Unit 3Food Period 6 Reading B(ppt课件)(含音频素材)-2023新上外版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.zip

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Reading B WHAT FOOD TELLS US ABOUT CULTURE Unit 3 FOOD Period 6Lead in Words and Expressions 1.type n.类型;种类类型;种类2.culinary adj.烹饪的;食物的烹饪的;食物的3.identify v.找到找到;发现发现;确认;确认;鉴定鉴定4.seek v.寻找寻找5.stressed adj.焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的6.identity n.特征特征;特有的感觉特有的感觉(信仰信仰或或)7.cuisine n.烹饪;风味烹饪;风味8.precious adj.受珍爱的;被珍惜的;珍稀的受珍爱的;被珍惜的;珍稀的9.recipe n.食谱;方法;秘诀食谱;方法;秘诀10.means n.方式;方法;途径方式;方法;途径11.cope v.对付;(善于)处理(棘手之事)对付;(善于)处理(棘手之事)Lead in 12.homesickness n.思乡;想家思乡;想家13.unique adj.独特的;唯一的独特的;唯一的14.belief n.认为正确或确实的事物;信念认为正确或确实的事物;信念15.harmony n.和谐和谐;16.vital adj.必不可少的;极为重要必不可少的;极为重要的的17.trait n.(人的个性的)特征;特点(人的个性的)特征;特点18.flavour n.(某种)味道(某种)味道19.spicy adj.加有香料的;用香料调味的加有香料的;用香料调味的20.sour adj.酸的酸的;有酸味的有酸味的 21.bitter adj.苦的苦的;严寒的;严寒的22.style n.风格风格;体体;方式方式;23.architecture n.建筑设计;建筑风格建筑设计;建筑风格24.costume n.(某地或某历史时期的某地或某历史时期的)服装;装束服装;装束25.nutritious adj.有营养的;营养丰富的有营养的;营养丰富的Lead in 26.appealing adj.有吸引力的;有感染力的;有吸引力的;有感染力的;27.immigration n.迁居;移民迁居;移民28.ingredient n.成分;成分;(尤指发烹饪的)材料(尤指发烹饪的)材料29.diversity n.多样性;多样化多样性;多样化30.globalise v.(使)全球化,全世界化(使)全球化,全世界化31.access n.&v.通道;通路;到达;进入;使用通道;通路;到达;进入;使用32.embrace v.&n.拥抱;欣然接受;乐意采纳(建议等)拥抱;欣然接受;乐意采纳(建议等)33.inform v.了解;熟悉;通知;通告了解;熟悉;通知;通告34.portal n.壮观的大门;豪华的入口壮观的大门;豪华的入口35.identify with 与与.有密切关联有密切关联 36.pass down 使世代相传;流传使世代相传;流传Lead inCulture Identity 1.culture identity 文化认同;文化认同;文化身份识别文化身份识别 =cultural identity 2.foods 3.costumes4.architecturesReading Have you ever wondered why people from different parts of the world eat different types of food or why certain foods and culinary traditions are so important to ones culture?There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think.What Food Tells Us About Culture?Para.11.type n.类型;种类类型;种类 types of food=foods2.culinary adj.烹饪的;食物的烹饪的;食物的 =cooking3.more of.than you may think 你想不到的那么你想不到的那么.Question Time1.Summarize the first paragraph in one sentence.There are many connections between foods and culture.2.How to translate the following sentence?There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think.食物与文化关联之密切,是你无法想象的。食物与文化关联之密切,是你无法想象的。Group Work3.How does the following sentence come into being?There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think.Can we separate the sentence into several parts?Good idea.“There is a connection between food and culture.”“You may think of the connection.”What about“more.than”?more than a connection you may think of!Group Work3.How does the following sentence come into being?Lets fix them up.There is more than a connection of which you may think between.There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think.more than分离,than取代which“of”前置 What about“of which”?Question Time4.Note the different usages of“more than”in the following sentences.(1)more than:表示表示“数量数量”概念概念,“多于多于;超过超过”We need more than three people.(2)more than:表示表示“程度程度”概念概念,“超过超过,胜过胜过,不止不止,不仅不仅,更加更加,非常非常”He is more than a father.I have eaten more than enough.(3)more.than:more than分离,后接有分离,后接有can/may的从句,常表达否定的从句,常表达否定 含义。含义。There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think.“more.than you may think.”“.是你难以想象的是你难以想象的”2.She is cooking up a storm in her latest role showing families how to prepare delicious and _ meals on a tight budget.A.colorful C.appealing C.delicate D.nutritiousLink to NCEEE 20181.While running regularly cant make you live forever,the review says it will be _ effective at lengthening life _ walking,cycling and swimming.A.rather.than B.more.than C.instead.of D.the same.as Fill in the blanks with the best choice.NCEEE:The National College Entrance Examination of English 2018Reading On an individual level,we grow up eating the food of our culture,and we learn to closely identify with it.Sometimes foods help us remember things in the past-memories that have special meanings to us.Family dishes often become the comfort food we seek as adults at lower points of our lives.Paragraph 2-1 identify v.发现发现;确认确认4.identify with 与与.密密 切关联切关联fort food 安慰食品安慰食品6.at lower points of.在低潮时期在低潮时期Group Discussion5.Summarize Paragraph 2-1 in one sentence.Individually we are closely connected with food of our culture.Summary 1 Summary 2 Foods help us remember things in the past.Group Discussion5.Summarize Paragraph 2-1 in one sentence.We are closely connected with foods of our culture because foods are nostalgic and comforting.Reference summaryReading BWhen I was sick as a child,my mother used to cook soup and bring it to me in bed because I was too weak to get up.The smell and taste of the soup became something very familiar to me.Now,whenever I feel tired or stressed,I remember the soup my mum used to make for me.Paragraph 2-2 7.stress n.