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1、1.I went for a long walk to _ _ _发泄怒火.2.It was _痛苦 not knowing where the children were.3.They promised to _ _帮一把mom with the preparation.4.She is an _ _知心阿姨 in the local newspaper.5.You feel _ _辜负 and disappointed by me again.6.The sheep had got out and were_控制不严 on the road.7.She bit her _ 嘴唇nervou

2、sly.8.The ship _沉没 to the bottom of the sea.9.I think the owners are at _责任过错 for not warning us.10.Both sides met in order to try to _解决 the conflicts.11.The government developed a _计谋策略 for dealing with unemployment.12.At an agreed _信号 they left the room.13.He took a deep _呼吸 before he went under.

3、14.Women have been _ _ _ _尽责for centuries.15.She hasnt been seen for four days and there is _ 担心for her safety.let off steam agony help out agony aunt let down loose lip sankfault resolvestrategy signalbreath concern pulling all their weight 1.I was _ 恼怒的with myself for giving in so easily.2.It took

4、 her a while to _适应to living alone.3.We met by_ 偶然at the airport.4.We need to concentrate on our _ 核心的business.5.Please_ 确22保(that)all lights are switched off.6.I was astonished by the size and _ 复杂性of the problem.7.Irene _ 原谅Terry for stealing her money.8.The decision was _ 批评by environmental group

5、s.9.Im glad you offeredit saved me the _ 尴尬of having to ask.10.We were caught in a _ _纠结的网of relationships.11.Most webs _ 编织by spiders are almost invisible.12.She _欺骗him into handing over all his savings.13.Her success had _ 证明有道理the faith her teachers had put in her.14.He was very _坦率的about his rel

6、ationship with the actress15.I _ 撕碎my jeans on the_.栅栏16.The _ 后者point is the most important.17.She saw a man behind her._,此外he was observing her strangely.18.She is a strong-minded,_ 独立的woman.annoyedadjust accidentcorecomplexity ensureforgavecriticizedembarrassmenttangled web deceived wovenfrank ju

7、stifiedtore fence latterMoreoverindependent1.All _贡献will be gratefully received.2.News of their safety came as a great _.宽慰3.Many companies are suffering from a _缺少 of skilled staff.4.The medicine is not for _ 内部use.5.Humour is a more _ 有效defence than violence.6.The museum is privately _资助.7.We can

8、_ 循环使用plastic bottles.8.He was a man of deep _.洞察力9.This is a _ 喷泉with no water.She refused to face _现实 .10.She _ 谋生a living as a part-time secretary.11.He _thousands of pounds to charity.12.Why is it I _ _ _ _ whenever you come into thought?13.The _ is holding a dinner in honour of something.14.The

9、re are plans to _扩张the no-smoking area.15.They showed great _毅力 in the face of difficulty.16.Her _使命 in life was to work with the homeless.17.She had the determination to rise above her physical _.残疾18.The whole _领土 is now controlled by the army.19.The _ 疾病spreads easily.contributionsreliefshortagei

10、nternalfundedeffectiverecyclefountainearneddonated foundationbreak into a smileperseveranceinsight reality extend missiondiseasedisabilityterritory1.She is very _敏感的 to other peoples feelings.2.It was _慷慨的 of him to offer to pay for us both.3.Please do not _ 犹豫to contact me if you have any problem w

11、ith _注册.4.We were given a _ 皇家的盛大的welcome.5.Despite his cries,no one came to his _帮助.6.Im still waiting for _证实 of the test results.7._ 帮助by heat and strong winds,the fire quickly spread.8.Im looking for some _短期的 work 9.We may have to take _军队 action.10.The audience all _ 站起来to their feet to cheer.

