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Reading B Excerpt from BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM Unit 4 SPORTS Period 6Lead in Words and Expressions 1.bend v.使弯曲;使弯曲;(尤指人的身体或头部尤指人的身体或头部)(使使)倾斜倾斜,偏向偏向2.German adj.德国的德国的3.penalty area n.罚球区;禁区罚球区;禁区 n.(体育运动体育运动)球门网;网;网状物球门网;网;网状物5.goal n.射门射门;进球得分进球得分6.relief n.(不快过后的不快过后的)宽慰;轻松;解脱宽慰;轻松;解脱7.scream v.&n.(因伤痛、害怕、激动等因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫尖叫;8.referee n.(某些体育比赛的某些体育比赛的)裁判,裁判员裁判,裁判员9.whistle n.&v.哨子哨子10.full-time n.(体育运动的体育运动的)全场比赛结束时间,终场全场比赛结束时间,终场11.draw n.&v.平局平局;和局和局;不分胜负不分胜负;抽彩抽彩;抽奖抽奖;抽签抽签Lead in 12.friendly n.(足球等的足球等的)友谊赛友谊赛13.pitch n.(体育比赛的体育比赛的)场地;球场场地;球场14.pep talk n.激励的话;鼓舞士气的话激励的话;鼓舞士气的话15.relieve v.解除;减轻;缓和解除;减轻;缓和(不快或痛苦不快或痛苦)16.crack v.&n.破裂;裂开;断裂破裂;裂开;断裂17.goalkeeper n.(足球、曲棍球等足球、曲棍球等)守门员守门员18.roll v.(使使)滚动,翻滚滚动,翻滚19.breath n.一次吸入的空气;呼吸的空气一次吸入的空气;呼吸的空气20.calm v.(使使)平静,镇静,安静;平静,镇静,安静;adj.镇静的;沉着的镇静的;沉着的21.roar n.&v.咆哮;吼叫咆哮;吼叫22.stadium n.体育场;运动场体育场;运动场23.spot n.地点;场所;处所地点;场所;处所Lead in 24.incredibly adv.极端地;极其极端地;极其25.yell v.&n.叫喊;大喊;吼叫叫喊;大喊;吼叫26.groan v.呻吟;叹息;哼哼呻吟;叹息;哼哼27.crossbar n.(足球球门的足球球门的)横梁横梁28.bounce v.(使)(使)弹起,弹跳弹起,弹跳29.crowd n.人群;观众人群;观众30.gutted adj.(infl.)十分伤心的十分伤心的;极度失望的极度失望的;非常沮丧的非常沮丧的31.kick off (足球比赛等足球比赛等)开球,开始开球,开始32.break through 冲破;突破冲破;突破33.turn over (因害怕因害怕,激动等激动等)(胃胃)翻动翻动34.step up 走上前;走上前;37.calm down(使使)平静平静,镇静镇静,安静安静Lead in 35.Beckham 贝克汉姆贝克汉姆(英国足球运动员英国足球运动员)36.Sally 赛莉赛莉(Sarah的昵称的昵称,亦作亦作Sallie,人名人名)37.Jules 朱尔斯朱尔斯(Julius的异体,人名的异体,人名)38.Mel 梅尔梅尔(Melanie或或Melvin的缩写,人名的缩写,人名)39.Hannah 汉娜汉娜(亦作亦作Hanna,人名,人名)40.Jess 杰斯杰斯(Jesse的昵称,人名的昵称,人名)Lead inWomens Football 1.field n.足球场足球场 2.coach n.教练教练 3.referee n.裁判裁判 4.gate n.球门球门5.goalkeeper n.守门员守门员6.penalty area n.禁区禁区 7.penalty kick(PK)n.罚点球罚点球 8.a draw n.平局平局 9.gate post 球门柱球门柱 10.crossbar 球门球门横梁横梁Reading The match was nearly over and I was almost on my last legs,when I saw a chance.I picked the ball up from Sally and headed for the German penalty area.“Jess!”I could hear Jules shouting as she ran alongside me.“Pass”I glanced up and hit the ball forward into space.Jules ran on to it,picked it up and hit the ball into the net.It was just as good as Beckhams last minute goal against Greece.I almost collapsed with relief.Excerpt from Bend it Like BeckhamPara.1-31.on my last legs 腿快跑不动了2.penalty area 禁区禁区3.pass v.传球4.pick it up 接住球接住球5.with relief 松了口气松了口气Question Time1.Summarize the first three paragraphs in one sentence.We scored a goal at the last minute of the game.2.How to translate the following sentence?I almost collapsed with relief.我松了口气儿,差点儿瘫坐到地上。我松了口气儿,差点儿瘫坐到地上。Reading Jules ran into me and I jumped on her,followed by the rest of the team.We were all screaming with joy.The referee had to break it up and hurry us back to the centre circle,but two minutes later we kicked off,he blew the whistle for full-time.A draw.“Penalties,”Jules said,with a smile on her face.Paragraph 4-56.run into sb.跑进某人怀里7.jump on sb.抱着某人跳抱着某人跳8.break it up 使我们散开9.kick off 开球开球10.blow the whistle for full time,吹哨示意终场时间到吹哨示意终场时间到11.a draw 平局平局12.penalty(kick)n.