压力;紧张压力;紧张 v.(使使)焦虑不安,疲惫不堪焦虑不安,疲惫不堪8.stressed adj.焦虑不安的;焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的心力交瘁的;Question Time6.Summarize paragraph 2-2 in one sentence.I remember mums soup whenever I feel tired or stressed.7.Summarize the whole paragraph(Para.2)in one sentence.We are closely connected with foods of our culture because foods are nostalgic and soothing,like my mums soup always brings me comfort when I am stressed.Reading On a larger scale,food is an expression of cultural identity.Traditional cuisine is passed down from one generation to the next by maintaining precious family recipes.Immigrants cook traditional food as a way of preserving their culture in their new homes and as a means of coping with homesickness.9.identity n.特征;特有的感觉 (或信仰)cultural identity 文化认同10.cuisine n.烹饪;风味11.pass down 使世代相传;流传12.recipe n.食谱;方法;秘诀13.means n.方式;方法;途径14.cope v.对付;(善于)处理 (棘手之事)cope with sth.Paragraph Three9.What is culture identity?Question Time8.Summarize paragraph 3 in one sentence.Food is part of ones cultural identity.Culture identity refers to the identity or feeling of belonging to a particular culture.Group DiscussionWhy do we say food is part of ones cultural identity?Immigrants cook their traditional food as a way of preserving their culture.Family recipes that are passed down from generation to generation represent eating traditions.We observe these traditions because we belong to the culture.So food is one element of cultural identity.Reading Each country or communitys unique cuisine reflects its history,lifestyle,values and beliefs.In China,harmony is a vital trait.This is reflected in Chinese cuisine,where almost every flavour(salty,spicy,sour,sweet and bitter)is used in a balanced way to create delicious dishes.Also,Chinese people have a historically elaborate style,which can be seen in their architecture and costumes as well as in their food.They believe that food not only needs to be nutritious but also needs to look appealing and colourful.Paragraph Four15.unique adj.独特的;独特的;唯一的唯一的16.beliefs n.(pl.)信念信念17.harmony n.和谐和谐18.vital adj.必不可少的;必不可少的;极为重要的极为重要的19.trait n.个性的特征;个性的特征;20.flavour n.味道味道21.architecture n.建筑设计建筑设计22.costume n.服装服装23.nutritious adj.有营养的;有营养的;23.appealing adj.吸引人的吸引人的Question Time10.Summarize the fourth paragraph in one sentence.Foods are distinctive records displaying a countrys history,lifestyle,values and beliefs,of which Chinese cuisine is a good example.Dialogue TimeWhat are the flavors of traditional Chinese food?Traditional Chinese food has a balanced flavor.For example,when my mum cooks braised pork,she would add salt,sugar,pepper,soy sauce,and varieties of spices,all of which create a delicious course.Dialogue TimeWhat is the vital trait of traditional Chinese culture?Harmony.Can we find the element of harmony in traditional Chinese food?Sure.The belief is rooted in traditional Chinese cuisine that foods are in nature mutually generated and restricted.When we cook stewed mutton,we often put radish in because mutton and radish are in harmony with each other.Group DiscussionHow to translate“Food not only needs to be nutritious,but also needs to look appealing and colorful”into Chinese?食物既要有营养,还食物既要有营养,还要色香味俱全。要色香味俱全。“Looking appealing and colorful”doesnt mean“色香味色香味”in Chinese,I think.食物不仅要有营养,还要食物不仅要有营养,还要赏心悦目。赏心悦目。Reading The cuisine of the United States reflects its history of immigration,which introduced many different ingredients and cooking styles.Over the years,the US therefore has developed a diversity in food preparation throughout the country.Paragraph Five24.immigration n.迁居;移民迁居;移民 immigrant n.(外来外来)移民移民;外侨外侨25.ingredient n.(烹饪的烹饪的)材料材料;26.diversity n.多样性;多样化多样性;多样化 diversity=variety diverse=variousQuestion Time11.Summarize the fifth paragraph in one sentence.Diversity is the trait of American food,illustrating the countrys history of immigration.Reading As the world becomes more globalised,it is easier to access cuisines from different cultures.We should embrace our heritage through our cultures food,but we should also become more informed about other cultures by trying dishes from around the world.Food is a portal into culture,and it should be treated as such.Paragraph Six27.globalise v.(使)全球化(使)全球化;globalization n.全球化全球化28.access n.&v.通道;通路;到达;进入;通道;通路;到达;进入;29.embrace n.&v.拥抱;欣然接受;拥抱;欣然接受;30.inform v.了解;熟悉;了解;熟悉;informed adj.有学问的有学问的;有见识的有见识的informative adj.提供有用信息的;提供有用信息的;教育性的;教育性的;32.portal n.