(三起)北师大版六下英语Unit 10 Review-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:c05ed).doc

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1、Brown bear brown bear what do you seeBrown bear brown bear what do you see 一、教材分析: 该绘本的语言功能是用英语表达颜色和动物。 学习任务是关于颜 色 和 动 物 的 词 汇 和 句 子 。 “ what do you see ? I see a looking at me.” 。 二、学情分析: 学生生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特 别感兴趣。学生学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,课堂 上要以表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,鼓励他们大胆说、积极 做、努力唱! 三、教学目标: (一)知识

2、目标 1、能听、说、认读单词:brown bear, red bird, yellow duck, blue horse, green frog, purple cat, white dog, black sheep, goldfish,并能在实际情景中进行运用. 2、能听懂、会说并认读句子: “what do you see? I see a looking at me.” 。并且能灵活地运用。 (二)技能目标 能在生活中运用本课的词汇和句子。 (三)情感目标 激发兴趣,培养学生的英语思维能力和英语交际能力。 四、教学要点: 1、教学重点:单词 brown bear, red bird, y

3、ellow duck, blue horse, green frog, purple cat, white dog, black sheep, goldfish. 句型: “what do you see? I see a looking at me.” 。 2、教学难点:熟练运用所学颜色和动物的单词,灵活运用所学 句型。 五、教学准备:多媒体课件、绘本、小动物简笔画卡片、彩笔、面具 等。 六、教学方法:游戏法、全身反应法、交际法 七、教学过程: Step 1: Lead-in Greetings and presentation:Listen to a song “Brown bear br

4、own bear what do you see”. 听完歌曲老师提出问题:What animals can you hear in the song? 设计意图:教学热身活动是英语课堂教学方法的重要形式之一, 师生伴有动作演唱歌曲来缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松、和谐、民 主的课堂氛围,通过根据歌曲回答问题的形式,既让学生复习了课本 上学过的单词,又让学生大体了解了本课的内容。 Step 2: 出示封皮,让学生了解绘本的主题和作者。 设计意图:简洁明了的引出了主题 Step 3: Q: Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? (用电脑播放 鸟的声音)

5、A: I see a red bird looking at me. Q: Red bird, red bird, what do you see? (用电脑播放鸭子的声 音) A: I see a yellow duck looking at me. Q: Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see? (用电脑播放马 的声音) A: I see a blue horse looking at me. Q: Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see? (用电脑播放青蛙 的声音) A: I see a green fr

6、og looking at me. Q: Green frog, green frog, what do you see? (用电脑播放猫的 声音) A: I see a purple cat looking at me. Q: Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see? (用电脑播放狗的 声音) A: I see a white dog looking at me. Q: White dog, white dog, what do you see? (用电脑播放羊的声 音) A: I see a black sheep looking at me. Q:

7、 Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see? (用电脑播放鱼 在水中吐泡泡的声音) 设计意图:用听声音并猜测的方式,引起学生的兴趣,同时练习本课 的重点单词句子。 Step 4:Game 请几个学生上台。每个各代表一种小动物(共 9 种动物,每个小组分别拿着代表 那种小动物的面具)。 OK. Its time for playing a game. Now I start to announce the rules of the game. 首先,从老师开始,老师说:Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 手

8、指向 Red Bird 队,然后 Brown bear 队就回答:I see a red bird looking at me. 全体小朋友询问 Red Bird 队:Red Bird,Red Bird, what do you see? 此时老 师手指向 Yellow Duck 队。接下来换 Red Bird 队回答,依此玩法继续。 Step 5: Adapt the story, design your own picture books, then show them to us.(改编故事,设计自己的绘本故事书并展示 你的作品。 ) 设计意图:自己改编故事,并为自己的故事书涂颜色,要求

9、学生利用 肢体语言将本课的词汇和句型表达出来, 培养学生的英语思维能力和 英语交际能力;并通过小组合作的方式,培养学生的团队精神。 Step 6: 作业:Make a survey: Ask your friends and family members what animal they like? (询问朋友和家人他们喜欢什么动物?) 设计意图:作业的布置不再是学生的负担,仅仅是给学生提供 了一个课后的英语小话题,不但对学习的知识有所巩固,对学生良好 的英语学习习惯和英语思维能力的培养也起到了积极的作用。 八板书设计: Brown bear brown bear what do you se

10、e What animals can you hear in the song? brown bear, red bird, yellow duck, blue horse, team one team two 第一课 Brown bear , brown bear, what do you see? 一、自我介绍 Good afternoon, boys and girls. Today I will play English with you. At first, introduce myself to you. Im *s mummy. My English name is Wendy.

