Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens 复习(ppt课件)-2024届高三英语一轮复习牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册.pptx

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1、Teenagers,unlike adults,cant get calm when they meet with problems,but often feel anxious.The pressure of study can make them feel tension,and their concern over their studies may lead to a mental breakdown.At this time,they have a desire to get normal and regular mental guidance.The first thing we

2、need to do is calm them down.Some time ago there was an argument about the problem of teenagers in the newspaper.The editor argued that there was a failure in our education and we must back down.We couldnt regard our students as targets of our anger even if they got under our skin.As a teacher,I hav

3、e thought this question through.From my point of view,I dont quite see eye to eye with the editor on this matter.Childrens education is a comprehensive project and a rough task.In order to let the children shoot up healthily,teachers and the whole society must struggle to win the rough battle.青少年青少年

4、成人成人焦虑焦虑压力压力感到紧张感到紧张担忧担忧精神崩溃精神崩溃正常和定期正常和定期让他们冷静下来让他们冷静下来争论争论认为认为承认错误承认错误对象对象愤怒愤怒惹我们生气惹我们生气仔细考虑这个问题仔细考虑这个问题综合性的综合性的艰巨的任务艰巨的任务健康快速成长健康快速成长奋斗奋斗硬仗硬仗At the forum,experts expressed their opinions on the design of the birds nest.A real nest is likely to be built on a roof.But this is a grand and unique bui

5、lding,which looks like a birds nest.It can be used as a stadium,where you can watch sports or art performances.Instead of being passive,the experts actively contributed their ideas.When they finally decided on a spot for the nest,they cheered up.The youth are fond of adventure.They are eager to expl

6、ore the unknown or interesting things,such as volunteering to gather information about volcanoes and visiting kangaroos in Australia.Besides,they like to work in a flexible way.However,there are both challenges and opportunities for the youth.Graduates have to study hard under the pressure of the ri

7、sing unemployment rate.After they graduate,a lot of youths are pressed to find jobs on their own.Otherwise,their parents are always on their backs about their job problems.论坛论坛专家专家鸟巢鸟巢可能可能屋顶屋顶宏大又独特宏大又独特艺术表演艺术表演被动被动决定决定高兴起来高兴起来年轻人年轻人冒险冒险渴望渴望志愿志愿采集采集灵活的灵活的机遇机会机遇机会毕业生毕业生失业率失业率年轻人被迫去年轻人被迫去唠叨不完唠叨不完I live

8、d in a flat downtown.When it was time to pay the rent,I had to go to the bank to draw some money out of my account.But the teller at the counter didnt make a response to my request.I was shocked by the scene ahead.There was an emergency in the bank.A figure rushed out of a nearby grocery with a pipe

9、 in his mouth.He broke into the bank and robbed it.In order to keep the banks cash secure,the clerks fought with the robber.One of the clerks was injured in the lap and needed an immediate operation.I volunteered to call emergency services,and the ambulance came soon.市中心的公寓房市中心的公寓房租金租金取取从我的账户从我的账户出纳

10、出纳回应回应景象景象紧急情况紧急情况一个人一个人杂货店杂货店安全安全烟斗烟斗大腿大腿手术手术主动主动急救中心急救中心1.argument n.争吵,争论;论点argue vi.争吵,争辩,争 论vt说理,论证 赢得/输掉辩论_ 与某人争论/争吵 _ 为某事争论/争吵 _ 争论/争吵起来_ 为某事争论/争吵_ 主张/认为 _ 赞成/反对(做)某事_ 说服某人做/不做某事!和他辩论我从来没有赢过。Ive never _ him.win/lose an argumenthave an argument with sb./argue with sbhave an argument about/over

11、 sth.get into an argumentargue about/over sthargue that.argue for/against(doing)sth.argue sb.intorout of doing sthwon an argument with2.anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的;令人焦虑的;渴望的 渴望做某事 _渴望得到 _ 渴望 _忧虑的目光/面容/表情_急切地问/瞧/等待 _ 忧虑某事 _ 非常/极度/深深的忧虑。_她急于知道发生了什么事。She _know what had happened.be anxious to do sthbe anxious f

12、or sthbe anxious that.an anxious look/face/expressionask/look/wait anxiouslyanxiety aboutover sth.acute/intense/deep anxietywas anxious to 3.rate n.速度;率vi&vt评价,评估 二 无论如何,不管怎样 位_ 如果这样/那样的话_ 高/低/不断增长的失业率_薪金/税/利息 _ 以惊人的速度 _ 评价某人/某物 _评论家和观众都认为这次演出是成功的。The show was _a success by critics and audiences.4.t

