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1、Unit 3 What would you like? B Read and writeRobin will cook today.Changgang Primary School Xu Jing.The analysis of teaching contents:This topic is from the third unit of PEP English book 5. Wu Yifan and his grandpa left 2 notes to Robin. Ss will know how to describe What they like and what they dont

2、 like on the basis of the knowledge they have learned before. And they will learn more about how to write a note.The analysis of Students:The Ss are in grade 5.They have learnd English for 2 years, and they are active and interested in learning English. Food is one of the most interesting topic for

3、them, and they are interested in some other delicious food. They want to express the food what they like and what they dont like, So they will have more interested in this class. Teaching aims:A. Knowledge aims:Ss will understand and say the words of food.Ss will understand and say the sentences : I

4、 dont like but is OK./ I like but notB. Skill aims:To develop Ss abilities of reading ,cooperations and communications with others.C. Emotion aims:Ss will love their life and get more interests in learning English.Teaching points:A. Important points: The understanding of the words about food and the

5、 sentences: My favourite food is. Its/theyre; I dont like beef but chicken is OK; I like vegetables but not carrots.B. Difficult points: The writing of a note about what they like or dont like. Teaching aims:CAI, PPT and some pictures of food. Teaching methods:TPR, situational teaching method, readi

6、ng teaching methods. Teaching procedures:Teaching proceduresTeachers activitiesSs activitiespurposeStep 1Pre-reading1. Greetings.2. Show Teachers pictures andfree talk: My favourite food is Its /Theyre3. Watch video: having a picnic.1. Say the words about food quickly2. Talk about their favourite fo

7、od.3. Watch the video.用老师吃汉堡的照片复习食物类单词和句子。激活学生对于food的相关名词和味觉相关形容词的印象。并通过孩子们野餐的视频吸引学生兴趣,营造良好的英语学习氛围。Step 2While-reading1.Lead-in 介绍人物,导入情境:Wu Yifan and grandpa left 2 notes to Robin. Can you help him cook?2.Present the whole text.Task1:Read and choose the right answer.a. Whats Wu Yifans favourite foo

8、d? Why?b. Whats Grandpas favourite food? Why?c.Lets check.3. Present the important and difficult sentences. Task2: What else do they like and dont they like? (1) What does Wu Yifan like and doesnt like?a. Lead Ss to read the note and show the questions.b. Lead Ss to stick the food Wu likes on the bl

9、ackboard. c. Put the picture of beef out of the blank that Wu likes.d. Present the sentence: I dont like but theis OK.e. Lead Ss to do the activities.f. Discuss the answers. (2) What does grandpa like and doesnt like? a. Lead Ss to read grandpas note and choose the right picture about what he likes.

10、 b. Discuss the answers.4. Discuss what Robin can cook?a. Lead Ss to help Robin choose the food what Wu Yifan and his grandpa can both eat.1. Watch the flash.2. Do the activities of answering:a. Whats Wu Yifans favourite food? Why?b. Whats Grandpas favourite food? Why3.Read in groups . a. Choose the

11、 pictures what Wu Yifan likes and stick them on the blackboard.b. Learn to say the sentences: I dont likebut is OK.c. Finish the activities to tick or cross.d. Discuss the answers.3. Read and choose the right picture.4. Think what Robin can cook?通过设置帮助Robin做饭的情境,逐步了解Wu Yifan 和 Grandpa喜欢以及不喜欢的食物。在完成任

12、务的过程中逐步体会主要意思,并理解难点句。通过合作、交流、体验等方式培养孩子们的合作能力和交流、感知能力。Step 3Post-reading1. Lead Ss to talk about “cooking is not easy”2. Watch video: interesting cooking.3. Lead Ss to know “cooking is interesting.”4. Lead Ss to learn to write a note to Robin. T: Robin likes cooking. And today, he will cook for us to

13、 thank for our helping. Lets write a note to Robin.5. Show Ss notes and discuss them.1. Discuss about “cooking”2. Watch the video and enjoy cooking.3. Write a note to Robin.4. Show their notes.通过之前的泛读和细读,学生了解cooking是不容易的,此时播放趣味cooking培养学生感知美好生活。在此基础上,学习书写note。Step4:Assessment1. Say goodbye. 2.Homewo