11、 So you can call me Wendy or Wendy mama. 二、给孩子们讲 Eric Carle(艾瑞克卡尔)系列经典英文绘本Brown bear , brown bear, what do you see? (拿出英文绘本Brown bear , brown bear, what do you see? ) Q: Whats this? A: Oh! Its an English Picture Book. Q: What is the animal on the picture? A: I thing its a brown bear. Listen! Lets he

12、ar the bear is how to make a sound.(用电脑播放熊的声音) Q: Oh! What a big sound! Are you afraid? A: No. (Youre a brave boy/girl.)/ Yes.(Never mind. Not to be afraid, Dont be scared.) Q: What is the brown bear doing? A: I guess he is looking for someone. There will be whats happened to him in this book. Q: Br

13、own bear, brown bear, what do you see? (用电脑播放鸟的声音) A: I see a red bird looking at me. Q: Red bird, red bird, what do you see? (用电脑播放鸭子的声音) A: I see a yellow duck looking at me. Q: Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see? (用电脑播放马的声音) A: I see a blue horse looking at me. Q: Blue horse, blue horse, w

14、hat do you see? (用电脑播放青蛙的声音) A: I see a green frog looking at me. Q: Green frog, green frog, what do you see? (用电脑播放猫的声音) A: I see a purple cat looking at me. Q: Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see? (用电脑播放狗的声音) A: I see a white dog looking at me. Q: White dog, white dog, what do you see? (用电脑播放羊

15、的声音) A: I see a black sheep looking at me. Q: Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see? (用电脑播放鱼在水中吐泡泡的声音) A: I see a gold fish looking at me. Q: Gold fish, gold fish, what do you see? A: I see a teacher looking at me. Q: Teacher, teacher, what do you see? A: I see children looking at me. Q: Childre

16、n, children, what do you see? A: We see a brown bear, a red bird, a yellow duck, a blue horse, a green frog, a purple cat, a white dog, a black sheep, a gold fish, and a teacher looking at us. Thats what we see. 用幻灯机重复播放一遍该绘本图片,并用笔记本电脑播放配套的英文音频。 三、做游戏 1、请小朋友来模仿书中各种动物的声音和动作(以此强化对应的动物的英文名称) 。 Now, we

17、start to listen the animals in the book how to make sounds, and imitate sounds and movements of the animals. (按绘本动物出场的先后顺序播放动物们的各种叫声) Brown bear, Red bird, Yellow duck, Blue horse, Green frog, Purple cat, White dog, Black sheep, Gold fish, 和孩子们进行聊天互动。 My favorite animal is a dog. Because its very lo

18、vely and understanding (considerate). Theyre the best friends of the people. What are your favorite animals? And why? Could you tell me? 2、将小朋友分出几组(每个小组 2、3 个小朋友),每组各代表一种小动物(共 9 种动物,每 个小组分别拿着代表那种小动物的标牌) 。 OK. Its time for playing a game. Now I start to announce the rules of the game. 游戏规则:将小朋友分出几组(每

19、个小组 2、3 个小朋友),每组各代表一种小动物(共 9 种 动物,每个小组分别拿着代表那种小动物的标牌) 。 首先,从老师开始,老师说:Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 手指向 Red Bird 队,然后 Brown bear 队就回答:I see a red bird looking at me. 全体小朋友询问 Red Bird 队:Red Bird,Red Bird, what do you see? 此时老师手指向 Yellow Duck 队。接下来换 Red Bird 队回答,依此玩法继续。 3、将小朋友分成 6 个小组(每组 4 个

20、小朋友) ,分两批进行,每批 3 个小组比赛。在规定时 间内(3 分钟) ,在教室内寻找老师指定颜色的实物,看哪个小组找的多,找的准(得第一 名的小组有奖励,奖品:小红花) 。 四、学唱英文儿歌Color Song (配相应的五颜六色的大风车图片,电脑播放该音频) 。 附: Color Song的英文歌词: Green and yellow, orange and red , Black and white, brown and pink, Blue and purple, pretty colors, They are colorful. 五、绘画 先由老师用水彩颜料在画板上的白纸涂上刚刚绘

21、本中提到的各种颜色, 然后, 在黑白动物图 片给动物们涂颜色。 OK. I will do an interesting experiment for you. Q: Can you guess that red and yellow together will become A: I guess its orange. Q: Can you guess that yellow and blue together will become A: I guess its green. Q: Can you guess that red and blue together will become A

22、: I guess its purple. Q: Can you guess that red and white together will become A: I guess its pink. 然后在黑白图片上给孩子们示范如何涂颜色。 Q: What color is the bear in the book? A: Its brown. Lets color it brown. Draw it along the line. Q: What color is the bird in the book? A: Its red. Lets color it red. Draw it alo

23、ng the line. Q: Do you want to color them? Who? Please raise your hand (Hands up, please). 剩下的几个小动物可以请几位主动举手的小朋友来涂颜色。 (Write your name down.You can show it to your friends.) 然后,再分发黑白动物图片给孩子们涂颜色。 六、奖励 今天的英文课上,有两位小朋友(一男一女)积极参与,踊跃发言,是我们的“今日之星 (Todays star)”。他们分别是*、*。 (给获得“今日之星”的小朋友戴上手工制作 的皇冠,颁发奖品小红花一朵,彩打的图片一张) 。


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