耐心 have (no) patience with sb (不)能宽恕 lose ones patience with sb; be out of patience with sb 对某人失去耐心1

7、4. patient n.病人 adj.耐心的 be patient with 15. pay (paid, paid) v. 支付 n. 工资 1)pay (sb) for sth 2) pay off 3) pay back 4) pay a visit to 5) get paid The workers get paid by the month.16. people n. (c) 人们;民族;人民 1)people of all walks of life 各界人士 2) The Chinese are a hard working people. 3) He lived for t

8、he people and died for the people.17. percent n. 百分之. 70 percent of the students are18. perform v. 表演,履行,行动,运作1).She performs an important role in our organization.2).This operation has never been performed in this country.3).A computer can perform many tasks at once .4).The play was first performed

9、 in 1987.5).The company has been performing poorly over the past year .performer performance 19. permission n.允许,许可,同意 ask/request/apply for permission 申请许可 get/obtain/receive permission 获得批准 with/without ones permission (未)经某人许可20. permit (permitted, permitting) vt. 许可,允许 n. 许可证permit sth/doing sth

10、 permit sb to do1).Cell phones are not _in our school. 2).We dont permit _(smoke) in the office.3).Ill come tomorrow, if weather _. Ill come tomorrow, weather _.4).She took my bike without _. 5). Do you have a parking _?(执照)21. personal a. (belonging or relating to one particular person, rather than

11、 to other people) ones personal view/opinion 个人观点personal possessions/property/belongings 私人物品/财产/所有物 for personal use供个人使用 take a personal interest in sth私下对某物感兴趣 personal experience亲身经历22. persuade v.说服,劝说 persuade sb to sth=persuade sb into doing sth persuade sb not to do sth=persuade sb out of d

12、oing 使相信 I persuaded him of the truth.=I persuaded him that it was true. I am persuaded of his innocence.=I am persuaded that he is innocent.23. physical a.身体的,物理的 physical education 体育 physical training 身体训练 a physical examination 体检 physical labor 体力劳动 the physical world 物质世界 a physical change 物理变

13、化24. pick v. 采集,挑选 pick apples 短语:pick on sb. 找某人的茬儿 pick out 选出,辨认出 pick up 1) She soon picked up some French while she was staying in Paris.2) My radio can pick up VOA very clearly.3) He picked up many bad habits while in prison.4) At the next corner, the bus stopped and picked up three more peopl

14、e.5) Her health soon picked up after a few days rest.25. pin n/v pinned pinning v. n.(c) 别针1).a diamond pin 一枚钻石胸针 2).A message had been pinned to the notice board.a note pinned to the door26. pity n. 怜悯,同情;可惜 1)have /take pity on 2) What a pity! 3) out of pity 27. plan (planned, planning) vt. /n 计划

15、 1) plan to do sth 2) plan for the future 3) make a plan for28. please v. 请;使 高兴;喜欢 愿意 pleased adj. 高兴的 满意的 pleasure n. 高兴 愉快 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 1) The performance _ the audience. 2) Come and stay as long as you _. 3) We are _ with his work. 4) There was a _ look on his face. 5) a pleasant surprise

16、29. point n, 点;分数;要点;特征;意义 1) the boiling /freezing point 2) He reached a point in his career _ she needed to decide what to do. 3) Thats the point _ I want to make. 4) ones stront points and weak points 5) There is no point (in) doing sth. 这样做毫无意义。 v. 指,指向 point to /at /out off the point 离题 to the

17、point 切题30. poor (poorer, poorest) adj 贫穷的;贫瘠的;可怜的;差的 1) be poor /rich in natural resources 2) a poor fellow 3) a poor memory 4) be poor in health31. popular adj. 流行的;受欢迎的;大众的;通俗的 The book is popular with children.受某人欢迎 They sell the computers at popular prices Popular songs/science32. population n.

18、 人口;数量 have a large /small population 人口多、少 The population of the city is increasing. Seventy percent of the population are workers. have a population of 数字 有人口33. possess vt possession 1).He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a license.2).Im afraid he doesnt possess a sense of humor . 3)

19、.A terrible fear possessed her.4).The gang was caught in _of stolen goods.5).On his fathers death, she came into possession of a vast fortune.take possession of Tom is in possession of the house.= The house is in the possession of Tom personal possessions 个人财产34. possibility There is no possibility

20、that she will make a full recovery.He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase.All prices include postage and packing.35. possible adj. possibly adv. as 形容词/副词as possible 尽可能 Please write to me as soon as possible. if (it is )possible 如果可能 Ill go with you if possible.36. potato n. 土豆 po

21、tatoes (tomatoes heroes)37. pour v. 倒 ;倾泻;不断流出;大量涌来 The rain is pouring down. Reports of successes keep pouring in. 捷报频传 The students poured out of / into the dinning hall.涌入/涌出38. power n. 能力, 动力, 权利,电力 beyond ones power超出能力范围 in power 执政power station 发电站 come into power上台执政 power failure 停电 39. pr

22、actice n. 实践;练习;惯例 according to the international practice 根据国际惯例 Practice makes perfect。熟能生巧40. practise v. (美practice) 练习;实践;从事 practise doing sth practise medicine/law 行医/当律师41. pray v. prayer n 祷告,祈祷的内容 1).They knelt down and prayed .2).She prayed to God for an ending to her sufferings.3).We pra

