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1、 1 高中英语语法讲义 - 独立主格结构 一、概述 独立主格结构又叫独立结构( Absolute Construction),由名词 /主格代词 + 现在分词(或过去分词、不定式、名词、形容词、副词、介词短语)构成。在语法上是一个独立的短语,不是句子,在意思上依附于整个句子。具有以下特点: 在句中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、让步、行为方式或伴随情况。 可置于句首,也可放在句尾。 主要用于书面语。 它的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,不指同一人或同一物。 be动词在独立主格结构中一般转化为 being。 二、独立主格结构的构成 1.名词或主格代词 +名词 在这种结构中,独立主格结构中的名词与前面的名

2、词或代词之间在逻辑上有主系表关系,在句子中主要作伴随、原因等状语或作进一步说明。此结构也可写成:名词或代词 being 名词,其中 being是非谓语(系)动词,往往省略,但 being的逻辑主语是人称代词时, being不能省略。名词的逻辑主语为人称代词时,应用主格形式。 He fought against the thief, a stick (being) his only weapon (= and a stick was his only weapon). 他和这个贼打斗,一根棍子是他唯一的武器。 He has translated the whole book into Engli

3、sh, an English-Chinese dictionary (being) his tool. (=and an English-Chinese dictionary was his tool.) 用一本英汉字典作工具,他把整本书翻译成了英语。 It being Sunday (=As it was Sunday), I didnt go to school.(句中的 being不能省略) 因为是星期天,我没有上课。 2.名词 /主格代词 +现在分词 (表示主动含义和动作正在进行) 名词 /主格代词通常为现在分词所表示动作的执行者,与现在分词构成逻辑上的主谓关系。 Weather pe

4、rmitting (= If time permits), we are going to visit you tomorrow. 天气许可的话,我们明天去看你。 (表条件 ) Spring coming on (= When spring came on), the trees turned green. 春天来了,树木绿油油的。 (表时间 ) It being Sunday (= As it was Sunday), they had no classes. 由于是星期天,他们不上课。 (表原因,此时 being不能省略 ) Mother being ill (= Because moth

5、er was ill), I have to stay home to look after her. 妈妈病了 , 我只好在家照顾他。 (表原因 ) There being no bus (= Because there was no bus), we had to walk home. 因为没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。 (表原因 ) 注意: ( 1)如果该结构表示的动作先发生,则用 “名词 /主格代词 +having done”的形式,含义为 “ 已经 ” 。例如: The students having finished their homework (= After the stu

6、dents finished their homework), we went home. 学生做完家庭作业后,我们回家了。 ( 2)如果该结构表示 “ 正在被 ”, 则用 “名词 /主格代词 +being done”的形式 , being不能省略。例如: Food being cooked (= When food was being cooked), I fell asleep. 当食物正在被烹饪的时候,我睡着了。 3.名词 /主格代词 +过去分词 (表示被动含义和动作的完成) 名词 /主格代 词通常为过去分词所表示动作的承受者 ,与过去分词构成逻辑上的动宾关系或系表关系。 2 The s

7、ignal given (= After the signal was given), the bus started. 发出信号后,汽车开始前进。 (表时间 ) Their strength exhausted (= Because their strength was exhausted), they sank down one by one. 他们精疲力竭,一个接一个倒下了。 (表原因 ) All things considered (= If all things are considered), her suggestion is of greater value than your

8、s. 若全面考虑,她的建议比你的建议有价值。(表条件) He sat silently, eyes closed (= and his eyes were closed) . 他静静地坐着,双眼紧闭 。 (表伴随状况或方式) 注意: 如果要明确时间上的先后顺序,该结构有时可以用 “名词 /主格代词 +having been done”的形式,含义为 “ 已经被 ” 。但是 having been 可以省略,因为过去分词本身就表示动作完成。例如: The work having been finished (= After the work was finished), he left the

9、workshop. 工作完成以后,他离开了车间。 4.名词 /主格代词 +形容词 /副词 (表示状态或特征) 形容词 /副词用来说明名词或主格代词的性质特征 或 所处状态,其实形容词或副词前省略了 being. Everything (being) ready (= When everything was ready), they started out. 一切准备停当,他们开始出发。(表时间) The children were making a snowman, hands (being) red with cold. (= and their hands were red with co

