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1、高考英语读后续写情感心理描写高分佳句(一)喜悦1.Her smile bloomed like a flower.她的笑容像花朵一样开放。2.A bright smile spread across her face.她脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。3.He was in high spirits, and felt like being on top of the world.他情绪高涨,感觉自己好像站在了世界之巅。4.She laughed, her eyes shining / twinkling with excitement.她笑了起来,她的眼睛因兴奋而闪闪发光。(二)同情1.She pre

2、ssed my hand in sympathy.她握了握我的手表示同情。2.His painful eyes seem to beg me to spare.他痛苦的眼睛似乎在恳求他。3.Franklin stood silently, torn by sorrow and compassion, weighing what to say.当富兰克林默默地站着,悲伤和同情让他心碎,犹豫着该说些什么。4.Seeing her condition, I immediately felt a huge sympathy for her.It was coming deep from within

3、my heart.看到她的情况,我立即对她产生了极大的同情。这种感觉深深地发自我的心。(三)感动1.Tears welled up in her eyes.她泪如泉涌。2.A warm current rose in her heart.一股暖流涌上她的心头。3.With tears streaming down her face, she thanked him again and again.她泪流满面,再三感谢她。4.I was deeply moved by what he had done, tears rolling down without control.我被他的所作所为深深打

4、动了,泪水情不自禁地夺眶而出。5.Tears dropping from his eyes, he ran to Mums warm hug, and said gently Mum, thank you.他热泪盈眶,跑到妈妈温暖的拥抱前,温柔地说:妈妈,谢谢你。(四)宽慰1.Hearing this, I felt a warm flow spreading inside of me.流在我体内蔓延。2.She stroked her fingers through my hair and said, “Things are going to be fine.她用手指抚摸着我的头发说:一切都

5、会好起来的。3.He reached out his hand with his finger forming a heart , saying, “Ill always be there with you.他伸出手,用手指捏成心形,说:我将永远与你同在。4.She held my hands, weeping, Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me.她握着我的手哭着说:非常感谢!你不知道这对我有多重要。(五)鼓励1.My mom / wearing a smile on her face, always e

6、ncourages me.妈妈总是面带微笑鼓励我。2.He smiled with satisfaction, patting me on the shoulder and said, Well done!他满意地笑了,拍了拍我的肩膀说:做得好!3. You matter. I said that sentence to myself, feeling a warm glow spreading inside of me.你很重要。我对自己说了这句话,感到一股暖意在我体内蔓延。4.Thanks to the encouragement, which calms me down graduall

7、y, I began to accept that failure is a part of great value.多亏了鼓励,我渐渐平静下来,我开始接受失败是天赋价值的一部分。(六)希望1.A spark of hope kindled in their hearts.他们心中燃起了希望的火花。2.Life bloomed with happiness and hope.生活充满了幸福和希望。3.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。4.After all the problems, we are finally

8、 beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.在经历了这么多困难之后,我们终于看到了曙光。(七)激动1.His face is glowing with excitement.他的脸因激动而容光焕发。2.He was so thrilled that he could hardly speak.他激动得几乎说不出话来。3.She felt her heart racing and her blood rushing.她的心跳加速,热血沸腾。4.A shiver of excitement passed through her sto

9、mach when she heard the news.听到这个消息,她激动得胃里直打颤。(八)愤怒1.His voice trembled with anger.他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。2.He was really angry, shaking his fists.他非常生气,挥动着拳头。3.Her color went up, a heavy rage came over her like a dark cloud.她的脸色涨了起来,一股沉重的怒气像一片乌云笼罩着她。4.He stormed out of the room with anger, shutting the door ha

10、rd behind him.他怒气冲冲地冲出了房间,重重地关上了门。(九)悲伤1.He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他默默地站着,泪水顺着脸颊流了下来。2.She burst into tears and ran out of the room.她哭了起来,跑出了房间。3.She shook her head miserably, tears pouring down her cheeks.她痛苦地摇了摇头,泪水顺着脸颊流下。4.She walked to me, with great sorrow, the light in h

