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1、1.deny v.否认否认,拒绝给予拒绝给予,(正式)抛弃,背弃(正式)抛弃,背弃 deny sth/doing something Two men have denied murdering a woman.deny sb sthI was denied the chance of going to college.He has denied his country2.revenge vt.替某人报仇替某人报仇 revenge sb 为某人报仇为某人报仇 He determined to revenge his dead brother.决心替他死去的哥哥报仇决心替他死去的哥哥报仇.n.报仇

2、;报复报仇;报复 have/take ones revenge on sb for sth 因某事向某人报仇因某事向某人报仇 3.It sometimes happens that people are in a position where they can make an important decision about a person they hate.有时有这样的事发生,人们处在某个位置,这个位有时有这样的事发生,人们处在某个位置,这个位置可使他们对所恨的人作出重大的决定。置可使他们对所恨的人作出重大的决定。It happens thatvi.碰巧发生碰巧发生。例如:。例如:It

3、happened that I saw her standing by the window.我碰巧看见她站在窗边。我碰巧看见她站在窗边。It happened that I didnt have any time then.我当时碰巧没时间。我当时碰巧没时间。He happened to know that.他碰巧知道那事。他碰巧知道那事。4.But when the roles are turned around,it is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life.但是当角色发生转变但是当角色发生转变,又该夏洛克乞求公爵饶命了。又该夏洛

4、克乞求公爵饶命了。turn around 倒转倒转 例如:例如:The market turned around very sharply about a week ago.约一周前,市场情况急剧逆转。约一周前,市场情况急剧逆转。turn around 转身,掉头。转身,掉头。例如:例如:I turned around and saw that she was sitting behind me.我转身看见她正坐在我身后。我转身看见她正坐在我身后。5.go about+n/v-ing 着手做;从事着手做;从事It was a Monday morning and people were goi

5、ng about their work as usual.I have no idea how to go about mending a clock.这是一个星期一早晨,人们象往常一样开始工作这是一个星期一早晨,人们象往常一样开始工作我不知道怎样着手修闹钟我不知道怎样着手修闹钟.据我所知据我所知 as far as Im concerned (=in my opinion)就我而言就我而言;依我之见依我之见 as far as they are concerned prep.&conj.远至某处。远至某处。They walked as far as the foot of a mountai

6、n.6.As far as I know就他们而言就他们而言他们走到山脚那么远。他们走到山脚那么远。as far as7.after all 表结果与预想不同,表结果与预想不同,“结果,结果,终究终究”;置于句尾。表原因时,;置于句尾。表原因时,“毕竟,毕竟,究竟究竟”,通常置于句首通常置于句首(1)I expected to fail the exam,but I passed after all.(2)I thought I could come to see you this afternoon.but Im not free now after all.(3)I know youre

7、tired.After all,you have been working all day.Language points in reading1.mercy n.仁慈,怜悯,宽恕;仁慈,怜悯,宽恕;侥幸,幸运侥幸,幸运 Its a mercy that the accident happened so close to the hospital.很侥幸,这次事故发生在离医院不远处。很侥幸,这次事故发生在离医院不远处。have mercy on/upon sb./show/give mercy to sb.宽恕、怜悯某人宽恕、怜悯某人(1)They have no mercy on the p

8、oor father and daughter.(2)Have mercy on me,please.请宽恕吧。请宽恕吧。(3)He showed no mercy to the thief and beat him hard.beg for mercy 乞求乞求/请求宽恕请求宽恕 at the mercy of“任由任由摆布,在掌握中摆布,在掌握中”(3)I shouldnt like to be at the mercy of such a cruel man.reasonable adj.1)懂道理的,通情达理的懂道理的,通情达理的;a reasonable man通情达理的人通情达理的

9、人2)合理的;合理的;适度的,不高的(价钱)适度的,不高的(价钱)a reasonable price 公平的价格公平的价格2.reasonable Its no use/useless/no good doingIts no use crying over spilt milk.Its no good drinking and smoking a lot.做做没用没用/没有好处。例如:没有好处。例如:不要为无益的事而后悔。不要为无益的事而后悔。烟酒过多无益烟酒过多无益3.It is useless trying to argue with Shylock.Its useless trying

