Unit 1 Peopele of achievement Reading 课件(含视频) -2019新人教版英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、PART Reading TU YOUYOU AWARDED NOBEL PRIZE 6 October 2015 2 2 词块积累 1. 有重大发现 2.对.有好印象 3. 一种重要的治疗疾病的新方法 4. 一个尽心尽力且耐心的科学家 5. 查阅古代的医学文献 6. 在.方面显示出了成功的希望 7. 甜艾草提取物 8, 承认失败 9. 一听说 10. 传遍全世界 make great discoveries form a better impression of a crucial new treatment a committed and patient scientist review

2、ancient Chinese medical texts show promise in. the extract from sweet wormwood acknowledge defeat upon hearing spread around the world 3 READING TASKS- while reading GIVE MAIN IDEAS 1 1. Paragraph1: 2. Paragraph2-3: 3. Paragraph4: Why Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize in 2015 How Tu Youyous team discove

3、red artemisinin. How Tu Youyou responed to her winning of the Nobel Prize. 4 READING TASKS tHE LIFE OF Tu Youyou 2 the life of Tu Youyou She was born in_ _,China. 1930 She graduated from_. 1955 She worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine from_to 1967 She went to Hainan to _ 1967-

4、1969 She reviewed _and tried different ways to treat the wormwood 1969-1971 She succeeded in finding artemisinin that could fight against malaia. in_ She was awarded the Nobel Prize. in 2015 Ningbo Peking University Medical School 1955 study malaria patients medical texts 1971 5 READING TASKS What d

5、o the numbers mentioned in the text suggest? 3 1. Para1: over200million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600,000 die from it. and is thought to save 100.000 lives a year in Africa alone. 2. Para2: her team examined over 2,000 old medical texts and evaluated 280.000plants for

6、.,they discovered and tested 880 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments. 3. Para3: After failing more than 190 times, the team finally succeeded in 1971. people who get malaria people die from malaria lives to be saved show the efforts that Tu Youyous team have made suggests the difficulties th

7、at Tus team once met and their determination find out a cure for malaria. READING TASKS- after reading Where would you most likely find this passage? 4 A, In a blog B. In a book C. In a letter D. In a newspaper Passage like this are most often written in _ and _? 5 A. the active voice/ offer many op

8、inion B. the first person/ talk about feelings C. both active and passive voices / mostly contain facts D A C READING TASKS- Give your opinion Why is the discovery of artemisinin important? Because when it was tested on malaria patients, most of them recovered. 8 READING TASKS- Give your opinion Why

9、 is Tu Youyou considered a great person? 1.How severe malaria is? 2.How hard is it to find new treatment? 3.What efforts Tu Youyou and her team have made in finding the cure for.? Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 for her research,_ led to the discovery of artemisinin. Artemisinin _(save

10、) a large number of lives since it was discovered. After _(graduate) from university, Tu Youyou worked at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1967, Tu Youyou _(choose) as a researcher of a team of scientists with _ purpose of discovering a new treatment for malaria. They_(evaluate)

11、 280.000 plants and tested 380 dstinct ancient Chinese medical_(treat). One medical text suggested using the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever.Tu Youyou analysed the medical texts again, and _ chance, she found one sentence suggesting a different way. Soon she found a substance that worke

12、d by_(boil) the sweet wormwood at a lower temperature. The teams hard work _(event) paid off in 971. Tu Youyou thought the discovery of artemisinin was a team effort and the Nobel Prize was an honor for Chinas scientific research and Chinese medicine to be spread around the world. which has saved gr

13、aduating was chosen the evaluated treatments by boiling eventually 10 句子剖析 1. This years Nobel Prize. has been awarded to Tu Youyou., whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin. 2. Tu Youyou went to Hainan, where malaria was more common, to study lmalaria patients. 3. .they discovered and te

14、sted 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria. whose 引导非限制性定语从句,用作定语,对引导非限制性定语从句,用作定语,对Tu Youyou 起补充说明作用起补充说明作用 where 引导非限制性定语从句,用作状语对引导非限制性定语从句,用作状语对Hainan起补充说明作用起补充说明作用 that 引导限制性定语从句,用作主语,对引导限制性定语从句,用作主语,对treatments起限定修饰作用起限定修饰作用 4. Later, t

15、he medicine was tested on malaria patients, most of whom recovered. 5. This medicine, which was called artemisinin, soom became a standard treatment for malaria. most of whom 引导非限制性定语从句,对引导非限制性定语从句,对patients起补充说明作用起补充说明作用 介词介词+ 关系代词(关系代词( 指人指人 whom, 指物指物 which) which 引导非限制性定语从句,用作主语,对引导非限制性定语从句,用作主语

16、,对medicine起补充说明起补充说明 作用作用 1. My eldest son, _(他的工作 让他全世界到处跑),is in New York at the moment. 2.The number of smokers _(正如报道的那样), has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 3. We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people, _ _(他们中大多数是健康的)。 4. The money, _(他用来买电脑的), was given by his grandfather. 5

17、.Opposite is St. Pauls Church, _(在那你可以听到一 些美妙的音乐。) whose work takes him all over the world as is reported most of whom are healthy with which he bought a computer where you can hear some lovely music 句子剖析 on/upon + doing 当.的时候 Upong hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said. On arriving at the tea house, the foreign students were impressed by the unique tea pots and tea cups. He had requested the community to trun it into a museum upon her death. as soon as+ 句子 at the sight/ sound of. the moment/ minute/ instant/ second + 句子 immediately/ instantly/ directly + 句子


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