《通信与电子信息科技英语》课件unit 7.ppt

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1、Digital Image ProcessingNew words and phrases1 dimensional adj.维的,维量(数)的2 spatial adj.空间的3 coordinate n.坐标(用复数)4 intensity n.强度,亮度5 pel n.像素(picture element缩写)6 pixel n.像素(=picture element)7 vision n.视觉,视力 computer vision计算机视觉8 perception n.感知,感觉9 gamma n.伽马()射线10 ultrasound n.超声波Digital Image Proce

2、ssing11 encompass vt.包括,包含12 discipline n.学科,科目13 artificial adj.人造的 artificial intelligence(AI)人工智能 artificial boundary人工边界,人为边界14 trivial adj.通常的,平凡的15 emulate vt.模拟(模仿)16 objective n.目标,目的17 infancy n.开始,初期18 anticipate vt.预期;期待19 clearcut adj.明确的,清晰的20 continuum n.连续统一体,连续性Digital Image Processi

3、ng21 paradigm n.范例,样式22 computerized adj.计算机化的23 contrast n.对比度24 enhancement n.增强,加强 contrast enhancement对比度增强25 segmentation n.分割26 partition vt.分割;n.分割,划分27 attribute n.属性,特征28 contour n.轮廓29 identity n.标识,识别30 ensemble n.整体;总效果 Digital Image Processing31 cognitive adj.认知的,有感知的 cognitive function

4、认知功能32 overlap n.重迭;重叠33 acquisition n.采集,收集,获得 image acquisition图像获取,图像采集 34scale vt.改变比例35 obscure vt.使暗,使不明显36 highlight vt.使突出,使显著,强调37 resolution n.分辨,分辨率38 probabilistic adj.概率的,统计的,随机的 probabilistic model概率模型39 degradation n.退化 image degradation图像退化,图像质量下降40 preference n.偏爱,优先选择Digital Image

5、Processing41 wavelet n.小波,子波42 pyramidal adj.金字塔形的,锥体的 43 pictorial adj.图示的44 inadvertently adv.不注意地45 extension n.扩展名 file extension文件扩展名 46 morphological adj.形态学(上)的47 constituent adj.形成的,组成的48 rugged adj.不规则的49 erratic adj.不稳定的,无规律的50 eventual adj.最后的,终于的Digital Image Processing51 representation

6、n.表示法,表现,显示 boundary representation边界表示法52 inflection n.弯曲,变形53 texture n.纹理,结构,质地54 skeletal adj.骨架的55 complement vt.补充,补足;使完备56 subsequent adj.后来的57 assign vt.分配,给予58 quantitative adj.数量的,定量的 quantitative information定量信息59 differentiate v.区别,区分60 e.g.(exempli gratia)n.例如Digital Image Processing61

7、descriptor n.描述子,描述符62 explicitly adv.明白地,明确地63 massive adj.大量的;大规模的64 miniaturize vt.使微型化,使小型化 65 generalpurpose adj.通用的,多种用途的66 blend vt.混和 blendingn.混和,混和物 67 digitizer n.数字化仪,数字化转换器68 throughput n.吞吐量,通过量,吞吐率 data throughput数据吞吐率69 supercomputer n.巨型(电子)计算机70 offline adj.脱机的,离线的Digital Image Pro

8、cessing71 must n.必需的东西;必须做的事72 online adj.在线的,即时的73 archival adj.档案的;档案里的 archival storage 档案库存储器74 instantaneous adj.瞬间的,即时的75 zoom n.图像电子放大,缩放76 scroll n.卷动,滚动77 pan n.摇镜头,摇摄,拍全景78 horizontal adj.水平的79 magnetic adj.磁的,有磁性的 magnetic disk磁盘 magnetic tape磁带80 house vt.保存,收藏,收容Digital Image Processing

9、81 jukebox n.(自动)光盘机82 integral adj.组成的,主要的,必备的 an integral part不可分割的部分 83 headgear n.头戴受话器,头戴听筒84 goggles n.护目镜,墨镜,防护镜85 inkjet 喷墨86 film n.胶(软)片,胶卷,电影胶片87 transparency n.幻灯片88 inherent adj.固有的,内在的89 optical adj.光学的 optical disk(optical disc)光盘 90 fiber n.(光导)纤维 optical fiber光纤Digital Image Process