14、rk1. Read p. 29. 2. Try to write about your father or mothers note to Robin.Read and interview their fathers and mothers.Write a note to consolidate.通过了解父母的喜好培养学生的分享意识,令他们更加期待下节英语课的到来。.Design of Blackboard:Robin will cook todayI dont like but is OK.I likebut not. Teaching self reflection:一、 教材内容分析 本

15、单元为小学英语(PEP)五年级上册第二单元My week第二课时。 Lets learn部分学习的单词是:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。教材通过吴一凡和机器人Robin讨论吴一凡课程表的情景,呈现单词的词形和意义。本部分的教学目标是:学生能够听、说、读、写上述单词,并能够在语境中正确运用上述单词。 Lets play部分用于操练和巩固A Lets learn板块有关一周七天名称的单词。本活动要求同桌两人合作完成,一人说课程名称,一人猜星期几。 二、学生情况分析 五年级学生已经具备一定的听说读写能力,

16、并且已经学习过本课涉及的科目单词。同时,学生已在本单元第一课时已经接触过主句型What do you have on ? I have 在此基础上,本课要使学生进一步掌握运用主句型谈论学校课程安排情况,并学习重点词汇:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。 三、 教学目标 1能够听、说、读、写以下七个单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。 2能够在语境中正确运用上述单词。 3能够完成“猜一猜”的活动。 四、教学重难

17、点 (一)教学重点 通过学习学生能听说读写本课四会单词。运用所学单词结合重点句型遣词造句。 (二)教学难点 鼓励、引导学生结合自己生活实际,运用本课内容进行自主对话。 五、教学步骤 1热身、复习 (1)教师热情地和学生打招呼,相互问好。 (2)跟唱有关星期单词的歌曲。 【设计意图】开课时,唱与本课息息相关的歌曲达到唤醒学生学习热情的目的。 (3)自由交谈。 让学生运用上节课所学句型What do you have on. ? I have on 自由交谈,由旧知识过渡到本课重点词汇。 2新课呈现 (1)采取教师领读、齐读、拼读、开火车读等方式使学生掌握本课重点词汇:Monday, Tuesda

18、y, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。 【设计意图】从自由交谈中提炼重点内容,在语境中呈现本课新知识。 (2)教师播放Lets learn视频动画。学生观看课程表对话问答,跟读重点句型。 (3)出示学生真实的课程表。通过问答练习:What do you have on ? I have on 使学生理解、运用重点词汇和句型。 3操练 1)教师将制作好的课程表贴于黑板上,利用多媒体课件带领学生做Magic eyes游戏,学生看到星期几,结合黑板上的课程表来进行问答练习:What do we have on ? I have 在此过程中教

19、授强化新词的记忆。 (2)老师说科目单词,学生拿出相应的书来,并表述:We have on (3)游戏做动作猜科目。一次两名同学。甲同学将自己喜欢的科目用动作表演出来,乙同学根据动作判断科目名称,两人进行对话。 Student A: Is it Music? Student B: Yes/No. We have Music on Fridays. (4) 看课程表进行自由问答练习。 【设计意图】在机械操练过程中,不断变换方式,加强训练密度提高学生的参与度。并且加入适当的游戏,使学生不感枯燥。 4展示 教师创设情境,班里来了一位新同学,大家热情地向她介绍周内课程安排。以此进行创编对话。 (1)教

20、师说:I am a new student in our class. My name is Mary. What do we have on Mondays? 引导学生回答,然后与一名学生示范操作。 (2)同桌学生结对操练,对话示例如下: Student A: Hello! Im a new student, and my name is Jane. Student B: Hello, Jane! Im Mike. Welcome to Class 2. Student A: Thank you, Mike. What do we have on Tuesdays? Student B: L

21、et me see We have maths, science, and Chinese. Student A: Really? I love science! Thank you. Student B: Haha! I love science, too. Mr. Zhang is our science teacher. Student A: Oh, is he strict? Student B: No, he is very funny! 【设计意图】角色表演感受体验,进一步使学生理解对话发生的情境,使学生更加理解新学知识的语用功能。 5作业 (1)模仿录音,跟读单词、句型。 (2)制作英语课程表。 二、 【设计意图】只有通过反复听读、操练,不断巩固达到脱口而出的境界,才能学以致用。 六、课堂评价 将全班分为若干组,将标有科目单词的书籍图片作为奖励物品,每组发言积极的同学能为该组获得一枚图片作为奖励。在课程结束时,获得图片


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