人教新课标高一必修三英语课件:Unit 2 Healthy eating Period 4.ppt

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1、Unit 2 Healthy Eating Period 4 Using language 1. How did Yong Hui feel when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant? Why? nothappy but glared at, spy on 2. How did they solve their problems and become good friends? cut down , combine, cooperation 3. Why was their cooperation a success? cooperation, a bala

2、nced diet Ex 1 P 15 Ex2 P 15: shouted, explained, added, admitted How do you understand the following? 1.He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. 2. I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food. 3. When they were served the ice cream, They served raw veg

3、etables with There wereraw vegetables served in vinegar He was surprised to find his restaurant served far too much fat 4. neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet. I dont offer enough fibre and you dont offer enough-energy food. 5. earn ones living / make ones living 6. glare at / ga

4、ze at / stare at 7. before long / long before 8. benefit / advantage / interest / strength benefit-广义上的利益,包括精神、物质、社会上广义上的利益,包括精神、物质、社会上 的收益。的收益。 advantage-因地位或客观条件的优越而获得的价因地位或客观条件的优越而获得的价 值。值。 profit-常指金钱上的利益。常指金钱上的利益。 advantage这个这个“好处好处”往往是由条件、地位优越于往往是由条件、地位优越于 其它人和事物而获得的其它人和事物而获得的“好处好处”或或“利益利益”,不是

5、指物,不是指物 质方面的好处。从下面的例句可以感觉感觉:质方面的好处。从下面的例句可以感觉感觉: It will be a great advantage for you to practice spoken English before you go to America.(在(在 去美国之前练练口语对你是有好处的。)这里的去美国之前练练口语对你是有好处的。)这里的“好好 处处”强调的是练练口语会使你在美国方便地生活有一强调的是练练口语会使你在美国方便地生活有一 定的优势。定的优势。 profit“利润利润”、“赢利赢利”,着重强调经济上的好处。,着重强调经济上的好处。 从它的中文意思不难理

6、解这个例句:从它的中文意思不难理解这个例句: He sold it at a considerable profit.(他以相当可(他以相当可 观的利润把它出售了。)观的利润把它出售了。) benefit,它的意思比较广泛,泛指物质或精神方,它的意思比较广泛,泛指物质或精神方 面的好处。例如:面的好处。例如: I have read the book several times and benefit much from it.(那本书我读了多遍,从中获益不(那本书我读了多遍,从中获益不 少。)少。) We do not derive any benefit from the work. (我

7、们并不从这项工作中获得任何利益。)(我们并不从这项工作中获得任何利益。) interest可以指可以指“利息利息”也可以指也可以指“利益利益”。只要是在。只要是在 银行里有十块钱,就能每月得到一些银行里有十块钱,就能每月得到一些interest(注(注 意表示意表示“利息利息”时只能用单数)。时只能用单数)。 I am speaking entirely in your interests.(我说(我说 了这些话全都是为了你好!)全都是为了你的利益!了这些话全都是为了你好!)全都是为了你的利益! strength的基本意思是的基本意思是“力力”,可指具体人的可指具体人的“力气力气”或或 “体力

8、体力”,也可指抽象的也可指抽象的“精力精力”“意志力意志力”“经济实力经济实力”等等, 还可指还可指“人力人力,兵力兵力”。 strength还可作还可作“强度强度,浓度浓度”“强点强点,长处长处”等解等解,作作“强强 点点,长处长处”解时解时,常与介词常与介词of连用。连用。 go from strength to strength的意思是的意思是“不断壮大不断壮大” rather than 1. His car is red rather than black 2. He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 3. Lets meet inside th

9、e school rather than at the gate. 4. I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 注意:注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带后接不定式时,不定式可以带to, 也可以不带也可以不带to, 如上句,也可用如上句,也可用doing。但。但rather than 位于句首时,则只能接不带位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。如:的不定式。如: Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 5. (1

10、) Shed rather die than lose the children. (2) He ran rather than walked. 他是跑他是跑,而不是走来的而不是走来的 注意:注意:若换成若换成walk,则作“宁愿,则作“宁愿而不愿而不愿 ”解。解。 Proof reading 1.Finally they got married and lived happily ever since. 2. When she served the ice cream, Yong Hui began to look ill. Complete the passage below with p

11、roper phrases Seeing his old customers hurrying into Yong Huis new restaurant, Wang Peng felt frustrated. He could not have her getting away with winning his customers over. Driven by curiosity, he spied on her restaurant. With a discount and a new sign, his business picked up (became better). Befor

12、e long Yong Hui turned up and glared at him. After an honest talk, both of them realized neither of their food was balanced and decided to combine their ideas and serve healthy food. Their diets became a success. Some time later, their business cooperation turned into a personal one Finally they got married lived happily ever after. 感到沮丧感到沮丧 逃脱对逃脱对的处罚的处罚 打探打探 不久不久 怒视怒视 成功成功 自那以后自那以后 Assignments


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