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1、八年级下册英语:语法知识+典型例题(VYB)语法剖析活用ja单句的五胞I 句子的种类按交际功能可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。按结构可分为简单句、并列句与复合句。.简单句简单句是由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成,其陈述句的肯定式有以下五种基本句型:【主语(S)、谓语(V)、表语(P)、宾语(O)、宾语补足语(0C)序号结构讲解例句1SV该句型中的谓语为不及物动词。谓语动词的前面可加 情态动词或助动词。如果多个谓语动词并列,可用 and , but等并列连词将它们连接起来。谓语动词在 人称和数上须与主语顚一致。The first book came out in2003

2、.He is running fast.2SVP此句中的动词为连系动词,连系动词常用的有be , become等,部分行为动词在某些时候也可以用作 连系动词,如:get, keep , turn , grow等。有些感 官动词也可以作连系动词,Jn:look , sound , taste , smell , feel 等。Trees are green.Mrs. Smith is a doctor.They are interested in P.E.3SV0此句中的动词为及物动词。动词后接宾语时应该用及 物动词若为不及物动词则须在动词后加上合适的介 词。He saw a film.Jim

3、may visit his parents tomorrow.4SVOiOd此句型中的谓语动词是及物动词,后面接两个宾语, 间接宾语一般指人,直接宾语一般指物。一般是主 谓+间宾+直宾,也可以是主谓+直宾十介词+ 间宾。可接双宾语的常见动词有:ask .give .send ,I will give you a book.She bought a present for her parents.buy,sell,bring ,pass ,tell .show ,teach ,promiser 等。5SV0C该句型中的宾语+宾语补足语又叫做复合宾 语,其特点是宾语与其|卜语之间是逻辑上的主谓关

4、系。可接复合宾语的常见动词有:ask , tell, find , help , like , take, make , let, call, watch , see , have 等。The news made everyone happy.He wants me to help him.n.there be 句型there be句型的结构是there be ,某人/某物,某时/某地“,含义是“在某时或某地有某人或某物。 从以上讲解中我们可以初步掌握英语勻子结构的一些特点:英语的句子以谓语为中心,前面是动作的执 行者,后面是动作的承受者。除了基本成分之夕卜,状语也很重要。状语可以位于句首,也

5、可以置于谓语 之后。一般来说,置于句首的多是时间、条件和原因状语,置于谓语之后的是地点、方式、原因、目的、 时间和伴随状语。*过去时和现在諷时的区另di. 时间上有差异一般过去时与现在没有关系,与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:ago Jastyear Just now ,the other day 等。现在完成时与现在有关系,不能与表示过去的时间状语连用。如:He has come back home.(说明现左他在家。)He came back home last year.(只能说明他去年回来过,不能说明他现在在不在家,可能后来又出去 了,但至今未归。)口.结果上有差异现在完成时和一般过去时

6、都表示在过去完成的动作,现在完成时强调对“现在“的影响和结果,动作到 现在刚完成或还在继续。一般过去时强调动作发生在“过去,和现在没有关系。【活学活用】1) She the piano for six years , but she doesn* t play now.A. have playedB.playedC.has played答案:B从后半句可以判断她我不再弹钢琴了,说明前面的动作和现在已经没有关系,只是单纯地 陈述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时。2 ) We the museum yesterday.A. visitedB.visitC.have visited答案:A有明显的过去时

7、间状语yesterday ,可以判断用一般过去时。3 ) I stamps since I was ten years old. A. collected B.have collected C.am collecting答案:B since 自从.“是现在完成时的一个标志性词语,表示动作从某时开始一直延续,所以用 现在完成时。4) I to school yesterday because I was ill.A. wentB.haven* t gone C.didn, t go答案:C全句为因果关系,应该是.生病没有上学“,所以否定A项;陈述昨天的事情,没提到和现在 的关系,所以应用一般过去

8、时。5 ) I in Beijing for ten years.A. livedB.have livedC.has lived答案:B句意为“我住在北京我十年了,没有任何其他提示,表朝在仍住在北京。典题瞬经典例题在对话的空格处填上适当的单词,使对1舌完整、正确,每空一I司。A: Mum , which TV program借目)are you 1 ?B:Oh , I, m watching a Beijing Opera.A: Is that 2 interesting than a football game?B:Yes , I think 3 .1 prefer(更喜欢a Beijing