10、 to persuade him to give up smoking.想说服他戒烟只是白费力气想说服他戒烟只是白费力气.make use of 利用利用 be in use 使用之中使用之中 be of use 有用的有用的 bringinto use 启用启用 putto use 使用使用 come into use 开始使用开始使用 4.may/might as well do sth.还是还是的好的好;不妨不妨/不如做某事不如做某事 We might as well have a try and see if it can be done.既然你已得到这个机会既然你已得到这个机会,你还

11、是充分利用它为好你还是充分利用它为好.Now that youve got the chance,you might as well make full use of it.There is nothing to do,so I may as well go to bed.没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。5.Pass judgment on me and give Shylock what he wants.对我宣判吧,对我宣判吧,judgment U 宣判,审判。例如:宣判,审判。例如:pass judgement on sb.对某人进行宣判对某人进行宣判

12、The judgment is against her.那项判决对她不利。那项判决对她不利。judgement n.判断判断 判决判决a man of good judgement 判断力强的人判断力强的人 6.times 在此表示三倍以上的倍数。用在此表示三倍以上的倍数。用 times 表示表示“甲是乙的几倍大(长、宽、高等)甲是乙的几倍大(长、宽、高等)”,“甲比乙大甲比乙大(长、高、宽等)几倍(长、高、宽等)几倍”,可以用下列句型:,可以用下列句型:A is times the size(length/height /width)of B This street is four time

13、s the length of that one.这条街是那条街的这条街是那条街的 4 倍长。倍长。=这条街比那条街长这条街比那条街长 3 倍。倍。A is times as big(long,high,wide)as B Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大三倍。)亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大三倍。)The meeting-room is three times bigger than our office.His weight is double what it was ten years ago.This r

14、ailway is twice longer than that one.A is times bigger(longer,higher)than B 会议室比我们的办公室大三倍。会议室比我们的办公室大三倍。三倍以下通常用三倍以下通常用 double 或者或者 twice 来表达两倍。来表达两倍。他的体重是他的体重是 10 年前的两倍。年前的两倍。这条铁路比那条长两倍。这条铁路比那条长两倍。7.How can you hope for mercy yourself to you when you show none如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢?能希

15、望得到别人的宽恕呢?1)hope for“希望,盼望希望,盼望”。抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备盼早日回信。盼早日回信。2)“when”在这里相当于在这里相当于if。如果需要,她就来给你帮忙。如果需要,她就来给你帮忙。Hope for the best,prepare for the worst.We hope for an early answer to our letter.Shell be here to give you help when necessary.8.desire n./v 渴望得到,渴望渴望得到,渴望I desire my pound of fle

16、sh.我要求得到我应得的一磅肉。我要求得到我应得的一磅肉。desire v.要求 Many people desire better working conditions.好多人渴望好的工作条件。We always desire to live in peace with our neighbors.我们一贯渴望与邻国和平相处。desire表表“要求要求”,用虚拟语气用虚拟语气(should)+do sth.The Queen desires that you(should)come at once.女王要求你马上来。9.dress oneself as把自己打扮成 dress up 打扮 b

17、e dressed in+colour 穿着(状态)10.learned adj.有学问的 a learned man有学问的人 learning n.学问,学识 a man of great learning 学识丰富的人10.I do not envy you your job.我并不羡慕您的职业。我并不羡慕您的职业。envy vt.(envied-envied envying)羡慕;羡慕;妒嫉妒嫉 envy sb.sth.我并不羡慕你在这种坏天气去旅行。我并不羡慕你在这种坏天气去旅行。我真羡慕你我真羡慕你!I dont envy you your journey in this bad

18、weather.How I envy you!11.“a most+adj.+可数名词的单数形式可数名词的单数形式”,不表最高级,仅表程度,不表最高级,仅表程度,“非常;十分非常;十分”,most相当于相当于“very”2.most+adj 也表也表“非非常常”I found him to be a most interesting boy.It is most beautiful.(very)He asked us a most important question.He asked us the most important question on the subject.1。我发现他是个

19、很有趣的男孩。我发现他是个很有趣的男孩。2。非常漂亮。非常漂亮。troublesome adj.讨厌的,麻烦的。例如:讨厌的,麻烦的。例如:a troublesome boy/task 使人头疼的男孩使人头疼的男孩/工工作作12.case n.1)事例;病例;案件)事例;病例;案件这是一发烧的病例。这是一发烧的病例。look into the case 调查这个案件调查这个案件This is a case of fever.2)情形;场合;状况)情形;场合;状况唉唉,那样的话那样的话,我宁愿留在车上啦我宁愿留在车上啦,我回答说。我回答说。“Well,in that case,I would p

