1、掌握这 35 个英语俚语,让你的英语更上一层楼 副标题:让歪果仁都连连点赞的俚语 英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,用在非正式场合,但正确使用俚语,会让你表达更“生 动” 。俚语比喻一般比较“夸张” ,所以很适合用来表达自己的心情和想法。 as busy as a bee 是我们最熟悉的俚语,字面意思是“像蜜蜂一样忙” 。而实际上,英语 俚语不太适合直接翻译成字面意思。as busy as a bee 要表达的意思是 very busy, “忙得不可 开交” 。事实上,有些英语俚语要表达的意思和其字面意思之间有十万八千里的距离。 小编今天给大家精心准备了 as as 结构的俚语。掌握了它们,让你用英
2、语交流起 来更顺畅。亲们,看完之后千万不要惊讶,不要觉得有什么东西限制了你的想象力 1. as American as apple pie: sth is typical of America 典型美国式的;地道美国式的 2. as happy as anything: very happy 非常幸福 3. (as) blind as a bat: not able to see well 视力不佳 4. (as) bold as brass: without showing any respect, shame or fear 放肆的;厚颜无耻的;胆大妄为的 5. (as) bright a
3、s a button: intelligent and quick to understand 机灵的;聪颖的 6. as clean as a whistle: very clean 干干净净 7. (as) clear as day: easy to see or understand 显而易见;容易理解 8. (as) clear as mud: not clear at all; not easy to understand 一点不清楚;难懂 9. (as) cool as cucumber: very calm and controlled, especially in a diff
4、icult situation (尤指在困难情况下)非常冷静,泰然自若 10. (as) deaf as a post: very deaf 全聋;聋得什么也听不见 11. (as) drunk as a lord: in a great state of excitement because of a particular emotion or situation 陶醉;沉醉;飘飘然;忘乎所以 12. (as) dull as dishwater: extremely boring 索然无味;无聊透顶 13. as easy as a pie / as easy as ABC: very e
5、asy or very easily 十分容易;极容易;轻而易举 14. (as) fit as a fiddle: in very good physical condition 非常健康 15. as flat as a pancake: completely flat 完全平的 16. (as) good as gold: behaving in a way that other people approve of 规规矩矩;很乖;表现好 17. (as) hard as nails: showing no sympathy, kindness or fear 冷酷无情;铁石心肠 18.
6、 (as) large as life: used to show surprise at seeing sb / sth (表示惊讶地见到)本人,本身 19. as long as your am: very long 很长 20. (as) good as new: in very good condition, as it was when it was new 完好如新 21. as nice as a pie: very kind and friendly, especially when you are not expecting it 非常友好的,很善良的(尤指出乎意料) 22.
7、 as old as the hills: very old; ancient 古老的;悠久的 23. (as) plain as day: to be simple and free from trouble 顺利;一帆风顺 24. as pretty as a picture: very pretty 美丽如花;非常漂亮 25. (as) quick as a flash: very quickly 极快;神速;旋即 26. (as) regular as clockwork: very regular; happening at the same time in the same way
8、 非常有规律;极有规律 27. (as) right as rain: in excellent health or condition 十分健康;状况奇佳 28. (as) safe as houses: very safe 非常安全 29. (as) sick as a dog: feeling very ill / sick; vomiting a lot 病得很重;呕吐得厉害 30. (as) sick as a parrot: very disappointment 大失所望 31. (as) sound as a bell: in perfect condition 状况极佳;十分
9、健康 32. (as) steady as a rock: extremely steady and calm; that you can rely on 十分可靠;稳如泰山;安如磐石 33. (as) thick as thieves: very friendly, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious 非常友好;亲密无间;过从甚密 34. (as) thick as two short planks: very stupid 笨得像木头人;笨到极点 35. (as) tough as old boots / (as) tough as nails: very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations 很强壮;坚忍不拔;雷打不动 not feeling or showing any emotion 铁石心肠;不为所动