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1、英语四年级书面作业设计样例上学期第5-9周单元名称Unit 4 Do you have any cousins?课题Is this your brother?节次课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源根底性 作业必做)一、根据括号内的中文意思填空。1) . I have two堂兄弟.2) . This is my叔叔.3) . Hes Dan怎爸爸.4) . Who is那个)?学生在课堂上已经学习过Say and act 了,对家庭成员称谓较 为熟练。此题帮助夯实根底, 让学生在句子中体会单词的运 用及中文意思。新编二、正确抄写下面的句子,请注意字母的大小写与标点符号。1) . is, t

2、his, your, brother (?)2) . yes, i, have, two, cousins (,.)3). that, is me (.)学生在课堂上已口头操练这几 个重点句,课后需加强英文句 子的标准书写,强化字母大小 写与标点符号的使用规则。新编三、选择填空。()1). - Is this your sister?-Yes.is my sister.A. ItB. That C. This()2). - Who is that, Linda?-is my cousin.A. ItB. That C. This()3). - How old is she?-A. Shes 9

3、 years old.B. Her name is Jill.C. Shes a teacher.课堂上学习了代词this, that的 用法,此题夯实this和that的 用法,同时再次稳固如何介绍 家人。新编拓展性 作业选做)一、读一读,圈出正确答案。课堂上已学习了如何介绍家 人,此题帮助学生夯实根底, 体会单词在句中的含义和用 法。 This is my cousin! cousins. Theyre / Its my brothers and sisters. Do you have some I any toys? Kitty and Betty are sisters. Uncle

4、 John is Kitty and Bettys / Kittys and Bettys father. Is this your / you schoolbag? Yes, ifs /1 my new schoolbag.二、读一读,选词填空完成句子,注意大小写。old this son teacher aunt |A: Is your mother, Lily?B: No, this is my. Her name is Helen.A: Wow! She is young and beautiful. What does she do?B: She is a.A: Does she h

5、ave any children?B: Yes, she has a. His name is Benny.A: How old is he?B: He is only five but he can draw very well. Hes cute.三、读一读,选出正确的答案。My four grandparentsMy name is Tom. I have two grandmothers and two grandfathers.This is a picture of Grandma and Grandpa. They are my fathers parents. They liv

6、e (居住)in Shandong. They are farmers. They have a lot of apple trees.This is a picture of Gran and Grandad. They are my mother/s parents. They live in Hong Kong (香港).There is a big park near their house. I like playing in the park. Gran likes reading in the park. Grandad likes painting there.Gran = g

7、randmother Grandad = grandfather()2)Grandma and Grandpa have many.()3) Grandma and Grandpa have many.a. Shanghaib. Shandongc. Shenzhen选自知识与能力训练P19学生在课堂上已操练了如何询 问和介绍家人,此题重设类似 的对话情境,稳固家庭成员称 谓及如何介绍家庭成员。改编自知识与能力训练P17培养学生的综合能力,养成良 好的阅读习惯,从而提升在文 章中提取关键信息的能力。选自知识与能力训练P19-20()1) Which picture is Toms father

8、s parents?d. Hong Kong()4) There is a near Gran and Grandads house.单元名称Unit 4 Do you课题have any cousins?Who is that?节次 第四课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源1)()A. tenB. penC. me2)()A. nameB. uncleC. Ben3)()A. restB. sheC. seven4)()A. redB. parentC. Ken、选出划线字母发音不同的单词,并将序号写在括号里。夯实根底,帮助学生了解字母 e在不同单词中的发音,并对 不同发音进行判断和归类。

9、学生在课堂上已学习询问和介 绍家人的重点句型,此题帮助 学生夯实根底,训练语感,同 时稳固字母大小写与标点的使 用规则。新编二、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1) . this, your, is, uncle (?)根底性 2). is,who, that (?)作业必做) 3) two, i, yes, cousins, have (,.)新编三、读一读,把正确的句子编号写在相应的横线上。学生在课堂已经操练了 SayA. Thats me!B. Who is this?C. Yes, I have two cousins.and act的对话,此题对话内容 源于课本,夯实根底,也加深 了

