2019年高考英语课标I卷词汇检测 (ppt课件) 2024届高考英语一轮复习.pptx

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1、得词汇者得天下!1.province n.省份;范围、领域-provincial adj.省的 n.外乡人-provincewide adj.全省的2.available adj.可获得的;有空的-availability n.可用性;可得性3.hands-on adj.动手的,实际操作的 hands-off adj.不干涉的;不插手的4.vary v.使不同;变化-variety n.种类 variety show 综艺节目 a variety of 各种各样的 -various adj.各种各样的 -variable adj.可变的;多变的5.disability n.残疾-disable

2、 v.使丧失能力;使残疾-enable v.使能够;使成为可能 -be able to do sth.=be capable of doing sth.能够做某事;有能力做某事6.trip n.旅程 v.绊倒 旅行:trip 往返旅行 journey 长途旅行 tour 游览多地的旅行 voyage 航行/航程 expedition 远征/探险/考察7.pronunciation n.发音-pronounce v.发音 spell v.拼写 n.咒语;一段时间 cast/put a spell on 下咒语8.whisper v./n.耳语;小声说9.vote v.投票选举;投票表决 n.选票

3、;投票-voter n.投票人;选举人 vote for 投票支持 vote against 投票反对 vote on 就.表决10.immigrant n.外来移民-immigrate v.从外地移民-emigrate v.移民国外-emigrant n.移居外国的人province provincial provincewide available availability hands-onhands-offvary varietyvariety showa variety ofvariousvariabledisabilitydisableenablebe able to do sth.

4、be capable of doing sth.triptrip journey tour voyage expedition pronunciation pronounce spell cast/put a spell on whispervotevotervote forvote againstvote onimmigrantimmigrateemigrateemigrant11.excuse n.借口 v.原谅;为.找借口12.pause n./v.暂停;停顿13.strength n.体力;强度;优势-strengthen v.加强-OPPweaken v.削弱;减弱14.assess

5、 v.评估;估算-assessment n.评估 SYN evaluate v.评价;评估-evaluation n.15.inspire v.激励;赋予灵感-inspiration n.激励;启发灵感/带来激励的人-inspirational adj.鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的16.humour adj.幽默的 -humor n.幽默-a sense of humor 幽默感17.ambitious adj.有野心/雄心的-ambition n.野心/雄心18.demanding adj.要求高的-demand v./n.要求-supply and demand 供给和需求19.identity

6、 theft 身份盗窃-identify v.确认;证明身份-identification n.识别;鉴定 -thieve v.做贼;盗窃-thief n.小偷20.get around 四处走动;消息传开;解决问题excuse pause strength strengthen weaken assess assessment evaluate evaluation inspire inspiration inspirational humourous humor a sense of humorambitious ambition demanding demand supply and d

7、emandidentity theftidentify identification thieve thief get around21.precisely adv.精确地 SYNexactly;accurately-accuracy n.精确性;准确性22.by extension 延伸/引申开来;进一步地 extend v.延伸;扩展-extensive adj.广阔的;广泛的 SYNfar-reaching23.regardless of 不管;不顾 SYN in spite of;despite24.require v.要求-requirement n.要求 require sb to

8、 do sth./require that sb should do sth.要求某人做某事mercialize v.使商业化-commercialization n.商业化-commercial adj.商业的,商务的 n.电视广告26.operate v.运转SYNfunction;经营SYNrun;做手术-n.operation-cooperate v.合作27.security n.安全;安全工作-secure adj.安全的;稳定的 v.确保28.guarantee v.保证;确保 n.保证;保修单29.popularity n.流行;普及-popular adj.受欢迎的;流行的;

9、普遍的-popularize v.推广;宣传30.sort n.种类 v.分类preciselyexactly accuratelyaccuracy by extensionextendextensivefar-reachingregardless ofin spite of despiterequirerequirementrequire sb to do sth.require that sb should do mercializecommercializationcommercialoperatefunctionrunoperationcooperate security secure

