Module 7 Unit 2 I go by train (ppt课件) +教案+练习+素材-2023新外研版(一年级起点)二年级上册《英语》.rar

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  • Module 7 Unit 2 I go by train (ppt课件) +教案+练习+素材_2023新外研版(一年级起点)二年级上册《英语》
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    • plane.mp4
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    • 外研版- 英语 -二上 Module 7 Unit 2 I go by train 习题.doc--点击预览
    • 外研版- 英语 -二上 Module 7 Unit 2 I go by train 教案.doc--点击预览
    • 外研版- 英语 -二上 Module 7 Unit 2 I go by train 课件.pptx--点击预览


Module 7Unit 2 I go by train习题习题一看图写短语。1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _二选词填空。1.She _ to school by bus.2.He _ to work by car.3.I _ to school by bike.4.They _ to China by plane.5.Jerry _ to school by bus.go goes三翻译下列句子。1.你每天怎么去学校?_2.我坐公交去学校。_3.你怎样去上海啊?_4.我步行回家。_5.我们怎样去那呢?_四.单项选择。()1.Yangyang goes to school _ B.of()2._ do you go to school?A.What B.How()3.My mother _ to work.A.walk B.walks()4.Wheres _ school? B.your()5.We go to China _ holiday.A.on B.in五补全对话。A.I go to Beijing by plane.B.Wheres your school?C.Hello,Lucy.D.How do you go to school?Lucy:Hello,Lily.Lily:_Lucy:_Lily:I walk and run to school.Lucy:_Lily:My school is at the park.I go to Beijing on holiday.Lucy:How do you go to Beijing?Lily:_Module 7 Unit 2 I go by train 习题参考答案习题参考答案一看图写短语。1 by bus 【解析】乘巴士2 by train 【解析】乘火车3 by plane 【解析】乘飞机4 by bike 【解析】骑单车5 on holiday 【解析】过假期二选词填空。1 goes2 goes3 go 4 go 5 goes 三翻译下列句子。1 How do you go to school?2 I go to school by bus.3 How do you go to Shanghai?4 I walk home.5 How do we go there?四.单项选择。1.A2.B3.B4.B5.A五补全对话。1.D2.C3.B4.A5.EModule 7 Unit 2 I go by trainModule 7 Unit 2 I go by train教学设计教学设计课题 I go by train单元2学科英语年级2学习目标知识与技能目标:学生能够认读、运用 holiday,on holiday,then,ship,plane,love.能够书写字母 OPQ,并能知道其所代表的单词。用所学句型进行口语表达:How do you go to.?/I go byDo you go to by?No,I dont./Yes,I do.过程与方法目标:正确理解课文,能够在日常情境下,通过动静结合的教学方式,使课堂教学收放自如,学生能熟练描述到某个地方所使用的交通工具。用所学知识进行口语表达。情感态度与价值观目标:通过学习本文内容,能够用所学句型进行交流对话,学生能根据实际情况,运用所学句型熟练谈论假期旅行乘坐的交通工具。学生乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语进行口头和书面交流。重点能够掌握下列各种交通工具单词:holiday,on holiday,run,ship,plane,love.难点学会用下列句型进行口语表达。How do you go to.?/I go byDo you go to by?No,I dont./Yes,I do.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课1.Greetings.2 观看视频,播放交通工具儿歌。引入本课内容3.学习本课新单词:ship,run,plane,love,on holiday教师范读,学生跟读。新单词游戏,猜单词,巩固操练新单词。观看视频,学生跟唱歌曲学习本课新单词的用法。热身活动认读单词 holiday,on holiday,then,ship,plane,love.讲 授新课Step2.Presentation展示活动 1 的内容。1)请学生看图,理解语境。播放录音。教师帮助学生理解课文语境。2)再次播放动画或录音,请学生逐句跟读,注意模仿语音语调。3)请学生默读课文,回答老师给出的问题。How do the monkeys go to school?Wheres the school?4)对重点句型和单词进行强调。He walks and run to school.The school is at the zoo.展示活动 2 的内容。1)请学生看图,理解语境。播放录音,请学生跟读。2)阅读课文,回答老师给出的问题。How do I go to Hainan?Where do they go on holiday?How do they go?3)Retell the whole textI go to Hainan .I go .Then I go .We go to China .We go_.We love China.完成第 3 部分内容 Listen and match.练习日常生活中常用的乘坐交通工具的表达方听录音,跟读课文默读课文,回答老师给出的问题学生重点跟读学习句型和短语。听录音,跟读课文回答老师给出的问题复述课文完成第 3 部分内容的学习。此环节首先让学生对课文的内容了解,并充分理解课文的语境,然后对重点句型和单词进行了讲解。多次听说能够加强加强学生的英语语感。讲解时,以提问为主,促进学生积极思考。