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1、Module 3 Unit 8 教案1教学重点词汇:a, apple, banana教学目标1通过图片和实物,引导学生学习本单元的核心话题词汇。 2开展各种游戏活动,帮助学生掌握词汇。 3通过Listen and enjoy的儿歌,帮助学生感知one,two,three,four, five,six,seven这几个数词,为后面的学习做准备。4引导学生进行简短的购物对话,为本单元核心句型的学习做准备。Pre-task preparations1出示卡片或实物引出单词apple,apples,带领学生朗读,然后呈现课本Listen and enjoy栏目的图片,并带领学生诵读儿歌,引出本单元的话

2、题。2请学生先想一想水果店里还有哪些水果,并把这些水果画在纸上,然后将画有水果的卡纸贴在黑板上。在香蕉、梨、桔子等图片下分别写出banana,pear,orange,用这几个词中 的一个替换儿歌中的apple,诵读儿歌。While-task procedures1用黑板上的图片引出Look and learn栏目的单词,让学生仿说单词,引导学生进行拼读。学生在进行模仿和拼读活动过程中,可以以集体操练和个别操练的形式交替进行。T:(point to the apple in the picture) This is an apple. Apple. A-P-P-L-E, apple.Ss: Ap

3、ple. A-P-P-L-E, apple.请学生总结,a和an分别用于哪些单词前面。列出更多单词让学生判断是加a还是an。棍据学生的接受情况,可帮助学生总结一般在a,e,i,o,u这五个字母开头的单词前加an。2准备一些水果的图片,用纸盖住水果的大部分,只露出这个水果的局部,让学生猜一猜这是什么水果。期间,要注意适当引导学生正确使用不定冠词a和an。T: (show the picture of an orange which is covered partially) Look at the picture. Please guess. S1: An apple. S2: No. An o

4、range. Ss: An orange.3出示不同水果的图片,请全班学生一起数一数图片中水果的数量,并引导学生用名词的复数形式来描述图中水果的数量。T: (point to the apples in the picture) Look at the apples. One,two, Ss: (count the apples in the picture) One, two, three, four. T. Yes. Four apples. Four apples. Ss: Four apples.再次逐一出示水果图片,并说出水果的数量,让学生判断你说的是否正确。如果不正确, 请全体学生

5、说正确的词组。T: (show the picture of three pears) Four pears. Ss: No. Three pears.4学生四人一组,一名学生在纸上写一个词组,如4 apples。然后,请小组中的其他学生猜一猜这个短语写的是什么。S1: (write 4 pears on the paper) Pears.S2: One pear? S1:No. S3: Four pears? S1:Yes. Four pears.Post-task activities1向学生展示一张购物单(如Play a game中的购物单),指导学生写一张购物单并互相介绍自己的购物单。

6、S1: (show his/her shopping list to S2) Five oranges. One banana. Six pears. S2: (show his/her shopping list to Sl) One apple. Two bananas. Three oranges。2让学生模拟在水果店里购物,用已学过的语言进行交流。先给学生示范如何编对话。然后让学生俩人一组用水果图片开展对话,最后请学生表演对话。S1: Good, morning.S2:Good morning.S1: Five bananas, please.牛津上海版英语三年级上册知识点整理Modu

7、le1GettingtoknowyouUnit1Howareyou?生词: MissFang MrZhang MrsWang音标: a ei caketable语法: - Howareyou? - Fine,thanks./Imfinetoo./Verywell,thankyou.Unit2Whats yourname?生词: standup sitdown openthedoor closethedoor音标: a jamhand语法: - Whatsyourname? - Mynameis.Unit3Howoldareyou?生词: onetwothreefourfivesixsevene

8、ightnineten音标: e i: heshe语法: - Howoldareyou? - Im.Module2Me,MyfamilyandfriendsUnit1Myfriends生词: fatthintallshortboygirl音标: e e tenpen语法: Hes/Shes. - Ishe/she.? - Yes,he/sheis. No,he/sheisnt.Unit2Myfamily生词: grandfathergrandmotherfathermotherbrothersisterme音标: i ai kitebicycle语法:- Whoshe/she? - Hes/S

9、hes.Unit3Aboutme 生词: eyenosehairearmouth音标: i i pigpink语法: My.is/are.Module3PlacesandactivitiesUnit1Myschool生词: schoollibrarytoilethallplaygroundclassroom音标: o u photorose语法: - Whatsthis? - Its.- Isthis.? - Yes,itis.No,its.Unit2Shopping生词: anapple anorange abanana apeachapples oranges bananas peache

10、s音标: o dogshop语法: MayIhave.,please?Unit3Inthepark 生词: boatballoonflowerkite音标: u ju: pupiltube语法: Lookat.- Whatcolourisit? - its.Module4ThenaturewordUnit1Insects生词: ladybirdbeebutterflyant音标: u ducksun语法: - Whatisit? - Its.Unit2Onthefarm生词: chickhenduckpigdogcat语法: - Whatarethey? - Theyre.Howmany.?U

11、nit3Plants 生词: leavestrunkbranchroots 语法: Lookattheplants.Ithas.Yes,its/theyre.主格宾格所有格( * 的)be 动词喜欢有情态动词单数我Imemy我的amlikehavecan你youyouyour你的arelikehave他hehimhis他的islikeshas她sheherher她的它ititits它的复数我们weusour我们的arelikehave你们youyouyour你们的他们theythemtheir他们的她们她们的它们它们的am,is 和 are 的用法: 我用 am ,你用 are , is 连着

12、他,她,它; 单数名词用 is ,复数名词全用 are 。 这三个词都是“是”的含义,但用法比中文中的“是”要复杂,英语中的 am,is 和 are 都是 be 的变化形式,根据不同的主语选用不同的动词。 am , is , are , “ 是 ”be 动词, can 会,情态动词,变疑问,往前提,句末问号 别忘记 , 变否定, be 后 can 后加 not , I- you , my-your 任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。特殊疑问句What 什么-What is your name ?-What is this?-What are they?-What can you do?-What do

13、you want?What colour 什么颜色-What colour is it?-What colour are the apples?Who 谁-Who is your friend?-Who is she?How 怎么样-How is your grandmother?- How are you?-How do you do?How old 多大-How old are you?-How old is Peter?How many 多少-How many apples?How much 多少钱-How much ?Where 哪里-Where is my classroom?-Where are you?缩写全写中文ImI am我是YoureYou are你是HesHe is他是ShesShe is她是ItsIt is它是theyrethey are他 / 她 / 它们是WhatsWhat is是什么WhosWho is是谁HeresHere is这是WheresWhere is是在哪里isntis not不是arentare not不是cantcan not不能


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