壮观的大门;壮观的大门;Question Time12.Summarize the sixth paragraph in one sentence.Globalization makes us easier to reach foods of different countries and regions,and we would have more knowledge of other cultures by trying their dishes.Pair WorkA Verb or A Noun?Its easier to access cuisines from different cultures.accessThe facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair user.In“access cuisines”,is a verb,meaning“接触到”.In“give access to”,is a noun,meaning“准许进入”.Group Discussion A Verb or A Noun?We should embrace our culture heritage through food.embraceThis is a sign of the countrys eager embrace of modern technology.In“embrace our culture heritage”,is a verb meaning“欣然接受”.In“embrace of.”,is a noun meaning“接纳”.2.Thus,the keyboard can determine peoples identities,and by extension,whether they should be given _ to the computer its connectedregardless of whether someone gets the password right.A.order C.open C.access D.permissionLink to NCEEE 20191.The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a users typing and the time between key presses.These patterns are _ to each person.A.special B.particular C.only D.uniqueFill in the blanks with the best choice.NCEEE:The National College Entrance Examination of English 2019 Comprehension Plus1.What does the author say about Chinese cuisine and Chinese culture?Do you agree with him?Why?Answer the questions.The author believes that harmony is the vital trait of Chinese culture and traditional Chinese food has a balanced flavor.I cannot agree with him more.The belief is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese cuisine that foods are in nature mutually generated and restricted.When we cook stewed mutton,we often put radish in because mutton and radish are in harmony with each other.Comprehension Plus 2.According to the author,what can food tell us about culture?Complete the table.Answer the questions.Food-culture connectionExampleOn an individual levelOn a larger scaleOn the national levelFoods help us remember the past and our culture.traditional foods helping immigrans preserve their culture in their new homes;Food is part of culture identity.mums soup reminding me of the sweet moments in the past;unique food of a country,reflecting its history,lifestyle,values and beliefs;a diversity of foods reflecting a history of immigration in America;Comprehension Plus 3.The author illustrates the connection between food and culture with examples.Can you give more examples to explain the connection?What is your personal connection to food?Answer the questions.On Mid-Autumn festival,Chinese eat moon cakes.Moon cakes dates back 1400 years to Tang Dynasty.Over years,moon cakes become popular.Moon cakes are round cakes with varieties of nuts or meat.The round shape implies reunion and happiness,which are the key traits of Chinese culture.My mum used to make moon cakes herself.She would put honey and nuts in the moon cakes.A bite of the moon cake would leave fragrant and sweet flavor on my tongue,which is an ever-lasting memory of mum and home.Summary of Reading B There are many connections between foods and culture.We are closely connected with foods of our culture because foods are nostalgic and soothing,like my mums soup always brings me comfort when I am stressed.Diversity is the trait of American food,illustrating the countrys history of immigration.Food is part of cultural identity.Foods are distinctive records displaying a countrys history,lifestyle,values and beliefs,of which Chinese cuisine is a good example.First VersionGlobalization makes us easier to access foods of different countries and regions,and we would have more knowledge of other cultures by trying their dishes.Summary of Reading B Foods and culture are closely connected.Foods are nostalgic and soothing,like my mums soup always brings me comfort when I am stressed.Food is part of cultural identity.For example,Chinese cuisine favors a balanced flavor which is essentially a reflection of harmony the vital trait of the nation.While diversity is the trait of American food,which illustrates the countrys history of immigration.Globalization makes us easier to access foods of different countries and regions and,we would have more knowledge of other cultures through their foods.(90 words)Revised VersionSummaryWhat have we learnt today?Food is part of cultural identity.The usage of“more than”and“more.than.”Foods and culture are closely connected.A diversity of foods as the key trait of American culture;Harmony as the one of the key traits of Chines culture;Food as a portal into culture;HomeworkThink over the question below.How is Chinese food different from American fast food?
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