9、 Opera 4 a football game.A:Er.but I don, t like it. Shall we watch a cartoon 5 ?B:OK.Which 6 is your favorite TV program on?A: It s usually 7 on Channel 8.B:ButI can, t get 8 .A: Well, it must 9 on Channel 6 then. Try thatB:Here it is.The cartoon 10 just begun. Let, s watch it together.A: That s all

10、 right.思路蜥:1. 从下文问话“我正在看京剧“中可以看出,上句话中问的是“看什么。答案:watching2. 从后面的than可以看岀这是一个比较级,因为interesting是个多音节形容词。答案:more3. 从答语yes ,可以看出是肯定的形武。答案:so4. prefer.to.喜欢.胜过. 答案:to5. 提出建议“我们来看卡通片而不要看京剧和球寒“,要用一个词表达此意。答案:instead6. 从末尾的介词on判断,最爰的电视节目在哪使道。答案:channel 7. 上演或是播出,但注意主语是it,所以应用被动语蕊 答案:showed8. not.anything=noth

11、ingo 答案:anything9. must后面要接动词原形,be on channel 6 在6频道。答案:be10. just暗示本句应该是现在完成时。答案:has黑色陷阱:本题有两处陷阱,一是第6题,如果注意不到后面的介词on,很容易理解成你最喜欢什么电视节目,而本题是最喜欢的节目在哪使道,所以要填channel而不是program。第二处是第7 题,很容易让人凭直觉填be,说明卡通节目在第丿濒道,陷阱是前面我有be动词is 了。所以填be不 对,并且还要注意动词的被动语态的运用。绿色通道:解答此类题一定要先通读全文,对对话的主要内容有一个大槪的理解,并充分利用好上下文所提供的信息,注

12、意每一处细节,对导入座,又寸所填的内容要进彳亍检验,看句子是否通顺,文章是否合原创题根据表格和短文判断正(T )误(F Recently we have made a survey about the teenagers* hobbies. Here* s the result.SingingPlaying comput er gamesGrowing Vegetabl esPlaying FootballDancingPlaying table tennisCollecting DollsBoysVVVVGirlsVVVVVIt* s very interesting to see the

13、hobbies above. The teenagers like their hobbies becausethey like to learn new things and develop new skills. For example , playing football can make them strong and understand the importance of team work. Growing vegetables can help their family.()l.The boys like dancing and singing.()2.Both the boy

14、s and the girls like growing vegetables and playing table tennis.()3.Collecting dolls can make the girls strong.()4.Playing football is a team-work sport()5.The boys don* t like playing computer games.思路蜥:1. F从图表中可以判断,喜欢唱黝舞的应该是女孩子。5页共59页2. T从图表中可以判断男孩和女孩都喜欢的两项是growing vegetables和playing table tennis

15、。3. F收集洋娃娃不是一个锻炼体能的爰好,所以不能使人变强壮。4. T从文中的例子可以看出踢足球能使人理解团队合作的重要性,所以应该是一项团队运动。5. F从图中可以直接判断此项描述不合文意。黑色陷阱:第4题考查理解能力,第5题考查反向思维能力。绿色通道:注意英文图表题,一定不要落下任何一个细节,要从细节中发现东西,也可以带看问题去读表。巧学法园地come out I司多义太阳星星升起,花儿绽放,消息传岀,新书岀版,均用come out。Module 2 Friendship语法剖析活用在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。它是众多从句中的一员,在复合句中作主句谓语动词、 介词或某算缗词的宾

16、语。I .宾语从句的引导词1.陈述句充当宾语从句时,用that引导,that无词义,在口语或正式文体中常省略。如:My teacher said I was a good boy老师说我是个好男孩。2. 当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为是否”。如:I am not sure if you are right.我不确信你是否正确。3. 如果宾语从句原来是特殊疑问句,只需用原来的疑问词引导。如:I want to know where he came frem.我想知道他从哪H.宾语从句的语序必瓣陈述语序句式连词语序例句陈述句That不变I think that we

17、 can be good friends.一般疑问 句if/whether改为陈述语 序I can t remember if I posted the letter.特殊疑问 句特殊疑问词改为陈述语 序He asked who was our English teacher.m.宾语从句与主句的时态要相互呼应主句是现在或将来时态时,从句可用任何所需要的时态。主句是过去时态时,从句要用表示过去的 相应的时态。但如果从句中有明确表示过去的时间状语,则从句应用一般过去时,不用过去完成时;如 从句表达的是客观规律或真理时,用一般现在时。如:She said that the earth moves