10、 guarantee popularity popular popularizesort 31.category n.种类;范畴 -categorize v.将.分类/列为 class n.班级;等级-classify v.把.分类/分级-n.classification32.tap v.轻敲;开发;挖掘 n.轻敲;水龙头33.adolescence n.青春期,青春-adolescent adj.青春期的 n.青少年34.enviable adj.令人羡慕的;引起忌妒的-OPPunenviable 艰难的;不值得羡慕的 -envy v./n.羡慕;嫉妒35.aggressive adj.侵略

11、的;富于攻击性的 -aggress v.攻击;挑衅 -aggression n.挑衅;攻击性36.likeability n.讨喜-likeable/likable adj.令人喜爱的37.adjustment n.调整;适应-adjust v.调整;适应-SYN adapt v.使适应;改编-adaptation n.适应;改编(本)-adaptable adj.有适应能力的;能适应的 SYN modify v.调整;稍作修改 -modification n.修改;改进38.lead to 导致;引发-SYN result in39.generous adj.慷慨的;丰富的 -generos

12、ity n.慷慨;大方 OPPmean adj.吝啬的;刻薄的40.characteristic adj.独特的,典型的 n.特征;特点;品质 -character n.性格;特征;角色;文字categorycategorize class classify classificationtapadolescenceadolescentenviableunenviableenvy aggressive aggress aggression likeability likeable likable adjustment adjust adapt adaptation adaptable modif

13、y modification lead toresult ingenerous generosity mean characteristic character 41.dishonorable behavior 不端行为-dishonorable adj.不光彩的;不光荣的 SYN disgraceful;inglorious behavior n.行为;举止 -behave v.行为;表现得体 behave oneself 规矩行事42.interpersonal skill 人际交往能力 -personal adj.个人的-personality n.个性;特色 -personalize

14、v.个性化43.perform well 表现良好 perform v.表演;运转;履行,执行 SYN carry out-performance n.44.academically adv.学术上;学业上-academical 学院的,学术的 -academy n.学会;专科院校45.energizing adj.令人精力充沛的-energy n.精力;能源 -energize v.供给能量-energetic adj.精力充沛的 -energetically adv.精力充沛地46.greenery n.绿色植物 47.ray n.光束;射线;一缕;一线-a ray/glimmer of

15、hope 一丝希望48.age n.年龄;年龄段;时代 v.变老;使.成熟 -at the age of 在.岁时-from an early age 从小时候起49.beneficial adj.有益的;有利的 SYN advantageous;favourable -benefit n.好处;益处 v.使.受益;受益于50.refresh v.刷新;使恢复精神-fresh adj.新鲜的;新的;清新/爽的-freshman n.一年级新生-freshness n.新鲜dishonorable behaviordishonorable disgraceful ingloriousbehavi

16、or behave behave oneselfinterpersonal skillpersonal personality personalize perform wellperformcarry outperformance academically academical academy energizing energy energize energetic energeticallygreeneryraya ray/glimmer of hopeageat the age of from an early age beneficialadvantageous favourablebe

17、nefitrefresh fresh freshman freshness 51.side benefit 附带好处 -side effect 副作用 -sidewalk n.人行道 -sideline n.边线;副业;兼职52.tend to 倾向于往往 -tendency n.偏好;倾向;趋势 SYN trend n.趋势;动态-trendy adj.时髦的;赶时髦的53.associate v.联想;联系 -association n.联系 associate A with B 把A和B联系起来54.attempt v./n.尝试;试图 attempt to do=make an att

18、emot to do 尝试/试图做.55.waste v.浪费;滥用 n.浪费;废物 adj.废弃的 -wasteful adj.浪费的;挥霍的 wastewater n.废水 wasteland n.荒地 waste not want not 俭以防匮56.destination n.目的地;终点57.pure adj.纯的;纯净的;纯粹的-purity n.纯粹;纯净-purify v.洁净;净化58.disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的 -disturb v.d打扰 干扰;使不安 使烦恼 -disturbance n.干扰;骚乱59.spiritual adj.精神的;丰

19、厚的-spirit n.精神;灵魂;烈酒60.evident adj.清楚的;显而易见的 SYN obvious -evidence n.证明;证据 -evidential adj.证据的;基于证据的side benefitside effect sidewalksidelinetend totendency trend trendy associate association associate A with Battempt attempt to domake an attemot to dowastewasteful wastewater wasteland destination pu

