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  • 【0514】2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试
    • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试理综试题
      • 23届山西运城高三5月联考B·化学DA.pdf--点击预览
      • 23届山西运城高三5月联考B·物理DA.pdf--点击预览
      • 23届山西运城高三5月联考B·生物DA.pdf--点击预览
      • 理综.pdf--点击预览
    • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试英语试题B
      • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试英语试题.pdf--点击预览
      • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试英语试题B.docx--点击预览
      • 23届山西运城高三5月联考B·英语DA.pdf--点击预览
    • 2023届山西省运城市高三下学期第三次模拟调研测试文综(A)试题
      • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试文综试题A.pdf--点击预览
      • 23届山西运城高三5月联考A·历史DA.pdf--点击预览
      • 23届山西运城高三5月联考A·地理DA.pdf--点击预览
      • 23届山西运城高三5月联考A·政治DA.pdf--点击预览
    • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试数学答案.pdf--点击预览
    • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试数学试题.pdf--点击预览
    • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试语文答案.pdf--点击预览
    • 2023届山西省运城市高三5月第三次模拟调研测试语文试题.pdf--点击预览


书书书?槡?槡?槡?槡?书书书?槡?槡?槡?槡?槡?槡?槡?槡?槡?槡?槡?书书书?书书书?公众号:网课来了?公众号:网课来了?绝密启用前运城市运城市2023年高三第三次模拟调研测试年高三第三次模拟调研测试英语B卷英语B卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是C。1.What do we know about the man?A.He loves art.B.Hes learning to paint.C.He doesnt enjoy the exhibition.2.When will the woman have her psychology class?A.At 4 p.m.on Monday.B.At 11 a.m.on Wednesday.C.At 3 p.m.on Tuesday.3.Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Friends.B.Colleagues.C.Boss and employee.4.What can we know about Jane?A.She is a teacher.B.She has just fully recovered.C.She works in the government.5.What will Andrew probably do next?A.Listen to a story.B.Watch TV.C.Have a dream.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Where was the last party held?A.At a hotel.B.At a friends garden.C.At the mans house.7.What will Mary bring to the party?A.Some drinks.B.Some snacks.C.Some flowers.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.What is the man waiting for?A.Confirmation from a university.B.Permission to study journalism.C.Job chances in a media company.9.What does the woman think of winter in Canada?A.Its exciting.B.Its unbearable.C.She isnt concerned.10.What food is recommended for Tuesdays?A.Local food.B.Italian food.C.Japanese Sushi.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.When does the conversation happen?A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Friday.12.How does the man feel during the day?A.Sick and dizzy.B.All right.C.Sleepy.13.What will the man do next?A.Get some pills.B.Do a CT scan.C.Take a blood test.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14.What impressed the woman about the mans report?A.Its language.B.Its great details.C.Its full length.15.When did the man begin to learn English?A.In the kindergarten.B.At Grade One.C.In high school.16.Why did people refuse to talk to the woman according to Thomas?A.They were proud.B.They were shy.C.They didnt speak English.17.What prevents the woman from teaching in China?A.Her busy work schedule.B.Her lack of qualification.C.Her preference of quietness.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What did the speakers friend ask advice about?A.How the speaker succeeded.B.What gym the speaker went.C.How he could learn English.19.What did the speakers friend do a week later?A.He studied music theory.B.He signed up for a piano course.C.He got personal fitness training.20.What does the speaker feel good about?A.Achieving the original goals.B.Helping others with their goals.C.Setting up practical plans.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ATheres plenty to do this weekend in New York City,including comedy shows and a film series.Kids:Holiday Train ShowThrough Feb.20,at the New York Botanical Garden,the Bronx.In the Holiday Train Show,a three-decade tradition,the train runs along a half-mile track around a through more than 190 landmarks.Each attraction has been painstakingly recreated with natural material a departed the actual landscape.Tickets are free for members and children under 2 and start at$20 for the public Theyre available at www.nybg.org.Pop&Rock:Omar ApolloFebruary 19-23 at Kings Theatre,Brooklyn.Though his music suggests an old soul,Apollo found success through modern means:his guitar teacher was YouTube,and his breakthrough came from bedroom recordings uploaded to SoundCloud.After receiving his first Grammy award nomination(提名),he will play at Kings Theatre this weekend.Saturdays concert is sold out,though resale tickets are available,starting at$29.50 from .Comedy:Ian LaraFeb.18-19 at the Stand,Manhattan.Ian Lara,a native New Yorker and son of an immigrant(移民),is a rising star.He made his first TV appearance while competing on NBCs“Bring the Funny”in 2019.You can check out Lara as he delivers humorous dating advice in several shows this weekend at the Stand,a comedy club of Union Square.Tickets for the shows start at$15 and are available at .Art:William EgglestonFeb.25-Mar.4 at Metropolitan Gallery,Manhattan.William Egglestons“The Red Ceiling”is a monument with his secret of using colors to transform common things into beauty.With the death of Wiliam Klein this year,Eggleston stands alone as the greatest