13、arget n.(攻击的)目标,对象;靶子vt.把作为攻击 目标;面向 切题,切中要害_ 目标受众/群体/区域 _ 目标语言,目的语_ 完成目标_以为目标,以为对象 _ 这个运动显然是针对年轻人的。The campaign is clearly _ the young.at any rateat this/that ratehigh/low/rising rate of unemploymentrate of pay/tax/interestat an alarming raterate sb./sth.(as sth.)rated ason targettarget audience/gro

14、up/areatarget languagemeet/achieve a targettarget sth.on/at sb./sth.targeted at 5.struggle vi.&n.奋斗;斗争;搏斗 与某人斗争 _为某事奋斗_ 挣扎着做某事_争取独立_ 挣扎着站起来_苦苦挣扎(艰难谋生)的艺术家/作家/公司_ 与斗争_(对某人而言)是困难(费劲)的事_他成年后的大部分生活都是与债务和不幸作失败的斗争。Most of his adult life has been a losing _debt and misfortune.struggle with sbstruggle for s

15、thstruggle to do sthstruggle for independence struggle to ones feeta struggling artist/writer/company struggle with/againstbe a struggle(for sb.)struggle against6.view n.看法;视线;景色v2.把视为;观看 从某人的角度、观点出发_ 有不同的/矛盾的/相反的观点,_ 映入眼帘 _从视野中消失 _挡住某人的视线 _海景/山景_对持不赞成(或怀疑)态度;对没有好感 _鉴于;考虑到;由于_ 视某人为由于天气情况,这项赛事将在室内进行。

16、_the weather,the event will be held in-doors.from ones point of viewhave different/conflicting opposing viewscome into viewdisappear from viewblock sb.s viewa sea/mountain viewtake a dim view of sb./sth.in view of view sb.asIn view of7.concern n.担心,忧虑;关心vt.涉及;让(某人)担忧 使某人担忧_使某人担忧的是_与有关_ 关心某事 _就而言对某事或

17、某人的担心一_对某事或某人的关心 _对环境越来越多的关注_人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。There is growing_ violence on television.concern sbconcern sb.thatbe concerned with sthbe concerned about sthas/so far as sb./sth.is concernedconcern about sth./sb.concern for sth./sb.the rise of concern about the environment concern about8.stress n.精

18、神压力,紧张;强调vt.强调,着重 使某人焦虑;紧张_ 强调_ 缓解压力_ 强调某事 _在压力之下_强调的重要性_ 复习迎考使我非常焦虑。_Studying for exams _ me_stress sb.outstress that.reduce/relieve stress,release sb from stressput/lay stress on sthunder stressstress the importance of stresses outdesign sth.for sb./sthdesign to do sthbe designed(for sb.)to do sth

19、be designed as sth.graphic designby design(=intentionally/on purpose)have designs on sth.designed,for10.account n.账户;描述;解释v2.认为是,视为 占(一定数量或比例)_是的原因 _描述_开银行账户_考虑到某事,把某事考虑进去,_ 因为;由于 _付账/结账 _为自己;自愿地 _决不_你怎么解释你上学迟到的原因?How do you _your being late for school?account for sthaccount for sth.give an account

20、ofopen a bank accounttake account of sth=take sth.into accounton account ofpay/settle accounton your own accounton no account/not on any account account for11.figure n.数字;人物;体形,身材 重要/关键/中心人物 _身材很好_ 两位数_预料到;计划,打算 _ 弄懂:计算出_昨天,我精确地计算出你花了多少钱在基本生活支出上。Yesterday,I exactly_ how much of your money you spent

21、with basic living expenses.a leading/key/central figurehave a good figuredouble figuresfigure on sthfigure outfigured out1.deal with处理;打交道注意;照料_照顾;照料 _成功地应付,妥善处理(生活上、工作上或人际关系上的,难题)_克服_解决,处理(零碎而棘手的难题)_我一直都知道阅读是非常重要的,因为我小时候最初的记忆是和书打交道的。I must have always known reading was very important be-cause the f

22、irst memories I have as a child_ books.see to/attend totake care of cope withget oversort outwas dealing with2.see eye to eye with sb.(on sth.)(在某事上)与某人看法一致 全神贯注地看;目不转睛_ 以眼还眼;报复_对有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼力);_密切注视;盯住;监视_当礼物打开时,孩子们全都聚精会神地盯着。The children_ as the presents were opened.be all eyesan eye for an eyehave

23、an eye for sthhave an eye onwere all eyes3.result in 导致 导致某人做某事 _导致成千上万人死亡_ 使某人做某事_导致(至少写出3个短语)_ 导致急剧增加 _过去二十年生活方式及饮食的变化导致肥胖儿童数量急,剧上升。Changes in lifestyle and diet over the last twenty years have _ a sharp increase in childhood obesity.result in sb.doing sthresult in many thousands of deaths cause/l