12、11.They were proud of their childrens _成就.12.The _首席的 designer has just completed a new improved model.13.We have encountered _主要的problems.14.There are various _ 治疗available for this condition.15.to _获得advice/information/permission16.The doctor put me on a course of pain-killing _药物.17.The courses a

13、nd online classroom are provided by the_ 部门of Education.18.Cook for a _ 更多2 minutes.sensitivegeneroushesitateroyalregistrationconfirmationassistanceAidedtemporarymilitaryrosechiefachievementstreatmentsmajor obtain drugs Ministryfurther1.She pressed按 her face against the window.2.A faint blue light s

14、hot射出 across the mirror.3.One day virtual 虚拟的reality will revolutionize the entertainment industry.4.Our plans need to be flexible 柔韧的enough to cater for the needs of everyone.5.Before use,the battery电池 must be charged.6.Of course,in addition除此之外 to my weekly pay,I got a lot of tips.7.Im perfectly c

15、apable有能力的 of doing it myself,thank you.8.Could you move all that stuff 东西off the table?9.I have no desire 渴望 to discuss the matter further.10.His passive被动的 attitude made things easier for me.11.The situation is beyond 无法.our control.12.What would you do,for instance例子,if you found a member of staf

16、f stealing?13.Your work has shown a significant 重要的improvement.14.Three people were injured弄伤 in the crash.1.This is only the first _起草of my speech.2.The meet adopted the leaders _声明.3.The results of the _实验confirmed our predictions.4.One man died when he was struck by_闪电.5._虚构的事情 and reality were i

17、ncreasingly blurred.混淆6.If _金属gets hot it expands.7.They have _绑,贴,附加a number of conditions to the agreement.8.There was a blinding _闪光 and the whole building shuddered.9.Copper _传导 electricity well.10.He took a very _科学的 approach to management.11.I _完全地agree with you.12._重力 had always been,but Newt

18、on discovered it.13.She gave the police a full _描述 of the incident.14.Keep the receipt as _证据 of purchase.15.The _步骤 can be divided into two parts.draft experiment declaration lightning Fiction metal attached flashconductsscientificentirely Gravityaccountproofprocedure1.She _招呼招呼us with a smile.2.Wh

19、en she opened the door she was _映入眼帘映入眼帘 by a scene of confusion.3.The concert will be _直播直播live.4.The ship is fully _ 装载装载with rice.5.This _战斗战斗 was 生动地生动地 recorded in the article.6.The bird _折叠折叠 its wings.7.The _雕刻家雕刻家 figured the girl in clay.8.We hung her _肖像肖像 above the fireplace.9.Taking a _自

20、拍自拍 in the scene of the 20 yuan is a must!10.The _展览展览 is held annually.11.Hes a familiar figure in the_社区社区.12._刺绣刺绣is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art.13.The letter bore the presidents _印章印章.14.Her job involves _演示演示 new software.15.She was tall and _优雅的优雅的.16.The statue was_雕刻雕刻 out of a piece of

21、 stone.vividly10.exhibition11.neighbourhood12.Embroidery13.seal14.demonstrating15.elegant16.carved 1.You want _当代的当代的 reviews.2.She suffers from a _ 缺乏缺乏of confidence.3.Your encouragement will_激励激励 me to further efforts.4.Its _壮丽壮丽 beauty is simply beyond description.5.The dog_暴露暴露 its teeth and gro

22、wled.6.His clothes were covered in _灰尘灰尘.7.She found a company to _赞助赞助 her through college.8.Only the _皇帝皇帝 can wear it.9.He is a_经常的经常的visitor to this country.10.Joe _飞驰飞驰 across the field towards him.11.The_花瓶花瓶 is one of a matching pair.12.Were _大部分,主要经常的大部分,主要经常的 out on Sundays.13.The painting

23、needs more light and _色度色度.14.The hat is an unappealing_色度色度of green.15.Her hair was an improbable_ 色度色度of yellow.1.contemporary3.stimulate4.magnificent5.bared6.dirt7.sponsor8.emperor9.frequent 10.galloped11.vase1.It may help remove all their_最初的worries.2.He is the eldest son and _因此heir to the titl

24、e.3.The new treaty establishes a free trade _地带.4.Fish take in _氧气 through their gills.5.It is difficult to define the_ 边界between love and friendship.6.His guilty expression _证实my suspicions.7._人群of people poured into the street.8.I only agreed out of_desperation.完全是一时情急9.Its an opportunity to bring