罚点球罚点球;PK 一对一一对一Group Discussion3.Summarize Paragraph 4-5 in one sentence.We were wild with joy for the last score,because it ended the game with a draw.4.How to translate the following sentence?Jules ran into me and I jumped on her,followed by the rest of the team.J扑过来,抱住我,我跳起来抱着她,其他队员跟在我们扑过来,抱住我,我跳起来抱着她,其他队员跟在我们身后。身后。Group DiscussionHere,“followed.”is an adverbial indicating attendant circumstances.Why“followed”,not“following”?Jules ran into me and I jumped on her,followed by the rest of the team.Good question.“Jule and I”were followedby the rest of the team,-ed form in passive meaning.Group DiscussionWhy“run into me”,but“jump on me”?Good question!Jules ran into me and I jumped on her,followed by the rest of the team.Because you run into my arms;and I jumped with you in my arms.Now we both are“on each other”.Reading B Although it wasnt usual to finish a friendly with penalties,both sides had decided that it would be a nice idea.Now,with my legs shaking dangerously,I wasnt so sure.Joe came on to the pitch to give us a quick pep talk.Maybe he wouldnt choose me.“OK,Jules,you go first,”Joe said.“Then Mel,Tina,Hannah and”he turned to me“Jess.”I tried not to look relieved that I was last.With any luck I wouldnt have to take my turn,if the match was decided before that.Paragraph 6-713.finish a friendly with penalties 以罚球结束友谊赛14.with my legs shaking dangerously 我的腿抖得厉害15.relieve v.减轻16.look relieved 看起来放松看起来放松Question Time5.Summarize paragraph 6-7 in one sentence.I felt relieved to be the last penalty kick of our team.6.In the following sentence,what was“I”not sure about?Now,with my legs shaking dangerously,I wasnt so sure.I wasnt so sure about my penalty kick.Reading The Germans went first and scored.So did Jules,with a cracking shot that nearly broke through the net.The Germans scored again.So did Mel.After a third German goal,Tina was looking nervous,but she was lucky because her shot went in off the post.17.German n.&adj.德语;德国人;德国人的 Germans(pl.)德国人 Frenchman n.法国人 Frenchmen(pl.)法国人 n.球门网19.So did Jules.Jules 同德国队员一样,点球进门得分。20.a cracking shot 一脚劲爆射门Paragraph 8 Scores went even between the two teams after the first three penalties.Question Time7.Summarize paragraph 8 in one sentence.she was lucky because her shot went in off the post.8.Translate the following sentence into Chinese.她很幸运,一脚射门,球她很幸运,一脚射门,球 擦着门柱擦着门柱 进网得分。进网得分。Group Discussion a third?the third?When shall we use“a third”?And“the third”focuses on the order.For example,“I have two elder brothers.I am the third child of the family”“a third”meaning another,one more;For example,“At the table,if you finish the dish and you want some more,you can fetch a second dish,a third dish.”Reading My stomach was turning over and over as Hannah stepped up to take our fourth penalty.The Germans hadnt missed one yet.If Hannah scored,it would be all down to the last German penalty-taker and me.Hannah sent the goalkeeper the wrong way and rolled the ball smoothly into the left-hand corner of the net.I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down.If the next German player scored,Id have to take my turn.I closed my eyes,willing her to fail.Paragraph 9-1021.turn over and over (我的胃因紧张我的胃因紧张)不停翻腾不停翻腾22.send the goalkeeper the wrong way 在方向上骗过守门员在方向上骗过守门员23.roll the ball smoothly into 球顺利滚进球门球顺利滚进球门24.take deep breaths 做几次深呼吸做几次深呼吸25.calm myself down 让自己冷静下来让自己冷静下来26.take my turn 轮到我轮到我Question Time9.Summarize paragraph 9 and 10 in one sentence.I began to feel nervous as the penalties proceeded,wishing the fifth German player would fail.10.Translate the following sentence into Chinese.it would be all down to the last German penalty-taker and me.