18、around the sun.她说地球围绕太阳转。【活学活用】1) I hope it will snow this winter.A. whenB.ifC.whether D./答案:D hope后面应该接that引导的宾语从句,that在句中没有任何意义,可以省略。2) I don, t know Mr.Green will come to see us.He will help us with our English.A. why B.when C.howD.where 答案:A从下文的答语看,上文不知道的应该是“来看我们的原因3)1 can* t rememberI have seen

19、 him before.A.whether B.whyC.whatD.how答案:A本句表达一种不确定的槪念,用whether或if。4) Do you know ?r m going to see him.Sorry , I don* t know.A.where does Mr.Li liveB. where did Mr.Li liveC. where Mr.Li livesD. where Mr.Li lived答案:C宾语从句要用陈述语气,排除A、B两项。从句意判断问的是现在住哪儿? ”。5) Where do you think he the computer ?Sorry , I

20、 have no idea.A. / ; boughtB.has ; boughtC.did ; buyD.does ; buy答案:A do you think是插入语,可以把它去掉,分析句意应该用应用过去时态和陈述语序。6) 1 can* t understand he likes computer games so much.A.that B.whether C.whyD.where答案:C句意为“我不理解为什么他那么喜欢电脑游戏。7) (2010北京中考大纲卷)一Do you know the MP3 player last week?Sorry , I have no idea.A.

21、how much did she pay forB.how much will she pay forC.how much she paid forD.how much she will pay for答案:c宾语从句要用陈述语序,由湖E除A、B两项,由last week判断应该用过去时态。8) (2010 北京中考大纲卷)1 don t know tomorrow.Can you tell me?A.when we startedB. when did we start8页共59页C. when we will startD.when will we start答案:C由tomorrow判断

22、,应该用将来时态表示。典题瞬 经典例题例 1 In the bookshop , a reader asked the shop keeper Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A.thatB.howC.whatD.if 思路解析:注意本句中斜体部分是一本书的名字谁动了我的奶酪,本句含义是“一个读者问书店管 理员这本书是不是有趣。所以答案是D项。答案:D黑色陷阱:本题的主要陷阱是书名 Who Moved My Cheese ,它本身含有f who,容易给人造成祸绿色通道:在英语中,注意书名一般都是斜体的,且书名的首字母是大写的,注意把它看成

23、一个独立的 完整的东西。例 2 I was told Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers.A.that how B.how that C.when thatD.that when思路解析:注意后面从句的含义是比尔盖茨十三岁的时候开始玩电脑,应该用when表示当. 时,本句中的that是宾语从句的引导词。所以选D项。答案:D黑色陷阱:本句结构复杂,主要陷阱设置在when上,它在本句中起到引导后面的时间状语的作用。绿色通道:做此类题,要慢慢理顺思路,不要钻牛角尖,当一种含义说不通时,从另一个角度或另f 含义考虑。例3 (2

24、010江苏苏州中考)一I wonder .Zebras.A.what do they call these animals B.how they call these animalsC.what they call these animals D.how do they call these animals思路解析:本句含义是“我想知道他们叫这些动物什么“,排除B、D两项。另夕卜宾语从句要用陈述语序。所以选C项。答案:C黑色陷阱:本句容易译成“他们怎样称呼这些动物而错选how ,注意本句中隐含句型call sb. sth.含,页共59页誣义是“称呼某人.feiSS :解答本类题首先分施意,确定

25、引导词,鴻看矚序和时态。例 4 (2010 北京中考)1 m different from my twin sister.I love dancing , she is interested in reading.A. soB.orC.but D.and思路解析:本句是转折关系,噂 C项。答案:C黑色陷阱:本句陷阱在于选项前后都是肯定句形式,不细读题而误选D项。绿色通道:并列句主要是根据句意来判断前后两句的逻辑关系,所以一定要把题读完再作判断。例 5 (2010 重庆中考)Work hard , you may catch up with your classmates soon.A.orB.