10、学生对课本中句子的理解与 运用。D. Is this your brother?新编、读一读,选词填空完成句子。拓展性作业选做)培养学生的综合能力,养成良 好的阅读习惯,从而提升在文 章中提取关键信息的能力。改编自活动手册P28学生通过前面几个课时的学 习,已经熟练地掌握了相关家 庭成员的英语表达方式,通过 练习,再次在语境中,稳固家 庭成员称谓及如何介绍家庭成 员包括外貌特征、年龄、能 力等)。改编自活动手册P25五、读一读,想一想,写一写。My name is Sue. I am a pupil(小 学生).I like singing and dancing. I love my fam

11、ily. My parents are tall. My father can swim fast My mother can paint very well.I have two uncles and two aunts. Unde Sam is a fireman (消防员).Uode Michael is a teacher. Aunt Jane and Aunt Molly can sing very well.I have two cousins. They are Jessie and Tim. Jessie is short and thin. Tim is tall and s

12、trong. They both (两个都)like playing basfcetballWho are they?1 He is tall. He can swim fast. He is Sue*s.2 He is a fireman. He is Sues uncle. His name is3 They like playing basketball. They are Sues.4 She can paint very well. She is Sues.三、画一画自己的家人,并参考第一、二题,尝试介绍一下自己的家庭成员。此题给出图片提示进行写作练;-、,习,训练学生单元核心语言的

13、I*综合运用能力及知识迁移能:力。培养学生的仿写能力,能r:够用4个句子介绍家庭成员的IJi :外貌特征、数量、能力等。This is my family.My(mother/ uncle.) is(tall/ young/ .).改编自知识与能力训练P18节次 第五课时He/ She can(paint/ run/ .).I have(one/ three/ .)(uncle/ cousin/ .).He/ She/ They can(paint/ run/ .).单元名称Unit 4 Do you 课题Revisionhave any cousins?作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源根底

14、性作业必做)一、选出划线字母发音相同的单词,并将序号写在括号里。1).()legA. sevenB. he2).()penA. uncleB. elephant3).()restA. sheB. hen二、读一读,选出正确的答语。()1). Do you have any brothers and sisters?A. Yes, I have two brothers.B. Yes, I have one uncle.学生在本单元已学习了字母e 在不同单词中的发音,此题再 次帮助学生了解字母e在不同 单词中的发音,并对不同发音 进行判断和归类。新编学生在本单元已学习询问家人 的重点句型,包括一

15、般疑问句 和特殊疑问句。此题帮助学生拓展性作业选做)C. I have two aunts.()2). Who 怎 that?A. Shes my aunt.B. Shes sixteen.C. She can dance.()3). Is this your grandfather?A. Yes, she is.B. No, he isnt.C. Yes, I do.()4). Are you Uncle John?A. Im John.B. Im her father.C. Yes, I am.()5). Do you have any cousins?A. Yes, Im thirsty

16、.B. No, thank you.C. Yes, I have two cousins.三、读一读,把正确的句子编号写在相应的横线上。A. Are they your parents?B. Who 怎 that?C. Welcome.D. Shes eight years old.May: Hi, Tim.Tim: Hi, May. Nice to meet you.May: Shes my cousin.Tim: How old is she?May:Tim: Look at this picture.May: No, they are my grandfather and grandmo

17、ther.Tim: Oh! Theyre so young.May: This picture is old.二、driveunclefamilyshebrother cookbighegrandfather、读一读,选词填空,完成短文。Hello, Im Annie. I have a family. There are six people in my. Look! This is my. Hes 67 years old. He can fish. This is my grandfather. Hes 67 years old.can fish. This is my grandmot

18、her. Shes 65 years old.likes dancing. My father is 37 years old. He can a car. My mother is 34 yearsold. She can delicious food. This is my. Hes my mothers. He can swim.夯实根底,稳固问答。改编自活动手册P24学生在本单元已经学会如何询 问和介绍家人,此题在语境中 加深学生对根底知识的理解与 运用。改编自知识与能力训练P17学生在课堂上温习了如何介绍 家庭成员,通过选词填空的方 式,让学生不仅通过上下文理 解大意并再次稳固家庭成

