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1、高考英语读后续写翻译练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 (一)1.“想试试吗?”我说,碰了碰玛丽娜的手。“好吧,”玛丽娜用她那尖利、不确定的声音说。_2.“你不用着急。慢慢来,”我温和地说。她的整个脸顿时变得明亮起来,肩膀也放松了。_3.Derek补充道:“我讨厌看到他生病,我知道需要做些什么才能让他恢复健康。”_4.她接着说,“我紧紧地拥抱着他们,感觉到自己内心突然有了一种力量”。_5.“从来没有人投诉过我,”感到受辱的那名医生宣称。_6.“诸位,这是一个钱的问题,”我郑重其事地说。_(二)1.他自豪地回答说:“我可以带我的家人去看马戏了。”_2.“我觉得你在抛弃我。”她痛苦地回答。_(三)1.“你

2、还是需要好好休息一下。”我建议道。_2.“他和斯坦夫人有个计划,” 她解释说。_3.妈妈提醒我:“一切都会好起来的。”_4.“我们明年会回来的,”他承诺道。_5.“暂时不要采取行动,”他警告说,“太危险。”_(四)1.“他还活着,”Bettie坚持说。“但除非他把药列在单子上,否则他活不了多久。”_2.“我以为我们可以成为朋友,”他抱怨道。_3.“.但当这个可怜的男孩没有被选中时,我崩溃了,”他承认。_4.罗先生用红边的眼睛安慰他说:“我也会想你的。”_(五)1.“不,不,”我抽泣着说。泪水模糊了我的视线。“很好,真的,”我叫道,“拿去吧。”_2.我打开窗户大声向对面喊道:“我知道我们以前见过

3、面,但我不记得在哪里。”_3.车上的女人跳了出来,尖叫着,“你这个白痴!你为什么不看看你要去哪里?”_4.“起来把你的钱和珠宝给我!”那人喊道。_5.她叹了口气,“你打碎了我们的明花瓶。”_6.“你真漂亮,”我低声说,我的舌头勉强配合。_(六)1.他真诚地为他所做的事情道歉。_2.突然,妈妈尖叫道:“我的钱包哪里去了?”_3.老人躺在冰冷的地上,痛苦地呻吟着。_4.“晚安”妈妈在Mike的耳边轻声说,轻轻地离开了房间。_5.她扶起老人,耐心地安慰他。_6.他大口大口地喘着气,把这个令人激动的消息告诉了村民。_附:参考答案(一)1.“Want to try one on?” I said, to

4、uching Marinas hand.“OK,” Marina said in her sharp, unsure voice.2.“You dont have to rush.Just take your time,” I said in a gentle way.Her whole face instantly brightened and her shoulders relaxed.3.“I hated seeing him sick and knew something needed to be done to make him healthy again.” Derek adds.

5、4.She continued, “I hugged them tightly, feeling a sudden strength inside me.”5.“I had never received one single complaint against me,” claimed the humiliated doctor.6.“Its a question of money, folks,” I announced.(二)1.He proudly responded, “I can take my family to the circus.”2.“I feel like youre a

6、bandoning me,” she responded bitterly.(三)1.“You still need a good rest,” I suggested.2.“He and Mrs Stein have a plan,” she explained.3.“Everything happens for the best,” Mom reminded me.4.“Well be back next year,” he promised.5.“Dont do anything yet,” he warned.“Too risky.”(四)1.“Hes alive,” Bettie i

7、nsisted.“But he wont be much longer unless he has the medicines on that list.”2.“I thought we could be friends,” he complained.3.“.But when the poor boy didnt get picked, I broken down,” he admits.4.With red-rimmed eyes, Mr.Rowe comforted him, “I will miss you, too.”(五)1.“No-o-o,” I sobbed.My vision

8、 was blurred by tears “Its fine, really,” I cried, “Take it.”2.I opened my window and shouted across.“I know weve met before, but I cant remember where.”3.The woman in the car jumped out, screaming, “You idiot! Why didnt you look where you were going?”4.“Get up and give me your money and jewelry!” t

9、he man yelled.5.She sighed, “You broke our Ming vase.”6.“You are beautiful,” I whispered, my tongue barely cooperating.(六)1.He apologized sincerely for what he had done.2.Suddenly, Mom screamed “Wheres my purse?”3.The old man lay on the cold ground, groaning painfully.4.“Good night” Mum whispered to Mikes ear, leaving the room quietly.5.She lifted up the old man, comforting him patiently.6.He gasped out the exciting news to the villagers.3


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