11、er eyes darkened, and said with sadness,“I failed .她走到我面前,悲痛万分,眼睛里的光芒暗了下来,悲伤地说:我失败了。(十)惊恐1.A flood of fear welled up in her.她心中起一股恐惧的洪流。2.Scared and shocked, she couldnt say a word.他又害怕又震惊,一句话也说不出来。3.He frozen with fear, too scared to move an inch.他吓得僵住了,不敢动弹。4.Her face turned pale and stood there,

12、tongue-tied.他的脸色变得苍白,站在那里,舌头打结。5.The sight of the fierce wolf, Mike felt so scared that his throat tightened and his knees felt weak.看到那只凶猛的狼,迈克感到非常害怕,喉咙发紧,膝盖发软。(十一)紧张1.His heart beat wildly and his legs trembled.他的心脏狂跳着,双腿颤抖着。2.His heart beat so violently that he felt like sitting on pins and needl

13、es.如此剧烈,他感到如坐针毡。3.He was about to respond when he felt his tongue tied in and palms sweating.他正要回答时,感到舌头被绑住了,手掌开始出汗。4.As the bus got closer and closer, Tom s heart beat so violently that he felt nearly breathless.公共汽车越来越近了,汤姆的心脏剧烈跳动,几乎呼吸困难。(十二)悔疚1.I stood there, with regretful tears in my eyes.我站在那里

14、,眼里含着遗憾的泪水。2.On hearing the bad news, she felt extremely guilty.听到这个坏消息,她感到非常内疚。3.Desperate and helpless, Janet knelt down with tears of regret streaming down her cheeks.绝望而无助的珍妮特跪了下来,后悔的泪水顺着面颊流了下来。(十三)困惑1.His sudden change in mood completely confused her.他的情绪突然变化完全把握弄糊涂了。2.We are a little confused

15、about what we are supposed to be doing.我们对正在做的事情有点困惑。3.When I stood on the stage in front of the large audience, my mind went blank.站在舞台上面对大批观众时,我的头脑一片空白。(十四)忧虑1.Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.由于担心这次旅行,头几天我心神不宁。2.He was so nervous about the English test that he lay

16、 awake half the night, worrying.他对英语考试感到如此紧张,以至于大半夜都睡不着觉,心神不宁。(十五)震惊1.It gave me a shock when I realized .当我意识到.,我感到震惊。2.He froze, with his mouth hanging open.他僵住了,张着嘴。3.I jumped to my feet and stepped back in no time, completely at a loss.我跳了起来,立刻后退了一步,完全不知所措。4.Everyone gasped in astonishment as th

17、e cars came around the last bend.汽车驶过最后一个弯道时,每个人都惊呆了。(十六)羞愧1.So ashamed did she feel that she was close to tears.她感到非常羞愧,几乎要哭了。2.So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rushed to her face.我感到非常羞愧,甚至能感觉到鲜血涌到脸上。3.She felt so ashamed of her foolish behavior that she could feel her face burning

18、.她为自己的愚蠢行为感到非常羞愧,以至于感到脸红了。(十七)疲惫1.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.我精疲力竭地躺在床上,很快就睡着了。2.“Are we almost there? she asked, feeling burnt out.“我们快到了吗?”她问道,感到筋疲力尽。3.She felt exhausted and sat by the stream resting her aching feet.她感到精疲力竭,坐在溪边休息着疼痛的双脚。(十八)孤独1.A wave of loneliness washed ove

19、r her.一阵孤独感席卷了她的全身。2.Cold with no hope for warmth, she felt like drowning in a crowd of people.她感到又冷又无取暖的希望,感觉就像被人群淹没一样。(十九)尴尬1.The wife stood there with embarrassment and she felt blood rushing to her face.妻子尴尬地站在那里,感到鲜血涌向脸上。2.All the air seemed to disappear and she felt as if the whole world was w

20、atching her.所有的空气似乎都消失了,她觉得整个世界都在看着她。3.He lowered his head, hesitated for a moment, wondering how to hide his inner embarrassment.他低下头,犹豫了一会儿,不知道如何掩饰内心的尴尬。(二十)绝望1.Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.听到这个消息,他非常绝望,把悲伤淹没在酒中。2.He gazed at the confusion around him and was overwhelmed by a feeling of despair.他凝视着周围一片混乱,感到一阵绝望。3.Desperate and helpless, she knelt down, with tears of regret streaming down her cheeks.绝望而无助的她跪了下来,悔恨的泪水顺着面颊流了下来。5


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