19、员称 谓及如何介绍家庭成员包括、 年龄、能力等)。新编Mo, dont.We can ridea bus.yummy:no! I dont like the dty!:orn. Cousin Tim.培养学生的综合能力,养成良好的阅读习惯,从而提升在文章中提取关键信息的能力。选自活动手册P95I.Tim visits his brother in the countryside.2. Tim does not like the countryside.3. Tim and Tom ride a bus in the countryside.4. Tim and Tom have some ch

20、eese in a restaurant.5. Tom likes the city.学生已经学会如何介绍家庭成能够介绍4个家庭成员的外貌特征和能力等,加深学生对家庭成员的了解。改编自活动手册P29Jptnin the city.Tim is a city mouse, and Tom is a country mouse. They are cousins. Tim visits Tom in the countryside. Tim does not like the countryside员,此题考察学生的写作能力,、画一画自己的家人,并参考第一题的短文,尝试介绍一下 自己的家庭成员。P

21、eople in the restaurant are angry. Tom and Tim run awoy. Tom does not like the city!7 iliUHl want some juice. Do l国蔑受J Vou have any juice?They come to a reuaurani. They find a lat cf food.Have some Juke and chee&e. 1三、读一读,判断句子正误。i Q / / 厂 c! i时/ F八广MyMyName:Name:Age: ;Age:can:can:cannot: :3一 , - , :

22、. _cannot:,,一I have a family. There are people. They aremy _Myis.(age). He/ She can.Myis(age). He/ She can.Myis(age). He/ She can.Myis(age). He/ She can.单元名称Unit 5 My friends课题Listen and sayLook and learn节次第一课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源根底性作业必做)1.看图写单词。1)2)3)渗息尘dr ssshtshtsktsht学生在课堂上已经初步学习过 这些新词,通过生动的图文配 对,训

23、练学生单元核心词汇的 形义识记,稳固词汇学习。改编自教材P23学生在课堂已经学习过Listen and Say的课文,通过补充课文 内容,训练学生对课文的深入 理解,同时也帮助学生加强课 文中出现的重点词汇。改编自教材P222.根据下面的图片,完成填空。This is Tom. He is my friend.He is and.He has a green andbrown shorts. He can.This is Peter.He an orange T-shirt.He can.This is my friend Sally.She is and.She has a red.She

24、can fly a.3)3.正确书写下面的句子,注意字母的大小写以及标点符号。1) peter has a green a t-shirt学生在课堂上已学习过Listen and say的课文,对本单元的核 心句型已经有了初步的了解, 通过此题进一步了解句型结 构。四年级的孩子还需要加强 对英文句子的书写练习,了解 标点符号的使用规则,为书写 表达打根底。新编1.看图,把下面的句子补充完整。This is my friend.He has aand.服饰)He can2).JohnThis is my classmate拓展性作业选做)JennyShe has a.She can.2.读下面的

25、句子,给服装涂上颜色。1).My mum has an pink skirt.2).3).My brother has a blue T-shirt.Nancy has a yellow dress.学生在课堂已经学习过Listen and Say的课文,通过补充句子, 加强对课文中核心词汇的理解 与运用。选自知识与能力训练P24学生在课堂已经完成核心句型 的听说操练,此题通过读句子 涂颜色,训练对核心句型的理 解与运用。改编自评价手册P223.在下面的方框里贴一张你的同学的照片,然后写一写,介绍 一下你的好朋友。This is my classmate.She / He is.体型)She

26、/ He has.服装)She / He can.能力)学生在课堂已经完成核心句型 的听说操练。此题已经给出句 型结构,主要要求学生填写核 心词汇。训练学生核心词汇在 语境中的运用。新编单元名称Unit 5 My friends课题Look and learn节次第二课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源学生在第一课时以及对核心词 汇有了初步的认识。经过第二 课时的学习,学生进一步理解 核心词汇。通过生动的图文配 对,训练核心词汇的形义识记, 稳固词汇学习。新编2.阅读文章,答复以下问题。在学生学习Listenand say课文的根底上,巩 固课文,训练学生对课文的 理解及核心词汇的运用,训