10、ing1 digital image 数字图像 2 gray level 灰度级,灰度 3 picture element(pixel,pel,image elerment)像素 4 electromagnetic(EM)spectrum 电磁波频谱5 electron microscopy 电子显微镜 6 radio wave 无线电波 7 image understanding 图像理解 8 in between 在之间,在中间9 image preprocessing 图像预处理 10 image sharpening 图像锐化 11 bring out 使显示,生产 12 image

11、restoration 图像恢复;图像复原 Digital Image Processing13 data compression 数据压缩 14 image compression 图像压缩 15 JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group 联合图像专家组16 feature selection 特征选择 17 image sensor 摄像传感器 18 with reference to 关于19 ALU(arithmetic logic unit,arithmetic and logic unit)算术逻辑单元,运算器 20 software packag

12、e 软件包,程序包 21 mass storage 海量存储器 22 frame buffer 帧缓存器,帧缓冲区 23 flat screen 平面屏幕 24 stereo display 立体显示 Digital Image Processing An image may be defined as a twodimensional function,f(x,y),where x and y are spatial(plane)coordinates,and the amplitude of fat any pair of coordinates(x,y)is called the int

13、ensity or gray level of the image at that point.When x,y,and the amplitude values of f are all finite,discrete quantities,we call the image a digital image.The field of digital image processing refers to processing digital images by means of a digital computer.Note that a digital image is composed o

14、f a finite number of elements,each of which has a particular location and value.Theseelements are referred to as picture elements,image elements,pels,and pixels.Pixel is the term most widely used to denote the elements of a digital image.Vision is the most advanced of our senses,so it is not surpris

15、ing that images play the single most important role in human perception.However,Digital Image Processingunlike humans,who are limited to the visual band of the electromagnetic(EM)spectrum,imaging machines cover almost the entire EM spectrum,ranging from gamma to radio waves.They can operate on image

16、s generated by sources that humans are not accustomedto associating with images.These include ultrasound,electron microscopy,and computergenerated images.Thus,digital image processing encompasses a wide and varied field of applications.There is no general agreement among authors regarding where imag

17、e processing stops and other related areas,such as image analysis and computer vision,start.Sometimes a distinction is made by defining image processing as a discipline in which both the input and output of a process are images.We believe this to be a limiting and somewhat artificial boundary.For ex

18、ample,under this definition,even the trivial task of computing the average intensity of an image(which yields a single number)would not be Digital Image Processingconsidered an image processing operation.On the other hand,there are fields such as computer vision whose ultimate goal is to use compute

19、rs to emulate human vision,including learning and being ableto make inferences and take actions based on visual inputs.This area itself is a branch of artificial intelligence(AI)whose objective is to emulate human intelligence.The field of AI is in its earliest stages of infancy in terms of developm

20、ent,with progress having been much slower than originally anticipated.The areaof image analysis(also called image understanding)is in between image processing and computer vision.There are no clearcut boundaries in the continuum from image processing at one end to computer vision at the other.Howeve

21、r,one useful paradigm is to consider three types of computerized processes in this continuum:low,mid,and highlevel processes.Lowlevel processes involve primitive operations such as image preprocessing to Digital Image Processingreduce noise,contrast enhancement,and image sharpening.A lowlevel proces

22、s is characterized by the fact that both its inputs and outputs are images.Midlevel processing on images involvestasks such as segmentation(partitioning an image into regions or objects),description of those objects to reduce them to a form suitable for computer processing,and classification(recogni

23、tion)of individual objects.A midlevel process is characterized by the fact that its inputs generally are images,but its outputs are attributes extracted from those images(e.g.,edges,contours,and the identity of individual objects).Exercises.Please translate the following words and phrases into Chine

24、se.1.electromagnetic(EM)spectrum2.electron microscopy3.radio wave4.ultrasound 5.image understanding6.frame buffer 7.image sensor8.file extensions电磁波频谱电磁波频谱电子显微镜电子显微镜无线电波无线电波超声超声(波波)图像理解图像理解帧缓存器,帧缓冲帧缓存器,帧缓冲摄像传感器摄像传感器文件扩展名文件扩展名Exercises9.JPEG10.transmission capacity11.boundary representation12.feature