living photographer.The 29 photographs in his show“The Outstands”tower as a milestone in the recognition of color photography as art.Tickets start at$30 and are available at www.metropolitan.org.21.What can one do at Kings Theatre,Brooklyn?A.Listen to rocknroll and pop music.B.Watch a comedy about an immigrant.C.Appreciate the photo show“The Outstands”.D.Ride on a train through recreated attractions.22.Which website can one visit for a ticket for a comedy show?A.www.nybg.org.C.B.www.metropolitan.org.D.23.What is Eggleston famous for?A.His recreation of landmark attractions.C.His humorous advice at a comedy club.B.His recordings posted on SoundCloud.D.His skilled use of colors in photography.B“You brought home such a big dog on Christmas Eve?Shes not coming into my house.”I said as they came.But my husband was happy to have the dog.From what he described,she had been neglected and tied to a tree.Her owners had to get rid of her because they were moving,so my husband brought her along.Im not against animals,but my work in emergency medicine let me see plenty of“the dog never bit anyone before”cases that I didnt want repeated with my two-year-old.My husband adapted an area in the barn for her.He fed her in the morning before work and took her out in the evening.She was well-behaved.Still,I wasnt taking chances with my child.As the seasons passed,I started to feel bad for Brandy being stuck outside all the time.She seemed kind and gentle.Day after day,I would notice Brandy in her little space,alone,watching the house.The guilt was eating at me.As my daughter grew a little older,I decided to let Brandy inside.She was a perfect house guest,showed no sign of aggression(进攻)and even became buddies with one of the cats.We made up for lost time with treats and soft beds.Once she moved into our house,she became a member of our family.We took her camping and found her to be great at traveling.She never caused a single moments trouble.As she became senior,I found a little dog Shirley through a rescue.We took Brandy to meet her,and Brandy played with the puppy,making it clear that there would be no problems bringing the young one home.Brandys patient,gentle spirit showed me that you cant judge a book by its cover-or a dog by its reputation.By opening my mind,I learned the truth about her.Im so thankful for Brandy and the way she touched our lives,and the lessons she taught me.24.What did the author learn about dogs through her work?A.Large dogs will be a threat to people.C.Dogs will bite people unexpectedly.B.Babies should be protected from dogs.D.Dogs shouldnt live in mans rooms.25.What made the author feel guilty?A.Her decision to adopt a new dog.C.Her giving Brandy little living space.B.Her refusal to admit Brandy home.D.Her keeping her daughter off Brandy.26.When did the author decide to adopt Shirley?A.When old age was a problem for Brandy.C.When Brandy turned friendly to the cats.B.When an animal rescue center contacted.D.When Brandy got a promotion at home.27.What lesson did the author draw from her experience?A.Rescued animals are a source of adoption.B.Treating animals with respect is rewarding.C.Dogs can be trained to be human companions.D.Dont judge things by the fame or impression.CA number of recent studies of families in several Asian countries help to shed light on how grandparents are involved in coparenting,which researchers define as the sharing of childcare and upbringing responsibility among two or more adults.These studies suggest that children benefit when parents have strong relationships with coparenting grandparents.Researcher Xiaowei Li and her coworkers recently explored parent-grandparent coparenting in China,where it is very common In their 2019 study,nearly 180 mothers of preschoolers completed questionnaires(问卷调查)about their coparenting.The majority of families lived in three-generational households,and 80%of families had only one child.The questionnaire asked about positive aspects of the parent-grandparent coparenting relationship,like how much they agreed and felt close as well as challenging aspects like how much they had conflict in front of the child.The researchers also measured how competent mothers felt in using parenting strategies and teaching their children age-appropriate skills.The findings?Mothers who had strong coparenting relationships with grandparents tended to feel more effective in their role as a parent,and,in turn,their children tended to be more socially competent.Thats because grandparents,with their rich experience,can provide support,role modeling,and encouragement when they raise children,which could influence how competent mothers feel in their parenting role.And when mothers are feeling more confident,they can approach parenting with more positivity,which can boost their childrens social development.Parent-grandparent coparenting also seems to influence other aspects of childrens development,such as preschoolers effortful control-their ability to regulate how they respond to a situation and notice novelty or mistakes.For preschoolers,it might come into play when they get a gift they dont like,or have to figure out how to share toys.This research on grandparents highlights that handling the coparenting relationship is not without