比赛胜负将取决于德方最后一个罚点球的队员和我。比赛胜负将取决于德方最后一个罚点球的队员和我。Group DiscussionI closed my eyes,willing her to fail.Why“willing her to fail”?Here“will”means“wish,hope”,a transitive verb.And,“closed my eyes”and“willed her to fail”happen at the same time.So“willing her to fail”is used as an adverbial indicating attendant circumstances.Reading A loud roar around the stadium told me that shed scored.The referee signaled me to come over and with heavy steps I walked over to the place the ball on the spot.I was incredibly tired and my legs felt like they were made of lead.Behind me I could hear the girls yelling encouragement.Paragraph 1127.roar n.咆哮;吼叫咆哮;吼叫28.referee n.裁判裁判29.signal v.示意示意(-ed,-ed)signal sb.to do sth.30.incredibly adv.极端地;极其极端地;极其31.yell v.&n.大喊;吼叫大喊;吼叫Question Time11.Summarize paragraph 11 in one sentence.Feeling exhausted,I barely walked over and placed the ball on the spot.Reading “Come on,Jess!”That was Jules.“You can do this.”I made a superhuman effort and ran towards the ball,but even as I hit it,I knew it wasnt right.I groaned as the ball hit the crossbar and bounced away into the crowd.Now I knew exactly how those players whod missed penalties felt.Like someone had grabbed hold of my insides and ripped them out.Gutted,in other words.Paragraph 1232.make a superhuma effort 使出超常的力气使出超常的力气33.groan v.叹息;呻吟叹息;呻吟34.crossbar n.球门横梁球门横梁35.bounce v.反弹反弹36.rip v.(ripped,ripped)(突然或猛烈地突然或猛烈地)撕破,裂开撕破,裂开;猛地扯开猛地扯开;突然拉开突然拉开37.grab hold of 猛地揪住猛地揪住38.gutted adj.伤心透了伤心透了Question Time12.Summarize paragraph 12 in one sentence.I missed the penalty,feeling gutted.13.Translate the following sentence into Chinese.Like someone had grabbed hold of my insides and ripped them out.感觉就像我的五脏六腑突然被人感觉就像我的五脏六腑突然被人揪着揪着拽出来那般疼痛。拽出来那般疼痛。Pair WorkVerb-Noun Concurrence Words(兼类词兼类词)1.I heard the girls yelling encouragement behind.yell2.I hear angry yells from the flatbelow.In sentence 1,“yell”is a verb with“encouragement”as its object.In sentence 2,“yell”is a noun,serving as the object of“hear”.Group DiscussionThere are a great many V-N concurrence words of sound.Like“yell”,“whisper”,and“scream”,etc.Yes.Look at the table,please.Verb-Noun Concurrence Words(兼类词兼类词)1.shout 大声喊2.scream 尖叫3.whisper 悄声说 4.groan 叹息5.yell 叫喊6.cheer 欢呼7.call 呼喊8.cry 大哭9.weep 哭泣10.roar 咆哮We usually say,“scream at sb./sth.”or,“let out a scream”.The same with the other sound words.Group DiscussionWhat are particles in phrasal verbs?Particles have strong descriptive meaning.For example,in“the ball.bounced away into the crowd”,“away”is the particle meaning the ball first bounced away from the gate and then into the crowd.It is totally different from“bounce into the crowd”Note the particles in the phrasal verbsParticles refer to the prepositions or adverbs that go with verbs.For example,“run into sb.”,“jump on sb.”And the functions of particles?Group DiscussionI