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1、从文本灌输走向人本解读如何设计英语课堂教学提问 Which city do you think is the greatest in the world?What is New York?Intended answer:It is a political,cultural and economic center.T:What can you see most in Shanghai?S1:Bikes T:What can you see most in Nanjing Road?S2:People T:Why are there so many people there?S3:many sho

2、ps T:Yes,because Shanghai is a metropolis.T:What may a newspaper which overuses shock methods lose?“A newspaper which overuses shock methods may lose its reputation”T:What do you think of volunteer workers?T:Are they good?T:Are they happy?T:I think they are happy because they bring happiness to othe

3、rs.T:What do you think of the article?S1:Well written S2:It is interesting S3:It is OK T:OK means not perfect,can you find anything unsatisfactory about it?提问与思维层次的关系1.Knowledge:What happened in the story?知道2.Comprehension:Why did it happen that way?理解3.Application:What would you have done?运用-4.Anal

4、ysis:Which part did you like best?分析5.Synthesis:Can you think of a different ending?综合6.Evaluation:What do you think of the story?Why?评价 展示性提问(Display Questions)-确定答案,核对知识 参阅式提问(Referential Questions)-无确定答案,结合个体知识 评估性提问(Evaluative Questions)表达观点,抒发感受 Display Question What is Ozone layer?What causes

5、the ozone depletion?What may happen to people,animals and plants if the hole gets larger?What are the responsibilities of the manufacturers and consumers?Referential Questions What are the threats to the environment?How much do you know about the“green movement”and“green product”?What are the confli

6、cts between technology and environment?Evaluative Question What should we do to solve the conflict between technology and environment?What will be your decision,to buy a cheap but not environment-friendly product or to buy an expensive but environment-friendly product?真实记录关注学习过程中的微循环环环环环相相扣扣 层层层层递递进

7、进提问提问回答回答引入情景引入情景语境交际语境交际课课堂堂学学习习课课后后作作业业激活知识背景激活知识背景 呼应学习主题呼应学习主题增强学习意识增强学习意识检验学习效果检验学习效果语言知识语言知识生活、科技、生活、科技、文化常识文化常识事事实实性性启启发发性性探探究究性性内内容容方方法法情情感感语言语言和常识和常识学习语言学习语言用语言学习用语言学习信息、人文信息、人文素养素养 教师提问记录上课教师 课 题 班级 第 节Am I asking the right kind of questions?What I have observed from observing class:-a que

8、stion which can not be answered with yes/no-a question to which you dont know the answer-a question which asks for the learners opinion-a question which gets the learners to think a little-a question which is about themselves-is enough time given to respond?-are most questions available to the stude

9、nts?Follow up:How could the teacher improve his or her questioning technique?Can you pick one aspect of the issue that the teacher might focus on in her next lesson?没有了对话,就没有了交流;没有了交流,没有了对话,就没有了交流;没有了交流,也就没有真正的教育。也就没有真正的教育。巴西著名教学学者弗莱雷 Why do you think it important to find answers yourself?(阅读过程体验)Is

10、 reading comic books a good way to form the good way of reading?(关注语言学习)How did Harry Potter teach you to be brave?(信息观点采集)What are you reading now?(阅读习惯检验)阅读策略和阅读行为感悟 Reading broaden your horizon.How does reading do it?What is the right age to read poems?Read the book first or watch the film first?

11、Do you think I should read Moyan?What kind of thinking helps to think critically?History is irrelevant to our life.How to make students interested in history.以对话为手段:了解学生学习状况、活跃课堂气氛 促进学生巩固知识、提高学习效果 教师想要获得自己想要的答案 以对话为原则:对话时课堂教学中的基本方式和内在要求 学生是学习的主体 学生有独特的人格,有内在的交流和表达的需求 教师引导和帮助学生 体现教育的人文关爱 以对话为目的:学习有序而

12、准确的表情达意 学习以听众可以接受的方式、可以理解的方式表达 学会倾听、尊重、理解、分享 学会平等对话、求同存异 培养学生的对话素养和精神养成 T:So,which sentence or sentences explain the effects of overfishing?T:How do you know that?Any key words in the paragraph as a hint?T:since we have the effects,we must have the reason,that is the cause.Then what does the last sentence tell us?


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