20、refer to stay on the bus,”I answered.常用词组:常用词组:in case 以防;可能;倘若以防;可能;倘若你把帽子带上你把帽子带上,以防太阳很利害,以防太阳很利害,。in case of 如果;万一如果;万一万一下雨,他们就不能去了。万一下雨,他们就不能去了。Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.In case of rain they cant go.13.Please be seated.请坐下。请坐下。(1)Michael seated himself at the desk and began

21、 to read.(2)He looked carefully and found her seated at the back of the hall.(3)Seated in the first row,the boy listened carefully.seat vt 1)意为)意为使使就座就座,宾语为反身,宾语为反身动词,即动词,即seat oneself,或用,或用be seated。2)seat 供以座位供以座位;可容纳可容纳The hall seats 2000.这个会场有两千个座位。这个会场有两千个座位。seat oneself/be seated 就坐就坐 a take o

22、nes seat 在某人座位上坐下在某人座位上坐下 a take/have a seat 请坐下请坐下 I saw several people_ a on the bench at the back of the a classroom.seated/sittingOn the benches_many little children.AA.sat B.were seated C.seated D.were sitting When he entered the room,he found Robert_at the desk,_to the radio.A.seated;to listen

23、 B.sat;listening C.seated;listening D.sitting;to listen介词短语提前的全部倒装结构中介词短语提前的全部倒装结构中,谓语动词无进行式或被动式谓语动词无进行式或被动式.14.What do you accuse of?你起诉什么?你起诉什么?accuse vt.控告;指控控告;指控accuse someone of sth.The police accused him of murder.他被指控犯谋杀罪他被指控犯谋杀罪.Note:charge sb with sth 控告某人He was charged with murder.指控某人某事指

24、控某人某事What are you accused of?What are you accused of?Shylock does not accuse me of anything.Shylock does not accuse me of anything.say that sb has done wrong or has broken the law.控告控告,谴责谴责,非难非难 accuse sb of(doing)sthaccuse sb of(doing)sth 他被控谋杀。他被控谋杀。He was accused of murder.He was accused of murde

25、r.史密斯谴责她撒谎。史密斯谴责她撒谎。Smith accused her of lying.Smith accused her of lying.15.My fate is a consequence of bad fortune.只怨只怨我运气不好。我运气不好。consequence n.结局;结果结局;结果as a consequence 因而;结果因而;结果As a consequence of being in hospital,Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.由于由于在医院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士。在医院的缘故,谢

26、莉决定当一名护士。in consequence as a result;consequently.结果;因此结果;因此 She was over the age limit and,in consequence,her application was rejected.take the consequence 承担后果承担后果16.bargain n.协议协议,交易交易,廉价货廉价货 v.讨价还价讨价还价,谈判谈判 Its an attractive little home,and I think its a bargain.That second-hand table was a real

27、bargain.Good knives dont come at bargain prices.into the bargain或或in the bargain Over and above what is expected;in addition.出乎意料:超出、超过了期望值;出乎意料:超出、超过了期望值;另外另外 I am now tired,cold,and hungry,with a headache into the bargain.17.To do a great right,do a little wrong and in that way we can save Antonio

28、.做大而正确的事,犯点小错误,这样我们才做大而正确的事,犯点小错误,这样我们才能救安东尼奥。能救安东尼奥。(1)right U 正当,公正。do right 做正当的事 tell/know right from wrong 辨别是非 (2)wrong U 邪恶,不正义。Little children do not know right from wrong.小孩不能明辨是非。He has a sense of right and wrong.他有是非观念。18.according to“根据根据”;“按照按照”to 介词介词According to Tom,Jane got married l

29、ast month.据汤姆说,据汤姆说,Ill do everything according to your instructions.19.tear(tore,torn)vt.&vi.撕裂;撕开撕裂;撕开(1)He tore the letter to pieces.(2)She tore the skirt on a nail.她的裙子被钉子钩破了。她的裙子被钉子钩破了。tear up 撕碎撕碎,连根拔起.不履行不履行 He tore up the agreement.The magician tore up a$5 note and then made it whole again.t