its challenges.But grandparents involvement in childrens upbringing can bring great benefits for families and grandparents themselves.28.What might be included in the questionnaire?A.Grandparents age gap.C.The income the family have.B.The support grandparents give.D.Grandparents attitude to education.29.What is the conclusion of the study?A.Parents and grandparents can get along well.B.Mothers ability has an effect on their children.C.Good coparenting relationships benefit children.D.Parent-grandparent coparenting is becoming popular.30.What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 5 probably refer to?A.Effortful control.C.The development.B.The response.D.The mistake.31.What can be the best title for the text?A.The Trend of Coparenting Is Catching on in AsiaB.How Young Parents Think of Grandparents HelpC.Coparenting Relationships Are Becoming ComfortableD.What Happens When Grandparents Help Raise ChildrenDGetting a driving license was once a universal passage into adulthood.But now a growing minority of young people ignore or actively oppose it,into their 20s and beyond.That starts to create more support for anti-car policies in cities around the world to pass anti-car laws,changing planning rules to favour pedestrians over drivers.After a century in which the car remade the rich world,the tide begins to swing the other way.By 1997,43%of Americas 16-year-olds had driving licenses.But the proportion has been falling for every age group under 40.Even those who have them are driving less.A similar trend is seen in Europe.One study of five European capitals found the number of driving trips made by working people was down substantially since a peak in the 1990s.No one is entirely sure why young adults are proving resistant to owning a car.The growth of the internet is one obvious possibility-the more you can shop online,or stream films at home,the less need there is to drive into town.The rise of taxi apps like Uber has contributed as well.Driving generally is more expensive.Other reasons seem more cultural.One big motivator is worries about climate change.The falling popularity of cars among the under-40s chimes with the mood among city planners and urbanists.In America,New York has banned cars from Central Park and some streets.In the past few years,dozens of American cities have removed rules that force developers to provide a certain amount of free parking around their buildings.As the example in Oxford shows,political opposition could put the brakes on the growth of anti-car policies.But in the parts of Europe where anti-car policies have been in place,they appear to have worked.Giulio notes that almost nowhere in the world that has removed a big road,or pedestrianised(使成为行人专用区)a shopping street,has decided to turn back.“Once people see,they generally dont want to go back.”If that pattern holds,the 21st century might just see the cars high-water mark.32.What do a minority of young people ignore?A.Owing a home as a sign of adulthood.C.Getting a driving license as an adult.B.Making it into the world of the rich.D.Being involved in a kind of campaign.33.What lead to cars becoming less popular?A.Strict traffic regulations.C.Some social prejudices.B.Environmental concerns.D.The use of self-driving apps.34.What does the underlined part“chimes with”mean in paragraph 4?A.Agrees with.B.Sticks to.C.Cooperates with.D.Emerges from.35.What does the example in Oxford show?A.People are keen about banning driving.C.Its hard for young people to be drivers.B.Banning cars benefits city development.D.Anti-car policies are met with opposition.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。ChatGPT is part of a new generation of AI systems that can have a discussion and create written work.It can even produce new images and videos based on what it has learned from a large database of digital books,online writings and other media.Its available for free to anyone on the internet.36 It works like a written conversation between the AI system and the person asking it questions.37 They used it to write poems or songs.Some tried to trick it into making mistakes.Others used it to write email.All of those requests are helping it to get smarter.Its popularity has led its creators to try to lower some peoples expectations.The New York City education department said it is restricting use of ChatGPT.38 It also has concerns regarding the safety and accuracy of the content written by ChatGPT.Teachers are now trying to find out how to prevent students using the AI tool for cheating.39Jenna Lyle,a spokesperson for New York schools,said the tool may provide quick and easy answers to questions,but it doesnt build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.40In a human-written statement,OpenAI said that it plans to work with educators as it learns how people are experimenting with ChatGPT in the real world.“We dont want ChatGPT to be used for misleading purposes in 学科网(北京)股份有限公司schools or anywhere else,so were already developing means to help anyone identify text generated by that system,”the company said.A.It is also designed to be more user-friendly.B.But theres no stopping a student from using it at home.C.It is worried about negative imp
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