25、 your goals into_使成为焦点。10.They made no _努力尝试 to escape.11.All my efforts ended in _失败.12.It gave me a big _惊喜,刺激to meet my favourite author in person.13.The ship spent four days in _港口.14.He was completely _ 未意识到of the whole affair.15.He never drinks _酒.16.She used a _橡胶 band to tie her hair.17.My l

26、eg feels like _ _药棉.18.The above case study is just an example to serve as a _指导方针.19.His _绷带 had been made from strips of cloth布.20.Press firmly on the wound to stop the _流血.21.She poured the dark brown _液体down the sink.22.There were no _伤员 in the crash.initial thus zoneoxygen border confirmed Crow

27、ds sheer focus attempt failure thrill portunaware alcohol rubber cotton wool guidelinebandages bleeding liquid injuries1.Fields and hills_延伸延伸out as far as we could see.2.They treat their mother like a _仆人仆人.took _负责负责 of the farm after his fathers death.4.The_船长船长 gave the order to abandon ship.5.I

28、ve always been_被吸引被吸引 by his ideas.6.Visitors are not _许可许可 to take photographs.7.She _ 讲述讲述her childhood experiences in the first _章节章节.8.People hate to wear a _头盔头盔 because its thick and heavy.9.It _ 使吃惊使吃惊me(that)he could be so thoughtless.10.The windows were shining in the reflected _光线光线 of the

29、 setting sun.11.Fat people_消耗消耗 more energy./His ideas were way _在前面在前面 of his time.12.It was hard to _认出认出 one twin from the other.13.The weather _逐渐逐渐 improved./Water was found at a depth深度深度 of 30 metres.14.As a child I was _ 围绕围绕by love and kindness.15.Then,the old mans face _皱褶皱褶itself slowly i

30、nto a grin.16.to swim from the boat to the _岸岸/That _地毯地毯is wearing well,isnt it?17.The storm came with even greater _强度强度.18.The boat sank _在下方在下方 the waves./He is not a legal_居民居民 yet.19.The _雄性雄性of the species has a white tail.20.We are not yet in _ _大白天大白天,but at least we see the dawn.stretched

31、servantcharge captain fascinatedpermittedrelateschaptershelmetastonishesrays consumeaheaddistinguishgraduallysurroundedwrinkled shorecarpet intensitybeneath residentmale broad daylight1.Thousands died in the environmental _灾难.2.I went out today and bought a _ 管子of toothpaste.3.The work will cost 10

32、000 _多.4.The volcano could _喷发 at any time.5.She answered almost_即刻.6.The eye of the _飓风 hit Florida.7.When exactly did the incident _发生?8._通告 of marriages and deaths appear in the newspapers.9.Snow is _预测 for tomorrow.10.Lets _ 抓住a sandwich before we go.11.She was efficient and _可靠的.12.He _ 营救a chi

33、ld from drowning.13.This door should only be used in an _紧急情况.disasterstubepluserupt immediatelyhurricaneoccurAnnouncementsforecastgrabreliablerescuedemergency1.In front of the tree which was destroyed in the _台风 sit a kid.2.He drew back the tent flap门帘 and strode out into the _暴风雪3.Shes an _极其 good

34、 cook.car crash _夺取生命 three lives.5.The business is still in _危及.6.The attacker _威胁到them with a gun.7.The moon is a _人造卫星 of earth.8.Its not clear _ 精确地how the accident happened.9.She sat with her hands in her _大腿.10.There was _无处 for me to sit.11.He lent me the money._否则,I couldnt have afforded the

35、 trip.12.He was rushed to the hospital by_直升机.13.They had to leave at _午夜.14.Every autumn I go to the_ 郡县fair.15.Some specific problems _ _ _还没有 be solved.16.Heart disease becomes the main factor of _ 威胁against the health.17.This building is government _财产.18.Is 100 _足够的 for your expenses?19.to take _庇护 from the stormtyphoonblizzard.exceptionallyclaimed crisisthreatened preciselysatellitelapnowhereOtherwise helicopter midnight countyhave yet tothreatpropertysufficientshelter


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