got it.In“The referee signaled me to come over.”,“come over”means there is a distance between the two and“I have to go across the field to sb.”Note the particles in the phrasal verbsIn“I glanced up and hit the ball forward into space.Jules ran on to it.”,“forward”indicating the direcion,and“on”indicating“keep running for a while”Right.Particles carry with them very subtle yet detaileddescriptive meanings that cannot be ignored in writing.Comprehension Plus1.Which team won the match in the end?How?I.Answer the questions.The German team won in the end with five to four by penalty.2.What does“friendly”(line 21)mean in this story?Friendly means a friendly match here.3.Who is Joe?How do you know?Joe is the coach of Jesss team.On line 24-29,Joe came giving the girls a pep talk and then pointed the penalty players.Comprehension Plus II.Complete the table with words and phrases from the text that indicates Jesss feelings at each stage of the game.Use some adjectives to describe her feelings.StageFeeling indicatorFeeling1.when the match was nearly overI was almost 2.after Jess assisted Jules to score the goalI almost collapsed with We were all 3.before the penalties I exhaustedrelieved,exciteddoubtful .Comprehension Plus StageFeeling indicatorFeeling4.when she was picked to take the last penaltyI that I was last.5.when Hannah stepped up to take “our”fourth penalty6.when Hannah scored the fourth penalty relieved,luckyfearful and nervous tenseComprehension Plus StageFeeling indicatorFeeling7.before the last German penalty taker kicked,I willing her to fail.8.When Jess was about to take her penalty.with I walked over to place the ball on the spot.I 9.when Jess missed the goal and her team lost the game Like someone had grabbed hold of my insides and ripped them out.,in other words.worn outwishful thinkingdepressed droopingpainfulSummary of Reading B We scored a goal at the last minute of the game.Scores went even between the two teams after the first three penalties.We were wild with joy for the last score,because it ended the game with a draw.I felt relieved to be the last penalty kick of our team.First VersionI began to feel nervous as the penalties proceeded,wishing the fifth German player would fail.I missed the penalty,feeling gutted.Summary of Reading B At the last minute of the game,we scored a goal.Although exhausted,we were wild with joy because this goal ended the game with a draw.Then came penalties.I felt relieved to be the last penalty kick of our team.The scores went even after the first four kicks.I felt nervous as it proceeded,wishing the fifth German player would fail.Unfortunately,I missed the kick.I felt gutted.(72 words)Revised VersionSummaryWhat have we learnt today?the sport spirits shown by Jess and her teammates;difference between “a third”and“the third”the story of an Indian girl and a football match;functions of particles(小品词小品词)verb-noun concurrence words like“yell,scream,groan”;-ed/-ing form as adverbials;writing in chronological order;HomeworkThink over the question below.What are the differences of gains and losses of doing sports to professional athelets and amateurs?
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