30、ear down 推倒(建筑物);摧毁推倒(建筑物);摧毁These old house are being tearing down to make a way for a new road.tear at用力撕用力撕He tore at the cloth but could not open.tear.into pieces撕成碎片撕成碎片He tore the letter into pieces.tear.in half把把撕成俩半撕成俩半He tore the paper in half.tear up 撕毁。连根拔起撕毁。连根拔起 He tore up the agreement

31、.tear at 用力撕。用力撕。He tore at the cloth but could not open.tear down 拆毁拆毁 They tore down the old bridge.tear.into pieces 撕成碎片撕成碎片 He tore the letter into pieces.tear.in half把。把。撕成俩半撕成俩半He tore the paper in half.tear swear vt.&vi.(swore,sworn)发誓;断言。发誓;断言。(1)swear to do sth.(2)swear thatHe swore that he

32、 would never drink.(=He swore never to drink.)他发誓说决不再喝酒。他发誓说决不再喝酒。I swear that you are wrong.我断言你错了。我断言你错了。swear to having done sth.发誓说做过某事,坚持说做过某事 He swore to having been there then.他发誓说当时他在那里。I swore to having paid for the goods.我发誓说已付了货款。Antonio,get ready and offer up your breast.安东尼奥,准备好献出你的胸膛。安

33、东尼奥,准备好献出你的胸膛。offer 献出献出 例如:例如:They offer up a lamb to God.他们向神献出羔羊。他们向神献出羔羊。She offered him a cup of tea.她给他一杯茶。她给他一杯茶。offer up:present献出;献上献出;献上 eg:offer up a sacrifice 奉献;牺牲;献祭奉献;牺牲;献祭And Shylock take your knife and prepare to do the deed.夏洛克,拿起你的刀准备割吧。夏洛克,拿起你的刀准备割吧。do the deed 付诸行动,实施。例如:付诸行动,实施

34、。例如:deed U 行为行为,事实。如:事实。如:To help the poor is a good deed.A friend in need is a friend in deed.患难见真交。患难见真交。do good deeds 就是就是“做好事做好事”的意思。的意思。Lei Feng did a lot of good deeds.balancebalance n.秤秤,天平天平,平衡平衡the balance of the nature 生态平衡生态平衡bleed to death 因流血过多致死因流血过多致死to 表程度,表程度,“到到”fight to death beat

35、 to death starve to deathtake in ones arms “拥抱拥抱”。上课铃声一响,老师就抱着书走进了教室上课铃声一响,老师就抱着书走进了教室The teacher went into classroom,taking some books in his arms.I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.我宣布法庭许可你这样做,法律把它判给你。我宣布法庭许可你这样做,法律把它判给你。declare vt.宣告;发表;公告宣告;发表;公告声明。例如:。例如:They will declare

36、 the results of the election soon.他们将很快公布选举的结果。他们将很快公布选举的结果。I declare this meeting open.本人宣布本次会议开始。本人宣布本次会议开始。Jones was declared the winner of the match.琼斯被宣布是这场比赛的胜者。The Chinese government declared that Taiwan is part of China.中国政府声明,台湾是中国的一部分。中国政府声明,台湾是中国的一部分。declare sb./sth.(to be)“宣布成为宣布成为;声明是声明

37、是 He declared himself to be a member of their Party.他宣布加入他们的党派。他宣布加入他们的党派。His actions declared him to be an honest man.他的行为表明他是个诚实的人。他的行为表明他是个诚实的人。declare that declare(于正式场合宣布一个明确的决定或于正式场合宣布一个明确的决定或判断判断,尤指重大事件尤指重大事件,多用于官方场合多用于官方场合)declare war/peace They will declare the results of the relay race ver

38、y soon.announce 首次当众正式宣布某一主张或态度首次当众正式宣布某一主张或态度,含含“预告预告”之意之意.It has been announced that Mr Albert and Miss Betty will be married next week.The president _an emergency(紧紧急状态急状态)when the war came.A.announced B.declared court n.法庭,法院;开庭;球场 The court found him guilty.法庭发现他有罪。The prisoner was brought to c

39、ourt for trial.那个犯人被带上法庭接受审判。The case was settled out of court.该案件在庭外解决了。Several cases await trial at the next court.下次开庭有几个案件等着审判。He met her at the tennis court.他在网球场见到了她。Are all the players on court yet?所有球员都到场地了吗?take sb.to court 对某人起诉,控告 She decided to take him to court.她决定控告他。注:court很多情况下不加冠词。Y

