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1、American vs British EnglishUnit 2 Growing PainsWord powerBeckhamArnold SchwarzeneggerLets read a dialogue between Beckham and Arnold Schwarzenegger.Beckham(贝克汉姆英国英国足球运动员)Arnold Schwarzenegger(.阿诺德施瓦辛格美国美国演员)Do you want to come to my flat?Where is your apartment?Shall we go to the pub to celebrate yo

2、ur birthday?Wow,the bar is a nice place.Wow,I want a tin of Coko and some sweets.What about you?Well,I want a can ofmilk tea and somecandy.Great.I like football match too.Hey,lets go and see a soccer game.It is very exciting.Its important to have a goodknowledge of English.From these we can see ther

3、e are differences between British and American English.1.In what ways does American English differ from British English?upronunciation,uspelling uVocabulary,ugrammar,toilet/WC BrErestroom/bathroom AmEsoccer(ball)AmEfootball BrEpants AmEtrousers BrEcandy AmEsweets BrEliving room AmEsitting room BrEva

4、cation AmEholiday BrEVocabularyBEAEtrouserssweetssitting roomfootballholiday toilet/WCsoccer ballpantscandyliving roomvacation restroom/bathroomlman Differences in PronunciationAmericanBritishanswer answer:Of course.krskrs Of course.ksks box bksbks box bksbksGrammarAmericanBritishSam just went home.

5、Sams just gone home.That skirt fit badly.That skirt fitted badly.Hello,is this Wang Li?Hello,is that Wang Li?I live on Zhenning Road.I live in Zhenning Road.Call me at 55555678.Call me on 55555678.Do you have a pen?Have you(got)a pen?I dont have a pen.I havent(got)a pen.SpellingBEAERulesExamplescent

6、recolourtravellerorganise/organizetyreprogrammecentercolortravelerorganizeprogram-re vs-ermetre/meter-our vs-orhumour/humor-ll vs-lskillful/skilful-se vs-zerealise/realizetireTip:AE has the shorter and phonetic(语音的)语音的)spelling.Tell if they are American or British English.(AE/BE)1.Have you got any p

7、ets?Yes,Ive got three rabbits and a tortoise.2.I have an apartment in the city center.3.Do you have a walkman?Have you(got)a walkman?AEBEBEAEPracticePage 26.Use the information from what you have learnt to change the underlined words and phrases from American to British English.Li Hua:Hello,(1)Is th

8、is _ Dai Jun?Dai Jun:Yes.Hi,Li Hua,how are you?Li Hua:Im okay now,but I just had the worst morning ever!Dai Jun:What happened?Li Hua:I went to the shopping(2)center _near HuaihaithatcentreRoad,to change the new shoes I bought,the ones that(3)fit _badly,for bigger ones.One saleswoman was in the(4)bat

9、hroom _and the other was watching a TV(5)program _behind the counter.Neither of them would help me!Finally,fittedtoiletprogrammeI got help,but they only had the shoes in a(6)color _I didnt like.I wanted to complain,but when I asked to see the manager,they told me,oh,sorry,(7)she just went home_.Dai

10、Jun:What a terrible shop!What did you do?colourshes just gone homeLi Hua:They gave a number to phone the manager(8)at_,so I called when I got home.Now I feel a bit better,but I still dont have new shoes!onColloquialismsklkwilzm Whats a colloquialism?-English is very difficult for me.-But its a piece

11、 of cake for me.Something easy to doa piece of cakePart AI can tell you that.Thats a no-brainer!something easy to understand1.no-brainer 不必花脑筋的事物不必花脑筋的事物A:How do you use this program?It looks quite complicated.B:No.Looks can be deceiving.This thing is actually a no-brainer.Let me show you.Dont be a

12、wet blanket.Have some fun!boring/afraid to have funThis is an early 19th-century expression.Native Americans and others often put out their campfires with blankets they had dipped in the nearest river.If fire represents(代表)excitement and joy,then the wet blanket that puts out the fire stands for(代表)

13、a person who always expects bad things will happen.302.a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人。令人扫兴的人。这一表达的来源是:当发生火灾的时候,这一表达的来源是:当发生火灾的时候,为了扑火,把湿毛毯盖到火上。后用来为了扑火,把湿毛毯盖到火上。后用来指在社交场合泼冷水,令人扫兴的人。指在社交场合泼冷水,令人扫兴的人。Im sorry to be such a wet blanket,but Im afraid I have to go home now.throw a wet blanket on这个说法相当于中文这个说法相当于中文里的一