23、yed that she would recover from her illness.4).We are praying for good weather on Saturday. 5).My prayer is that one day he will walk again.42. predict v 预言,预见 1).Nobody can predict the outcome.2).It is impossible to predict what will happen.3).She predicted that the election result would be close.4

24、3. preference n 1).Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan.2).give (a) preference to sb/sth 给.以优惠或优待Preference should be given to graduates of this university. 3). in preference to 而不是She was chosen in preference to her sister.44. prepare vt. 准备,使做准备 prepare a piece of paper

25、for the diction为准备 prepare to do sth准备干 prepare sb for sth 使某人为做准备 be (well) prepared for sth/to do sth (表状态) make preparations for 为做准备 in preparation for为做准备 (作状语) The teacher prepared the students for the exam.45. present adj. 现在的;出席的;在场的 n.礼物 v. 呈现;介绍;赠送 be present at the meeting He presented th

26、e report to the headmaster.46. preserve v 保持,保存,保护,维持,维护,保养,保鲜1).He was anxious to preserve his reputation.2).Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.3).This is a perfectly preserved 14th-century house.4).Is she really 60? Shes remarkably well preserved.5).The vegetables should be preserved in the

27、 fridge.6).The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.47. press v/n 压,按,贴,催促 新闻界,出版社1).The story was reported in the press and on television.2).The press was/were not allowed to attend the trial.3).The dictionary was published in Oxford University Press.4).She pressed her

28、face against the window.5).They are pressing us to make a quick decision.48.pressure 压力;心理压力;紧张;承受着某事的压力 air / water pressureShe was unable to attend because of the pressure of the work.pressure sb into sth/doing sthDont let yourself be pressured into making a hasty decision.不要勉强自己仓促做决定。 under press

29、ure 被迫The director is under increasing pressure to resign.The team performs well under pressure. 这个队在压力下表现良好。49. pretend v. pretend to do50. prevent vt 预防,阻止 1). Prevent sb/sth from doing Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.2).Prevention is better than cure.3).We should tak

30、e some preventive action to avoid the diseases.51. price n. 价格;代价 at a high /low price at a price of two dollars per kilo at any price 不惜一切代价52. prison n. prisoner n. take sb prisoner 俘虏某人53.process 过程;步骤,流程;工序,工艺流程;加工,处理;冲印mental processes 思维过程 Were in the process of selling our house. 正在the ageing

31、 process 老化过程 Its a normal part of the learning process. 那是学习过程中的正常现象。manufacturing processes 制造方法 Most of the food we buy is processed in some way. 加工过processed cheese 加工好的奶酪I sent three rolls of film away to be processed. 我送了三个胶卷去冲印。It will take a week for your application to be processed .审核你的申请需

32、要一周的时间。54.product 产品,制品;结果,产物 meat productThe child is the product of a broken home. 这孩子是一个破裂家庭的产儿。Production 生产,制造;产量;上映,上演,播出,制作car production a decline / an increase in productiona new production of “King Lear” He wants a career in film production.他想从事电影制作。55. profit make a profit 获利 The company

33、made a health profit on the deal. at a profit 可以获利 We should be able to sell the house at a profit. profit by / from sth 获益,得到好处;对某人有益 Farmers are profiting from the new law. Many local people believe the development will profit them.56. progress n. 进步;进展 (不可数) v. 进展;进行 make much/ great/ rapid / pro

34、gress in sth在某方面取得很大进步 in progress 在进行中 Work on the new road is progressing slowly.57. prohibit vt 禁止,阻止 prohibit sth prohibit sb from doing sth In the past, the citizens were prohibited from traveling abroad.prohibition 禁令 =ban 58. promise c/n 诺言 v. 许诺;有可能 1) make /keep/ carry out / break a promise

35、 2) This year promises to be another good one for harvests.(有望成为) 3) a promising pianist (有前途的) 4) A heavy snow promises a good harvest.瑞雪兆丰年59. promote vt 促进,宣传,提升 1).policies to promote economic growth 2).The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. promotion n 60. protect v.保护 protect sb

36、/sth from (against) We wear sunglasses in summer to protect our eyes from the sunlight. under ones protection在某人的保护下61. proud adj.骄傲的,自豪的,傲气的 be proud of pride n.骄傲,自豪, 自尊心 take pride in62. prove link.v 证明是(无被动) vt. 证明 1) The task proved (to be) more difficult than wed thought. 2) He proved himself

37、(to be) a better driver.63. provide vt. 提供 provide sth for sb /provide sb with sth Providing/provided that 64. pull v. 拉,拖,吸引 n. 拉力,引力 pull down 拆毁 pull in (火车等)进站 pull out 拔出,出站65. purchase v/n 购买/购买的东西 1).They purchased the car for 1 million dollars.2).If you are not satisfied with your purchases

38、, well give you a full refund .(全额退款)66. put vt. (put, put ) put away 把 收藏起来 put aside 把 放在一边;储存 put forward 提出 put off 推迟 put on 穿上;上演(戏剧等) put out 扑灭 put up 张贴,举起,搭起 put up with 忍受67. puzzle What puzzles me is why he left the country without telling anyone. puzzle over / about sth 苦苦思索,仔细琢磨 puzzling/ puzzled


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