24、ead sb to dolead to/contribute to/bring aboutcause/lead to/result in a sharp increasecaused/led to/resulted in 4.think sth.through充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透 别在意;没什么;别客气_ 跳出框框想问题;另辟蹊径 _慎重考虑 _回想:追忆_把看作;把视为_ 认真考虑;仔细盘算_我没有把晋升带来的所有后果都考虑清楚。I didnt_ the consequences of promotion.think nothing of itthink out of the boxth

25、ink twice about sth./about doing sth.think back(to sth.)think of sb./sth.as sb./sth.think sth.out think through5.cheer up(使)变得高兴,振奋起来 鼓舞人心的消息_(在比赛中)为加油,为打气_ 为某人欢呼;喝彩_他们聚集在游泳池边为她加油。They gathered round the swimming pool and _ her _cheering news cheer sb.on cheer for sb.cheered,on6.be on sbs hack about

26、 sth.缠磨,烦扰违背;背弃_背靠_反复地,来回地_在背后,支持_退出;收回_后退;软化;减轻;卸下_背靠背:接连地_预算危机已迫使该总统背离了自己的承诺。The budget crisis has forced the president to_his word.go back onback onback and forthat the back ofback outback off back to back go back on7.leave.alone不干涉;不管动身去_留言,留口信_遗漏,省去;不考虑_向告别,告辞_请假_昨天他问我什么时候动身去巴黎。He asked me yest

27、erday when I would _ Paris.leave forleave a messageleave outtake leaveask for leaveleave for1.make+宾语宾语+宾补宾补 教材原句教材原句 Unfortunately,your parents do not always agree and that_ She_ her objections_ 她明确表示反对。Can you _in English?你能用英语表达你的意思吗?She couldnt _above the noise of the traffic.车辆噪音很大,她无法让人听到她的声音。

28、Why do small errors _ to predict the weather system with a high degree of accuracy?为什么小的误差使得无法以高度的准确性预测天气系统?But spending too much time online is unhealthy and _to focus on other things in life.但是在网上花太多时间是不健康的,这使得很难专注于,生活中的其他事情。makes you feel unhappymade clearmake yourself understoodmake herself hear

29、dmake it impossiblemakes it very difficult2.动词动词wish后接宾语从句时后接宾语从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气从句谓语要用虚拟语气。On the other hand,when you are struggling to control yourfeelings,you _more caring and patient.另一方面,当你在努力控制自己,的情绪时,你希望他们能更关心、更有耐心 I wish you _ in your speech.我希望你在演讲中不要使用这种不礼貌的表达方式。I wish you _ all over the floor

30、.我真希望你不把衣服丢得满地都是。I just wish that _我只希望一切都能像以前一样。I wish that _a very good starting point of the new week.我希望你在新的一周有一个很好的起点。I wish_and replaced with some other less competitive events.我希望运动会可以被废除,取而代之的是其他一些不太 具有竞争力的活动。wish they could bewouldnt use such impolite expressions wouldnt leave your clothese

31、verything could be as it used to beyou should have/hadthat sports day could be abandoned3.it作形式主语作形式主语 Although sometimes _ as a family,you can take action to improve the situation.虽然有时看起来似乎不可能,像一个家庭一样相处,但你可以采取行动改善这种情况。_ our diet regularly.有必要定期改变我们的饮食。_ such worms can break down polyethylene.这并不奇怪,

32、这样的,蠕虫可以分解聚乙烯。_ the content of Tang Poetry.对你来说,了解唐诗 内容是重要的。Therefore,_ or voice recorder nearby when youre in the daydream zone.因此,当你在白日梦区 域时,在附近放一个笔记本或录音机是个好主意。_ the city centre.到达市中心需要40分钟。However,organic consumers argue _than sorry.然而,有机消费者认为,安全胜于后悔。it may seem impossible to get alongIt is neces

33、sary to changeIt is not surprising thatIt is important for you to knowits a good idea to keep a notebook It takes 40 minutes to reachit is better to be safe4.Its likely that.=Sb./Sth.be likely to do sth.做某事!是可能的。_the matter has already been discussed on our forum.很可能这个问题已经 在我们的论坛上讨论过了。It is very lik

34、ely that_ 很可能她会被选中。_with the organizations activities.很可能你会希望有志愿者在那个组织的活动中帮忙。Take time to look through the collection of your local library,and _come across books you love to read.花点时间浏览一下当地图书馆的藏书,你可能会发现你,喜欢读的书。It is likely/possible/probable thatshell be chosenIts very likely that youll want to have

35、 volunteers to helpyou are likely to5.It seems as if.看起来,似乎 _my grades are the most important thing in her life.似乎我的成绩是她生触 最重要的事情。Marys description of the party was so vivid that I felt _玛丽对这次聚会的描述是如此生动,以至于我觉得我 像去过那里一样。I told my father how Mrs.Stanley talked _Mr.Stanley were still alive.我告诉我父亲,斯坦利太太