26、butC.and D.yet思路解析:本句是祈使句+ and的句型,句意为努力学习,你会很快赶上其他同学的,and在句 中表示承接关系,所以选C项。答案:C黑色陷阱:本题的陷阱是句型,本句型区别于祈使句+ or,这个句型的含义是,不然的话/否 则. 绿色通道:祈使句后面既可以加and ,也可以加or,所以要全面分析句意,再作决定。原创题There are more and bigger tree-planting programs(项目)than any other country in the world.Since 1979 , March 12th has been Tree Plant

27、ing Day in China.Between 1982 and 2004 , 44 billion trees have been planted on 53.4 million hectares(亩)of land.In 2004,2.5 billion trees were planted in China.There are many projects(规划)to protect environment.Here are some examples. In 2001 , Korea offered $6 million for a 5-year project to plant tr

28、ees , starting with a project to prevent soil erosion (侵蚀)at the Miyun Reservoir in Beijing, s northern suburbs. In 2001 the Japan Bank for International Co-operation put in $ 67.5 million for tree planting projects in Jiangxi Province.They plan to plant 219000 hectares with trees by 2009. Nokia sta

29、rted a Friendship ForestryH project.5000 people across China mployees of Nokia , its partners and customersplanted trees covering 150000 square meters.They plan to continue and extend the project.根据短文回答问题。l. When is the Tree Planting Day?2. How much money did Korea offer for a 5-year project to plan

30、t trees?3. What is the name of Nokia* s project to plant trees?4. How many trees were planted in 2004 in China?思路解析:l.March 12th.从Since 1979 , March 12th has been Tree Planting Day in China. 中可以看出答案。2.1t offered $6 million for the project,由第二一描述可知。3.Friendship Forestry4.1n 2004,2.5 billion trees wer

31、e planted in China.黑色陷阱:本题的陷阱主要是数字和一些专有名称较多,容易让人觉得文章很难。绿色通道:做这种题,可以用“地毯式“搜索的方法,同时注意答题尽量规范和完整。巧学法园地学习宾从三注意:时态语序和连词。时态琛要呼应:主句若为现在时,从句时态随句意;主句若为过去时,从句时态竝去;语序要用陈述序,切莫照搬疑问句。that连接陈述句,省与不省没关系。从句若表是否时,if , whether均可替。特殊问句作宾语,仍用原来疑问词。三个问题须记牢,切莫丢东忘了西。Module 3 On the radio语法剖析活用动词不定式和动名词作宾语在英语中,介词宾语常用动名词,不用不定

32、式。而动词宾语,有用动名词,有时用不定式,用动名 词和不定式意义变化不大,有时意义却相差甚远。有的动词后面只能接动名词作宾语,如:enjoy , mind , miss , finish , practice , suggest , feel like 等。I enjoy playing basketball with you.我喜欢和你打篮球。有的动词后面只能接不定式作宾语,如:ask , agree , decide , happen , hope , plan , promise ,would like , want 等。She promised to return in an hour

33、.她答应一小时后回来。有的动词后面可以接两种形式作宾语,表达的意思有的差别不大,有的差别很大,要根据具体情况区别 对待。We should continue learning(to learn).我们应当继续学习。(差SU不大) 1 remember telling him the news.我记得告诉过他这个消息了。(已告诉)Please remember to tell him the news.记得告诉他这个消息。(未告诉)常见的意义差较大的词:1) remember, forget, regret等接动名词表示动作已经发生,接不定式表示动作尚未发生。2 ) stop doing表示“停

34、止做MW stop to do表示“停止开始做另一3 ) try doing 做,try to do 讶去、尽力做4) like , hate , prefer等词后,如果表示一般倾向,多用动名词作宾语;如指特定的或具体某次行动, 用不定式时多。【活学活用】翻译句子1)他停止辦了。 答案:He stopped smoking.2 )我想要*K城。 答案:I want to go to the Great Wall.3 )新诺要帮他。 答案:I promised to help him.4)让我试着读读它吧。 答案:Let me try reading it.5 )我记得把信都寄岀去了。 答案:

35、I remember posting the letters.典题瞬经典例题假设你所在的学校要出一期英语壁报,你准备就自我历的一W写一篇英罷文向壁报投稿。下14页共59页面五幅图记录了你上个星期六与老师和同学们到南河边参加植树活动的全过程,请你就以下五幅图写一3. 生词提示:桶bucket;锄头hoe案:Last Friday , our teacher told us that we would go to plant trees by the South River the next day.On Saturday morning I got up at six thirty and we

36、nt to school with a bucket.My classmates were waiting at the school gate with buckets and hoes.When we got to the South River , we began to plant trees on the river bank.On the river bank some students were digging holes , and the others were planting or watering the young trees.After we finished ou