40、ou wanted justice,so you shall get justice,more than you wanted.你想要公正,你就会得到公正,甚至比你想要的还多。你想要公正,你就会得到公正,甚至比你想要的还多。(1)justice U 公正;正当。例如:a sense of justice 正义感 The justice of our cause is clear to everyone.每个人都明白我们的主张是正当的。bring a person to justice处罚某人 do justice to 公平对待 shall(1)shall和第一、三人称连用,在疑问和第一、三人

41、称连用,在疑问句中表示征求意见或许可句中表示征求意见或许可。如:。如:Shall I/he come in?我我/他可以进来吗?他可以进来吗?(2)shall和第二、三人称连用,在陈述句中和第二、三人称连用,在陈述句中表示命令、允诺、警告、威胁、决心等语气。表示命令、允诺、警告、威胁、决心等语气。You shall get the book tomorrow.(允诺允诺)你明天就可以拿这本书了。你明天就可以拿这本书了。You shall be sorry for what you have done.(警告)(警告)I shall never do such a thing,never!(决心

42、决心)这种事我绝对不干,决不!这种事我绝对不干,决不!murder vt.谋杀;杀害 He murdered the old woman for her money.他杀害了那位老妇人以获取她的钱财。He murdered his rival in cold blood.他残忍地杀害了他的对手。Gandhi was murdered by an Indian who opposed his views.甘地被一位反对他的主张的印度人所杀害。murder n.谋杀;凶杀;凶杀案 a case of murder一起凶杀案 an attempted murder杀人未遂 commit murder

43、犯杀人罪 She cried,“Murder!”她大喊:“杀人了!”There were three murders in one month.一个月之内发生了三起凶杀案。The number of murders is rising in San Francisco.在旧金山,凶杀案的数量在不断增加。He was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.他承认杀人,被判终身监禁。Therefore,go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.因此,你赶快跪下求公爵开恩吧

44、。因此,你赶快跪下求公爵开恩吧。go/fall down on ones knees(为了祈祷、服从)下跪。(为了祈祷、服从)下跪。例如:例如:He went down on his knees to beg a chance to him.他下跪请求给他一次机会。他下跪请求给他一次机会。bend ones knees 屈膝屈膝bend the knee to sb.屈服于某人屈服于某人Although youve not shown yourself Although youve not shown yourself worthy ofworthy of our kindness our k

45、indness,you will see you will see the difference of our spirit.the difference of our spirit.adjadj 值得的值得的,应得的应得的,有价值的有价值的be worthy of somethingbe worthy of something 迈克是值得尊敬的老师。迈克是值得尊敬的老师。Mike is a teacher who is worthy of Mike is a teacher who is worthy of respect.respect.be worthy of being done be

46、 worthy of being done=be worthy to be done=be worthy to be done 这本书值得一读。这本书值得一读。The book is worthy of being read.The book is worthy of being read.worth adj.worth adj.值钱的值钱的,值的看中的值的看中的 be worth(doing)somethingbe worth(doing)something主动主动表被动表被动 The book is well worth reading.The book is well worth rea

47、ding.My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.我的钱和财产对我就像生命一样宝贵。我的钱和财产对我就像生命一样宝贵。dear adj.贵重的;高贵的,昂贵的 She lost everything that was dear to her.她失去了她所珍视的一切。Everything is dearer this year.今年所有的东西都贵。dear 亲爱的;可爱的 What a dear little girl!多可爱的小女孩啊!upon(=on)n/ving 就在某时或某场就在某时或某场合之后合之后(1)Upon my a

48、rrival home,I found there were something strange.When I arrived home,.(2)On asking for information,I was told I must wait.=When I asked for information,All his ships were All his ships were at seaat sea and he had no and he had no money at present.money at present.during a voyage on the seaduring a

49、voyage on the sea在海上在海上 When he woke up,the ship was at sea.When he woke up,the ship was at sea.not knowing what to donot knowing what to do茫然茫然,不知所措不知所措 I dont know how to repair the car.Im I dont know how to repair the car.Im all at sea.all at sea.on the sea在海上在海上;在海边在海边beyond/over the sea在海外在海外go

50、 to sea当水手当水手 However,he agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition.condition U&C 状态,健康状态;条件。状态,健康状态;条件。(1)My car is old but in good condition.(2)He has been out of condition for two weeks.(3)Their working conditions are improving.on condition that 在在条件下。后接同条件下。后接同位语从句,相当于位语从句,相当于 if/only if


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