25、 selection13.ALU14.archival storage15.stereo display16.specialized hardware17.artificial intelligence18.flat screen联合图像专家组联合图像专家组(Joint Photographic Experts Group)传输容量传输容量边界表示(法)边界表示(法)特征选择特征选择算术逻辑单元,运算器算术逻辑单元,运算器(arithmetic logic unit)档案库存储器档案库存储器立体显示立体显示专用硬件专用硬件人工智能人工智能(AI)平面屏幕平面屏幕Exercises.Please

26、 translate the following words and phrases into English.1.数字图像处理2.像素3.海量存储器4.图像分析5.图像锐化6.图像恢复7.数据压缩8.对比度增强digital image processingpixel(pel,picture element,image element)mass storageimage analysisimage sharpeningimage restorationdata compressioncontrast enhancementExercises9.分辨率10.图像显示11.卫星图像12.光盘13

27、.小波14.计算机视觉15.图像退化16.图像采集17.磁盘18.目标识别Resolutionimage displaysatellite imageoptical disk(optical disc)wavelet computer visionimage degradationimage acquisitionmagnetic diskobject recognitionExercises.Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1.The field of digital image processing refers to process

28、ing digital images by means of a digital computer.2.These elements are referred to as picture elements,image elements,pels,and pixels.3.Vision is the most advanced of our senses,so it is not surprising that images play the single most important role in human perception.4.Sometimes a distinction is m

29、ade by defining image processing as a discipline in which both the input and output of a process are images.5.A low level process is characterized by the fact that both its inputs and outputs are images.6.Image acquisition could be as simple as being given an image that is already in digital form.Ex

30、ercises7.It is important to keep in mind that enhancement is a very subjective area of image processing.8.Image compression is familiar(perhaps inadvertently)to most users of computers in the form of image file extensions.9.Segmentation procedures partition an image into its constituent parts or obj

31、ects.10.For example,under this definition,even the trivial task of computing the average intensity of an image would not be considered an image processing operation.11.We conclude our coverage of digital image processing with the development of methods for recognition of individual objects.12.In ded

32、icated applications,sometimes specially desinged (design,designed,designing)computers are used to achievea required level of performance,but our interest here is on generalpurpose image processing systems.Exercises.Answer the following questions according to the text.1.Please give the definition of

33、the digital image.An image may be defined as a twodimensional function,f(x,y),where x and y are spatial(plane)coordinates,and the amplitude of fat any pair of coordinates (x,y)is called the intensity or gray level of the image at that point.When x,y,and the amplitude values of f are all finite,discr

34、ete quantities,we call the image a digital Image.Exercises2.Please explain three levels of computerized processes in the continuum from image processing to computer vision.There are three levels(Low level,Mid level and Higher level)of computerized processes in the continuum from image processing to

35、computer vision.Low levelprocesses involve primitive operations such as image pre processing to reduce noise,contrast enhancement,and image sharpening.Mid level processing on images involves tasks such as segmentation(partitioning an image into regions or objects),description of those objects to red

36、uce them to a form suitable for computer processing,and classification(recognition)of individual objects.Higher level processing involves“making sense”of an ensemble of recognized objects,asin image analysis,and,at the far end of the continuum,performing the cognitive functions normally associated w

37、ithvision.Exercises3.Please describe the differences between image enhancement and image restorationImage restoration is an area that also deals with improving the appearance ofan image.Enhancement,on the other hand,is based on human subjective preferences regarding what constitutes a“good”enhanceme

38、nt result.4.With reference to sensing,which two elements are required to acquire digital images?With reference to sensing,two elements are required to acquire digital images.The first is a physical device that is sensitive to the energy radiated by the object we wish to image.The second,called a dig

39、itizer,is a device for converting the output of the physical sensing device into digital form.Exercises5.What is the key consideration in image transmission?Why?Because of the large amount of data inherent in image processing applications,the key consideration in image transmission is bandwidth6.Wha

40、t is the ultimate goal of computer vision?The ultimate goal of computer vision is to use computers to emulate human vision,including learning and being able to make inferences and take actions Based on visual inputs.7.Describe the components of an image processing system.An image processing system include:1)Image sensors;2)Specialized image processing hardware;3)The computer;4)Software;5)Mass storage capability;6)Image displays;7)Hardcopy;8)Networking


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