14、句俗语:里的一句俗语:给人当头泼凉水。人们逐给人当头泼凉水。人们逐渐引伸了这个说法用渐引伸了这个说法用a wet blanket来比喻把来比喻把周围兴高采烈的人们都弄得热情冷却的一周围兴高采烈的人们都弄得热情冷却的一个人。然而个人。然而wet blanket并不只是用来说人,并不只是用来说人,也可以指事情也可以指事情.如:如:My friends and I were going to the beach this weekend for some sun and swimming.But the weather forecast threw a wet blanket on our plan

15、s it says itll be rainy and cold.Go on,tell me.Im all ears.listening carefully3.all ears 形容很专心地倾听形容很专心地倾听,全神贯注。全神贯注。When someone is all ears,he or she is listening with complete attention Whenever you tell Johnny some gossip,hes all ears.每当你说闲话给约翰尼听时,他总是全神贯每当你说闲话给约翰尼听时,他总是全神贯注。注。Are you serious?Dont

16、 pull my leg.joke with someone By the late 1800s people sometimes tripped(绊倒)other people by catching their legs with a cane(拐杖、藤条)or running a string(绳子)across the sidewalk.Sometimes it was just for fun;at other times robbers(强盗)did it to steal from the victim(受害者)after he or she had fallen.374.to

17、pull ones leg “逗别人,开别人玩笑逗别人,开别人玩笑”My roommate said this girl had told him she wouldnt mind going out with me.But when I invited her to a movie,I learned he was just pulling my leg.我的室友说,那个女孩愿意和我一起出去我的室友说,那个女孩愿意和我一起出去玩。可是,当我请她去看电影的时候,我玩。可是,当我请她去看电影的时候,我才发现我那同学是才发现我那同学是逗我,开我的玩笑逗我,开我的玩笑。”Part B1.Mrs Bl

18、acks garden is the best in our town.She has real green fingers._2.He makes every decision in our company.He is the top dog._She is good at gardening.(园艺能手)园艺能手)He is an important person in an organization(重要的人)(重要的人).3.Why did you give her the cold shoulder?You are good friends,arent you?_4.I wish I

19、 had brought my umbrella.Its raining cats and dogs._Why were you not friendly to her?对对冷淡冷淡?It is raining heavily.(下倾盆大雨下倾盆大雨)5.Football is just not my cup of tea-I like playing volleyball._Football is not really to my taste.不是不是某人的口味某人的口味 Its my cup of tea.(这很合我胃口。这很合我胃口。)=Its my favorite.拓展:拓展:1.H

20、e just cant do anything right.He is all thumbs._2.You are telling me Im lazy.Ha,look what a mess your room is!That is like the pot calling the kettle black!_.He is very clumsy and cant do things skillfully.(笨拙(笨拙)That is like criticizing someone else for a fault you have yourself.(五十步笑百步)(五十步笑百步)3.D

21、ont make a mountain out of a molehill mlhl.鼹鼠丘 Its not that serious._Dont exaggerate(夸张)夸张)something.(小题大做小题大做)Alex has four sons and one daughter.She is theyoungest and the apple of her daddys eye.apple of ones eye-You see,Bill spends most of the money we give him on computer games.-He is the black

22、 sheep of the family.black sheepOther examples:1.Great minds think alike.2.You are singing my song.3.She is my ball and chain.4.He is beaten by the ugly stick.5.The plan cost me an arm and a leg.(英雄所见略同。)英雄所见略同。)(不谋而合)(不谋而合)(老婆)(老婆)(长得难看)(长得难看)(代价昂贵)代价昂贵)6.Dont think about that girl.There is plenty

23、of other fish in the sea.(天涯何处无芳草)(天涯何处无芳草)7.I have bigger fish to fry.(有更重要的事情要办有更重要的事情要办)8.She is a social butterfly.(善于交际,会应酬的人)(善于交际,会应酬的人)9.I put my foot in my mouth.(说错话了)(说错话了)10.When she heard the news,she walked on the air.(飘飘然)(飘飘然)I dont believe you.Oh,God!Its my favorite.Relax.Its really funny.Give me a chance.Its free.Oh,my aching back.I dont buy your story.Give me a break.Its my cup of tea.Take it easy.Oh!you are killing me.Its on the house.Match the following sentences:忙碌的人 早起的人 爱在家里的人 过着吵吵闹闹的生活 处支配地位者 耍花招,搞鬼 潜伏的敌人 呆板的例常工作 冷酷无情的人实力难猜的竞争者47


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