37、r work , we were happy to see the young trees we planted on the river bank.思路解析:看图要首先确定内容要点:上星期五老师告诉我们“明天去南河边植树;上星期六(第 二天)早上六点半我就起床了;我带看桶去学校,同学们带着桶、锄头在校门口等待;到南河边, 我们开始植树(也可描写劳动场面);看看新种下的树,我们都很高兴。黑色陷阱:注意本文让描述经历过的一W ,所以要用过去时态来陈述整个事件。绿色通道:做看图作文,注意一定要分析好题意,不要跑题,然后确定时态,最后再落笔成文。注意书写过程中要力求规范,不要涂抹。原创题阅读理解Th

38、e first newspaper in the USA came out in 1690 , and was made in Boston and called Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic.lt was stopped after a short time.The first lasting newspaper also came from Boston , and was called simply Boston NewsletterJt was published(出版)from 1704 to 1722.The first

39、real newspaper was the New England Courant which started in 1721.By 1783 there were 43 newspapers in the USA and by 1801 , about 200.In 1835 , James Gordon Bennet started The New York Herald which was America* s first modern newspaper.This was followed six years later by Horace Greeley* s New York T

40、ribune, which was the first American newspaper with national influence rather than just local.The New Times followed in 1851.1. What* s the name of America* s first modern newspaper?A. Boston Newsletter.B. The New Times.C. The New York Herald.D. Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic.2. When w

41、as the first real newspaper start?A. 1690.B.1835.C.1721.D.1851.3. Which newspaper has national influence rather than just local?A.Boston Newsletter.B. New York Tribune.C. The New York Herald.D. Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic.4. When was New York Tribune published?A.1783.B.1801.C.1835.D

42、.1841.5. How many newspapers were there by 1801?A.43.B.200.C.6.D.18.思路解析:1.C由第二K第话可以看出答案是The New York Herald。2. C 从The first real newspaper was the New England Courant which started in 1721可以看 出第一份真IES义上的报纸出版于1721。3. B从倒数第二句可以看出在全国有影响的是New York Tribune.4. D 从文中可以看岀New York Tribune在The New York Heral

43、d出版六年后出版的,所以应该是 1835年加上六年,答案是D。5. B 从第一段末句By 1783 there were 43 newspapers in the USA and by 1801 , about 2OO.M 可以看出,在美国到1783年只有43种报纸,到1801年,大约有200种了。黑色陷阱:本题陷阱有两个,一是第4题,问New York Tribune出版的时间,要计算才能得出结果; 二是第5题,要真正读懂句意,才能得出答案。绿色通道:做阅读理解时,故事性的要通读全文,找出主旨。说明性的则可以用跳读的方法,查找有用 信息,为己所用。巧学法园地巧记跟动名词作宾语的动词英语中有一

44、些动词后面常跟动名词作宾语,初中阶段常见的有:finish,enjoy,mind,miss,beworth,practice这些词句可按下面的顺口溜记忆:完成实践值得忙(finish,practice,be worth.be busy )继续习惯别放弃(keep on,be used to,give up )考议不禁想(consider,suggest,can* t help,feel like)喜欢思念要介意(enjoy,miss,mind )Wil:Would you mind opening the door?你介意把门打开吗?When we heard news,we couldn*

45、t help laughing.当我们听到这个消息时,忍不住大笑起来。Module 4 New technology语法剖析活用If从句(1)在英语中,表达如果”要用if引导的条件状语从句。首先看一下它的结构:if从句+祈使句或“祈使句 项 从句。if引导的是一个完整的句子,一定要有主语。如:If you need help , please call me.如果你需要帮助,请给我打电话。We will go out for a picnic if it is sunny tomorrow如果明天阳光明媚,我们就夕卜出野餐。【活学活用】用if连接下面的句子1) She didn* t know

46、 the way to the station.Ask someone around.答案:If she didn* t know the way to the station , ask someone around.2 ) You are hungry.Go to the KFC.答案:If you are hungry , go to the KFC.3 ) You don* t understand the artide.Ask your teacher.答案:If you don, t understand the article , ask your teacher.4) You don* t know the word.Look it up in the dictionary.答案:If you don, t know the word , look it up in the dictionary.5 ) We get lost.Ask the policeman for help.答案:if we get lost , ask the police


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