27、练学生从文章中提取信息 的能力。()1). Tom is Joes friend.()2). Tom has a blue T-shirt and a pair of green shorts.新编()3). Alice has three friends.()4). Peter can skate.()5). Sally has a pink shirt. She can fly a kite.3.读一读,圈出正确的单词。Roy have / has a bKyde. He has a blue T-shirt / shorts,Dan has a dress / a pair of sho

28、rts. He has/can fly a kite.Arthur have / has a skateboard.It is/are grey (茨色的).DaisL has a blue dress/T-shirt. Tina has o blue dress /T-shirt too. Tina can help /have Daisy 偌find her catMay haso blue skirt / dress.学生经过两个课时的学习,已 经对核心词汇有了更深的理 解。训练学生核心词汇在语境 中的运用。选自活动手册P33改编活动手册P311) This is my friend M

29、ark. He has a T-shirt. He can ride a bike.2) This is my classmate Polly. She is not tall. She has short hair.She has a lovely cat.3) This is my brother Bill. He is tall and thin. He can skate.4) Look at my friend Amy. She is tall and thin. She can fly a kite.2.阅读下面的对话,连线。学生在课堂上已学过有关服装 的表达,此题通过阅读理解,

30、训练学生寻找关键信息的能 力。选自活动手册P342 Jim has ba small T-shirt.3 Mary has c a white T-shirt.4 Grandma has d a black T-shirt.3.根据下面的问题,写一写,描述你的好朋友。学生通过两个课时的学习,对1) Is your friend a boy or a girl?核心句型有了更深的理解。此2) Whats his/her name?题通过问题的提示,要求学生3) How old is he/ she?完成书面表达,训练句型的灵4) What colour is his/her.(clothes)?

31、活运用。5) What can he/ she do?新编单元名 称Unit 5 My friends课题Enjoy a story节次课时作业类 型作业内容设计意图和题目来源根底性作业必做)1.读一读,判读下面划线字母的发音是否一致,一致用“V”表示,不 一致用“X ”表示。1) big bike ()2) nice kite ()3) family kite ()4) write drink ()学生在课堂上重点学习 了字母i的发音,学生能 够掌握字母i的两种发 音。通过区分型近发音组 合,训练学生本单语音知 识在具体单词中的识别, 提高学生语音意识,突破 发音难点。新编2.根据The m

32、ouse and the lion的故事,完成填空。The lion isand. The mouse is.He hassmall. The lion cannot get out. He is. Look at themouse. His small teeth are. He can help the lion. The lion andthe mouse arenow.通过课堂学习,学生对故 事有了初步的理解。通过 课文填空,帮助学生梳理 故事情节,训练核心词汇 的灵活运用。新编3,将单词排序,然后用正确形式写出以下句子,注意大小写以及标点 符号。1) lionstrongthe is

33、 big2) Sharpteeth small are his学生在课堂上已学习过 read局部的课文。通过句 子排序,进一步帮助学生 理解稳固核心句型。并训练英文句子的正确书写。3) friends are lion the now mouse the are新编拓展性作业选做)1.看图完成填空。0; 爹h倾WShe can p lay witti the toy bear.0; 4 七成f j物如m0备二f )0#* 廊3 Tberabst.学生能够认读以及理解 本单元的核心词汇。此题 训练核心词汇在语境中 的运用,同时需要学生细 致地观察图片,提升学生 读图的能力。活动手册P332.读一

34、读,给下面的图片用1,2,3,4,5排序。:1 Mjs Li: Is this your coat Ben?Ben: Yes, it is. Thank you. Mum. Mrs Li: Is (his your robol, Kilty?Kilty; No, its EJcns robot. 1 dont have any robots,, Mrs Li: Whose shoes are these?Ben: Theyre Kittys shoes. My shoes are blue.Mrs Li; Is (his your shirt?Mr Li: Yes. it is.Mrs Li:

35、 Pul it away.Mr Li; Yes. dear- Mrs Li: Whose glasses (BR镜)arc these?Mr Li, Bcn& Kitty: Theyre your glasses! F板座叫倒学生能够认读以及理解 关于服装的词汇。此题通 过阅读理解,训练学生对 词汇以及句型的灵活运 用,提升寻找关键信息的 能力。知识与能力训练P243.阅读短文,判断句子的正误。学生在课堂上已学习过 read局部的课文。通过阅 读理解题,帮助学生进一 步了解故事脉络,把握故 事细节,提升从文章中寻 找关键信息的能力。单元名称作业类型新编()1) The lion is big