20、re purity purify disturbing disturb disturbance spiritual spirit evident obvious evidence evidential 61.base n.根基SYNbottom;根据 SYN basis;基础;根据地 v.以.为基础/据点 -basement n.地下室 basic adj.根本/基础的 -basically adv.根本上;基本上 be based on=on the basis of 在.的基础上62.abruptly adv.唐突地;突然地 SYNsuddenly=all of a sudden63.en

21、velop/nvelp/v.覆盖;包住 envelope/envlop/n.信封64.shade n.阴凉处/树荫;色度;阴影部分 shadow n.阴影 影子 under the shadow of 在.的近处;被.光彩掩盖65.reputation n.名誉;名声 -SYN repute n.名声 66.opposite adv./prep.在对面 n.对立的人/物/对立面 adj.完全相反的;对面的-opposition n.反对;对手;对立物67.skeptical adj.持怀疑态度的 SYN suspicious;doubtful -be skeptical of 对.怀疑68.a

22、dvocate v.拥护;支持 n.拥护者;支持者 -advocation n.拥护;支持69.equipment U设备;器材 -equip v.配备;装备;使有能力.-be equipped/armed with 配备有.70.significant adj.显著的;有重大意义的-significance n.意义;重要性base bottombasisbasement basic basically be based onon the basis ofabruptly suddenlyall of a suddenenvelop envelope shade shadow under t

23、he shadow of reputation repute opposite opposition skeptical suspicious doubtful be skeptical of advocate advocation equipment equip be equipped/armed withsignificant significance 71.necessary adj.必须/必要的 SYNessential;必然的 SYNinevitable-necessarily adv.必然-necessity n.必需品72.pay off 得到回报 pay back 偿还;报复

24、pay for 支付73.spread out 展开;传播;延伸 扩散74.blow up 爆炸;给.充气;(风雨)大作;发脾气;夸大、放大75.fade away 逐渐消失;消散 衰退 die down/graduate away76.atmosphere n.大气;空气;氛围-atmospheric adj.大气的;77.observe v.观察(到);遵守;庆祝;评论-observer n.观察员-observation n.观察;评论 78.explore v.探索;勘察 -exploration n.探索;勘察 -explorer n.探索者;探险者 -observatory n.天

25、文观测台79.regard/view/consider/refer to/count .as.将.视为.80.purpose n.意图;目的-purposeful adj.有目标的-purposefully adv.有目的地;故意 SYNconsciously adv.有意81.hold on to 紧紧抓住 live up to 达到;不辜负 give way to 让步于82.permit v.批准/许可;允许 n.许可证-permission n.同意;许可-permissive adj.放任的;纵容的 necessary essentialinevitable necessarily

26、necessity pay off pay backpay for spread out blow upfade awaydie downatmosphereatmosphericobserve observer observation explore exploration explorer observatory regard view consider refer to count as purpose purposeful purposefully consciously hold on tolive up togive way topermit permission permissi

27、ve 83.imagine v.想象;设想;料想 SYN suppose/assume-imagination n.想象-imaginary adj.虚构的-imaginative adj.富有想象力的84.count v.数数;计算总数;重要SYNmatter;认为 -(un)countable adj.(不)可数的 -countless adj.无数的85.permanent adj.永久的;永恒的-OPP impermanent/temporary adj.短暂的;暂时的86.artificial adj.人工的;人造的;虚假的 87.acquire v.获得;得到 88.settlem

28、ent n.解决;定居;协议 -settle v.定居;解决;安定89.calculate v.计算;推测SYNestimate -calculation n.计算;估算;盘算-calculator n.计算器90.employ v.雇佣;应用 -employer n.雇主-employee n.雇员-employment n.雇佣;就业;职业 OPP unemployment91.consistently adv.一贯/始终如一地 92.stable adj,稳定/固的OPPunstable-stability n.稳定/固-stabilize v.使稳定/固93.respond v.回答;

29、做出反应 -response n.回复;反应 94.recognize v.认出;认可-recognition n.识别;认可;赏识imagine suppose assume imagination imaginary imaginativecount matterun countable countless permanent impermanent temporary artificial acquire settlement settle calculate estimate calculation calculator employ employer employee employment unemploymentconsistently stable unstable stability stabilize respond response recognize recognition


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