36、说,话的样子好像斯坦利先生还活者。Before you start,_the task is unlikely to be accomplished.在你开始前,好像这项任,务不可能完成。It seemed as if _好像世界就要结束了!It looked as if _the crime.but he hadnt.这个人看上去好像犯了罪,但他没有。It seems as ifas if I had been thereas ifit seems thatthe world were coming to an end the man had committed1.Through this

37、kind of healthy discussion,you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control.2.The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication.3.Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers 4.There is no point in comparing you with others a

38、ll the time.=There is no need to do There is no doubt that.It is no use doing.5.Whatever happened,we always knew we still had the Bank to depend upon,11123444456.It is not good for little ones to be afraid-not to feel secure.7.On the other hand,when you are struggling to control your feelings,you wi

39、sh they could be more caring and patient.8.Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family,you can take action to improve the situation.9.Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create,and that you and your parents can work

40、 together to improve your relationship.10.When was the last time we had a family outing at the weekend?that 作为关系剧词引导定语从句属于非正式语体中作时间、地点、原因状语,可以替代关系副词when,where,why.678991011.However,just as a baby kangaroo must learn to protect itself when it leaves its mothers pocket,I will have to learn to protect

41、myself when I grow up.12.I wish they could be more flexible so that I can make my own choices about what to do in my spare time.13.A teenage girl,Eve,is sitting on the sofa and texting on her mobile phone when her dad enters Sb.is/was doing when.,某人正在做某事,这时14.the/a time when.It was used for sudden e

42、mergencies,such as the time when Christine broke her arm and had to be taken to a doctor.1112121314一、基本概念由并列连词 and,but,so,or,not only.but(also).,neither.nor.,either.or.,for,when,while等连接的简单句叫并列句。二、并列句的构成及用法1.联合关系的并列句联合关系的并列句常用连词有and(同,和),when(=and just at this time就在这时,然后),not only.but(also).(不仅而且),

43、neither.nor.(既不也不)等。(1)He helps me_ I help him.(2)Not only did he give us a lot of advice,_helped us to study English.2.选择关系的并列句选择关系的并列句常用连词有or(或者;否则),otherwise(否则),or else(否则),either.or.(不是就是)等。(1)Will he still be there _ will he have gone away?(2)You must go early,_ you will miss the bus.(3)Either

44、 Tom is coming _his sisters are.andbut(also)orotherwise/or/or elseor3.转折关系的并列句常用的连词有but(但是;可是;然而),(while(然而;却;而),yet(但是;然而)和副 词 however(然而;不过)等。(1)She said she would be late,_ she arrived on time.(2)I like tea_ she likes coffee.(3)The book is expensive;_,its worth it.4.因果关系的并列句常用的连词有(for)(因为)和so(所以,

45、因此)等。I am thirsty,_it is hot.The manager was ill _I went in her place.yet/butwhilehowever forso5.when用作并列连词when也可作并列连词,意为“那时;这时”,相当十at this/that time,常用在下列句型中。was about to do sth.was doing sth.was going to do sth.was on the point of doing sth.had just done sth.I was making a phone call when the door

46、 was blown open.She said she was 18 when I knew she was 16.+when.He came when I was reading a book.我正 在读书的时候,他来了。(when是从属连词)I was reading a book,when he came.我正 在读书,这时候他来了。(when是并列连词)but1.Through this kind of healthy discussion,you will learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax t

47、heir control.2.The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication.3.Below is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers 4.There is no point in comparing you with others all the time.5.Whatever happened,we always knew we still had the Bank to depend upon,名师导学462至464 二、句

48、型转换。1.I get up at six thirty every day.(用 yesterday morning替代every day)2.My sister is thirty kilos.(对画线部分提问)3.Are they American cars?(改为单数)4.The policeman caught the thief.(改为过去 进行时)5.I get to the shopping centre by bus.(对画 线部分提问)6.It always rains in summer there.(改为一般 疑问句,并作肯定回答)7.Do you like sprin

49、g?(加上winter改为选择 疑问句)8.It is a fine day today.(改为感叹句)9.They are going to see a film tomorrow.(对 画线部分提问)10.He did his homework in the classroom.(改为否定句)I got up at six thirty yesterday morning.What is your sisters weight?Is it an American car?The policeman was catching the thief.How do you get to the s

50、hopping centre?Does it always rain in summer there?-Yes,it does.Which season do you like,spring or winter?What a fine day today!What are they going to do tomorrow?10.He didnt do his homework in the classroom.三、按要求将两个句子合并为一个句子。1.I live in the room.The windows of the room face south.(含定语从句)2.My grandf


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