36、and strong.()2). The lion has small teeth.()3). The mouse is small but he has sharp teeth.()4). The mouse cannot get out. He is afraid.()5). The lion and and mouse are friends now.Unit 5 My friends课题作业内容Revision 1 第四课时次设计意图和题目来源学生已经学习了核心词1)esrds2)Sstrho3)ikrst4)tsrih1.根据所给字母,拼出正确的单词。根底性作业必做)2.选择填空。(

37、) 1). In summer, it is hot. I wear a.A. sweater B. dressC. scarf()2). I have a friend.name is Lily.A. MyB. HisC. Her汇。通过拼写单词,加强 学生对核心词汇的理解, 稳固词汇学习,帮助学生 记忆单词。新编学生在课上稳固单元核 心词句后,进行针对性的 语法训练。通过选择题, 训练对核心词汇的在具 体语境中的灵活运用,稳 固语言知识并提高学生() 3). I a green T-shirt. My sister a green T-shirttoo.A. have, haveB. ha

38、s, hasC. have, has() 4). Daisy and Andy are my.A. friendB. friendsC. cousin的比照分析能力。新编3.,1 vlockThis is a clock. Il has two hands. One is long and the other is short. The longhand is (he minute (分钟)hand and there are 60 minutes in an hour l 小时).The F z J short hand is the hour hand and there are 24 h

39、ours in a day. Wha【time is i【now?Its s判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的与T,错误的写F。() The hmg hand is the huur hand.() There are 60 hixun in a .() Its seven oclock now,21选择正确的答案口() The clock hashands.。-oneb- twoe, threed. four() The short hand in thehand.a. hoirb minutec. secondd day通过学习,学生了解一些 关于描述人物的形容词。 根据本单元主阅读课文 进行

40、拓展阅读训练,培养 学生在阅读中获取信息 的能力,培养、开展学生 的语言能力及逻辑思维 能力。知识与能力训练P25拓展性作业选做)1.将单词排序,然后用正确形式写出以下句子,注意大小写以及标点 符号。1) OrangehasPeterand T-shirt2) a of Tom shorts has pair3) mouses small the teeth and sharp are经过了四个课时的学习, 学生对本单元的核心句 型已经有了进一步的理 解。通过此题,加强对核 心句型的理解,同时训练 英文句子的正确书写,帮 助学生提升综合运用能 力,新编2.阅读理解,选择正确的选项。根据本单元主

41、阅读课文 进行拓展阅读训练,培养 学生在阅读中获取信息 的能力,培养、开展学生 的语言能力及逻辑思维 能力。.1 Mrs Li: Is this your ci叫 Ben?Ben: Yus, it is. Thank you. Mum.:2 Mrs Li: Is this your robot. Kitty?Kitty: No, iis Bens robot. I dont have any robots.3: Mrs Li: Whose shoes arc these?Ben: Theyre Kittys shoes. My shoes are blue.4 Mrs Li: Is this

42、your shirt?Mr Li: Yes, il is.Mrs Li: Pul it away.Mr Li: Yes, dear.:5 Mrs Li: WFkjnc glasses (眼链)arc the*c?Mr Li, Bcn& K”ty: Theyre your glasses!()1). Ben has a.A. T-shirtB coatC. shirt()2). Kitty doesnt have any.A. RobotsB. coatsC. slippers()3).Mrs Li has.A. a pair of blue slippers B. a pair of blue

43、 shoesC. a pair of sunglasses()4). The shirt is.A. Bens B. Kitty/sC. Mr Lis3.阅读短文,判断句子的正误。Miss Mouse is in the forest. She is eating rice. She is happy. Mr Cat is coming. He chases Miss Mouse. Miss Mouse is afraid. She runs fast and falls into the hole. Miss Mouse is sad. Mr Lion is strong. He has a long tail. He helps Miss Mouse with his tail. Mouse and Mr Lion are happy. They are good friends now.


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