10、ld) 孩子们在对雪人,手都冻红了。(表伴随状况) The meeting (being) over (= When the meeting was over), the students were dismissed. 会议结束,学生们解散了。(表时间) The boy looked at the beautiful picture, eyes (being) wide open(= and his eyes were wide open). 这个孩子看着这幅美丽的图画,眼睛睁得大大的。(表伴随状况)( wide: adv. 完全地) 5.名词 /主格代词 +不定式 (多表示将来含义, 偶尔

11、 也表示过去含义) (1) 名词 /主格代词是不定式表示动作的执行者,与不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系,此时不定式用主动式。 The teacher to help us (= If the teacher to help us), we will succeed. 有老师的帮助,我们就能成功。(表条件和将来含义) He invited us to see a film, he himself to buy the tickets (= and he himself bought the tickets). 他请我们看了一场电影,他自己买的票。(表补充说明和过去含义) (2) 如果名词 /主格代词

12、与不定式构成被动关系 , 此时不定式用被动形式 (to be done)。 The meeting to be held tomorrow (= Because the meeting is to be held tomorrow), we must catch the first bus. 因为会议明天要被召开,所以我们必须赶上第一班汽车。(表原因) 6.名词 /主格代词 + 介词短语(表状态或特征) 介词短语常 用来说明名词或主格代词的特征或所处的状态。 The old man sat in the chair, book in hand and pipe in mouth (= and

13、a book was in his hand and a pipe was in his mouth). 老人坐在椅子上,手里拿着书,嘴里叼着烟斗。(表伴随状况) The old farmer came back, a large basket on his shoulder (= and a large basket was on his shoulder). 老农回来,一个大筐扛在肩上。(表伴随状况) 注意 :在该结构中,介词前后的名词前都可以加上限定词,也可都不加。不加限定词时,介词前后的名词一般用单数形式。例如: He entered the classroom, hat on hea

14、d. 他进入教室,帽子戴在头上。 三、其他形式的独立主格结构 1. It形式的独立结构(表示自然现象、时间、距离或环境状况等) It being Monday, the library is closed. It being spring, many kinds of flowers come out. 2. 倒装结构(即在独立结构中,逻辑主语在后) (1) there being形式(含义为 “有 ”, being 不能省略) 3 There being no bus, we had to go home on foot. 没有汽车,我们只好步行回家。 There being lots of

15、 work to do, we cant give you a hand. 有很多工作要做,我们无法帮助你。 (2) such being形式 Such being the case, she had nothing to say. 情况就这样,她没有什么要说。 Such being the fact, he had to admit his mistake. 事实如此 , 他只好承认他的错误。 (3) 介词短语形式 In the sand being the mark of a mans foot, Crusoe stared at it, full of fear. 沙地里是一个男子的脚印

16、, Crusoe注视着脚 印,充满了恐惧。 注意 : being在下列情况下不能省略: 独立主格结构的主语为 it或 there; 独立主格结构用倒装句式 ; 用于 “名词 /主格代词 + being done” 结构中。 四、介词 with / without复合结构 1. 这种结构的构成和含义如下: doing (表示动作的主动和进行 ) done (表示动作的被动和完成) with / without + 名词 /宾格代词 + to do (表示将来 ) adj. / adv. (表示状态或特征 ) 介词短语(表示状态或特征) 名词(表示状态或特征) “with / without +

17、名词 /宾格代词 +名词 ” 使用的情形很少。 该结构作状语可以表示时间、原因、方式、伴随状况等含义;有时候也可以作定语。 With the boy leading the way, we are sure well be there on time. 有男孩带路,我们有把握我们会准时到那儿。(表原因) The classroom is very bight with all the lights turned on. 所有的灯都打开,教室里非常明亮。(表时间) I cant go out, with a lot of work to do. 我不能出去,因为有很多工作要做。(表原因) Don

18、t talk with your mouth full. 不要嘴里含着东西谈话。(表方式) With the light off, we cant see anything. 灯灭了,我们什么也看不见。(表原因) He fought the tiger without a stick as his only weapon. 他与老虎搏斗 , 没有一根棍子作为武器。(表方式) The teacher entered the classroom, with a book in his hand. 老师进了教室,手里拿着一本书。(表伴随状况) He reached the beautiful river with red flowers and green trees on both sides. 他来到了两岸长满红花绿树的这条河上。(作后置定语,修饰 river) 2. 独立主格结构与 with复合结构的区别: 独立主格结构和 with / without 的复合结构在大多数情况下可以相互转换。例如: He stood for an instant with his hand still raised. 他仍然举着手站了一会儿。 He stood for an instant , his hand stil


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