法:by bike,by ship,by plane,by bus,by car.Step 3.Learn letters学习字母 O、P 和 Q 的书写方法及例词。Step 4.Look and say.,重点练习句型的用法,并利用 drills 部分的内容进行对话练习。Do you go to Beijing by train?No,I dont.Do you go by plane?Yes,I do.Step 5.Do a survey.用 How do you go to school?句式去调查自己的同学上学的交通方式,完成表格,并句子进行描述。参考句型:XXX goes to school by/He walks to school.Step 5.Do some exercises.学习字母 O、P 和 Q 操练重点句型学生完成课堂练习。鼓励学生进行口语表达。检测学生对知识的掌握情况课堂小结本模块的话题是交通方式。本单元的课文情境是几位小朋友在介绍自己旅行所使用的交通工具。通过本文的学习,掌握 on holiday/run/ship/plane/love.等单词的读音和书写,掌握句子:How do you go to.?/I go by句型的用法,会用这个句型进行简单的日常交流,学生能理解短文的意思,运用所学句型熟练谈论假期旅行乘坐的交通工具。板书Module 7 Unit 2I go by trainon holiday/run/ship/plane/love.How do you go to.?/I go byDo you go to by?No,I dont./Yes,I do.Module 7 Unit 2I go by train外研版二年级上Lead inLets sing the songNew wordsplaneI go to Shanghai by plane.New wordsshipHe goes to Hainan by ship.New wordsI go to Hainan on holiday.on holidayNew words We love China.loveNew wordsHe run to school.runNew wordsI go to Hainan by train,then by ship.Then(然后)by trainby shipplanelove飞机shipchinarun在假期 快速翻译出苹果上的单词,就能帮助刺猬拿到苹果哦!Lets learn1.Listen and chant.文本内容:How do you go to school?I walk and run to school.And wheres your school?My school is at the zoo.Lets learnLets learnHe walks and run to school.Wheres the school?The school is at the zoo.How do the monkeys go to school?Ask and answerLets learn文本内容:I go to Hainan on holiday.I go by train.Then I go by ship.We go to China on holiday.We go by plane.We love China.2.Listen and say.Ask and answerHow do I go to Hainan?by trainby shipby planeAsk and answerWhere do they go on holiday?How do they go?by planeChinaLets learnLets learnRetell the whole textI go to Hainan .I go .Then I go .We go to China .We go_.We love China.Lets learnRetell the whole textLets learn文本内容:(1)How do you go to farm,Daming?I go by bus.(2)How do you go to zoo,Amy?I go by car.(3)How do you go to Dalian,Sam?I go by ship.(4)How do you go to Qingdao,Lingling?I go by plane.3.Listen and match.Lets learnPracticePracticePracticePracticeby carby planeby bikeby busby shipA:How do you go to work?B:I go to work by by trainLets learn看图片,学单词O is for Orange.Lets learn看图片,学单词P is for Park.Lets learn看图片,学单词Q is for Queen.Lets learnLook and say.Do you go to Beijing by train?No,I dont.Do you go by plane?Yes,I do.Drills Do you go to the farm by train?No,I dont.Do you go by car?Yes,I do.Drills Do you go to Dalian by plane?No,I dont.Do you go by ship?Yes,I do.Drills Do you go to the zoo by bus?No,I dont.Do you go by car?Yes,I do.Do a survey.用How do you go to school?句式去调查自己的同学上学的交通方式,完成表格,并句子进行描述。参考句型:XXX goes to school by/He walks to school.Name How do you go to school?Amy By bus Sam By bikeLingling On foot1 _2 _3 _选词填空Exerciseby busby train by planeby plane by bus by train 单项选择。()1.Yangyang goes to B.of()2._do you go to school?A.What B.How()3.My mother to work.A.walk B.walksAExerciseBBExercise连词成句。1.I to run school _.2.I Dalian go to holiday on _.3.I Then by ship go _ Summary能够掌握下列单词 on holiday/run/ship/plane/love.用所学句型进行口语表达。How do you go to.?/I go by
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